Philip II , King of Spain

(1593; Digital Facsimiles and Spanish Transcriptions)

15 January 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Reclamación de un mercader francés de Concarneau por haberle sido apresadas, frente a Nantes, unas pipas de vino por navios de Laredo
Madrid a 15 de enero 1593

English-language summary:
15 January 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip requests that Orellana address grievances of a merchant from Concarneau, from whom privateers from the Cuatro Villas took a quantity of wine without paying, near Nantes.
The king is concerned that good relations with the city might be compromised if such issues are not resolved.

30 January 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre alojamientos de las compañias de los Capitanes Antonio Manrique y Luis Daza, embarcaderos en los navios del General Don Martin de Bertendena
Madrid a 30 de enero 1593

English-language summary:
30 January 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Requesting that Orellana make arrangements to billet two companies of infantry from General Martin de Bertendona's ships in the locale, and to do so in such a way that desertions will be prevented, and to send a report of actions taken.

5 February 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre haber escrito el Rey de Escocia denunciando haberse falsificado su nombre, sellos y firma por algunos subditos suyos para introducir mercancia en España
- Comisión del Rey de Escocia a Guillermo Orde, noble, para descubrir esas falsificaciones
- Embargo de todos los navios escoceses que lleguen a estos Reinos a excepción de los de Jaques Laver, David Devni, Tomás Valeux, David Balcar, Tomás Vallart, Baltar Morton y Tomáas Enque
Madrid a 5 de febrero 1593

English-language summary:
5 February 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip has been written by the King of Scotland who informs him that many merchants have forged his signature and seals in order to be able to trade in Spain.
Philip orders Orellana to embargo all Scottish ships in the Cuatro Villas area and send an inventory of merchandise and especially artillery, with the exception of ships belonging to Jacques Laver, David Devni, Thomas Valeux, David Balcar, Thomas Vallart, Baltar Morton, and Thomas Enque who apparently have authentic licenses.

9 February 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Avisos recibidos de Flandes de que naves de Holanda se aprestan disfrazadas con mercaderias y doblada tripulación para algún designio de guerra maritimo
Madrid a 9 de febrero 1593

English-language summary:
9 February 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip warns of rumors of ships in Holland being disguised as merchants and with double crews in preparation for an attack on Spain.

15 February 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De los servicios que ofrece hacer Conrado Van Sueden para traer avisos de las cosas de Inglaterra, Holanda, Zelanda y Francia y medio de como poder itlizar sus servicios
Madrid a 15 de febrero 1593

English-language summary:
15 February 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Concerning the suggestion that Conrad van Gueden could be employed to bring intelligence regarding Spain's enemies at sea, for which Philip requests Orellana's input.

20 March 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre leva de marineros y grumetes de las Cuatro Villas
Madrid a 20 de marzo 1593

English-language summary:
20 March 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
The king requests information regarding how many sailors could be raised, and how soon in a possible levy.

March 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de N. de Orellana a su padre, Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre la leva de marineros y grumetes, que se les pague bien y al tiempo de invernar tengan licencia en sus casas
(S.l., s.n.; marzo 1593)

English-language summary:
March 1593, Son of Diego Orellana de Chaves to Diego Orellana de Chaves.
Requesting information about the above levy-voluntary service, good pay and winter leave would improve numbers and quality.

22 March 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre retirar cierta licencia Reales a algunas personas para que no puedan entrar mercaderias de Inglaterra, Holanda y Zelanda
- Que los que usen esas licencias sean detenidos y castigados
Madrid a 22 de marzo 1593

English-language summary:
22 March 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Order to revoke royal licenses from certain persons in order to prevent them from bringing in merchandise from England, Holland, and Zeeland.

25 March 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Fortificación del castillo de San Martin
- Cobro de la renta de los salmones de Arce y Belo
- Defensa del puerto de Santander
- Presa de un navio por los enemigos
Madrid a 25 de marzo 1593

English-language summary:
25 March 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip orders repairs to be made to Fort San Martin in the river of Santander, to be financed by profits from salmon fishery at Arze y Belo.
Fort will prevent merchant ships from being taken, as happened some years ago with a wool ship.

26 April 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Orden de Felipe II y su Consejo a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Para cumplimentar los acuerdos del gobierno y pragmáticas nuevas
(Enviada por el Secretario Juan Gallo de Andrade)
Madrid a 26 de abril 1593

English-language summary:
26 April 1593, Council (signed by Secretary Juan Gallo de Andrade) to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Reminder to better carry out the laws (pragmaticas), both old and new.

1 May 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Llegada de un navio escocés a Laredo
- Que el mercader escocés se envie ante el Consejo de Guerra
Aranjuez a 1 de Mayo 1593

English-language summary:
1 May 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aranjuez.
Requests that the quartermaster (Maestre) of a Scottish ship recently put to port in Laredo come to meet with the Council of War to determine his license.

15 May 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre leva de marineros
Aranjuez a 15 de Mayo 1593

English-language summary:
15 May 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aranjuez.
Philip presupposes a short voyage and leave at its end for the troop levy in the Cuatro Villas.

22 May 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De la detención de lo escoceses tripulantes de un navio
- Que se averigüen sus nombres, procedencia, ruta de navegación y objeto de su viaje
Aranjuez a 22 de Mayo 1593

English-language summary:
22 May 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aranjuez.
The Scottish quartermaster has been interviewed, and the ship should be allowed to leave if there are no irregularities discovered after Orellana interviews the men on board concerning their names, homes, and destination.

26 May 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Castigar a los marineros que desertaron de la Armada de las costas de Bretaña, al mando de Don Pedro de Zubiaurre
Aceca a 26 de Mayo 1593

English-language summary:
26 May 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Açeca.
Desertions from Zubiaurre's flyboats in Brittany are so severe that Philip orders Orellana to punish deserters that have returned to the Cuatro Villas, with appeals to go only to the Council of War.

9 June 1593 (1st letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Que no paguen derechos los bastimentos y pertrechos para la Armada y galeones
- Suspender el procedimiento seguido contra Juan Gallo
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 9 de Junio 1593

English-language summary:
9 June 1593, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Those buying and selling supplies for the king's armada and galleons are not to be subject to (local) taxes; proceedings against Juan Gallo for this presumed offense should be suspended.

9 June 1593 (2nd letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta orden de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De la reclamación y pago de Juan Naranjo
- Cumplimiento por el Corregidor del Señorio de Vizcaya
Madrid a 9 de Junio 1593

English-language summary:
9 June 1593, second letter. Council in name of Philip II (signed by secretary Miguel de Ondarea Cavala) to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
The King has received a complaint from one Juan Naranjo, who after repeated requests has not been paid by the government of Vizcaya; Orellana is to see that the matter is resolved.

15 June 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta orden de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
Madrid a 15 de Junio 1593

English-language summary:
15 June 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Instructions from Philip that taxes are to be collected every four months rather than annually; collection of taxes for the first third of 1593 has yet to be completed.

22 June 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre los marineros desertores de la Armada
- De sus señas, filiación y naturaleza
- Orden de tención y castigos
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 22 de Junio 1593

English-language summary:
22 June 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Philip sending to Orellana information concerning the sailors deserting from Pedro de Zubiaurre's ships in Brittany, so the governor might be able to apprehend and punish those who return to the area.

26 June 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Que en poder del Mayordomo de la villa de Laredo quede el dinero del encabezamiento del año anterior
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 26 de Junio 1593

English-language summary:
26 June 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Concerning the distribution of surplus funds from 1592 in the Cuatro Villas.

3 July 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Causa contra Juan de la Cosa por los tratos que ha tenido con los ingleses
- Informes del Maestre del filibote de Hamburgo para tener noticias de lo que pasa en las islas de Holanda y Zelanda
- Prohibición de trato con los rebeldes
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 3 de Julio 1593

English-language summary:
3 July 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Orellana instructed to continue with the prosecution of the case against Juan de la Cosa, whose dealings with the English have come to the attention of the government.
Philip orders that citizens of the Cuatro Villas not sail to Holland or Zeeland for trading purposes.

2 August 1593 (1st Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Levas de marineros para equipar tres galeones en el puerto de Pasajes
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 2 de Agosto 1593

English-language summary:
2 August 1593, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, San Lorenzo.
Philip orders that sailors be raised to complement the men from Guipuzcoa who will man three of the six new ships in Pasaje.
Instructions on wages and contact to be made with Don Juan Velazquez to coordinate the sailing of these ships.

2 August 1593 (2nd Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Queja del General Martin de Vertendona
- Orden que nadie oculte en sus casas a los marineros desertores y que los descubran
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 2 de Agosto 1593

English-language summary:
2 August 1593, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
General Marin de Bertendona has complained that the people of Santander are concealing deserters in their homes despite a fine for doing so.
Philip orders that a proclamation be made for these deserters to be exposed, and those who do not give them up will be subject to punishment in addition to the fine.

7 August 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Rescate de navios
- Misión secreta de Conrado Van Sueden en Francia para obtener informes
- Buen suceso del Capitan don Juan de Escalante apresando dos navios ingeles
- Calidad de los prisioneros y de uno portugués
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 7 de Agosto 1593

English-language summary:
7 August 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Response to two letters from Orellana, informing him that the king will look into a decision of the Juez de Sacas, or Judge of the Prize Court.
Conrad van Gueden and his completion of a mission for Spain along the French coast.
Philip commends the privateer Juan de Escalante for his capture of two English ships, and requests information on the prisoners (including one Portuguese) and whether they might expect some ransom for them.

14 August 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Libertad de Francisco Rs. Villarreal, portugués capturado en los navios ingleses quemados por el Capitan Don Juan de Escalante
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 14 de Agosto 1593

English-language summary:
14 August 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Response to information sent on one Portuguese, Francisco Rs. Villarreal who was found on an English ship traveling to London which was captured by the Spanish privateer Juan de Escalante; the Portuguese man is to be released as his purpose in London was judged to be innocent.

21 August 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Quejas de los armadores de navios que andan en corso
- No molestar a los franceses naturales de Bayona, San Juan de Luz, ni de Ciboure
- Penas de castigos si no se cumple esta orden
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 21 de Agosto 1593

English-language summary:
21 August 1593, Philip II to Diego Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Philip requests that Orellana investigate the complaints against the privateers licensed from the Cuatro Villas area, and to pardon none of them, but to send a report to the king as soon as possible.
Especially mentions that the privateers should not aggravate the inhabitants of the area of Bayonne, San Juan de Luz or Ciboure.

25 August 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
-Cobranza y pago de las alcabalas del valle de Mena
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 25 de Agosto 1593

English-language summary:
25 August 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Philip requests that the corregidor collect back taxes (alcabala from years 1590, 1591, and 1592) from Valle de Mena and the surrounding area.

4 September 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Dos prisioneros que tomó el Capitan Don Juan de Escalante
- Pedir las licencias a los soldados de Flandes y de Francia
- Envio de dinero y pagas a los soldados
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 4 de Septiembre 1593

English-language summary:
4 September 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Instructions for levy of soldiers; watch for deserters from France and Flanders; no other prisoners of note among those captured by Juan de Escalante.

8 September 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Licenciado Rodrigo Yañez de Ovalle
- Reclamación de Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves sobre rescate de navios y sus dueños
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 8 de Septiembre 1593

English-language summary:
8 September 1593, Philip II to Licenciado Rodrigo Yañez de Oballe, from San Lorenzo.
Letter sent to Licenciado Yañez, Juez de Sacas, regarding his interference in the resale of embargoed ships unfit for war to their owners.

28 September 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Diligencias para leva de marineros
- Ayuda de Diego de Noxa Castillo
- Pago de sueldos
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 28 de Septiembre 1593

English-language summary:
28 September 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Concerning the levy of sailors for the three ships in Pasaje, and comment on the Prize Court and Juez de Sacas.

2 October 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Pretensiones de Diego Noxa Castillo y de Garcia de Peñavera para los oficios de alistar y levantar gentes para la Armada
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 2 de Octubre 1593

English-language summary:
2 October 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Response to a dispute between Diego de Noxa Castillo, his overseer in the Cuatro Villas who usually administrates the troop levies, and one García de Peñavera who claims stewardship over this particular levy, as he claims the Armada falls under his purview.
Philip requests information to deal with the dispute.

25 October 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Venta de navios de presa a los extranjeros
- Navio apresado por el francés Saubat de Comba
- Desordenes en Bretaña
- Pagas a los soldados
- Detención de un navio por Don Juan Velazquez
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 25 de Octubre 1593

English-language summary:
25 October 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Response to various letters from Orellana: Prize ships are no longer to be sold to foreigners, even if they are not suitable for war.
Advises Orellana to resolve the case concerning Saubat de Combas' prize quickly and advise him.
Requests information Orellana claims to have regarding an altercation in Brittany.
Advises Orellana to pay the soldiers at Fort San Martin and send a report of what is owed them.
Detention of one privateering vessel by Don Juan Velazquez.

30 October 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Reclamación del capitán francés Saubat de Comba
- Orden de hacer justicia
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 30 de Octubre 1593

English-language summary:
30 October 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Philip writes to advise Orellana regarding a prize court dispute between the French privateer Saubat de Combas, licensed by the Spanish, and the owners of a ship he currently has in Laredo.

6 November 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Cobros de cantidades a Juan Gonzalez de Colossia
El Pardo a 6 de Noviembre 1593

English-language summary:
6 November 1593, Philip II to Diego Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
An accounting of the debt of one Juan Gonzalez de Colosia, and Philip's request that it be collected immediately through property sales or auction if necessary and sent on to him.

26 November 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Ayuda a los soldados del fuerte de San Martin
Madrid a 26 de Noviembre 1593

English-language summary:
26 November 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Reference to lack of provisions suffered by soldiers of Fort San Martin, as well as finances for repair of that fort.

5 December 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Entrega de marineros al General Martin de Vertendena
Madrid a 5 de Diciembre 1593

English-language summary:
5 December 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Troops recently levied have been sent on to Martin de Bertendona, except for those who did not report for duty; Philip requests that he be advised once these have been located and imprisoned.

11 December 1593 (1st letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Entregar a Don Juan Velazquez, Capitan General de la Provincia de Guipuzcoa, los marineros que volvieron de Blaye (Francia)
Madrid a 11 de Diciembre 1593

English-language summary:
11 December 1593, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip orders Orellana to send all those sailors he has apprehended that returned from Blaye without permission and send them on to Don Juan Velazquez.

11 December 1593 (2nd Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Que los pescadores de Suances y Ortiguera no vayan en las Armadas
Madrid a 11 de Diciembre 1593

English-language summary:
11 December 1593, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip has been informed that citizens of the towns of Suances y Ortiguera who are not sailors are being forced to draw lots and then pay a sailor to take their place in Philip's service.
Order not to take any who fish in open boats into the king's service by force; request for Orellana to investigate and send a report.

18 December 1593

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Para prender a los marineros desertores que han recibido sus pagas
Madrid a 18 de Diciembre 1593

English-language summary:
18 December 1593, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip has received list of those sailors from the Cuatro Villas who did not report for duty; Orellana is to find them as soon as possible and report back to the king.

24 December 1593 (1st letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II al Licenciado Ramirez de Çuaçola, Corregidor de la villa de Reinoso
-Envio a Comillas de un Alguacil para cobrar las pagas de los marineros desertores
- Que se les persiga y encarcele
- Aviso a don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
Madrid a 24 de Diciembre 1593

English-language summary:
24 December 1593, first letter. Philip II to Licenciado Ramirez de Cuazola, Corregidor of the Villa de Reynoso, from Madrid.
Philip writes to reprimand the corregidor of Reynoso for not cooperating with the constable and notary sent to the town of Comillas to recover wages paid to sailors who did not report for duty.

24 December 1593 (2nd Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre lo ocurrido en la villa de Comillas en la cobranza de las pagas de los marineros
- Comisión al Corregidor de la villa de Reinoso
Madrid a 24 de Diciembre 1593

English-language summary:
24 December 1593, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Regarding the recovery of wages paid to sailors who did not report for duty, and the attempt to collect these wages in Comillas, in the Villa de Reynoso, which is not in Orellana's jurisdiction.

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Richard Hacken, European Studies Bibliographer,
Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.
Suggestions, corrections and comments are welcome: Hacken @
Last Updated: June 2001.