Philip II , King of Spain

(1594; Digital Facsimiles and Spanish Transcriptions)

31 January 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Regreso de Bretaña del General Bertendena
- Licencia de los marineros
Madrid a 31 de Enero 1594

English-language summary:
31 January 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
General Martin de Bertendona has returned from Brittany and upon his arrival the men with him are to be given license to return home, as was agreed before they sailed.

23 February 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Avisos recibidos de Inglaterra de que la Reina y los de su Consejo desean emprender en el verano un ataque a los puertos y navios españoles
- Prevenciones para la defensa
Madrid a 23 de Febrero 1594

English-language summary:
23 February 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip warns that the English armada may be planning an attack on the northern Spanish coast, and though the information is not certain, Orellana is to prepare in such a way that he cannot be surprised.

7 March 1594 (1st letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Autorizando al piloto y Capitan Domingo de Villota para salir en corso con dos navios contra los ingleses y holandeses
Madrid a 7 de Marzo 1594

English-language summary:
7 March 1594, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Letter which accompanied privateering license for one Domingo de Villota, inhabitant of Laredo; Philip requests information concerning Villota's ships, arms, supplies, and crew.

7 March 1594 (2nd Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre los marineros de Castro Urdiales, de Laredo y de Santander
Madrid a 7 de Marzo 1594

English-language summary:
7 March 1594, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Responses from Philip concerning the accounts of an earlier paymaster, Francisco de los Rioscampos, and the debt of one Diego de Cubas.
Decisions regarding seamen from Castro Urdiales, Laredo and Santander who enlisted and were paid in advance but then did not serve.

8 March 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Conservación de los montes y plantación de otros nuevos en los términos de las Cuatro Villas
Madrid a 8 de Marzo 1594

English-language summary:
8 March 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Concerning the application of the laws governing reforestation in the Cuatro Villas.

18 March 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Orden al Capitan General de Guipuzcoa, Don Juan Velazquez, sobre los galeones
- Reunit la gente necesaria para su tripulación, que lleven sus armas y se eviten los abusos pasados
Madrid a 18 de Marzo 1594

English-language summary:
18 March 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Orellana is to send the ships' crews which have been recruited in the Cuatro Villas on to Don Juan Velazquez and the galleons waiting in Pasaje as soon as he receives word.
Men are to bring with them the customary arms and Orellana is to send the best men he has; they will be given two installments of their wages even though it should be a short trip.

21 March 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Orden a Hernando de la Riva Herrera para aparejar un navio en Santander
- Lo ocurrido con los pilotos de San Vicente de la Barquera
Madrid a 21 de Marzo 1594

English-language summary:
21 March 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Regarding an incident in San Vicente de la Barquera where the town mayor mistreated an agent of Fernando de la Rivaherrera, sent to bring back two pilots for a specific errand for the king.

22 March 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Prestar la ayuda que precise a Hernando de la Riva Herrera para armar dos navios
Madrid a 22 de Marzo 1594

English-language summary:
22 March 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Orellana is to assist Fernando de la Rivaherrrera in preparing two zabras or pinaces for an unspecified purpose.

23 March 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta del Secretario del Consejo Don Juan López de Velasco a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre la pretensión del Licenciado Garcia de La Madrid
Madrid a 23 de Marzo 1594

English-language summary:
23 March 1594, Council (signed by secretary Juan Lopez de Velasco) to Don Diego de Orellana, from Madrid.
Regarding Licenciado Garcia de la Madrid and his questionable accounting.

31 March 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Se manda detener y formar causa al Capitan francés Saubat de Combas, de San Juan de Luz
- Licencia que se le dió para que con un navio suyo hiciese la guerra a los rebeldes y enemigos de la Santa Unión Católica y se le facilitasen armas y bastimentos y municiones
- Que las presas se llevasen a los puertos de Su Majestad
- Imcumplimiento de este contrato por Saubat de Combas, que sacó gran cantidad de dinero
Que se le retire el pasaporte y se le tome declaración y no se le permita hablar ni escribir con nadie
Madrid a último de Marzo 1594

English-language summary:
31 March 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip requests that Orellana secretly detain and interrogate Saubat de Combas, a privateer from San Juan de Luz, about his privateering license.
The license contains some irregularities which permit de Combas to take the equivalent of his award for a captured prize in gold, silver, or any other cash which might be aboard the ship.
Philip did not grant this privilege and wants Orellana himself to investigate what negotiations put this clause in Combas' privateering license, and with whom, and who was paid, etc. and the license is to be taken and de Combas held without speaking or writing to anyone during the interrogation.

23 April 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Dificultades para la leva de la gente de mar necesaria para los galeones
- Dinero para las pagas
- Encargo a Bernabé de Pedroso
Aranjuez a 23 de Abril 1594

English-language summary:
23 April 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aranjuez.
Philip is sending the additional money needed to raise crews for the galleons ready to sail in Pasaje Orellana is to have the best men ready to travel at the word of Bernave de Pedroso, Purveyor of the Armada.

24 April 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Captura y prisión del Capitan francés Saubat de Combas
Aranjuez a 24 de Abril 1594

English-language summary:
24 April 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aranjuez.
Philip acknowledges the completion of the investigation of Saubat de Combas, and gives Orellana permission to turn the prisoner over to other authorities and return to his regular duties; if Orellana was able to get the original privateering license, the king requests that it be sent to him.

[Spring] 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Memorial dirigido a Felipe II por Garcia de Peña Vera
-Servicios hechos a Su Magestad
- Cédulas del Rey a su favor
- Solicita la entrega de los libros y papeles de la Artilleria
Otro Memorial al Rey de Diego de Noxa Castillo
S.l.: primavera, 1594

English-language summary:
Spring 1594, Copy from Philip II of statements by Garçia de la Peñavera and Diego de la Noxa Castillo for Diego de Orellana de Chaves.
Copy of petition in which Garçia de la Peñavera maintains that only through administrative and clerical error were responsibilities assigned him by King Philip turned over to Diego de la Noxa Castillo, and requests that this error be corrected.
An accompanying report from Diego de la Noxa Castillo recounts a riot induced by Peñavera among potential enlistees for the king's armada when he himself went to sign them up--Peñavera claimed it should be his responsibility and the men refused to sign up due to this animosity toward him.

9 May 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Reparaciones en el castillo de Hano
- Concierto entre el Capitan Juan de Escalante y unos franceses
- Sobre los marineros desertores
Vallecor a 9 de Mayo 1594

English-language summary:
9 May 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Vallecos.
Responses from the king to various letters: Repairs to the Castle de Hano, reparations made to offended French citizens by privateer Juan de Escalante.
Accounting for Fernando de la Rivaherrera, two sailors from Castro Urdiales mentioned above are actually owed money by crown.
Roster of sailors from Santander requested by accountant Bernave de Alvia, so those who were paid but did not serve can have money recovered from them.
Arrangements for levies with new Corregidor de Reynosso.

21 May 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Encuentro con un navio de Flesinga y presa hecha por el Capitan Don Juan de Escalante
- Informes sobre tres galeones de la Reina de Inglaterra
- Salido de Plymouth de muchos navios enemigos
Madrid a 21 de Mayo 1594

English-language summary:
21 May 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
A ship from Flushing taken by Juan de Escalante Varroto has one seaman who admitted that three English galleons were joining a larger fleet at Plymouth, but neither the ship's master nor the rest of the crew will talk.
Philip orders Orellana to pressure them for the information and inform him.

28 May 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Ordenes para la salida de los galeones
Madrid a 28 de Mayo 1594

English-language summary:
28 May 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
The king writes to hurry the levy of sailors for the galleons in Pasaje so they will be ready when the Purveyor Bernave de Pedroso requests them.

11 June 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Informes de los navios que han salido de la Rochela y Brest
- Declaraciones del Maestre y marineros de un navio francés sobre los que Monsieur de Saint-Luc habia armado
Madrid a 11 de Junio 1594

English-language summary:
11 June 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Regarding ships that have left La Rochelle and Brest and where they are going; and the testimony of the ship's master and two other sailors from French prize regarding the arming of ships by Monsieur San Lucar.

19 June 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Intervención de Bernabé de Pedroso en la leva de marineros
- Lo que importa la brevedad en la salida de los galeones
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 19 de Junio 1594

English-language summary:
19 June 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
The purveyor in Santander, Bernave de Pedroso, has requested that the levy of troops be gathered immediately and sent on to Pasaje and has sent money for their wages.
Any additional money spent on the men in the levy will come out of Orellana's own accounts.

22 June 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre presas maritimas
- Que se retengan las hechas a los mercaderes de Bayona mientras su Gobernador retenga preso a Pedro de Sevilla
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 22 de Junio 1594

English-language summary:
22 June 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Regarding dealings with the prize court and a citizen of Bayonne, Pedro de Sevilla, detained by Orellana with his goods.

July 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Licencia en nombre de Su Magestad dada por Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves a Francisco de Carala, de Castro Urdiales, y al Capitan Pedro de Marmollejo
- Para armar un navio de corso y hacer la guerra contra los enemigos y rebeldes a la Santa Unión y la Fé Católica de Francia
S.l.: Julio, 1594

English-language summary:
July 1594, Privateering license in the name of Philip II by Diego de Orellana de Chaves for issue to Juan de Carasa, owner, and Captain Pedro Marmollejo de Sevilla, from Laredo?
License to take armed ship against enemies of the king of Spain and of the Catholic League, which includes general restrictions for their operation.

16 July 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Ataque de un navio de Laredoa otro de un mercader católico Amos de Lusan
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 16 de Julio 1594

English-language summary:
16 July 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Reports of a Catholic merchant ship with a passport from Pedro de Zubiaurre attacked by privateers licensed from the Cuatro Villas.
Philip wants a report from Orellana and warns of severe punishment for attacks against permitted commerce.

18 July 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Excesos cometidos por los armadores de Castro Urdiales contra los mercaderes de Morbihan
- Sobre tres navios procedentes de Marennes
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 18 de Julio 1594

English-language summary:
18 July 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Answers to Orellana's letters regarding salaries for seamen, sentences for privateers from Castro Urdiales who are overstepping their licenses, and the three ships from Marennes carrying salt.

15 August 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Envio de pilotos a las galeras que estan en las costas de Bretaña
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 15 de Agosto 1594

English-language summary:
15 August 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Philip requests two pilots from the Cuatro Villas for the ships of Don Diego Brochero in Brittany.

25 August 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre las alcabalas del valle y tierra de Mena
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) Agosto 1594

English-language summary:
25 August 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Accounting for back taxes in Valle de Mena, with request that Orellana collect these taxes and send them on to the king.

28 August 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre la leva de gente de mar para los galeones
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 3 de Agosto 1594

English-language summary:
28 August 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellan de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Concerning the ships' crews recently raised in the Cuatro Villas.

23 September 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Embargo de trigo para aprovisionar a los navios de la costa de Bretaña
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 23 de Septiembre 1594

English-language summary:
23 September 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Grain imports are low this year, so Philip orders an embargo of wheat in the Cuatro Villas area to provide biscuits for the seamen off the coast of Brittany.

28 September 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Envio de pilotos a Don Diego Brochero
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 28 de Septiembre 1594

English-language summary:
28 September 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Regarding the two pilots sent to Don Diego Brochero.

16 October 1594 (1st letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Asiento de Francisco de Arriola con un flamenco para traer 300 quintales de plomo
- Su presa por los armadores de Laredo
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 16 de Octubre 1594

English-language summary:
16 October 1594, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Regarding a large quantity of lead ordered by the king which was captured by privateers from Laredo; request that Orellana have the lead released and advise him.

16 October 1594 (2nd Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre las compañias que nevegan en las galera a cargo de Don Diego Brochero
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 16 de Octubre 1594

English-language summary:
16 October 1594, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Philip requests that Orellana find places to billet two companies of men from Don Diego Brochero's crew for the winter so the men do not have to be scattered.

5 November 1594 (1st letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De la tripulación de los navios del Capitan Pedro de Zubiaurre
El Pardo a 5 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
5 November 1594, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Philip informs Orellana that the flyboats in Brittany under the charge of Pedro de Zubiaurre are undermanned, and that he would like them crewed with the seamen who are currently privateering on other ships.

5 November 1594 (2nd Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De la llegada de Don Gaspar de Pereda
- Ordenes a los Capitanes Don Diego Brochero y Don Pedro de Zubiaurre
El Pardo a 5 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
5 November 1594, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Arrival of Don Gaspar de Pereda in port with dispatches.
Concerning departure orders for Don Diego Brochero and Pedro de Zubiaurre.

8 November 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Orden de alzar el embargo del trigo en el valle de Mena
El Pardo a 8 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
8 November 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Concerning the poor administration of a wheat embargo in the Valle de Mena and the rescinding of the order, with responses of compliance.

10 November 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Manda castigar y hacer escarmiento con los marineros de los galeones nuevos
- Que vayan a servir en los navios de Don Pedro de Zubiaurre
El Pardo a 10 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
10 November 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Many of the sailors who were to go to the galleons in Pasaje received their wages but did not go; these should be apprehended and made to give security that they will serve in Zubiaurre's cargo ships or wherever the king might send them.

14 November 1594 (1st Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Ordenes de reparaciones en el fuerte de San Martin
El Pardo a 14 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
14 November 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Regarding 500 ducats to be applied toward repairs of Fort San Martin in Santander.

14 November 1594 (2nd Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Envio de dinero para reparar el fuerte de San Martin
El Pardo a 14 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
14 November 1594, Philip II to official of Cuatro Villas, from El Pardo.
Philip gives instruction concerning the financing of the repairs to Fort San Martin to the person who will serve as paymaster.

19 November 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Mandando alojar a las compañias que han de embarcar en las galeras a cargo del Capitan Don Diego Brochero
El Pardo a 19 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
19 November 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Philip acknowledges places chosen to billet Diego Brochero's men.
Orellana's prize court does not need to get involved with the ships captured by his special command under (in this case) Fernando de la Rivaherrera.

26 November 1594 (1st letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Para que puedan venir libremente a estos Reinos navios de Francia con bastimentos y que no sean molestados
El Pardo a 26 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
26 November 1594, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
French ships with licenses from Philip coming to the Cuatro Villas with supplies.

26 November 1594 (2nd Letter)

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre los 120 quintales de plomo apresados en un navio holandés por el Capitan Pedro de Escalante
El Pardo a 26 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
26 November 1594, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
The king requests information about 120 quintales of lead found in a prize captured by Juan de Escalante.

28 November 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Envio de forzados delas galeras de Don Diego Brochero a la carcél de Laredo
El Pardo a 28 de Noviembre 1594

English-language summary:
28 November 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Philip orders that 18 incapacitated galley slaves be maintained at the crown's expense in the jail at Laredo until he sends further orders concerning them.

2 December 1594

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Que se detenga a los marineros que se susentaron y se los condene a galeras
El Pardo a 2 de Diciembre 1594

English-language summary:
2 December 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Regarding deserters from among those seamen raised for the galleons at Pasaje who did not serve, or who deserted during the voyage, the king earlier suggested that they give their word to serve elsewhere or else be sent to the galleys.
Considering the number of deserters from the Cuatro Villas, the king feels that an example should be made.

26 December 1594

Spanish-language summary:
-Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre reparar el fuerte de San Martin
Madrid a 26 de Diciembre 1594

English-language summary:
26 December 1594, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Regarding the financing of repairs to be made to Fort San Martin in Santander.

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Richard Hacken, European Studies Bibliographer,
Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.
Suggestions, corrections and comments are welcome: Hacken @
Last Updated: June 2001.