Philip II , King of Spain

(1592; Digital Facsimiles and Spanish Transcriptions)

3 April 1592

Spanish-language summary:
- Licencia dada en nombre del Rey Felipe II por Don Luis Fajardo, del hábito de Calatrava, Gobernador de la Justicia en el Corregimiento de las Cuatro Villas, para que el Capitan Don Pedro de Verástegui vecino de la villa de Laredo pueda salir en corso contra los enemigos ingleses y portugueses y apresar sus navios.
En Laredo a 3 de abril 1592.

English-language summary:
3 April 1592, Don Luis Fajardo Corregidor de las Cuatro Villas de la Costa de la Mar in the name of Philip II, to Don Pedro de Verastigui, from Laredo.
Privateering license for Don Pedro de Verastigui, inhabitant of Laredo, giving him permission to capture enemy English and Portuguese ships, and includes general restrictions for their operation.

15 June 1592

Spanish-language summary:
- Real Título expedido y firmado por Felipe II nombrando a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves Corregidor de las Cuatro Villas, de Laredo, Santander, San Vicente de la Barquera y Castro Urdiales.
Martinmunoz a 15 de junio 1592.

English-language summary:
15 June 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Martinmunoz.
Royal title signed by Philip II naming Orellana as Corregidor of the Cuatro Villas de la Costa de la Mar: Laredo, Santander, San Vicente de la Barquera and Castro Urdiales.

SUPPLEMENT: The two following pages record the responses of local officials of the Cuatro Villas
to the appointment of the new corregidor announced in the June 15 letter:

4 July 1592

Spanish-language summary:
-Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre que en Bilbao y Santander se contruyesen doce galeones
- Nombramiento a Don Fernando de la Riva Herrera
-Que las municiones y bastimentos sean del cargo de Lope de Arbolancha y se entreguen a Juan de Macateve Mayor de la Artilleria
Valladolid a 4 de julio 1592.

English-language summary:
4 July 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Valledolid.
Administrative changes made in the Cuatro Villas regarding local officials who were on the king's payroll during the construction of the twelve galleons known as the "12 apostles" built in Bilbao and Santander after the 1588 Armada.
Since construction is finished, several officials are to receive no further salary from the crown, and any money or materials still in their possession should be transferred by Lope de Arbolancha to the General fund and the materials steward, Juan de Macateve.
Fernando de la Rivaherrera is named as the king's servant (criado) in Santander.

8 July 1592

Spanish-language summary:
-Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Remitiendo la causa del flamenco Conrado Van Sueden por no facilitar la jarcia y bastimentos de Flandes para el apresto de los galeones
Valladolid a 8 de julio 1592.

English-language summary:
8 July 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Valladolid.
A business deal for the supply of the 12 galleons built recently in the Cuatro Villas has resulted in a dispute between the king and one Conrad Van Gueden of Flanders, who was to supply the ships with tackle and rigging. The king requests that Orellana make arrangements to prosecute the case.

11 July 1592

Spanish-language summary:
-Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre la prisión y castigo de los soldados y marineros que desertaron de la Armada Real y navios a cargo del Capitan Don Pedro de Zubiaurre
Valladolid a 11 de julio 1592.

English-language summary:
11 July 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Valledolid.
Deserters from the Royal Armada and Pedro de Zubiaurre's ships in Brittany are to be apprehended and punished as a deterrent to others who might do the same.

15 July 1592

Spanish-language summary:
-Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Pagos al Sargento Mayor Juan de Cavallos y sus soldados a la guarda del fuerte de San Martin
Valladolid a 11 de julio 1592

English-language summary:
15 July 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Valladolid.
Philip has information that the small guard remaining at Fort San Martin in Santander under Sargeant Major Juan de Cavallos Gusman has not been paid for the past six months, and the king gives direction for certain funds to be used to pay them.

15 & 26 July 1592

Spanish-language summary:
-Tres minutas de los recibos y pagos hechos a Juan de Cavallos Gusman y artilleros del fuerte de San Martin, en las Cuatro Villas
Madrid 15 de julio 1592 y Santander 26 de julio 1592

English-language summary:
15 and 26 July 1592, Accounting for the payments at Fort San Martin, from Santander.
Details of accounting for the salaries of each soldier in the guard at Fort San Martin under the command of Juan de Cavallos Gusman.

16 August 1592

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Llegada a Guipuzcoa del Capitan Sancho de Ochoa
- Leva de los soldados que han de ir en los navios de las costas de Bretaña
- Encuentro con navios de presa
- Aviso a Francisco de Arriola, Contador de las Galeras de España en San Sebastian
Valladolid a 16 de Agosto 1592

English-language summary:
16 August 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Valladolid.
Philip requests that Orellana make arrangements for a company of soldiers recently arrived in Pasaje with Captain Sancho de Ochoa to be sent on to Brittany aboard privateering vessels, as the king has no other ships available to transport them.
If the privateers can transport the soldiers, Orellana is to advise Francisco de Arriola who will make arrangements for supplies for the passage.

24 August 1592 [1st letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Reformas en los oficios de la fabrica de galeones
- Advertencias sobre el Teniente de bastimentos
Entrega al Servicio de la Armada de los libros a cargo de Francisco de los Rios Campo
Pagos hechos al fuerte de San Martin
- Orden de prender a los soldados y marineros desertores
Traslado de un prisionero inglés a la carcel de Valladolid
Presa de un navio francés
Valladolid a 24 de Agosto 1592

English-language summary:
24 August 1592, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Valladolid.
Response to two letters from Orellana regarding the consolidation or elimination of management positions used during the building of the 12 galleons in the Cuatro Villas, including turning over money, and supplies, and names Francisco de los Rios Campos who is to turn over records and the keys to artillery magazines.
Approval of payment made to the guard at Fort San Martin.
Reminder to apprehend deserting soldiers.
The English prisoner in Santander to be sent to Valladolid where the king is located.
Instructions regarding a French ship taken as prize.

24 August 1592 [2nd letter]

Spanish-language summary:

- Carta de Felipe II a Don Francisco de los Rios Campo
- Orden de entregar la llave de los Almacenes de la Artilleria y municiones de las villas de Laredo y Santander a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
Valladolid a 24 de Agosto 1592

English-language summary:
24 August 1592, second letter. Philip II to Francisco de los Rios Campos, from Valladolid.
Copy for Orellana of letter instructing Francisco de los Rios Campos, paymaster (pagador) for the twelve galleons built in the Cuatro Villas, to turn his keys for the artillery magazines in Laredo and Santander over to Orellana.

2 September 1592

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Informe de un navio que tomó Don Pedro de Zubiaurre a cuyo cargo está la Armada de las costas de Bretaña
- Compra de su armamento y pertrechos
Amusco a 2 de septiembre 1592

English-language summary:
2 September 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Amuseo.
The king inquires after the price of a ship left in Santander by Pedro de Zubiaurre, including the artillery and other equipment.

12 September 1592

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Orden para prestar ayuda en su viaje a Irlanda al Arzobispo de Armagh
- Instrucciones para la comodidad del Primado de Irlanda y de sus criados
- Pagar los gastos de este viaje y que vaya desde Bilbao un navio a buscar al Arzobispo
Burgos a 12 de septiembre 1592

English-language summary:
12 September 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Burgos.
Regarding Edmund Macgauran, the Catholic Archbishop Armaugh of Ireland who is returning to his own country - Orellana is to arrange passage for him and be certain that he has enough money to travel, and to advise the king if the Archbishop should choose to sail from Bilbao instead of Laredo.

19 September 1592 [1st letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Presa de dos navios enemigos que iban a Bayona y La Rochela
- Libros que se encontraron a bordo de los navios
- Orden de que bajo inventario se entreguen los libros al Comisario de la Inquisición
- Avisar al Inquisidor General
- Prendimiento de Juan de la Casa, Alcalde de la villa de Santoña
- Informe de su causa el Consejo de Guerra
Burgos a 19 de septiembre 1592

English-language summary:
19 September 1592, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Burgos.
The king is concerned about books found aboard one of the prizes taken by Spanish privateers, and gives instructions that they are to be turned over to the Inquisition immediately and that Orellana should watch for any other cargoes of this type.
Proceedings against Juan de la Casa, Alcalde of Santoña

19 September 1592 [2nd letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Llegada al perto de Blavet en Bretaña del Capitan Don Juan de Escalante con siete navios de corso
- La escuadra enemiga en Belle-Isle
- Saqueo de un navio de Vannes y Quimper-Corentin del partido de la Unión Católica
- Información y órdenes sobre esta presasl
- Embargo de las mercancias del Capitan J. de Escalante
Burgos a 19 de septiembre 1592

English-language summary:
19 September 1592, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Burgos.
Orellana is commissioned by the king to look into the privateering practices of Juan de Escalante, who with his seven armed vessels is accused of taking partial cargoes from both friendly and enemy ships, and of taking supplies from the coasts of France.
Squadrons of enemy ships off Belle-Isle.
King orders that Escalante's ships be embargoed.

26 September 1592

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Que no entre ningún navio en el puerto de Santander
- Fortificación y defensas de los castillos de Hano y Santander
Burgos a 26 de septiembre 1592

English-language summary:
26 September 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Burgos.
Concerning the defense of Santander, where Castles of Santander and Hano are both in severe disrepair.

29 September 1592 [1st letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Memorial de Andrés de Saravia, vecino de Laredo, y otros armadores de siete navios que salieron contra los herejes y rebeldes a la Unión Católica de Francia
- Ordenes é informes sobre este asunto
Burgos a 29 de septiembre 1592

English-language summary:
29 September 1592, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Burgos.
Philip has received a complaint from Andres de Saravia, privateer of Laredo, and other privateers regarding the awarding of prizes in the courts of the Cuatro Villas.
The king asks Orellana to review the policy and certain cases, for which he forwards Saravia's complaint.

29 September 1592 [2nd letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Para que informe sobre la navegación en las islas de Zelanda y Holanda
- Vigilancia en fraudes de mercaderias y llegada de enemigos encubiertos
Burgos a 29 de septiembre 1592

English-language summary:
29 September 1592, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Burgos.
King Philip requests information on the possibility of trade with certain places (verso names Holland and Zeeland) and Orellana's opinion on possible smuggling if it should be granted.

19 October 1592

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Se piden informes sobre casas de San Lázaro y San Antón (leproserias y hospitales) en su estado, rentas y enfermos
Monasterio de la Estrella a 19 de octubre 1592

English-language summary:
19 October 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from the monastery of La Estrella.
The King requests a report of the finances and activities of the orders of San Lazaro and of San Anton (leprosy and hospitals) in the jurisdiction of the Cuatro Villas.

29 November 1592

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Manda que se paguen a Madama (Bárbara Blombert), madre de Don Juan de Austria, los tres mil ducados anuales sobre las alcabalas de los Nueve Valles del Duque del Infantado
El Pardo a 29 de noviembre 1592

English-language summary:
29 November 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Regarding the administration of payment of annual revenues due "Madama, " or Barbara von Blomberg, mother of Don Juan of Austria.
Changes planned to make stipend easier and less expensive for her to collect.

30 November 1592

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Pidiendo subsidio para la ayuda y socorro de las necesidades que se ofrecen, causadas en la conservación de la Santa Fé Católica, y defensa de estos Reinos, y que puede darse por via de empréstito o anticipo de dinero en los tres años venideros
Tarazona a 30 de noviembre 1592

English-language summary:
30 November 1592, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Tarazona.
Request from Philip II for loans or anticipated payments on funds destined for the crown during the next three years in order to dispatch his present obligations.

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Richard Hacken, European Studies Bibliographer,
Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.
Suggestions, corrections and comments are welcome: Hacken @
Last Updated: June 2001.