Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Llegada de las galeras de Don Carlos de Amezola y entrega de forzados a dichas galeras
- Prohibición de comerciar con Inglaterra é islas de Holanda y Zelanda para cosas tocantes a la guerra
- Madrid a 25 de Febrero 1596
English-language summary:
25 February 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Mentions Carlos de Amezola's galleys coming to pick up the convicts in Laredo.
Philip has sent the list of contraband merchandise to be applied for shipping to England, Holland, and Zeeland.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Leva en las Cuatro Villas de marineros para los navios de la Armada del Mar Oceano
- Prohibición de que en los navios naturales y extranjeros se embarque ningún marinero
Aranjuez a 18 de Marzo 1596
English-language summary:
18 March 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aranjuez.
Concerning the levy of sailors for the Atlantic Fleet this year, Philip orders that no sailors be allowed
to make their routine voyages until Orellana has taken security from the 250 needed by the king.
Recruits should be able seamen and not untrained, as many were last year.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta (impresa) de Felipe II a los Concejos de las villas de Laredo y Ampuero
- Sobre encabezamientos y pagos de rentas en la Real Hacienda
Madrid a 21 de Marzo 1596
English-language summary:
21 March 1596, Philip II to Councils of Laredo and Ampuero, from Madrid.
Printed letter dated 5 January 1596 concerning tax assessments for next 15 years beginning in 1596.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
-Ordenes sobre el embarco de los marineros para la Armada y prohibición de hacerlo en otros navios
Aceca a 30 de Marzo 1596
English-language summary:
30 March 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aceca.
Orellana must quickly enlist the necessary 250 sailors for the Atlantic Fleet to avoid the annoyance of the owners
of the delayed ships.
King sending 4000 ducats to pay salaries at the market rate, to be administered by Juan de Castillo.
Sentences for deserters from last year.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Entrega de forzados en las galeras
- Gastos del tiempo que estuvieron en la carcel
Aceca a 8 de Abril 1596
English-language summary:
8 April 1596, Philip II to Diego Orellana de Chaves, from Aceca.
Philip requests the expenses for keeping the latest group of galley slaves in the
jail at Laredo so he can order reimbursement.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Leva de 250 marineros para la Armada
Aceca a 27 de Abril 1596
English-language summary:
27 April 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aceca.
Concerning the levy of 250 sailors for the Atlantic Fleet.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre la leva de los marineros
- Envio de dinero para las pagas
- Avisar a Don Juan Velazquez, Capitan General de Guipuzcoa
Aceca a 4 de Mayo 1596
English-language summary:
4 May 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aceca.
Responding to letter from Orellana that informed the king he could not raise 250 sailors
for the Atlantic Fleet with the money sent.
Philip concedes that 250 is too many from that area, and that he will be satisfied with 200;
the money already sent should provide for their payment and transport to Don Juan Velazquez.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Dificultades para la leva de marineros
- Que se reduzcan a 200 en lugar de 250
Aceca a 13 de Mayo 1596
English-language summary:
13 May 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Aceca.
Response to letter from Orellana, reiterating that raising 200 sailors for the Atlantic Fleet should be more reasonable
than 250.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Alistamiento y pago de los marineros y grumetes
- Avisar a Don Juan Velazquez, Capitan General de Guipuzcoa
Toledo a 1 de Junio 1596
English-language summary:
1 June 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Toledo.
Philip is pleased that Orellana has raised 253 sailors for the Atlantic Fleet, including apprentices and pages
(grumetes and pajes); communication between Don Juan Velazquez and Orellana.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre tres barcos que están en Marennes
- Orden de que se vendan estos navios
Madrid a 23 de Junio 1596
English-language summary:
23 June 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip approves sale of three ships from Marennes in poor condition to one of their owners.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Formación de un ejército de caballeria e infanteria en Andalucia
- Nombramiento de Capitan General a Don Pedro de Velasco
- Orden de prender a los soldados sin licencia
Toledo a 14 de Julio 1596
English-language summary:
. 14 July 1596, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Toledo.
Request that Orellana keep track of soldiers from his area that join army of Don Pedro de Velasco in Andaluzia, and that he arrest any that come home without a license and send them back.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Orden de apresar todos los navios extranjeros, de cualquier nación que sean, en los puertos de estos Reinos
- Declaración de la nacionalidad, portes y calidad de cada uno de los navios, orden en que vienen, su gente,
artilleria, bastimentos y municiones
Toledo a 14 de Julio 1596
English-language summary:
14 July 1596, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Toledo.
Philip orders the embargo of all foreign ships in all of his ports, and requests an inventory by express mail of their crews, supplies and arms, etc.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Estado de las defensas del puerto de Santander
- Peligro de un ataque enemigo
- Instrucción a los naturales en el manejo de las armas
- Situación del castillo de Hon
- Ordenes para reforzar los efectivos de soldados y defensas
Toledo a 21 de Julio 1596
English-language summary:
21 July 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Toledo.
Philip discusses concerns for the safety of Santander, training of a local militia for its defense, and weakness of the castle guarding the port.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Poca defensa del puerto de Santander
- Orden para que la gente de tierra esté dispuesta
Toledo a 27 de Julio 1596
English-language summary:
27 July 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Toledo.
Philip orders arrangements to be made for the defense of the Port of Santander and to keep the soldiers on land ready.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Prevenir el daño que el enemigo podria intentar en la villa de Santander y su costa
- Se encomienda su defensa al Capitan Don Arias de Silva
Toledo a 3 de Agosto 1596
English-language summary:
3 August 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, Toledo.
Philip has appointed Don Arias de Silva to take charge of the defense of Santander.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Avisando que la Armada enemiga habia doblado el Cabo de San Vicente
- Su designio de aprovisionarse de agua en las islas de Bayona
- Posibilidad de que esta Armada acudiese tambien a estas costas y prevenciones para su defensa
Toledo a 7 de Agosto 1596
English-language summary:
7 August 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Toledo.
News that the English Armada had rounded Cape San Vicente and is low on both food and water; an attack on Santander is unlikely.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre ejercitar a la gente de esa tierra y su costa
- Aprovisionamiento de polvora por estar en mucho riesgo la artilleria del fuerte de San Martin
- Entrada de navios extranjeros y que haciendose pasar por irlandeses hay seis navios ingleses con 17.000 cueros
del carnaje que se hizo en Inglaterra para provisión de la Armada
- Avisar si estos navios están en ese distrito y apresarlos con las mercancias que traen
- Presa de un navio francés en San Sebastian
- Danse por buenas la presa de un navio de Amsterdam y las que se hiciesen de rebeldes de las islas de
Holanda y Zelanda
Toledo a 8 de Agosto 1596
English-language summary:
8 August 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Toledo.
In answer to Orellana's letters, Philip discusses providing for defense of Santander and Cuatro Villas, including Fort San Martin and vulnerability of artillery.
Orellana advised to discover the true allegiance of six English or Irish ships carrying salted meat found on that coast.
Orders for the Prize Court concerning a French ship, several ships from the Low Countries, and the privateer Juan de Escalante Barroto.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Orden que los navios que están detenidos en Bayona vayan a traer bastimentos de San Sebastian
Toledo a 16 de Agosto 1596
English-language summary:
16 August 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Toledo.
Philip has released two ships arrested by Orellana to bring supplies from San Sebastian.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De dos navios flamencos detenidos en el puerto de Santander
- Que si vienen de Holanda reciban el castigo que merecen
- Informarse y proceder como contra rebeldes y enemigos que han ayudado a la Reina de Inglaterra en la jornada
de Cadiz
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 3 de Septiembre 1596
English-language summary:
3 September 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Two Flemish Urcas in Port of Santander said to be carrying sailors from Holland; Orellana is to find out if it is true, and punish the sailors and confiscate and sell the ships as enemies if it is so.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Proceder contra los navios detenidos en el puerto de Santander
- Instrucciones al Capitan Don Pedro de Zubiaurre
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 9 de Septiembre 1596
English-language summary:
9 September 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
If the two Urcas cannot be sold for what they are worth, they should be added to the fleet under the command of Pedro de Zubiaurre.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Establecimiento de una milica general en estos Reinos de Castilla para defensa de cualquier enemigo
- Instrucciones para alistar a todos los hombres cristianos viejos de 18 hasta 40 años
- De quienes podrán ses sus capitanes
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 10 de Septiembre 1596
English-language summary:
10 September 1596, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Philip instructs Orellana to enlist all christian males between the ages of 18 and 44 for the general militia.
Orellana is to send a list of the number, and a separate list of those who would make able captains for the said militia.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De la milicia que conviene establecer en estos Reinos y que ninguno de los que en ella sirvieren fuese
obligado a salir del Reino contra su voluntad
- Que los ayuntamientos propongan las personas para Capitanes gastos para la conservación de estas milicias
- Que con toda disimulación s averigüe los propios que tienen las Rentas
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 10 de Septiembre 1596
English-language summary:
10 September 1596, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Informing Orellana that no member of the militia will be obligated to serve outside of Spain; each town may give suggestions for captains.
Orellana is to scour all possible sources of income for local funding of the militia.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Comisión secreta para que visite los navios del Capitan Zubiaurre llegados de Bretaña al puerto de Santander
y averiguar si en uno de ellos, nombrado "La Fé," vienen 20 cajas de monedas y joyas y si las hallare se pongan
en parte segura y si los navios fueran partidos procurar saber con secreto si dichas cajas se desembarcaron y lo que
se hizo de ellas o que se embarguen y pongan a recaudo
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 20 de Septiembre 1596
English-language summary:
20 September 1596, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Philip has information that 20 chests of money and jewels have arrived lately from Brittany on the ship La Fe, and he commissions Orellana secretly to go to the port of Santander in person and discover if this is true and if so, to embargo the chests and report back.
If the ships have already departed, Orellana is to discover what was done with the chests.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Comisión para que visite los navios llegados a Santander con el Capitan Zubiaurre y averigüe si traen
mercaderias prohibidas y si se hallaren las haga desembarcar y poner a buen recaudo y avise de ello
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 20 de Septiembre 1596
English-language summary:
20 September 1596, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Commission to be shown to Pedro de Zubiaurre by Orellana when he goes to Santander to search ships just arrived from Brittany, ostensibly looking for prohibited goods but actually searching for a rumored 20 chests of treasure (see above) not mentioned in this public order.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De la entrega mandada hacer de dos navios al Capitan Zubiaurre y lo demás que en ellos viene
al Tenedor de Bastimentos
- De lo que podria darse al flamenco que dió la naticia por tenerlo en opinión
de ser persona confidente
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 3 de Octubre 1596
English-language summary:
3 October 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
The two Urcas embargoed in Santander were given to Pedro de Zubiaurre, and reward to be issued to Flemish informer who advised them of the ships.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Que se informe que cantidad de pizas de artilleria hay en la villa de Laredo y que son de Su Magestad
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 7 de Octubre 1596
English-language summary:
7 October 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Philip rehearses the recent history of the defense of the city of Laredo and the fort at La Rochelle with particular mention of the placement of both bronze and cast iron cannon.
Requests an inventory of cast iron artillery which are royal property currently placed in the city of Laredo.
Spanish-language summary:
- Cédula Real en nombre de Felipe II, firmada del Secretario Pedro Zapara,
dirigida al Corregidor de las Cuatro Villas Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Comisionándole se informe con todo secreto de cuantos son los extranjeros y sus familias que viven
en su jurisdición, de donde son, que hacienda tienen, su trato y manera de vivir, y la seguridad que de ellos se puede
tener para que no sean un peligro en estos Reinos
Madrid a 24 de Octubre 1596
English-language summary:
24 October 1596, Council (signed by Secretary Pedro Zapara) to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
The king and Council are concerned about the large number of foreigners living in the Cuatro Villas area and want an inventory of foreign residents and their businesses within 30 days, and Orellana's opinion on their relative danger to the region.
No more foreigners are to come to reside in the region without the express consent of the king or council and visitors must stay at inns owned by natives, rather than foreigners.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre los marineros de la Armada del Mar Oceano que se dieron para los navios del Capitan Don Pedro de Zubiaurre
- Que se envien a Santander los que por ausentarse se hubiesen prendido y que sirvan alli sus condenas
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 3 de Noviembre 1596
English-language summary:
3 November 1596, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
More sailors than were needed were raised for the Atlantic Fleet, and Philip commands that the extra men be sent to Pedro de Zubiaurre and his zabras in Brittany.
Deserters that have been captured should also be sent to Zubiaurre to serve their sentences in the galleys.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre carta de Don Melchor de Teves, Alcalde Mayor de la Audiencia de Galicia, que estando para ejecutar
la sentencia de muerte contra unos soldados hizo uno de ellos cierta declaración y que con todo secreto se informe
de las personas que señala, que trato tienen y que concepto hay de ellas
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 6 de Noviembre 1596
English-language summary:
3 November 1596, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
The king requests information on residents of the Cuatro Villas implicated by a convict before his death sentence was carried out, as reported by Don Melchor de Teves, Alcalde of the Court in Galicia.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Que la Infanteria a cargo del Conde de Santa Gadea se divida en tres Tercios y se la aloje en Galicia y tierra de
Ciudad Rodrigo y Salamanca y el tercero en el Principado de las Asturias
- Que la gente de dicho Tercio que hay fuera se alojen y repartan en los lugares de las Cuatro Villas
El Campillo a 14 de Noviembre 1596
English-language summary:
14 November 1596, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Campillo.
The infantry under the command of the Count of Santa Gadea is being divided into three tercios, one of which will be assigned to the principality of Asturias which extends to the Cuatro Villas.
Orellana is charged with billeting the companies which will be sent to his area.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De invernar en el Ferrol la Armada a cargo del Conde de Santa Gadea enjando los marineros necesarios
para la guarda del servicio
- Licencia a los demás para llegarse a sus casas y término para volver al servicio
El Campillo a 14 de Noviembre 1596
English-language summary:
14 November 1596, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Campillo.
The Atlantic Fleet will winter in El Ferrol and the sailors may go home for the winter, to return in mid to late February.
Orellana is advised that he will be held responsible for those returning late.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Informe sobre la petición del Sargento Mayor Juan de Cevallos Guzman
El Campillo a 16 de Noviembre 1596
English-language summary:
16 November 1596, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Campillo.
Philip has information that indicates it would be best to change the geographical areas administered by two sergeant majors in the local militia.
New areas explained and Orellana is to be certain that they are indeed more efficient, then confirm to the king through secretary Andres de Prada and make the change.
Spanish-language summary:
- Carta (impresa) de Felipe II al Corregidor de la villa de Laredo Don Diego
de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre prórroga del encabezamiento general de la Alcaldia y pagos de rentas a la Real Hacienda
Madrid a 24 de Diciembre 1596
English-language summary:
24 December 1596, Philip II to Villa de Laredo and Corregidor Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Printed letter concerning the extension granted for the census and taxes assigned for 1596.
Request that an accounting be made with the Real Hacienda and all complaints, etc. be registered within one week of receipt of this letter.