Group preceding text (thumbnails)

1. The Flags of the Fighting 15th
2. Group of Colored Officers of the 368th Infantry
3. Lieut. T.T. Thompson
4. Woodrow Wilson
5. John J. Pershing
6. Hon. Newton D. Baker
7. Theodore Roosevelt
8. Emmet J. Scott

Group in Preface (thumbnails)

9. Colonel Hayward's "Hell Fighters" in Parade
10. The Buffaloes (367th) Marching up the Avenue in New York
11. American Negro Machine Gunners in the Marne Sector of France
12. A French Officer explaining operataion of the hand grenades
13. Lt. Rutherford's Minstrels
14. Transport "Ulua" with her cargo of dusky fighters
15. Major-General C.C. Ballou
16. How the boys enjoyed themselves in France
17. A German tank destroyed by allied shell fire
18. Welcoming a Victorious Hero: Henry Johnson.
19. Negro Stevedores of the National Army
20. The Band that Introduced France to Ragtime
21. Lieut. Maxom and the band of the 814th Infantry
22. Returning the Colors
23. Hon. Charles Evans Hughes Receiving the Colors of the 367th Infantry

24. Chapter I: Two First Class Americans (thumbnail) (full size)

Group in Chapter III (thumbnails)

25. Group of Officers
26. Dancing School Conducted at K. of C. Building for Men of Labor Battalion by Louisville W. C. C. S.
27. W. C. C. S. Saturday night dance at the W. C. C. S. Colored Club.  
28. Official Photograph of Negro Troops at drill  
29. American Negro Troop brigaded with the French Army  
30. A Company of Negro Infantry wearing French helmets  
31. Colored soldiers returning to their homes in St. Louis  
32. Two Officers Who Won the Croix de Guerre  
Three Negro Officers Who Won Distinction Overseas  
34. The Return of the 369th  
35. Colored Troops on Sentry Duty Near the Front Lines  
36. American Camp for Colored Troops in France
First Negro Officer to be Decorated. Lieut. Robert C. Allen of the 372nd Infantry  
38. Lieut. Robert Campbell, Company L, 368th U.S. Infantry

Group in Chapter IV (thumbnails)

39. "The Raw Material of Soldiers." Negroes drawn in the selective draft arriving at the cantonment. Compare this photograph with the following one.  
40. "Six Months Later." American Negro troops marching along a Frerich road toward the front. SIx months before this picture was taken they were undrillod civilians.
41. Arrival of a Bunch of Chicago Boys  
Happy return of (the old 15th Inf.) New York's famous colored regiment; receiving their share of cigarettes and chocolate handed out to the boys at the chicken dinner given them at 71st Regiment Armory.
How Our Soldiers Came Home. American Negro troops boarding the boat in New York Harbor for Camp Merritt, N. J., mobilization camp.
It is said that the Negro, because of his constant cheerfulness makes the best soldier. However that may be, it is certain that these three specimens have acquired a reputation for being the most zealous workers in their company and are shown as the three prize men of the company.
These four officers of the 366th Infantry were in some of the heaviest fighting of the war. Left to right they are: Lieut. C. L. Abbott of South Dakota, Capt. Jos. L. Lowe, Pacific Grove, Calif.; Lieut. A. R. Fisher, Lyles, Ind., who won the Distinguished Service Cross, and Captain E. White of the 92nd'Division (Buffaloes) of Pine Bluff, Ark.  
46. One of the big Y. M. C. A. tents near the front in France. The "Y" gave the same service to the Negro Troops as to the white soldiers.  
47. French Colonial Troops (Senegalese) being drilled in use of rifle grenades on the Marme.  
Baptism for Army Men, Colored troops of the U. S. Army receiving Holy Baptism at the Norcross Rifle Range, Camp Gordon, Ga.  
49. Part of Squadron "A," 351st Field Artillery, colored troops on the Transport Louisville. These men are mostly from Pennsylvania.  
50. Group of Colored Soldiers of the 369th Infantry  
51. The Negro regiments have proven their fighting worth. During the Franco-Arnerican offensive sever detachments rendered great service for Uncle Sam. Photo from France shows group of officers of division known as the "Buffaloes."  
52. A returning hero of the 369th who lost his leg in France, being welcomed on his return home to New York. The loop of cord on his left shoulder is the decoration that every member of this regiment is entitled to wear. It signifies that entire regiment has been awarded the Cordon of the Croix de Guerre by the French.  
53. Major David L'Esperanz and Major Lorrilard Spencer of the 369th Infantry. Both were wounded while leading their colored soldiers in battle. Major Spencer was decorated with the Croix de Guerre by the French and the Distinguished Service Medal by order of General Pershing. Major L'Esperanz also received the Croix de Guerre.

Group in Chapter VIII (thumbnails)

54. This is how the Western Front in France looked most of the time. Tne Germans kept down in their trenches and the Allies in theirs, with barbed wire entanglements of No Man's Land between them. Negro soldiers with machine guns.  
55. Another corner of the Fighting Front: American Negro Soldiers and French Colonials firing rifle gremades.  
56. Dancing; a Favorite Diversion of Colored Soldiers When Off Duty
Young Women's Christian Association Camp, Louisville, Ky.  
58. After the capture of Cantigny. Colored troops won glory in taking this city from the Germans. Photograph shows American Negro soldiers cleaning up the ruins with flame throwers and grenades.  
59. American Negro soldiers throwing hand grenades from a French trench into No Man's Land.
60. Some of Philadelphia's Negro Soldiers. Photo of colored troops who were wounded or gassed in the fighting in France. They are all from Philadelphia.  
61. One of the most important parts of war is keeping up communication with the front. Telephone lines must be maintained no matter how heavy the enemy's fire. This French Official Photograph shows Senegalese troops carrying telephone lines forward to observation posts.
American Negro Soldiers and French tanks. This is the way the colored infantrymen advanced on the Somme.  
63. One of General Pershing's colored veterans enjoying a bit of cake baked at the American Red Cross Canteen at la-Surtile.  
64. He Captured the Kaiser. Corporal Fred McIntyre of the 369th Infantry with the photograph of the Kaiser which he captured from a German officer in his dugout.  
65. Some of the Chicago Girls Welcoming Home one of the boys of the 370th (Old 8th Illinois National Guard).  
66. The Salvation Army Draws No Color Line. Soldiers of the 351st Field Artillery are receiving candy from Salvation Army lassies on their return to New York.  
67. Negro Troops in Camp in France. This temporary shelter was not far from the front line. The men are wearing their trench boots and the top of shelter is covered with branches of trees, a form of camouflage intended to prevent detection by enemy aeroplanes.  
68. Routing the enemy with cold steel.---From Photo and Painting.

Group in Chapter IX (thumbnails)

69. A detachment of American Negro Infantrymen Opertaing in the Front Line Trenches  
70. Here is a photograph right from the front, an unusual picture showing how the trenches really looked. These are American and French Colonial colored soldiers in a French trench.  
71. One of the Docks at Bordeaux Where Negro Stevedore Regiments Played a Vital Part in the War in Unloading Supplies for Our Troops. Transportation of supplies is just as important a part of war as firing guns at the enemy. All the armies in the world could not have defeated Germany if it had not been for the Service of Supply. getting the guns, ammunition, equipment and food to them.  
72. To give an idea of the enormous quantities of supplies handled by Negio stevedore regiments, here is a photo of a few cook stoves that came in one shipment.  
73. On the Docks at Brest, another French port where colored steveclore regiments were the chief reliance getting supplies through to the boys at the front.  
74. It took tens of thousands of motor trucks to get supplies from docks to the front in France. These had to be shipped from America and here are a few in Assembling Yard at St. Nazaire, France, with cases and barrels of gasoline and oil in the foreground. If it had not been for Negro stevedore regiments, these trucks could not have been taken off the ships.  
75. The Return of the 15th. Seen on troopship as the 369th Infantry came into New York Harbor bringing back the unique record of never having had a man captured, never losing a, foot of ground or a trench, and of being nearest to the Rhine of any allied unit wher the armistice was signed, and the first detachment of allied troops to reach the Rhine after the armistice.
76. Group of Colored Officers
Reading left to right Top---1st Lt. Chas. Lane, 367th Inf.; Chaplain E. H. Hamilton, Camp Mead; 2nd Lt. E. P. Sawyer, 367th Inf Center---1st Lt j H. N. Waring, 367th Inf. Lt. R. W. Fearing, 367th Inf.; 1st Lt. J. W. Clifford 367thInf Bottom---Chaptlain F. C. Shirley, Camp Mead; Capt. Chas. Garvin, Med. Corps, 367tb Inf.; 2nd Lt. H. D. Smith, Depot Brig. Camp Mead.
77. The only Negro General Court Martial Board Which Ever Existed. Photograph shows the General Court Martial of the 370th lnfantry (8th Illinois National Guard) convened at Camp Logan, Houston, Texas. Officers in Picture indicated by numbers following: 1-Lieut.F.P. Rose, 2-Capt L Jackson, 3-Cpt. James C. Hall, 4-Capt. George M. Allen, 5-Major (now Lieut. Col ) Otis B. Duncan, President; 6-Capt. Wm. B. Crawford, 7-Lieut C N. Hinton, 8-Lieui. Louis C. Washington, 9-Capt. L. E. Johnson, Counsel for Defense; 10-Lieut. R, A. J. Sulaw, Judge Advocate, 11-Court Reporter McCarty.  
78. War Camp Community Service Club for Colored Soldiers, Louisville, Ky.  
What real war looks like. Photograph of American Negro soldiers going into action in the attack on Cantigny. American Infantry is co-operating with French tanks.  
In the Trenches. The smoke is from explosion of a hand grenade just thrown by the American Negro Soldier at the right.
81. Left to right-- Major Adam E. Patterson, Judge Advocate, 92nd Division in France;
Ralph W. Tyler, War Corespondent who accompanied U.S. Negro troops to France. Accredited representative of the Committee on Public Information. Major Dean, one of the three Negro Officerrs of this rank in the U.S. Army

82. Chapter X: A Study in Black and Yellow (thumbnail) (full size)

Group in Chapter XII (thumbnails)

83. Secretary Baker's War Cabinet  Ron. Benedict Crowell, Assistant Secretary of War; Ron. E. R. Stettinius, Second Assistant Secretary of War; Dr. Ernest Martin Hopkins, President Dartmouth College, Special Assistant.  Hon Newton D. Baker, Secretary of War.  Dr. J. B. Keppel, Third Assistant Secretary of War; General P. C. March, Chief of Staff U. S. Army, and Dr. Emmett J. Scott Special Assistant to the Secretary of War, representing the interests of the Negro Race of the United States
84. Group of Colored Officers. Top, Left to Rght-- 1st Lt. B. A. Jackson, 350th Mchn. Gun Bn.; 1st Lt. Abraham Morse, 367th Infantry, 1st Lt. Herman L. Butler, 366th Infantry.. Center-Capt. Wm. B. Campbell, Personnel Adj. 317tb A. T.; 1st Lt. Chas. H. Fearing, 365th Infantry; Capt. Alonzo Campbell, 367th Infantry. Below-1st Lt. Geo. B. Cooper, 367th Infantry, Supply officer; 1st Lt. Benjamin F. Ford, - 366th Inf.; 1st Lt. Anderson Trapp, 366th Inf.
85. Negro troops returning to camp behind the lines after a strenuous day on the Western Front during operations on the Marne.  
86. Officers of Dental Corps attached to various units of the 92nd Division. With the exception of Capt. Jacob Brause, Division Dentist, all were Negroes.  
87. The American Red Cross knew no color line and sought to render the same service to Colored as to White troops.  
88. Conference Group Colored Editors n Washington during the war. Reading left to right, Front Row---Former Gov. P. B. S. Pinchback, Charles W. Anderson, Maj. L. P. DeMontal, Dr. Emmett J. Scott, Chairman, Col. Edouard Requin, Dr. Robert R. Moton, Judge R. H. Terrell, Dr. W. E. 13. DuBois, Major J. E. Spingarn, Chris J. Perry, Rev. Ernest Lyon. Second Row---W. H. Steward, Dr. A. M. Curtis, W. T. Andrews, Dr. W. H. Davis, Benj. J. Davis, Henry A. Boyd, R. S. Abbott, John Mitchell, Jr., J. H. Murphy, G. L. Knox, A. E. Manning. Third Row---Dr. Maurice Curtis, Dr. H. M. Minton, J. C. Dancy, H. C. Smith, E. A. Warren, C. K. Robinson, J. E. Mitchell. Ralph W. Tyler, R. W. Thompson, N. C. Crews. Fourth Row---Dr. S. A. Furniss, R. C. Bruce, P. B. Young, Geo. W. Harris, Dr. W. H. Brooks, Jas. A. Cobb, Dr. J. R. Hawkins, C. N. Love, W. J. Singleton, W. L. Houston. Wrn. E. King. Fifth Row---Dr. R. E. Jones, Maj. A. W. Washington, Robt. L. Vann. A. H. Grimke. Prof. Geo. W. Cook, Capt. Arthur S. Spingarn. F. R. Moore.
89. Left---Colonel Charles Young, Veteran Ranking Negro Officer of the Regular U. S. Army. Commissioned from West Point. Detailed to active service at Camp Grant during the war. Right--Major General Enoch H. Crowder, Provost Marshal General of the United States Army.
90. Top Left to Right---Capt. Moody Staten, 317th Military Police. 2nd Lt. Charles Udell Turpin, 365th Infantry. 1st Lt. E. C. Morris, 366th Infantry. Center ---Major James E. Walker, Ist Separate Battalion, District of Columbia N.G. Top, Left to Right-Capt. Thos. E. Jones, 368th Infantry, 92nd Div., Awarded Distinguished Service Cross for bravery at Argonne Forest. Capt. Samuel Reid, 317 A. T., Veteran of Spanish War and Philippine Insurrection; served over thirty years in United States Army, retired since close of the war. Sergt. Rufus Pinckney, Baltimore, Md., 1st Separate Company, 372nd Inf., wears highest honors from French Government; captured 15 Germans, saved French Officer, fought in Champagne. Argonne and at Verdun.
91. Group of Leading Women War Workers. Top Left---Miss May B. Belcher, Field Worker among colored women of War Work Council: a graduate of Sargent School, studied at Moody Institute and later Secretary of Phyllis Wheatley Branch, Y. W. C. A. in St. Louis. Top Right---Alice Dunbar Nelson (formerly Mrs, Paul Laurence Dunbar), recognized leader in mobilization of colored women of the United States for War Work under auspices Council of National Defense. Center-Miss Eva D. Bowles, Secretary of Colored Women's War Work in cities, National Board of the Young Wornen's Christian Association. Below, Left---Miss Mary E. Jackson, Special Industrial Worker among colored worrien for War Work Council. Below, Right---Mrs. Louise J. Ross Chairman New Orleans Chapter American Red Cross, recognized leader of the race in the South.
92. American Negro Soldiers In hospital, Glasgow, Scotland, receiving cigarettes and chocolates frorn Red Cross Chaplain Thos. E. Swan and a visit from Mrs. Jas. Gardiner, one of the Red Cross Workers.  
93. Sergeants of Headquarters Company, 372nd Infantry "somewhere in France" just before the big drive.

Group in Chapter XIII (thumbnails)

 94. A group of colored clerks employed in the Bureau of War Risk Insurance. Front Row, Left to Right---Miss V. L. Comer, Atlanta, Ga.; Mrs. F. Alston, Mobile, Ala.: Mr. W. Bernard Gardner, Philadelphia, Pa.; Miss V. B. Adams, Washington, D. C.; miss F. M Botteese, Washington, D. C.; Miss B. Kebble, Waco, Tex. Second Row, Left to Right---Miss C. J. Tarby, Boston, Mass.; Miss E. M. Cameron, Bimingham, Ala.; Mrs. H. L. Johnson, Washington, D. C.; Miss E. R. Nelson, Laurel, Miss.; Mrs. E. T. Albert, Washington, D. C.  
95. Officials of Young Men's Christian Association Department for Colored Troops. Front Row, Left to Right---Wrn. J. Faulkner, Placement; Jesse E. Moorland, Executive Secretary , Robert B. DeFrantz, Personnel. Back Row, Left to Right-Geo. L. Johnson. Religious work: Max Yorgan, Overseas; Franz Gregory, Religous Work.
Group of Depot Company Segpeants of the 372nd Infantry behind the lines waiting for orders to advance.  
Truck Train of 365th Infantry unloadingtroops at Bruyeres. It required the services of 500 big army trucks for three days and nights to transport the 92nd Division from Bourbonne-les-Bains to this point in the Vosges zone.
Group of typical French Colonials. These Senegalese Troops were brought directly from the Colonies in Africa for the war, as fully related in Chapter X of this volurne.  
99. German prisoners of war being brought into camp by the Negro soldiers who surpriserl a large detachment and took thein prisoners.
100. This group of Colored physicians served during the war as lecturers under Captain Arthur B. Spingarn, Surgeon General's Office, U.S. Army, visiting camps and cantonments and instructing Negro soldiers upon the subject of Sex Hygiene. Top-- Dr. Ralph Burnette Stewart of Washington, D.C.; Dr. C.V. Roman, Nashville, Tenn.; Center--Captain Arthur B. Spingarn; Bottom--Dr. A.B. Jackson, Philadelphia, Pa.; Dr. Roscoe C. Brown of Richmond, Va.
101. Motor Corps Women did much for the comfort of sick and wounded during the war and after. Two are here shown doing their bit in helping a wounded hero from ambulance into a theatre where a show was given for wounded Colored soldiers.
One of the thousands of Young Negro American Boy and Girl Red Cross Workers who, took part in the Nation-wide drive for war funds.  
103. Commander of Labor Battalion and Staff at Governor's Island. Capt. E.S. Jones was Commander of the U. S. Labor Battalion stationed at this point.  
104. Baltimore War Camp Community Circle. Some of the beds at the War Camp Community Service Colored Club which ss typial of many such clubs organized throughout the entire United States.  
105. Group of colored woman war workers of the New Orleans Chapter of American Red Cross.
106. Negro Sailors enjoying a few hours' "liberty" in the restrooms, American Red Cross Headquarters, New Orleans.
107. Left to right: Ernest P. Attwell, who did organization work among the colored people f'or Food Administration. . 1st Lt. Denton J. Brooks, Regimental Insuran, Officer, 365th Infantry, who covered members of his regiment with over $29,000,000 War Risk Insurance. -Chas. H. Williams, Special Investigator for Committee on Welfure of Negro troops and conditions existing among Negro soldiers in camps and war camp community centers.
108. Capt. Dee Jones, and sample Identification Card printed in English and French carried by all American soldiers of Expeditionary Forces in Europe. On each identity card was shown photo of its owner and a number corresponding with metal tag worn by each soldier

Group in Chapter XX (thumbnails)

109. Some heroes of the famous 15th New York, who went away singing and came back singing after having earned all the Honors of War.
110. The "Stockholm" with her cargo of "Hell Fighters" under command of Colonel Hayward on deck, just before docking In New York harbor.
111. Chicago homecoming of the 370th Regiment (Old 8th l1linois) passing in parade at 13th St. and Michigan Ave.
112. Another Group of officers of the 370th (Old 8th Illinois) on the deck of the La France before landing. Reading left to right: 2nd Lt. Lawson Price; 2nd Lt. L. W. Stearls; 2nd Lt. Ed. White; 2nd Lt. Eli F. E. Williams; ist Lt. Oasola Browning; Capt. Louis B. Johnson; 1st Lt. Frank Bates; 1st Lt. Binga Desmond.
113. The troopship "La France" was still in her war paint as she brought the 370th (Old 8th Illinois National Guard) safely home from the battlefields of France.
114. Chicago parade of the 370th Regi ment (Old 8th Illinois) passing the reviewing stand in Michigan Ave., where the crowds were so dense that troops could not march in regular formation.
115. Commanders of the 370th Infantry (the old Eighth Illinois) : Reading left to right: Col. Frank Denison; Col. Thos. A. Roberts; Lt. Col. Otis B. Duncan.
116. A group of the "Singing Buffalos" on parade after their return from the battle front in France.
117. This is the way the people of Buffalo, N. Y., turned out to welcome home the returning heroes of the colored race as they returned from their service in France.

Group in Chapter XXI (thumbnails)

118. Col Moss of the "Buffaloes"
119. Colored Color Guard Bearers of the 15th National Guard, New York
120. Group of Negro Officers of the 370th (Old Illinois National Guard) called the Black Devils by the Germans. Reading left to right: Capt. Joe Warner, 1st Lt. Arthur Jones; 2nd Lt.., Ed. White: 2nd Lt. Julian D. Rainey; 2nd Lt. M. McGuinn; 2nd Lt. Luther Harris; 2nd Lt. Alvin M. Jordan; 2nd Lt. Edward L. Goodlett; 2nd Lt. J. F. Baker; 2nd Lt. Fred Johnson; 1st Lt. F. Hewitt.
121. Colored heroes who won the Croix de Guerre. All of these are enlisted men of 369th Infantry who were decorated by the French High Command. In front row from left to right are: Privates Ed. Williams, Herbert Taylor, Leon Fraitor and Ralph Hawkins. In rear row are Private H. D. Prunes, Sgt. D. Stormes, Private Joe Williams. Private Arthur Menly and Corp. Taylor.
122. Presenting the Colors to "The Buffaloes." Governor Charles S. Whitman presenting, on behalf of the New York Union League Club, the National and Regimental Flags to the 367th nfantry, just before they started overseas.
123. American Negro Soldiers in the Spanish-American War. For more.than a half century the Negro soldier has played an important part in the Army of the United States. This photograph, taken during the Spanish-American War, shows how our colored troops who fought in 1898 were uniformed and equipped.
124. In the Training Camp. There was a good deal more than drill and work in the training camps as this photograph of a boxing bout at Camp Travis, Texas, under the management of the Y. M. C. A., proves. The man on the stage in the light colored shirt is the Negro Y. M C. A. Secretary.
125. Colonel William Hayward, commanding the 369th Infantry, and Major Arthur W. Little of the same regiment. Notice regimental badge, the Coiled Rattlesnake, on Major Little's shoulder.
126. Major Joseph H. Ward who has the distinction of being one of the only two Negro officers of the Medical Corps to attain the rank of Major.
127. How New York welcomed the famous "Hell Fighter: 369th Regiment (15th National Guard) on its return from "Over There." Photographed passing the New York Public Library.
128. Group of Officers of the 370th. Reading from Left to Right---Top---1st Lt. Norman Garrett; Capt. John H. Patton, 2nd Batt. 1st Lt. Michael Browning, Machine Gun No. 2. Center-Capt. Spencer C Dixon, Med. Corps; Major Charles H. Hunt, 2nd Battalion; Capt. Libburn Jackson, Machine Gun No. 2. Bottom---1stl Lt. Robt. C. Chavis; 1st Lt. Benote H. Lee; 2nd Lt. Frank Corbin. all of the 370th Infantry (formerly old 8th Illinois).

Group in Chapter XXVIII (thumbnails)

129. Colored Women War Workers of the Young Women's Christian Association at Hostess House, Camp Upton, Long Island.
130. Colored American Red Cross Canteen War Workers who canteened all Colored soldier troop trains passing through Chicago to and from the front. First Row Left to Right---Mrs. Eva Jenifer, Captain Dr. Mary Fitzbutler Waring, Mrs. DeWitt Smith. Second Row Left to Right---Lieut. Hattie Oldham, Mrs. Sadie Anderson, Mrs. Helen Thorne,. Mrs. Juanita Hawlins, Mrs. Mary Wickliffe, Mrs. Lillian Gully, Lieut. Mayme Haddox.
Dr. Mary Fitzbutler Waring is also Chairman of the Col. Denison Red Cross Auxiliary, and Chairmoan of Rod Oross Work of the Colored Women's Clubs of the U.S.  
131. Negro American Red Cross Workers of the Byhalia Colored Auxiliary of northern Mississippi where Negroes outnumber the whites five to one.  
132. Colored boys on troop train passing through New Orleans to training camps being served with chocolates and cigarettes by Colored Auxiliary of American Red Cross.
133. Group of Officers. Top: Left to Right---1st Lt. Ewell W. Clarke, Asst. Personnel Adjutant Hdq. Staff, 92nd Div.; 1st Lt. Almardo Henderson, 367th Inf.; 1st Lt. F. S. Upshur, 350th F.A.; Center: Left to Right---2nd Lt. R. D. Hardeway,367th Inf.; Capt. Aaron Day, Jr., 317th Am. Tr.; 2nd Lt. A.M. Watson, 350th Mchn. Gun Bat. Below: Left to Right---2nd Lt. Scott A. Moyer, 349th F. A.; 2nd Lt. Win. F. Grady, 368th Inf., and 2nd Lt. Walter W. Scott, 368th Inf., who was gassed at the Argonne Forest in an attack on Binarville.
134. Colored messengers of Motorcycle Corps, 372nd Headquarters, who kept communication lines alive at all hours during the big drive in Champagne, Argonne and at Verdun.
135. American White and Negro soldiers being served to chocolate and sandwich rolls in canteen established in basement of American Red Cross Bureau of Refugees at Toulouse.
136. Burial place of the 92nd Division near a roadside leading out of Pont-à-Mousson to Metz. Here are laid to rest those who fell in the operations against Metz and those who died of sickness during that period.
137. A wayside church near the front lines in a French sector occupied by American Negro Soldiers.
138. Overseas Secretaries of the YMCA. Group of "Y" Secretaries ready to sail for France.
139. Overseas Secretaries of the YMCA. Top, Left to Right---E. L. Snyder., J. A. Croon, Moses A. Davis; Center --B. F. Seldon behind the lines in France just emerging- from the trip through the trenches. Below, Left to Right---Thos. M. Clayton., Gary Ward Moore., G. W. Jackson. All these overseas Y. M. C. A. Secretaries are well known to the American Negro Soldiers who served overseas.
140. "Big Nims" of the 3rd Battalion , 366th Infantry, who found great amusement in contemplating the grotesque appearance of his comrade with a gas mask adjusted over his face and head. Many hours of gloom was dispelled by the good humor of Nims which together with his unquestionable courage at many times served to cheer the flagging spirits of his comrades.
141. Group of Negro Soldiers behind the lines being instructed in approved methods of using gas masks before going forward to the trenches.
142. Negro Officers of the Famous 8th Illinois (fought in France as the 370th Infantry) decorated by French Governmerit for gallantry in action. Front Row, left to right---Capt. G. M. Allen, Lt. O. A. Browning, Capt. D. J. Warner, Lt. Roy B. Tisdell. Back, left to right---Lt. P. Hurd, Col. Otis B. Duncan, Major J. R. White, Capt. William W Crawford, Lt. W. J. Warfield, Capt. M. Jackson. Lieutenant Warfield also received Distinguished Service Cross of United States by order of General Pershing (shown in the picture), likewise badge is expert rifleman.

Group in Chapter XXIX (thumbnails)

143. Left to Right---Dr. George Edmund Haynes, Director of Negro Economics Department of Labor, Washington, D.C.; Dr. Robert R. Moton, Principal, Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute, who went to France during the war on a special mission; Lester A. Walton, Military Entertainment Service, War Department Commission on Training Camp Activities.
144. Left to Right---Sergeant F. Blue, Drum Major of "The Black Devil's" Band (so-called by Germans) of the 370th Reg. (The old 8th Illinois); Lieut. Thomas A. Painter, 369th Infantry, who received the Croix de Guerre for gallantry in action; Capt. Napoleon Bonaparte Marshall of the 369th Inf., one of Harvard's most famous athletes, severely wounded in spine, during fighting south of Meetx, must wear a steel brace during the remainder of his life.
145. Group of Colored Red Cross Nurses on duty at the base hospital at Camp Grant, Illinois.
146. Some of the Negro Officers who were helping to hold the lines with the 366th Infantry, when the Armistice was signed. Front, left to right---Captain A. L. Simpson, 1st Lieutenants Morris, Booker and Ellis. Back row, left to right---2nd Lieutenants Taylor, Wright and McEwen.
147. American Negro troops returning from their gallant service in France. The above photograph was taken at mealtime aboard a United States Transport just entering New York Harbor. The demonstration would signify that the men were ready for the mess hall.
148. Colored American Soldiers being decorated with Distinguish Service Cross by Major-General Eli Helmick of the United States Army in the presence of Admiral Moreau of the French Navy.
149. Group of Negro Officers, 366th Infantry, U.S.A. Left to Right---Capt. L.H. Godman, Lt. and Adj. Chas. S. Parker, Capt. Chas. G. Kelley, Capt. Wm. Hill, Capt. C.W. Owens, Capt. Geo. A. Holland, Capt. W.T. Thompson, 2nd Lt. Wm. D. Nabors.
150. The Curtis brothers, three sons of Dr. And Mrs. A.M. Curtis, Washington, D.C., commissioned as Officers in United States Army. Left to Right---A. Maurice Curtis, Medical Reserve Corps; Arthur L. Curtis, 368th Medical Corps; Merrill H. Curtis, 349th Field Artillery, all First Lieutenants.
151. The Gould family of fighters. Seated in front is Wm. B. Gould, of East Dedham, Mass., a veteran of the Civil War. Standing are his six sons who have also served their country. Left to Right--- Lawrence W. Gould, 1st Lt. James E. Gould, Major Wm. B. Gould, Jr., Lt. Herbert R. Gould, 1st Lt. Ernest M. Gould, and Frederick C. Gould.
152. Top, Left to Right---2nd Lt. Jas. L. Horace, Intel. Officer, 365th Inf.; 2nd Lt. Stephen E. Moses, Jr., 351st F.A.; 1st Lt. Marion C. Rhoten, Hdars. Troop, 92nd Div; Center, Left to Right--- Lt. Frank L. Frances, M.G. Co., 366th Inf.; 1st Lt. Edward C. Knox, 349th Mchn. Gun Bat.; Capt Spahr H. Dickey, 351st. Mchn. Gun Bat.; Bottom, Left to Right---Capt. Beverley L. Dorsey, 317th Am. Tr.; Capt. Robert R. Chubb, 367th Inf.; Sergt. Wm Butler of Salisbury , Md., who received the Croix de Guerre from the French Government and Distinguished Service Cross and Sharpshooter's Medal from the United States Government. The story of Sergt. Butler and his hand to hand encounters with the Boches is related in this volume.
153. Dr. Emmett J. Scott and his faithful office corps, who co-operated in the performance of his duties as Special Assistant to the Secretary of War, at Washington. Left to Right---William H. Davis, Ernestine B. English, D. Scott, Madeline P. Childs, Richard W. Thompson, Joseph H. Nelson, J. Bernard Smith, Charles L. Webb

154. Appendix 4, Map of Central Europe, Showing Territorial Effects of Peace Treaty

Table of Contents