Philip II , King of Spain

(1595; Digital Facsimiles and Spanish Transcriptions)

23 January 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II al Concejo, Justicia y Regmiento de la villa de Laredo
- Solicitando un empréstito por la situación de la Iglesia y los gastos del Reino
- Comisionando a un Padre Procurador
Madrid a 23 de Enero 1595

English-language summary:
23 January 1595, Philip II to Consejo de Justicia y Regimiento de la Villa de Laredo, from Madrid.
Loan requested by the king from the principal men of the town of Laredo.
Philip recommends his collection agent (Padre Comisario) to the council.

6 February 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Para que se entregue a Fernando de la Riva Herrera el navio inglés llamado "La Aventura" y se ponga a la venta
- Madrid a 6 de Febrero 1595

English-language summary:
6 February 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Concerning the sale of an English ship, La Ventura, with proceeds to pay salary owed to Fernando de la Rivaherrera.

10 February 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Necesidad de que haya muchos marineros en la Armada que se ha de juntar este año
- Madrid a 10 de Febrero 1595

English-language summary:
10 February 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Concerning the necessity of raising a large number of sailors for the Armada to be gathered for this year, and the benefits they can expect from the King.

18 February 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Envio de unas cartas con don Diego Brochero
- Que se devuelvan sus armas a un sujeto detenido por el Alvalde
- Madrid a 18 de Febrero 1595

English-language summary:
18 February 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Mentions arrival of letters from Don Diego Brochero which Orellana sent on with his own reports; repairs to Fort San Martín.
Regulation of hunting weapons and seasons in the Cuatro Villas.

16 March 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre haberse sometido la villa de Saint-Malo, del Ducado de Bretaña, a la obediencia del Príncipe de Bearn (Enrique IV) y que trata de socorrer sus navios y hacer la guerra
- Orden de apoderarse y embargar todos los navios de Saint-Malo
Madrid a 16 de Marzo 1595

English-language summary:
16 March 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Concerning submission of town of St. Malo in Brittany to Henry IV; orders to seize all ships from St. Malo to prevent them from being used in the war against Spain.

9 April 1595 [1st Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Embargo hecho en Laredo de dos navios armados del Gobernador de Belle-Ile y de otro navio inglés creyendo ser contrarios a la Unión y Liga Católica
- Informaciones de ser partidarios de los mas fervorosos de Bretaña a la causa de la Unión Católica y que hacen la guerra al Principe de Bearn (Enrique IV)
- Ayuda que recibieron los navios españoles por parte del Marqués de Belle-Ile y su Gobernador
- Orden de desembargar los navios de Belle-Ile
Madrid a 9 de Abril 1595

English-language summary:
9 April 1595, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Concerning embargo in the Cuatro Villas of two armed ships from Belle-Ile, along with an English ship.
Information from the King that the marquis and governor of Belle-Ile are enthusiastic supporters of the Catholic League and order to release the ships.

9 April 1595 [2nd Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Ordenes a Don Juan Velazquez, Capitan General de Guipuzcoa, para aprestar unos navios
Madrid a 9 de Abril 1595

English-language summary:
9 April 1595, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Arrangements for communication between Orellana and Don Juan Velasquez, who is to ready certain ships for dispatch.

16 April 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Preparativos para una Armada de la guarda del Mar Océano
- Ordenes para las levas de gente de mar
Madrid a 16 de Abril 1595

English-language summary:
16 April 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Preparations for 1595 Atlantic Fleet, including methods of payment and dealing with the deserters of the 1594 Fleet.

21 April 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre la detención de los navios de Saint-Malo
- Ordenes a Don Diego Pimentel referentes al fuerte de Blavet (en Bretaña)
- Envio de unos forzados a Don Diego Brochero
Madrid a 21 de Abril 1595

English-language summary:
21 April 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Detention of ships from St. Malo; Fort at Blavet; galley slaves to be sent to Don Diego Brochero, report on their condition requested.

11 May 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Que de las galeras de la costa de Bretaña se ausentaron algunos soldados artilleros y marineros
Madrid a 11 de Mayo 1595

English-language summary:
11 May 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Concerning deserters from the galleys off the coast of Brittany.

15 May 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Envio de forzados a la cárcel de Laredo
- Que por inútiles se manden a Santander a Fernando de la Riva Herrera y alli sean curados
Madrid a 15 de Mayo 1595 (sigue el cumplimiento de estas órdenes)

English-language summary:
15 May 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Instructs that the 5 disabled galley slaves currently in the jail at Laredo be sent to Santander so that Fernando de la Rivaherrera can take care of them.
Response from Nuño Garcia de Chaves, constable of Laredo, dated 14 September 1595 regarding the removal of 5 disabled galley slaves and 13 or 14 more who are ill, and their care.

11 June 1595 [1st Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De la merced hecha a Don Juan de Escobedo, Secretario que fué de Su Magestad, de la tenencia del castillo de Santander con obligación de labrarse y fabricarse a su costa
- Necesidad de reparaciones en el castillo
- Que Pedro de Escobedo, hijo del Secretario don Juan de Escobedo, no ha dejado sucesor legítimo conocido
- Se busque si dejó herederos y lo que acerca de la Alcaidia dejó declarado en su testamento
Madrid a 11 de Junio 1595

English-language summary:
11 June 1595, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Concerning the search for an heir to Juan de Escovedo, and the current condition of the Castle of Santander which is a part of his estate.

11[?] June 1595 [2nd Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre no haber embarcado el Capitan Don Tiberio de Góngora a los forzados en las galeras de Bretaña
Madrid a 11 de Junio 1595

English-language summary:
11[?] June 1595, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Concerning 13 galley slaves who were not taken to Brittany by Don Tiberio de Gongora; Philip wants a report on their condition.

30 June 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Juan Gallo de Andrade, Secretario de Su Magestad, dirigida en nombre de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Sobre el número de familias que ha de haber en las ciudades y villas de estos Reinos, para ejecución del Santo Oficio de la Inquisición se nombran mas de las que puede haber y no son pacíficas, siendo voluntad de Su Magestad no se aumente su múmero y se envie relación al Consejo por donde conocer las que hay
Madrid a 30 de Junio 1595

English-language summary:
30 June 1595, Council (signed by secretary Juan Gallo de Andrada) to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Cuatro Villas has named too many familiars for the Inquisition, and it is the King's will that the present number not get any larger.
The council requests that this be rectified and a new report sent.

7 July 1595 [1st letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Orden a Don Pedro de Zubiaurre que vuelva de su viaje y pasa a Lisboa con algunos de sus navios
- Para evitar ataques de los corsarios que escolte a los navios que salgan para Lisboa y Andalucia
Madrid a 7 de Julio 1595

English-language summary:
7 July 1595, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Mentions order for Don Pedro de Zubiaurre to escort ships heading for Portugal or Andalucia to protect them from privateers, and orders Orellana that ships with those destinations be made to wait for Zubiaurre's protection.

7 July 1595 [2nd Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Instrucciones para cuando regrese de Bretaña Don Juan Velazquez, Capitan General de Guipuzcoa< br> Madrid a 7 de Julio 1595

English-language summary:
7 July 1595, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Instructions to have the ships and seamen ready for Don Juan Velazquez when he returns from Brittany.

15 July 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De los forzados que hay que entregar a las galeras de Bretaña
- Entrega del castillo de Santander a Don Fernando de la Riva Herrera
Madrid a 15 de Julio 1595

English-language summary:
15 July 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
The King comments on the report sent by Orellana concerning the galley slaves still in the Cuatro Villas.
Command of the fort at Santander is given to Fernando de la Rivaherrera.

23 July 1595 [1st Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Encuentro de dos navios de Castro Urdiales con otros francés de mercaderes de Burdeos, luego de rendirse los soldados y marineros mataron e hirieron a varios tripulantes
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 23 de Julio 1595

English-language summary:
23 July 1595, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Ships from the Cuatro Villas attacked at sea; after surrender the attacker still murdered some of the crew.
Philip requests report of legal investigation for the Council of War.

23 July 1595 [2nd Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Licencia para que los navios extranjeros excepto los ingleses puedan venir libremente con bastimentos y con mercaderias
- Molestias causadas en la costa de Vizcaya a algunos navios procedentes de los Estados de Flandes y de la ciudad de Hamburgo
- Ataque de un navio de Laredo a otro de haburgo cargado de hierro
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 23 de Julio 1595

English-language summary:
23 July 1595, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chavez, from San Lorenzo.
Mentions licensing of foreign ships, except the English, to freely trade in the Cuatro Villas.
Inconveniences caused to some ships from Flanders and city of Hamburg by local ships licensed for privateering.
One ship laden with iron and wool was attacked by privateer Juan de Escalante Borroto.

26 July 1595 [1st Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Gente que ha de embarcarse con Don Juan Velazquez y la que ha de llevar a su cargo Don Diego Brochero
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 26 de Julio 1595

English-language summary:
26 July 1595, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Don Juan Velazquez is to have ships ready for return of Pedro de Zubiaurre.
Too few soldiers have been readied for the Atlantic Fleet of Don Diego Brochero, and they will have to be supplemented with seamen.

26 July 1595 [2nd Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 26 de Julio 1595

English-language summary:
26 July 1595, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Special mission for Fernando de la Rivaherrera, for which he is to be given 25 men from those being readied for the Atlantic Fleet.

12 August 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De la presa que hizo el navio de Castro Urdiales
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 12 de Agosto 1595

English-language summary:
12 August 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Concerning the prize taken by a ship from Castro Urdiales.

14 August 1595 [1st Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Encargo a Andrés de Saravia, vecino de Laredo, de hacer el fuerte en la punta de La Rochela
- Licencia a los de Laredo para armar navios y salir en corso contra los ingleses, zelandeses, holandeses y franceses que son enemigos de la Unión Católica
- Facilitar polvora a Andrés de Saravia, para los navios, de la que hay en el castillo de Burgos
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 14 de Agosto 1595

English-language summary:
14 August 1595, first letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Andres Saravia of Laredo, who is in charge of the fort to be built on point of La Rochelle, has armed several ships for privateering.
Mentions licensing of privateers from the Cuatro Villas in 1591 and specific targets.
Saravia has requested gunpowder from the Castle of Burgos to send out more ships.
Philip orders that the gunpowder be sold to Saravia.

14 August 1595 [2nd Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
-Alistamiento de los marineros para la Armada del Mar Océano
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 14 de Agosto 1595

English-language summary:
14 August 1595, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Sailors raised in the recent levy to be sent to the Atlantic Fleet in Pasaje.

30 August 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Envio a Don Juan Velazquez de mas de 400 marineros para servir en la Armada del Mar Océano
- Pagas a los de Vizcaya y Giupuzcoa
- Entrega de la fortaleza de Santander a Don Fernando de la Riva Herrera
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 30 de Agosto 1595

English-language summary:
30 August 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
More than 400 sailors sent to Don Juan Velazquez for the Atlantic Fleet.
Wages need to be standardized for recruits from the Cuatro Villas, Biscay, and Guipuzcoa.
Fort at Santander now under direction of Fernando de la Rivaherrera.

18 September 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- De los forzados que hay que enviar a Bretaña y de sustentarlos entre tanto
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 18 de Septiembre 1595

English-language summary:
18 September 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from San Lorenzo.
Authorization to use royal funds to maintain the galley slaves in the Cuatro Villas.

23 October 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Orden de apresar todos los navios que vinieren de la villa de Saint-Malo, en Bretaña, a los puertos de las Cuatro Villas
San Lorenzo (El Escorial) a 23 de Octubre 1595

English-language summary:
23 October 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Campillo.
Philip advises that ships from St. Malo are approaching the Cuatro Villas; instructions on handling capture of these ships.

30 October 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Del sustento de los galeotes y su costo diario
El Pardo a 30 de Octubre 1595

English-language summary:
30 October 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
The King requests information on the cost of supporting the galley slaves for one day.

12 November 1595

Spanish-language summary:

English-language summary:
12 November 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Precautions to keep soldiers in Brittany from boarding the merchant and supply ships that go into port there, and returning home to the Cuatro Villas without permission.

28 November 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Prohibiendo que los navios de Nantes y Blavet (Bretaña) reciban a ningun soldado de las banderas que están alli sirviendo
- Notificación de esta órden a los dueños, Capitanes y Maestres de los navios que salieron para Bretaña
- Que no embarque ningun soldado ni otra persona española sin licencia de Don Juan del Aguila
- Visitar todos los navios que vengan de Bretaña
El Pardo a 28 de Noviembre 1595

English-language summary:
28 November 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from El Pardo.
Deserters from Brittany picked up by merchant and supply ships and returned to the Cuatro Villas, where they get off before port into local fishing vessels and get home undetected.
Penalties recommended by king to prevent this occurrence.

8 December 1595

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Ración de los galeotes
- Que las galeras de Bretaña reciban a estos forzados
Madrid a 8 de Diciembre 1595

English-language summary:
8 December 1595, Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Philip responds to report that maintenance of galley slaves costs 8 reales per day, including payment of the guard; galleys from Brittany to pick up convicts shortly.

13 December 1595 [1st Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II al Licenciado Don Luis de Contreras Arteaga
- Prohibición de trato y comercio con Inglaterra
- De los rebeldes de Flandes y de los que en Francia siguen al Principe de Bearn (Enrique IV)
- Aviso de la llegada al puerto de Laredo de dos navios de Oleron con vino, sal y papel y que no se proceda contra ellos
Madrid a 13 de Diciembre 1595

English-language summary:
13 December 1595, first letter. Philip II to Licenciado don Luis de Contreras Arteaga, from Madrid.
Reprimanding Licenciado don Luis de Contreras Arteaga, Juez de Comision in Laredo for involving himself in affairs of the port which were not within his jurisdiction, namely the prosecution of the case against the two ships from Oleron which arrived with prohibited goods.
Diego de Orellana de Chaves, the king's corregidor of the Cuatro Villas is named to prosecute the case.
Response of Licenciado Contreras, dated January 1596.

13 December 1595 [2nd Letter]

Spanish-language summary:
- Carta de Felipe II a Don Diego de Orellana de Chaves
- Causa para proceder contra dos navios de Oleron llegados al puerto de Laredo
-Ordenes del Rey
Madrid a 13 de Diciembre 1595

English-language summary:
13 December 1595, second letter. Philip II to Diego de Orellana de Chaves, from Madrid.
Regarding the dispute over which official should preside over the trial of two ships from Oleron which arrived at the port of Laredo.
Philip instructs that Orellana should preside.

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Richard Hacken, European Studies Bibliographer,
Harold B. Lee Library, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA.
Suggestions, corrections and comments are welcome: Hacken @
Last Updated: June 2001.