History of the
American Field Service in France
Anderson, Charles Patrick
(T.M.U. 133-526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, near Conflans, France, September 16, 1918. Age, 22.
Aupperle, Harold Vincent
(S.S.U. 10), Member of Red Cross Mission to Serbia. Died of typhus fever, Serbia, June 14, 1919. Age, 24.
Avard, Percy Leo
(S.S.U. 1), U.S. Navy. Died of pneumonia in Naval Hospital, Charleston, S.C., March 26, 1918. Age, 32.
Bacon, Charles
(T.M.U. 184), U.S. Artillery, Killed in action, near Samogneux, Verdun Sector, October 24, 1918. Age, 22.
Baer, Carlos Willard
(T.M.U. 184), U.S. Engineers. Died of pneumonia, Columbus, Ohio, April 6, 1918. Age, 25.
Bailey, Kenneth Armour
(S.S.U. 70-18), U.S. Field Artillery. Killed in action in the Argonne, October 9, 1918. Age, 22.
Balbiani, Roger Marie Louis
(S.S.U. 1), French Aviation. Killed in action, June, 1918. Age, 30.
Banks, Richard Varian
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in motor truck accident, near Nancy, France, October 30, 1918. Age, 24.
Barclay, Leif Norman
(S.S.U. 2), French Aviation. Killed in aerial combat at Chaux, near Belfort, France, June 1, 1917. Age, 20.
Barker, Robert Harris
(T.M.U. 184), U.S. Infantry. Killed in action, in the Marne counter-offensive, August 10, 1918. Age, 24.
Baylies, Frank Leaman
(S.S.U. 1-3), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, region of Onvillers-Rollot, France, June 17, 1918. Age, 22.
Beane, James Dudley
(S.S.U. 9), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, near Bantheville, France, October 30, 1918. Age, 22.
Benney, Philip Phillips
(S.S.U. 12), French Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, near Verdun, France, January 26, 1918. Age, 22.
Benson, Merrill Manning
(T.M.U. 526), U.S.M.T.C. Died of influenza while en route to the United States, October 16, 1918. Age, 22.
Bentley, Paul Cody
(S.S.U. 65), Volunteer ambulance driver. Died of wounds, front line hospital, September 16, 1917. Age, 22.
Bigelow, Donald Asa
(S.S.U. 17), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, near Paris, June 3, 1918. Age, 20.
Bliss, Addison Leech.
Died of pneumonia, American Hospital, Neuilly, France, February 22, 1917. Age, 24.
Blodgett, Richard Ashley
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, near Lagney, France, May 17, 1918. Age, 21.
Bluethenthal, Arthur
(S.S.U. 3), U.S. Naval Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, at Coivrel, France, June 5, 1918. Age, 26.
Boyer, Wilbur LeRoy
(S.S.U. 4), U.S. Tank Corps. Died of pneumonia, Washington, D.C., October 19, 1918. Age, 24.
Brickley, Arthur Joseph
(S.S.U. 71-32), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died of pneumonia, Appilly, Oise, France, December 9, 1918. Age, 24.
Brown, James Snodgrass
(S.S.U. 71), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died from the effects of gas, U.S. Embarkation Hospital No. 1, April 26, 1919. Age, 26.
Brown, Stafford Leighton
(S.S.U. 17-19), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, near Nantes, France, September 28, 1918. Age, 22.
Bruce, Alexander Bern
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane collision, Fère-en-Tardenois on Fismes front, France, August 17, 1918, Age, 24.
Buckler, Leon Hamlink
(S.S.U. 4), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died of pneumonia, Urbes, Alsace, September 23, 1918. Age, 24.
Burr, Carleton
(S.S.U. 2-9), U.S. Marine Corps. Killed in action, near Soissons, France, July 19, 1918. Age, 26.
Burton, Benjamin Howell, Jr.
(T.M.U. 133), U.S. Field Artillery. Died of laryngeal dema in Base Hospital No. 45, Toul, France, September 18, 1918. Age, 22.
Carkener, Stuart, 2d
(T.M.U. 133), U.S. Field Artillery. Killed in action, near Ronchères, France, July 30, 1918. Age, 21.
Clark, Coleman Tileston
(S.S.U. 3), French Artillery. Died of wounds, Fontenoy, Aisne, France, May 29, 1918. Age, 22.
Clover, Greayer
(T.M.U. 133), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, Romorantin, France, August 30, 1918. Age, 21.
Conover, Richard Steven, 2d
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Infantry. Killed in action, Cantigny, France, May 27, 1918. Age, 20.
Craig, Harmon Bushnell
(S.S.U. 2), Volunteer ambulance driver. Killed in service, Dombasle, Verdun Sector, July 15, 1917. Age, 21.
Craig, Harry Worthington
(S.S.U. 12), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, August 20, 1918. Age, 22.
Culbertson, Tingle Woods
(S.S.U. 1), U.S. Infantry. Killed in action, near Nantillois, Meuse, France, October 4, 1918. Age, 30.
Cumings, Henry Harrison, 3d
(T.M.U. 526). Drowned on Transport Antilles, October 17, 1917. Age, 20.
Davison, Alden
(S.S.U. 8), U.S. Aviation. Killed while training, Fort Worth, Texas, December 26, 1917. Age, 22.
Dix, Roger Sherman, Jr.
(S.S.U. 1), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, Le Crotoy, Somme, France, May 15, 1918. Age, 22.
Donahue, Leon Henton,
U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died of pneumonia, Clermont-Ferrand, France, October 12, 1918. Age, 22.
Dowd, Meredith Loveland
(S.S.U. 1), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, north of Verdun, October 26, 1918. Age, 23.
Dresser, George Eaton
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Tank Corps. Killed in action, Vauquois Woods, France, September 27, 1918. Age, 19.
Dresser, Stephen Raymond
(S.S.U. 2), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died in Paris, March 19, 1919. Age, 20.
DuBouchet, Vivian
(S.S.U. 2-Vos. Det.), U.S. Infantry. Died of wounds, Paris, May 10, 1918. Age, 20.
Edwards, George Lane, Jr.
(T.M.U. 133-211), U.S.M.T.C. Killed in action, near Berry-au-Bac, France, October 24, 1918. Age, 22.
Elliott, William Armstrong
(T.M.U. 133), Civilian, Engineering Department, U.S. Air Service. Died of typhoid at Pauillac, Gironde, France, September 4, 1918. Age, 22.
Ellis, Clayton Carey
(S.S.U. 28), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Killed in action, Reims Sector, August 7, 1918. Age, 22.
Emerson, William Key Bond, Jr.
(S.S.U. 13-3), U.S. Artillery observer. Killed in action, Toul Sector, May 14, 1918. Age, 24,
Fales, Hugo Wing
(T.M.U. 397), U.S.M.T.C. Killed accidentally by shell explosion, Bourges, France, May 2, 1919. Age, 27.
Ferguson, Danforth Brooks
(S.S.U. 2), U.S. Artillery. Died of pneumonia, front line hospital, October 20, 1918. Age, 24.
Fiske, Charles Henry, 3d
(S.S.U. 3), U.S. Infantry. Died of wounds, Red Cross Hospital No. 3, August 24, 1918. Age, 21.
Forbush, Frederic Moore
(S.S.U. 9), U.S. Navy. Died of pneumonia, Philadelphia, Pa., October 6, 1918. Age, 22.
Forman, Horace Baker, 3d
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, September 14, 1918. Age, 24.
Fowler, Eric Anderson
(S.S.U. 4), French Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident at Pau, France, November 26, 1917. Age, 22.
Freeborn, Charles James
(S.S.U. 2-Hdqs.), Liaison Officer, U.S. Army, member of American Military Mission at French General Headquarters. Died of pneumonia in Paris, February 13, 1919. Age, 42.
Frutiger, Theodore Raymond
(S.S.U. 12), Reserve Officers' Training Corps. Died of acute nephritis at Camp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa., April 19, 1918. Age, 25.
Gailey, James Wilson
(S.S.U. 66), Volunteer ambulance driver. Killed in service, near Chemin-des-Dames, France, July 29, 1917. Age, 22.
Gilmore, Albert Frank
(S.S.U. 16), U.S. Aviation. Died of pneumonia, Issoudun, Indre, France, October 3, 1918. Age, 23.
Giroux, Ernest Armand
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, near Laventie, France, May 22, 1918. Age, 22.
Glorieux, Gilbert Robertson
(S.S.U. 9), Field Artillery Training Corps. Died of pneumonia, Camp Zachary Taylor, Louisville, Kentucky, October 13, 1918. Age, 21.
Goodwin, George Waite
(S.S.U. 69), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane collision, Châteauroux, Indre, France, July 15, 1918. Age, 23.
Graham, John Ralston
(S.S.U. 2), U.S. Infantry. Killed in action, near Soissons, France, July 18, 1918. Age, 27.
Hagan, William Becker
(S.S.U. 12), Royal Air Force. Died of pneumonia, while training, Toronto, Canada, May 11, 1919. Age, 20.
Hall, Richard Nelville
(S.S.U. 3), Volunteer ambulance driver. Killed in service, at Hartmannsweilerkopf, December 24, 1915. Age, 21.
Hamilton, Perley Raymond
(S.S.U. 66), Volunteer ambulance driver. Killed in service, near Chemin-des-Dames, July 29, 1917. Age, 24.
Hannah, Fred A.
(S.S.U. 17), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Killed in air raid, Deuxnouds-aux-Bois, France, September 20, 1918. Age, 33.
Harrison, Waller Lisle, Jr.
(S.S.U. 12-3), U.S. Aviation. Killed in accident while training, near Issoudun, Indre, France, October 3, 1918. Age, 22.
Hathaway, Edward Trafton
(S.S.U. 17), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident in France, June 25, 1918. Age, 25.
Hill, Stanley
(S.S.U. 28), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died of wounds, La Veuve, France, August 14, 1918. Age, 21.
Hobbs, Warren Tucker
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, June 26, 1918. Age, 23.
Holbrook, Newberry
(S.S.U. 32), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died of peritonitis, Essey near Nancy, France, February 17, 1918. Age, 28.
Hollister, George Merrick
(S.S.U. 3), U.S. Infantry. Killed in action in the Bois de Forêt, near Cunel, France, October 12, 1918. Age, 22.
Hopkins, Charles Alexander
(T.M.U. 526-184), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, while training, Issoudun, Indre, France, January 30, 1918. Age, 22.
Hopkins, Frank, Jr.,
U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died of heart trouble in General Hospital, Fort Ontario, June 5, 1919. Age, 31.
Houston, Henry Howard, 2d
(S.S.U. 12-T.M.U. 133), U.S. Artillery. Killed in action, near Arcis-le-Ponsart, August 18, 1918. Age, 23.
Humason, Howard Crosby
(T.M.U. 184), U.S. Aviation. Died of pneumonia, Camp Dick, Dallas, Texas, October 21, 1918. Age, 27.
Illich, Jerry Thomas
(S.S.U. 3), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, Toul, France, April 7, 1919. Age, 25.
Jopling, Richard Mather,
U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died in London, England, March 16, 1919. Age, 24.
Kelley, Edward Joseph
(S.S.U. 4), Volunteer ambulance driver. Killed in service, Marre, Verdun Sector, September 23, 1916. Age, 27.
Kendall, Charles Benjamin
(S.S.U. 70-16), U.S. Infantry. Died of pneumonia, Base Hospital, No. 53, France, February 15, 1919. Age, 21.
Kent, Warren Thompson
(T.M.U. 251), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, near Thiaucourt, France, September 7, 1918. Age, 24.
Kimber, Arthur Clifford
(S.S.U. 14), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, in Sedan offensive, near Bantheville, France, September 26, 1918. Age, 22.
King, Gerald Colman
(S.S.U. 8). Died of pneumonia, New York, September 27, 1918. Age, 38.
Kurtz, Paul Borda
(S.S.U. 1-18), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, near Toul, France, May 22, 1918. Age, 23.
Leach, Ernest Hunnewell
(S.S.U. 18), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident while training, January 21, 1918. Age, 22.
Lee, Schuyler
(T.M.U. 526), French Aviation. Killed in action, east of Montdidier, France, April 12, 1918. Age, 19.
Lewis, Stevenson Paul
(S.S.U. 17), U.S. Artillery. Killed in action, near Verdun, France, October 31, 1918. Age, 25.
Lindsley, Paul Warren
(T.M.U. 184), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident at Instruction Center, Issoudun, Indre, France, October 5, 1918. Age, 21.
Lines, Howard Burchard
(S.S.U. 1-8), Volunteer ambulance driver. Died of pneumonia, La Grange-aux-Bois, France, December 24, 1916. Age, 25.
MacKenzie, Gordon Kenneth
(S.S.U. 10-2), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died of wounds, Beauvais, Oise, France, June 14, 1918. Age, 30.
MacMonagle, Douglas
(S.S.U. 3-8), French Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, near Verdun, Forêt de Hesse, France, September 24, 1918. Age, 25.
McConnell, James Rogers
(S.S.U. 2), French Aviation. Killed in aerial combat near Ham, Frnce, March 19, 1917. Age, 28.
Meacham, Robert Douglas
(S.S.U. 16) U.S. Aviation. Died of pneumonia, Louisville, Kentucky, December 14, 1917. Age, 34.
Miller, Walter Bernard
(Vosges Detachment), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aerial combat over the front, August 3, 1918. Age, 25.
Myers, Arthur
(S.S.U. 15), Volunteer ambulance driver. Died as result of shell shock, New York, July, 1917. Age, 30.
Newlin, John Verplanck
(S.S.U. 29), Volunteer ambulance driver. Killed in service, Montzéville, France, August 5, 1917. Age, 19.
Nichols, Alan Hammond
(S.S.U. 14), French Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, Compiègne, France, June 1, 1918. Age, 21.
Norton, George Frederick
(S.S.U. 1), Volunteer ambulance driver. Killed in air raid, near Ludes, Champagne Sector, France, July 12, 1917. Age, 41.
Osborn, Paul Gannett
(S.S.U. 28), Volunteer ambulance driver. Died of wounds at Mourmelon-le-Grand, France, June 26, 1917. Age, 22.
Palmer, Henry Brewster
(S.S.U. 3), French Aviation. Died of pneumonia, Pau, France, November 12, 1917. Age, 29.
Porter, Albert Augustus,
Volunteer ambulance driver. Died of pneumonia. Paris, France, April 25, 1917. Age, 20.
Potter, William Clarkson
(S.S.U. 1), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, October 10, 1918. Age, 22.
Rhinelander, Philip Newbold
(S.S.U. 9-10), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, south of Longuyon, France, September 26, 1918. Age, 23.
Robertson, Malcolm Troop
(S.S.U. 1), U.S. Infantry. Liaison work. Killed in action, in the Ourcq sector, July 30, 1918. Age, 23.
Rogers, Randolph
(S.S.U. 8), U.S. Infantry. Killed in action, near Connigis, France, July 15, 1918. Age, 22.
Root, George Welles
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Tank Corps. Died of pneumonia, Salisbury Court, England, December 25, 1918. Age, 22.
Sambrook, Walter Laidlaw
(T.M.U. 397), U.S.M.T.C. Died of pneumonia, Paris, France, September 6, 1918. Age, 24.
Sargeant, Grandville LeMoyne
(S.S.U. 16), U.S. Aviation. Died of pneumonia, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 16, 1918. Age, 21.
Sayre, Harold Holden
(S.S.U. 10), U.S. Aviation. Killed in action, near Conflans, Fiance, September 14, 1918. Age, 23,
Sortwell, Edward Carter
(S.S.U. 8-3), Volunteer ambulance driver. Killed in motor accident, Salonica, November 11, 1916. Age, 28.
Stewart, Gordon
(S.S.U. 18), U.S. Aviation. Died of meningitis, near Tours, France, January 9, 1918. Age, 21.
Suckley, Henry Eglinton Montgomery
(S.S.U. 3-10), Volunteer ambulance officer. Killed in air raid, Zemlak, Albania, March 19, 1917. Age, 29.
Taber, Arthur Richmond
(S.S.U. 4), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, at Orly, France, February 11, 1919. Age, 25.
Tabler, Kramer Core
(T.M.U. 184), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, near Colombey-les-Belles, May 16, 1919. Age, 24.
Taylor, William Henry, Jr.
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, near St. Mihiel, September 18, 1918. Age, 19.
Tinkham, Edward Ilsley
(S.S.U. 3-4 and T.M.U, 526), U.S. Naval Aviation. Died of meningitis, Ravenna, Italy, March 30, 1919. Age, 25.
Tutein, Chester Robinson
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, November 17, 1918. Age, 23.
Tyson, Stuart Mitchell Stephen
(S.S.U. 1), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aerial combat, near Château-Thierry, July 19, 1918. Age, 20.
Wallace, William Noble
(S.S.U. 1), U.S. Marine Corps. Killed in action, near St. Etienne, Champagne, France, October 9, 1918. Age, 23.
Ward, Galbraith
(Vosges Detachment), U.S. Infantry. Died of pneumonia, Château Vilain, France, December 17, 1918. Age, 26.
Ware, Edward Newell, Jr.
(S.S.U. 13), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. With Hoover Commission after Armistice. Died of smallpox, Bucharest, Roumania, May, 1919. Age, 26.
Warner, Goodwin
(T.M.U. 184-133), U.S.M.T.C. Died of pneumonia, Meaux, France, June 28, 1918. Age, 31.
Watkins, Osric Mills
(Headquarters), U.S. Aviation. Died of pneumonia, Bar-le-Duc, France, October 23, 1918. Age, 21.
Westcott, John Howell, Jr.
(S.S.U. 9), U.S. Infantry. Killed in action, near Cambrai, France, September 29, 1918. Age, 22.
Whyte, William Jewell
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in aeroplane accident, Cazana, France, March 20, 1918. Age, 21.
Winsor, Philip
(S.S.U. 4), U.S.A.A.S. with the French Army. Died of pneumonia, Bussang, France, October 24, 1918. Age, 25.
Woodward, Henry H. Houston
(S.S.U. 13), French Aviation. Killed in aerial combat in the Somme, France, April 1, 1918. Age, 22.
Woodworth, Benjamin Russell
(S.S.U. 1), Volunteer ambulance driver. Killed in aeroplane accident, near La Grange aux Bois, June 15, 1917. Age, 30.
Wright, Jack Morris
(T.M.U. 526), U.S. Aviation. Killed in training. France, January 24, 1918. Age, 19.
Wm. M. Lamont, Robert P. Newlin, John V. Pearl, Wm. A Sanders, Roswell |
3 T.M.U. 133 S.S.U. 29 S.S.U. 1 S.S.U. 4 |
Agar, Wm. M. | S.S.U. 16 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Aldrich, Ellwood H. | S.S.U. 27 | Ordre 132° Division |
Allen, Julian B. L. | S.S.U. 4-29 | Ordre Service Santé Groupe A.B.C., 2° Armée Ordre 120° Div. |
Ames, John W., Jr. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Anderson, Wm. F | S.S.U. 27 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Andrew, A. Piatt | S.S.U. 1 & Hdqrs | Ordre D.S.A. |
Armour, Donald C. | S.S.U. 8-3 | Ordre Service Santé 57° Div. |
Ashton, Chas. M., Jr. | S.S.U. 28 | Ordre 134° Div. |
Atwater, Richard M., 3d | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Baird, Charles, Jr. | S.S.U. 2-3 | Ordre 57° Div. |
Balbiani, R. M. L. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 36° C.A. |
Ballon, Paul H. | S.S.U. 64 | Ordre Service Santé 7° C.A. |
Barber, Wm. M | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre de l'Armée. |
Bartlett, Edward O | S.S.U. 4 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Baylies, Frank L. | S.S.U. 1-3 | Ordre 57° Div. |
Belcher, Donald | S.S.U. 19 | Ordre 58° Div. |
Bentley, Paul C. | S.S.U. 65 | Ordre 121° Div. |
Bigelow, Herbert E. | S.S.U. 19 | Ordre 203° Rgt. 65° Div. |
Bigelow, Wm. De F | S.S.U. 4 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Bixby, Joseph | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Serv. Santé Div. Maroc. |
Bluethenthal, Arthur | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 57° Div. |
Boit, John E. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Bowie, R. H. B., Jr. | S.S.U. 16 | Ordre 64° Div. |
Bowman, R. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 11° C.A. |
Burton, Benjamin H., Jr. | T.M.U. 133 | Ordre D.S.A. |
Burton, Julian Y | S.S.U. 70 | Ordre Service Santé 38° Div. |
Buswell, Leslie | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
Butler, Benjamin F., Jr. | S.S.U. 13 | Ordre Service Santé 10° C.A. |
Campbell, Joshua G. B | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre Service Santé 1° C.A. Col. |
Carey, A. Graham | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre Service Santé 57° D.I. and Ordre 66° Div. |
Cassady, Thomas G. | S.S.U. 13 | Ordre 10° C.A. |
Chew Oswald | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Clark: Coleman T. | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 57° Div. |
Clark, C. E. F | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Clark, John W. | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 129° Div. |
Colter, Lloyd O. | S.S.U. 27 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Conquest, R. F. W | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 65° Div. |
Craig, Harmon B. | S.S.U. 2. | Ordre 16° C.A. |
Craig, Harry W | Ordre 132° Div. | |
Croke, Raymond R. | S.S.U. 18. | Ordre Service Santé 15e C.A |
Curley, Edmund J., Jr. | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 66° Div. |
Curtis, Edward P | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Dallin, Arthur M | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre Service Santé 32° C.A. |
Dawson, Beni. F | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre Service Santé 129° Div. |
Day, Harwood B., | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 69° Div, |
Dell, William S. | S.S.U. 4 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
D'Este, John N. | S.S.U. 8-3 | Ordre Service Santé 76° Div. |
Diemer, Edward J. M | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Dock, George, Jr. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Dock, William | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Dodge, Arthur D. | S.S.U. 8 | Ordre Service Santé 15° C.A. |
Douglas, David B. | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 66° Div. |
Doyle, Luke C. | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 66° Div. |
Dresser, Stephen R. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 48° Div. |
Edwards, Leonard B | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 127° Div. |
Ellingston, John R. | S.S.U. 10 | Ordre Armée Orient |
Elliott, Hugh | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre Service Santé 2° C. Cav, |
Emerson, William K. B., Jr. | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre de la Brig. Arm. Orient |
English, Edwin H. | S.S.U. 9-3 | Ordre de la Brig. Arm. Orient |
English, Richard B | S.S.U. 29 | Ordre du Rgt. de la 120° Div. |
Evans, James A | S.S.U. 4 | Ordre 20° Div. |
Farnham, Frank A | S.S.U 1 | Ordre Service Santé 32° Div. |
Fenton, Powel, | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 66° Div. and Ordre de la Brig. 57° Div. Arm. Orient |
Fischoff, Pierre | S.S.U. 2-14 | Ordre Service Santé 30° C.A. |
Fitzsimons, Frank F | S.S.U. 10 | Ordre 76° Div, |
Flynn, Robert J. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre de la Brigade 42° Div, |
Francklyn, Giles B. | S.S.U. 1-3 | Ordre 11° C.A. |
Freeborn, Charles J. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 73° Div. |
Frick, Frederick C. | S.S.U. 70 | Ordre Service Santé 11° C.A. |
Gailey, James IV | S.S.U. 66 | Ordre 9° C.A. |
Gamble, R. Howard | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre Serv. Santé 2° C. Cav. |
Galatti, Stephen | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre Service Santé 66° Div. |
Gauld, Brownlee B. | S.S.U. 13 | Ordre Service Santé 10° C.A. |
Geibel, Victor 13 | S.S.U. 26 | Ordre 10° C.A. |
Gillespie, James P. | S.S.U 12 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Gilmore, Wm. B. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Glover, J. Halcott | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
Greenhalgh, Charles G. | S.S.U. 4. | Ordre Service Santé 15° C.A. |
Grierson, John M. | S.S.U. 13 | Ordre Service Santé 10° C.A. |
Hale, H.. Dudley | S.S.U. 3. | Ordre 66° Div. |
Hall, Charles B. | S.S.U. 29 | Ordre 120° Div. |
Hall, Richard N. | S.S.U. 3. | Ordre 66° Div. |
Hamilton, Perley R. | S.S.U. 66 | Ordre 9· C.A. |
Hanna, John C. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre de la Brigade 42° Div. |
Hansen, Sigurd | S.S.U. 4 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Harle, James W., Jr. | S.S.U. 1-2-10. | Ordre 76° Div. |
Harper, Raymond | S.S.U. 8-2 | Ordre 65° Div. |
Harrison, Beni. V., Jr. | S.S.U. 64 | Ordre Service Santé 7° C.A. |
Heilbuth, John R. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 65° Div. |
Hibbard, Lyman C. | S.S.U. 1-67 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Hill, Lovering | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 11° Armée, Ordre 66° Div., Ordre 66° Div., and Ordre Armée d'Orient |
Hitt, Laurance W | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre Service Santé 129° Div. |
Hollister, George M. | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre Service Santé 129° Div. |
Holt, William S. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre Service Santé 32° C.A. |
Hope, Herbert H. | T.M.U. 133 | Ordre D.S.A. |
Houston , Henry H.., 29 | S.S.U. 12 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Huffman, Wm. F | S.S.U. 27 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Hughes, Wm. D.. F | S.S.U. 29 | Ordre 120° Div. |
Imbrie, Robert W | S.S.U. 1-3 | Ordre 57° Div. |
Isbell, Charles W | S.S.U. 28 | Ordre 134° Div. |
Iselin, Henry G. | S.S.U. 2-12-4. | Ordre S.S. 20° Div. and Ordre 65° Div. |
Jackson, Everett | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 129° Div. |
Janes, John V. M. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 48° Div. |
Jepson, Walter | S.S.U. 9, | Ordre 11° Div. |
Jouvenat, Victor F | S.S.U. 27 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Kelley, Edward J. | S.S.U 4 | Ordre 31° C.A. |
Kenan, Owen | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 65° Div. |
Kenney, Wm. 1-1 | S.S.U. 29. | Ordre 120° Div. |
Keogh, Grenville T. | S.S.U. 9-3 | Ordre Service Santé 15° C.A. |
Keyes, Joseph B. | S.S.U. 16 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Kreutzberg, John | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre Service Santé 32° C.A. |
Kurtz, Paul B. | S.S.U. 1-18 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Lamont, Robert P. | T.M.U. 133, | Ordre de l'Armée |
Lewis, Philip C. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 3° Div. Coloniale |
Liddell, James A | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Lines, Howard B. | S.S.U. 1-8 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Long, Hilton W | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre Service Santé 126° Div. |
Lovell, Walter | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
MacDonald, Norman W | S.S.U. 64 | Ordre Service Santé 7° C.A. |
MacIntyre, Ewen | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
MacMonagle, Douglas | S.S.U. 3-8 | Ordre 16° Div. |
Macy, Valentine E. , Jr. | T.M.U. 133 | Ordre 11° C.A. |
Magnin, Jacques | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre de la Brigade Arm. Orient |
Martin, Townsend | S.S.U. 29 | Ordre 120° Div. |
Martin, William T. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
Mason. Austin B. | S.S.U. 8 | Ordre Service Santé 6° C.A. Ordre Service Santé 15° C.A. |
McConnell, James R. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
McDougal, Robert D.., Jr. | S.S.U. 15, | Ordre 32° Div. |
McLane, Allen, Jr. | S.S.U. 12 | Ordre 132° Div. |
McMurry, Ora R. | S.S.U. 17 | Ordre 97° Div. |
Meadowcroft, William | S.S.U. 8 | Ordre Service Santé 10° C.A. |
Mellen, Joseph M. | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre Service Santé 66° Div. |
Miles, Theodore | S.S.U. 27 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Miller, Mortimer J. | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Milne, James R. | S.S.U. 28 | Ordre 134° Div. |
Montgomery, Rodman B | S.S.U. 2-4-3 | Ordre 134° Div~ |
Morton, Charles 1 | S.S.U. 18 | Ordre Service Santé 1260 Div. |
Muhr, Allan | S.S.U. 14 | Ordre Service Santé 551 Div. Ordre 8° Div. |
Munroe, John | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 57° Div. |
Myers, Arthur | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Neftel, Basil K. | S.S.U. 8-17 | Ordre 97° Div. (twice) |
Nelson, Henry W | S.S.U. 9-26 | Ordre 10° C.A. |
Newlin, John V. | S.S.U. 29 | Ordre 120° Div.; Ordre de l'Armée |
Norton, G. Frederick | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre de l'Armée |
Ogilvie, Francis D. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 730 Div. |
Olmstead, Chauncey L. | S.S.U. 18 | Ordre Service Santé 15° C.A. |
Osborn, Earl D. | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre 32° Div, |
Osborn, Paul G. | S.S.U. 28 | Ordre 4° Armée |
Overstreet, Harry M. | S.S.U. 17 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Paine, Lansing M. | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Palmer, Henry B | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre de la Brig. Arm. Orient |
Paradise, Robert C. | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Patten, John L. | S.S.U. 29 | Ordre 120° Div. |
Paxton, Charles F | S.S.U. 29 | Ordre 120° Div. |
Pearl, Wm. A | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 32e C.A. |
Peirce, Waldo | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre Service Santé 129° Div. |
Penfield, W. E. | S.S.U. 70 | Ordre Service Santé 38° Div. |
Perkins, Frederick P. | S.S.U. 13 | Ordre Service Santé 4° C.A. |
Plow, Richard H. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 69° Div. |
Potter, Lars S. | S.S.U. 27 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Potter, Russell H.., Jr. | S.S.U. 28 | Ordre Service Santé 30° C.A. |
Potter, Thomas W | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 129° Div. |
Purdy, Harold E. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre Service Santé 32° C.A. |
Putnam, A. J. | S.S.U. 19-70 | Ordre Service Santé 38° Div. |
Putnam, Tracy J. | S.S.U. 1-3 | Ordre Service Santé 66° Div. |
Rantoul, Beverley | S.S.U. 4 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Rice, Durant | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 66° Div. |
Rice, Philip S. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 69° Div. |
Rice, Wm. G. | S.S.U. 1-66 | Ordre Service Santé 17° Div. |
Rich, Dominic W | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre Service Santé 76° Div. |
Rich, Vincent L. | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre Service Santé 16' C.A: |
Riggs, Carroll G. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Roberts, George W | S.S.U. 8-3 | Ordre 65° Div. |
Roeder, George H. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
Rothermel, John G. | S.S.U. 66 | Ordre Service Santé 17° Div. |
Rowland, Durbin W. | S.S.U. 66 | Ordre Service Santé 17° Div. |
Rubinkam, Wynkoop H.~ | S.S.U. 13-3 | Ordre Service Santé 10° C.A. |
Russell, Scott | S.S.U. 8-3 | Ordre Service Santé 76° Div. |
Salisbury, Edward Van D. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 73° Div. |
Samuel, Edward, Jr. | S.S.U. 70 | Ordre Service Santé 11° C.A. |
Sanders, Roswell S. | S.S.U. 4 | Ordre de l'Armée |
Sargent, Daniel | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre Service Santé 57° Div. |
Scannell, Robert H. | S.S.U. 13 | Ordre 60° Div. |
Schroder, Bernard M. P. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
Scully, Rees T. | T.M.U. 133 | Ordre 11° C.A. |
Sherrerd, Henry D.. M | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 48° Div. |
Shober, Samuel L. | S.S.U. 26 | Ordre 10° C.A. |
Shreve, Charles U., 3d | S.S.U. 4 | Ordre Service Santé 15° C.A. |
Slidell, Wm. J. | S.S.U. 18 | Ordre 126° Div. |
Sponagle, James M | S.S.U. 1-65 | Ordre Service Santé 6° C.A. |
Stevenson, Richard D. | S.S.U. 26 | Ordre 10° C.A. |
Stevenson, W. Yorke | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre Service Santé 2° C. Cav. Ordre 2° Armée |
Stockwell, Roy | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre de la Brigade 42° Div. |
Stout, Richard H. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre Service Santé 32° C.A. |
Struby, George B | S.S.U. 2 & T.M.U. 397 | Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Stuart, Kimberly | S.S.U. 4-10 | Ordre 76° Div. |
Suckley, Henry E.. M | S.S.U. 3-10 | Ordre 66° Div. |
Swan, William D. | S.S.U. 10 | Ordre 76° Div. |
Tapley, Russell W | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre de la Brig. 42° Div. |
Taylor, John C | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
Thompson, Henry B., Jr. | T.M.U. 133 | Ordre 11° C.A. |
Thompson, James L. | S.S.U. 13-65 | Ordre 10° C.A. |
Tinkham, Edward 1 | S.S.U. 3-4 & T.M.U. 526 | Ordre Service Santé 129° Div. |
Townsend, Edward D. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 32° Div. Ordre 69e Div. |
Townsend, Herbert P. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 16* C.A.; Ordre C.A. Group D.E.; Ordre rio C.A. Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Van Alstyne, David, Jr. | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Walden, Donald M | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
Walker, Croom W., Jr. | S.S.U. 12-68 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Walker, J.. Marquand | S.S.U. 3-2 | Ordre Service Santé 66° Div. Ordre Brig. Armée d'Orient |
Walker, W. H.. C | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 65° Div. |
Wallace, William H.., Jr. | S.S.U. 4-28 | Ordre 134° Div. Ordre Service Santé 31° C.A. |
Warren, Henry B | S.S.U. 70 | Ordre 11° C.A. |
Webster, Herman A | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre 65° Div. |
Weeks, Francis D. | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Westwood, Richard W | S.S.U. 64 | Ordre Service Santé 7° C.A. |
Wheeler, Berkeley | S.S.U. 2-27 | Ordre 132° Div. |
Wheeler, Walter H. | S.S.U. 3 | Ordre 129° Div. |
White, James M | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre de la Brig. 42° Div. |
White, Victor G. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 2° Div. Col. Ordre Serv. Santé 1° C.A. Col. |
Whitney, Raymond J. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Wick, Myron C., Jr. | S.S.U. 15 | Ordre Service Santé 16° C.A. |
Wilder, Amos N. | S.S.U. 2-3 | Ordre 76° Div. |
Willis, Harold B. | S.S.U. 2 | Ordre Service Santé 73° Div. |
Winant, Cornelius | S.S.U . 3 | Ordre 57° Div. |
Woodbridge, John S. | S.S.U. 66 | Ordre Service Santé 17° Div. |
Woodworth, Benjamin R. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 32° Div. |
Woolverton, Win. H. | S.S.U. 1 | Ordre 121° Div. |
S.S.U. I | 16° Corps d'Armée; Corps d'Armeé, Groupement D.E.; Service de Santé, 6° C.A.; 2° Armée. |
S.S.U. II | 73° Division (twice). |
S.S.U. III | 66° Division. |
S.S.U. VIII | Service de Santé, 6° C.A.; Service de Santé, 8° C.A.; Service de Santé, 11° C.A. |
S.S.U. IX | 11° Division. |
S.S.U. XIII | 4° Armée. |
S.S.U. XIV | 8° Division; 55° Division. |
S.S.U. XVII | 97° Division. |
S.S.U. XVIII | 126° Division. |
S.S.U. XXVI | 10° Corps d'Armée. |
S.S.U. LXV | 68° Division. |
T.M.U. 133 | 3° Peloton, C.A., 6° Armée. |
Harvard | 325 | Iowa State | 8 |
Yale | 187 | Minnesota | 8 |
Princeton | 181 | Haverford | 7 |
Dartmouth | 118 | Johns Hopkins | 7 |
Cornell | 105 | Miami | 7 |
California | 68 | Nebraska | 7 |
Leland Stanford | 54 | New York | 6 |
Columbia | 48 | Ohio | 6 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 47 | Trinity | 6 |
Michigan | 35 | Colorado | 5 |
Williams | 35 | Oxford | 5 |
Chicago | 34 | Utah | 5 |
Pennsylvania | 33 | Wabash | 5 |
Syracuse | 32 | Washington & Jefferson | 5 |
Amherst | 30 | Western Reserve | 5 |
Illinois | 30 | Hobart | 4 |
Wisconsin | 29 | Indiana | 4 |
Missouri | 28 | Kansas | 4 |
Bowdoin | 22 | North Carolina | 4 |
Virginia | 21 | Stevens Institute Technology. | 4 |
Tufts | 20 | Texas | 4 |
Brown | 18 | Union | 4 |
Washington | 18 | University of Washington | 4 |
Wesleyan | 16 | Carnegie Institute Technology. | 3 |
Northwestern | 15 | Colgate | 3 |
Beloit | 15 | Fordham | 3 |
Marietta | 13 | George Washington | 3 |
Boston | 10 | Kenyon | 3 |
Oberlin | 9 | Pittsburgh | 3 |
Pomona | 9 | Rochester | 3 |
Lehigh | 9 | Rutgers | 3 |
Hamilton | 8 |
Each of the following were represented by two men in the Service: Arizona, Case, Cincinnati, Clark, Colby, Davidson, Georgetown, Georgia, Lafayette, Manhattan, Maryland, Nevada, New Hampshire State, Purdue, Rhode Island State, St. Louis, St. Stephens, Sewanee, University of Paris, Washington, and Lee.
The following had one man each in the Service: Alfred, Annapolis, Baylor, Carleton, Catholic University of America, Coe, Delaware, Denison, Duquesne, Elon, Emporia, Florida, Hanover, Hillsdale, Holy Cross, Kalamazoo, Lake Forest, Loyola, Maine, Marquette, McGill, Middlebury, Millsaps, Montana, Newberry, North Dakota, Notre Dame, Randolph-Macon, Rock Hill, South Carolina, Swarthmore, Temple, University of Alabama, University of California, University of the South, Vanderbilt, Villa Nova, Whitworth, William Jewell, Wilmington, West Virginia, Winona, Wyoming.
*The above list includes only students or graduates of the higher institutions of learnIng. many schools and academies were also represented by youths who were preparing themselves for colleges which they had not yet entered. Phillips Academy, Andover, for instance, sent a unit of more than twenty men. These are not included In the foregoing table.
OF the former Field Service men who entered the United States Forces, 784 received commissions as officers in Aviation, Infantry, Artillery, and other branches. The ranks obtained were as follows:
2 Lieutenant-Colonels 267 First Lieutenants 12 Majors 376 Second Lieutenants 87 Captains 40 Ensigns
Upon completing their engagement, 150 Field Service men entered French Aviation or Artillery. In this group the following ranks were attained:
1 | Capitaine | 54 | Sous-Lieutenants |
1 | Lieutenant | 48 | Aspirants |
From the Field Service 48 men went into the British Army, serving chiefly in the Royal Air Force. By this group commissions were received as follows:
Commissions in the following branches of the United States Forces were received by former members of the Field Service during the war.
Aviation |
222 |
Artillery |
156 |
U.S.M.T.C |
130 |
Infantry |
70 |
U.S.A.A.S |
69 |
Naval Aviation |
31 |
Navy |
21 |
Tank Corps |
15 |
Engineers |
14 |
Sanitary Corps |
12 |
Chemical Warfare Service |
8 |
Ordnance |
7 |
Medical Corps |
7 |
Q.M. Dept |
6 |
Signal Corps |
6 |
Marine Corps |
4 |
Military Intelligence |
2 |
Interpreter |
2 |
Balloon Corps |
2 |
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THE following fifty-eight French Infantry divisions were, at one time or another, served by sections of the American Field Service. A section, so assigned to a division, did the entire evacuation and transportation of wounded for that division, and in many instances did additional work at the same time for the corps or army to which the division was attached:
In addition, Field Service sections served four Colonial divisions: the 2d, 3d, 39th, and 48th; also the 2d Dismounted Cavalry and the 2d Serbian Divisions.
The following abbreviations in this list may need explanation; they are the phrases in common use in the armies:
C.A. | Corps d'Armée | Army Corps. |
C.C.P. | Corps de Cavalerie à Pieds | Dismounted Cavalry Corps; several Cavalry divisions and corps in France were dismounted for the war. |
D.C. | Division Coloniale | Colonial Division; recruited from the French colonies. |
D.C.P. | Division de Cavalerie à Pieds | Dismounted Cavalry Division. |
Division de Maroc | Moroccan Division. | |
D.I. | Division d'Infanterie | Infantry Division. |
G.Q.G. | Grand Quartier Général | General Headquarters. |
Section 1. |
Left Paris January, 1915; became Section 625, September, 1917. Detached unit in Flanders, January to April, 1915; Attached 45e D.I., April to December, 1915; 3e D. Coloniale, January to July, 1916; 32e D.I., July, 1916, to March, 1917; Division Russe, 5e Armée, March to May, 1917; 2e C.C.P., May to August, 1917, 69e D.I., August, 1917, to February, 1919. |
Section 2. |
Left Paris April, 1915; became Section 626, September, 1917. Attached 73e D.I., April, 1915, to February, 1916; Hôpitaux, Monthairon, Vadelaincourt, Bar-le-Duc, February to September, 1916; 65e D.I., September, 1916, to June, 1917; 73e D.I., June to August, 1917; 48e D.I. (Zouave), August, 1917, to March, 1919. |
Section 3. |
Left Paris April, 1915. Attached 66e D.I., April, 1915, to January, 1916; 20e C.A. and repos, February to April, 1916; 129e D.I., April to September, 1916; to Salonica, October, 1916; 57 e D.I., Armée d'Orient. November, 1916, to May, 1917; Division Provisoire en Grèce, June to July, 1917, 2e D. Serbe, July to August, 1917; 156e D.I., Armée d'Orient, August to October, 1917; October, Section returned to France and was dissolved. |
Section 4. |
Left Paris November, 1915; became Section 627, September, 1917. Attached 64e D.I., January, 1916, to May, 917; 20e D.I., May, 1917, to March, 1918; G.Q.G. and 10e Armée, March to June, 1918; le D.I., June, 1918, to February, 1919. |
Section 8. |
Left Paris May, 1916; became Section 628, September, 1917. Attached 12e D.I., May to July, 1916; 18e D.I., July to September, 1916; 16e D.I., September, 1916, to January, 1917; 126e D.I., January to May, 1917; 60e D.I., May to August, 1917; 169e D.I., August, 1917, to January, 1919. |
Section 9. |
Left Paris August, 19 16; became Section 629, September, 1917. Attached 52e D.I., August, 1916, to January, 1917; 123e D.I., January, 1917; 130e D.I., January to February, 1917; 63e D.I., February to June, 1917; 11e D.I., June to December, 1917; also 67e D.I. at this time; 41e D.I., December, 1917, to January, 1919. |
Section 10 |
Left Paris for Salonica, December, 1916. Attached 760 D.I., Armée d'Orient, serving in Albania, February to October, 1917, when the Section returned to France and was dissolved. |
Section 12. |
Left Paris February, 1917; became Section 630, October, 1917. Attached 132e D.I., February to April, 1917; 71e D.I., April, 1917, to February, 1918; 1e Armée, February to May, 1918; 60e D.I., May, 1918, to February, 1919. |
Section 13. |
Left Paris March, 1917; became Section 631, September, 1917. Attached 169e D.I., March to August, 1917; also during May to the 48e D.I. Coloniale; 60e D.I., August to October, 1917; 63e D.I., November, 1917, to June, 1918; 34e D.I., June, 1918, to February, 1919. |
Section 14. |
Left Paris March, 1917; became Section 632, December, 1917 Attached 55e D.I.., March to August, 1917; 8e D.I., September, 1917, to February, 1919. |
Section 15. |
Left Paris April, 1917; became Section 633, November, 1917. Attached 32e D.I., April to October, 1917; 1240 D.I., October, 1917, to February, 1919. |
Section 16. |
Left Paris April, 1917; became Section 634, November, 1917. Attached 64e D.I., April to October, 1917; 164e D.I., November to December, 1917; 2e Armée, December, 1917, to January, 1918; 3e D.I., January to September, 1918; 53e D.I., October, 1918, to March, 1919. |
Section 17. |
Left Paris April, 1917; became Section 635, November, 1917. Attached 97e D.I., May, 1917, to February, 1918; 2e D.C.P., February, 1918, to March, 1919. |
Section 18. |
Left Paris May, 1917; became, with men from Section 70, Section 636, November, 1917 Attached 126e D.I., May to September, 1917; 87e D.I.., January, 1918 to February, 1919. |
Section 19. |
Left Paris May, 1917; became Section 637, September, 1917 Attached 65e D.I., May to October, 19I7;.58e D.I., November, 1917, to March, 1919. |
Section 26. |
Left Paris May, 1917; became Section 638 with men of Section 69, October, 1917. Attached 19e D.I., June to August, 1917; 7 e D.I., August, 1917, to March, 1919 |
Section 27. |
Left Paris June, 1917; became Section 639 with Section 72, November, 1917 Attached 132e D.I., June, 1917, to March, 1918; 18e D.I., March, 1919, to March, 1919. |
Section 28. |
Left Paris June, 1917; became Section 640, September, 1917 Attached 134e D.I., June, 1917, to August, 1918; 91st American Division, August to November, 1918; 8e Armée, November, 918; 76e D.I., November, 19j8, to March, 1919. |
Section 29. |
Left Paris June, 1917; became Section 641, with men of Section 71, November, 1917. Attached 120e D.I., November, 1917, to May, 1918; 17e D.I., May, 1918, to February, 1919. |
Section 30. |
Left Paris July, 1917; became Section 642, with men of Section 18, October, 1917. Attached 2e and 10e Armées, July to November, 1917; 22e D.I., December, 1917, to February, 1919. |
Section 31. |
Left Paris July, 1917; became Section 643, September, 1917. Attached 25e D.I., August, 1917; 14e D.I., September, 1917, to January, 1918; 20e D.I., March, 1918, to March, 1919. |
Section 32. |
Left Paris August, 1917; became Section 644, November, 1917 Attached 48e Division de Maroc, August, 1917, to February, 1919. |
Section 33. |
Left Paris August, 1917; became Section 645, November, 1917. Attached 26e D.I., September, 1917, to March, 1919. |
Section 64. |
Left for the Front June, 1917; ceased to exist upon the militarization of the Service. Attached 19e D.I., August to October, 1917 |
Section 65. |
Left for the Front June, 1917; became Section 622, September, 1917. Attached 68e D.I., July to August, 1917; 157e D. I., August to September, 1917; 121e D.I., December, 1917, to January, 1919. |
Section 66. |
Left for the Front July, 1917; became Section 623, September, 1917. Attached 17e D.I., July to August, 1917; 46e Division, Chasseurs Alpins, August to November, 1917; 61e D.I., November, 1917, to March, 1919. |
Section 67. |
Left for the Front July, 1917; became Section 624, September, 1917. Attached 154e D.I., July, 1917, to February, 1918; 5e C.A., March to May, 1918; 33e C.A., May, 1918; 53e D.I., May to October, 1918; 15e C.A., October to November, 1918; 12e D.I., January to March, 1919. |
Section 68. |
Left for the Front July, 1917; became Section 621, September, 1917. Attached 74e D.I., September, 1917, to March, 1919. |
Section 69. |
Left for the Front July, 1917, became Section 638 with the Ford cars of Section 26. Attached 131e D.I., September to October, 1917; 7e D. I., October, 1917, to March, 1919. |
Section 70. |
Left for the Front July, 1917; became Section 636 with the Ford cars of Section 18, November, 1917. Attached 53e D.I., July to August, 1917; 38e Division Coloniale, August to November, 1917; 87e D.I., January, 1918, to February, 1919. |
Section 71. |
Left for the Front August, 1917; became Section 641 with Section 29, November, 1917. Attached 158e D.I., August to November, 1917; 120e D.I., November, 1917, to May, 1918; 17e D.I., May, 1918, to March, 1919. |
Section 72. |
Left for the Front August, 1917; became Section 639, with cars of Section 27, November, 1917. Attached 132e D.I., November, 1917, to March, 1918; 18e D.I., March, 1918, to February, 1919. |