This section of WWI/WWW offers commentaries and articles on special topics of the Great War.
These bibliographies, books, historical analyses, historical opinions and articles are the work of many different historians with varying points of view. Their examinations of issues and events are often based on primary documents but in some cases rely on preference or interpretation. The webmasters of this website do not vouch or take responsibility for the accuracy of the argumentation presented.
Please consult the copyright notice on the WWI/WWW home page for details and citation formats.
The Maritime War. Naval action during the Great War.
A multi-part presentation.
The Medical Front. All aspects of Medical involvement in the Great War.
The 'flu, nursing, treatment of wounds and other topics.
Recommended Reading chosen by members of WWI-L.
Texts listed alphabetically by title
Ambassador Morgenthau's Story
by Henry Morgenthau
New York: Doubleday Page, 1918
American Ambassador in Turkey (1913-1916)See also: A critical commentary by Harry E. Barnes on Ambassador Morgenthau's Story The American Indian in the Great War: Real and Imagined
by Diane Camurat
Master's Thesis, 1996The American Negro in the World War
by Emmett J. Scott, Special Assistant to the Secretary of War,
ARNO Press, 1919American Volunteerism in France
by Alan Albright
The development of relief work, in and out of war, 1996American Volunteers of the Great War
by Alan Albright
Full title: "Notable American Volunteers of the Great War"American Women and the World War
by Ida Clyde Clarke
New York: Appleton, 1918.America's Part.
by Henry J. Reilly.
New York: Cosmopolitan Book Corp. 1928.The Archaeology of the Western Front 1914-1918.
by Nils Fabiansson.Armenia and the War. An Armenian's Point of View with an Appeal to Britain and the Coming Peace Conference.
by A.P. Hacobian.
New York, 1918.
The Basmachi Movement From Within: Account of Zeki Velidi Togan -
by HB PaksoyThe Battle of 3rd Ypres (Passchendaele)
by Geoffrey Miller, 1996
Analysis of the battle and part of the Great Haig Debate(The Battle of) Third Ypres: A Decisive Victory?
by Gervase Phillips, 1998
Analysis of the battle and part of the Great Haig DebateBilly Bishop
Official Canadian Air Force biography, 1995Black Hand
by Micheal Shackelford, 1996
The Secret Serbian Terrorist SocietyThe Bridge to France.
by Edward N. Hurley.
Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1927.The British Agent.
by R. H. Bruce Lockhart.
New York & London: Putnam's Sons, 1933.The Bryce Report
by Linda Robertson.
Regarding the Bryce Commission's findings on German atrocities in Belgium, 1915
The Bryce Report is available in its entirety.The Buffalo Soldiers at Fort Huachuca
by James P. Finley
Huachuca Illustrated, A Magazine of Fort Huachuca Museum,
Volume 1, 1993. Buffalo Soldiers, Punitive Expedition of 1916The Buffalo Soldiers at Fort Huachuca
by James P. Finley
Huachuca Illustrated, A Magazine of Fort Huachuca Museum,
Volume 2 , 1996. Buffalo Soldiers, WWI
Le Camp américain d'Allerey (1918-1919).
by Antonin Guillot
Groupe d'Etudes Historiques de Verdun-sur-le-Doubs. 1999.China and the World War
by W. Reginald Wheeler
New York: MacMillan, 1919
With official documents in appendixA Chronology of the Mediation Attempts in July 1914
by Edward Rawes, October 1999The Commission for Relief in Belgium
by George I. Gay, 1929A Conversation with Paul Fussell
Humanities, November/December 1996
Dere Mable
Yankee humor, 1918La Deuxième Bataille de la Marne.
Guides Illustrés Michelin des Champs de Bataille 1914-1918.
Paris: Michelin. 1919.Dicta Boelcke
by Micheal Shackelford
Hauptman Boelcke's "Rules" for making successful fighter pilots. Annotated.The Death of Manfred von Richthofen: Who fired the fatal shot?
by Dr. M. Geoffrey Miller, 1998
Economic Aspects of the War.
by Edwin J. Clapp.
New Haven, 1915.
Features of the War:
by Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig, 1919.Foch à la Marne
par Robert Villate, 1933.
La 9e Armée aux
Marais de Saint-Gond (6-10 septembre 1914).
The Geography of the Great War
by Frank M. McMurry
New York: Macmillan, 1920.The Great Adventure of Panama
by Philippe Bunau-Varilla, 1920.
The Canal, German intrigue and the Great War.
Haig: The Great Captain
by Gervase Phillips, 1998.
A defense of General Haig. Part of the Great Haig DebateHaig: Was He a Great Captain?
by Geoffrey Miller, 1996
An indictment of General Haig. Part of the Great Haig DebateHistoire illustrée de la Guerre de 1914
Paris: Gounouilhou, 1915
Digitized by the University of Wisconsin Madison Libraries
- en français -The Hoover Institution Archives' Holdings on World War, 1914-1916
The Imperial Japanese Mission, 1917
Washington, D.C.: Carnegie Endowment, 1918
With texts of documents in appendix.In the Ranks.
New York: Sam Gabriel & Co., 1918.Inside Knowledge: API-API and the Netherlands' Mobilization
by Hubert P. van Tuyll, 1997Ireland---Enemy of the Allies?
by R.C. Escouflaire.
New York, 1920.
(Translated from the French)Italy and the World War
by Thomas Nelson Page.
[American Ambassador to Italy from 1913 to 1919]
New York, 1920.
The Jewish Company of the Shanghai Volunteer Corps
by Benis M. Frank, 1995
Compared with other Jewish Diaspora Fighting Units between 1853 and 1914-18.
Kitchener, Organizer of Victory
by Harold Begbie
London, 1915.
The Last Wounded U.S. WWI Veteran Dies at 108.
Associated Press, 9 January 2004.
The Making and Putative Implementation of a British Policy of Gesture,
December 1905 to August 1914:
The Anglo-French Entente Revisited.
by K.M. Wilson
Originally appeared in Canadian Journal of History XXXI (August 1996), pp. 227-255.La Marne (1914) I. L'Ourcq.
Guides Illustrés Michelin des Champs de Bataille 1914-1918.
Paris: Michelin. 1918.
Native Soldiers, Foreign Battlefields:
The Wartime Contribution of Canada's First Peoples
by Canadian Veterans AffairsThe Neutrality of Belgium
by Alexander Fuehr
New York: Doubleday Page, 1918
A Study of the Belgian Case by a German jurist.
On the Edge of the Gunpowder Barrel:
The Netherlands and the Coming of World War I, 1870-1914
by Hubert P. van Tuyll, 1995
by Roland G. Usher.
New York, 1915.Pan-Germanism.
by Roland G. Usher.
New York, 1913.
Reconstruction and World War I
by Lesley D. Slavitt, 1994The Repression of War Experience
by W.H.R. Rivers, MD, 1918The Role of Railways In The War,
by Edwin A. Pratt
Sarajevo, June 28, 1914
by Micheal Shackelford, 1997
The Assassination of Archduke Franz FerdinandThe Secret Treaties and Understandings.
by F. Seymour Cocks.
London: Union of Democratic Control, [1918].Serbia Through Russian Eyes
from the Soviet EncyclopaediaOn Special Missions.
by Charles Lucieto.
New York, 1927.Statesmen of the War in Retrospect.
by William Martin. New York, 1928.The Static Front
by Michael J. Crane, Sr., 1989
Why There Was No Breakthrough in World War I on the Western Front'The Surafend Affair,'
Chapter XLV, pages 787 to 791, of Volume VII,
The Official History of Australia in the War of 1914 to 1918
by H. S. Gullett
The Treatment of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire 1915 - 1916
by Viscount Bryce
London: 1916.The Truth about the Treaty
by André Tardieu, 1921.
An explanation of the Treaty by a French High Commissioner
Union Interalliée.
33 Faubourg Saint-Honoré, Paris. 1922U.S. And Bolshevik Relations With The TBMM Government: 1919-1921
by HB Paksoy
The Vanguard of American Volunteers
by Edwin W. Morse
New York: E.P. Dutton, 1919Verdun--la Somme: 1916
Exposition à la Gare de l'Est, Paris, 23 septembre-6 novembre 1996
by Jean-Pierre Verney.
Ministère des Anciens Combattants et Victimes de GuerreLa violation de la neutralité belge et luxembourgeoise par l'Allemagne
by André Weiss.
New York: Cosmopolitan Book Corp. 1928.
Book of the War. A Concise View of its Causes, Countries Involved, Theaters of Action,
Leaders and Chief Events Shown in Parallel Columns and Striking Picture Maps.
by Henry W. Ruoff.
Standard Publication Company, 1918.War Facts and Peace Problems
by Arthur J. Frothingham.
New York: Committee on Organized Education of the National Security League, 1919The War Department: Keeper of Our Nation's Enemy Aliens During World War I.
The Role of the United States War Department on the 'Home Front'
by Mitchel Yockelson, 1998.War and the Private Investor.
by Eugene Staley.
Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1935.The War of Steel and Gold. A Study of the Armed Peace.
by Henry Noel Brailsford.
London, 1918 (1914)
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-- Last Updated: January 2004.