Master's Thesis submitted in 1993 to the Institut Charles V of the University of Paris VII
This work is used with consent. © Diane Camurat
What struck me the most when I heard that 17,000 Native Americans had served in the Great War was that, not even thirty years after the end of the Indian wars, American Indians were willing to fight alongside their former enemy. I also was under the impression that most Native Americans had not been American citizens before the American Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 and wondered therefore how they could have been enlisted in the army, but also if their actual enlistment had anything to do with the granting of citizenship to American Indians in 1924. With this in mind, I began to sift through books on American history for anything concerning Native Americans fighting with the American armyand not against itand on the status of Native Americans in 1917 according to United States law. I also tried to gather sources on the situation of American Indian affairs in the years preceding the Great War
Meanwhile, I looked for information on the participation of American Indians in World War I but found little. Books dealing with the general history of Native Americans either failed to speak about the subject or dismissed it quickly with a participation figure which varied from one text to the next. The first concrete elements I found seemed only indirectly related to what I was looking for: emblems. The insignia of the Second Division of the American Expeditionary Forces was a Plains Indian head.(1) Section One of the American Ambulance Field Service also used a similar motif,(2) as well as the Lafayette Escadrille.(3 )Exploring this phenomenon, I noticed that, on pictures of American memorials erected after the Great War in France, the same Indian head profile appearsa motif taken even further in the memorial located in Tours where American intervention has been symbolized by an Indian raising his hands towards an eagle. While exploring visual traces, I also began to become aware of other forms of stereotyping such as the portrayal in newspaper articles in the Stars and Stripes, the official review of the American Expeditionary Forces, of the "typical" image of Native American soldiers as brave yet primitive warriors.
The presence of American Indians in the Great War as symbols interested me all the more as I found little on their actual presence. Accordingly, I began looking for information on the image of the Indian, in order to try to understand the meaning of the symbol of the Indian in the Great War. At this point, I had the good fortune to be directed to Russel L. Barsh. The information he sent me and the discussion we had later helped me a great deal to advance in my understanding of the subject of the actual presence of Native Americans in WWI. At the same time, with no desire to duplicate Russel Barsh's extensive research, and without the time in the course of a year's research to explore American archives myself, I realized that Russel Barsh was likely to be my only source on this aspect of my study. I therefore decided to put less emphasis on my treatment of the presence of American Indians in military units in France, and devote more energy to exploring the causes that led to their participation in the first place. In the same way, all consequences of the participation of American Indians in the Great War are limited in my study to the years immediately following WWI. It would have been quite another undertaking to analyse the long-term consequences of their military experience.
During my investigations at the French military and diplomatic archives, I rapidly realized that I would find little, if anything, on the participation of Native Americans in the Great War. Thus, I turned increasingly towards the B.D.I.C. (Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine) in Nanterre, the Documentation Center of the Historial de la Grande Guerre (Museum of the Great War) in Péronne, the C.R.H.E.U. (Centre de Recherches sur l'Histoire des Etats-Unis) in Paris, and the B.P.I. (Bibliothèque Publique d'Information, Beaubourg) in Paris, for primary sources in the form of original documents or compilations of texts made later. As time went on, I gathered more and more primary documents, along with all the related secondary sources, the analysis of which helped me to understand many unclear points. I eventually found myself with more material than I had anticipated. What there was enabled me to carry out this study but, even more than that, it opened vistas of promising fields of study.
1.2.1. Inter-Indian Alliances before the Europeans
1.2.2. From Colonial Times to the War of 1812
The Pequot War, 1636-1637
King Philip's War, 1675-1676
The Covenant Chain
The French and Indian War, 1754-1763
The American Revolution, 1775-1783
The War of 1812
2.1. Enlisting Indian Scouts, Military Efficiency and the "Civilizing" Process
American Indian Soldiers in the Confederate Troops
American Indian Soldiers Fighting with the Union
1. Grant's Peace Policy and Its Developments, 1869-1879
1.1. From Military Uniforms to Men of the Cloth
1.2. The Last Native American Upheavals
2. The "Social Gospel," 1879-1897
2.1. Growing Concern for the American Indians
2.1.1. The Ponca Removal and Flight of the Cheyenne
2.1.2. Humanitarian Organizations
2.1.3. Education
The General Allotment Act (February 8, 1887)
Allotment in Indian Territory
2.2.2. Ghost Dance; A Doomed Revival
3. A "Progressive Era" for the American Indians, 1897-1917
3.1. Loss of Lands and Acculturation
3.1.1. Acceleration of Allotment
The Five Commissioners of Indian Affairs
The Culmination of Allotment
3.1.2. Difficult Adaptation for the American Indians
3.1.3. Two Forms of Pan-Indianism
3.2.1. From Off-Reservation Boarding School to the Public School
Attack on the Off-Reservation School System
Vocational Training
1. Inventing the Indian and Representing Him from the First Encounters to the Civil War
1.1. From Colonial Times to the 1820s
1.1.1. The Colonial Period
1.1.2. The Indian of the Young Republic
1.2. The Romantic Indian: Paintings and Literature
1.2.1. James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)
1.2.2. George Catlin (1796-1872)
2. Various Images of the Indian, 1860-1917
2.1.1. From the Dime Novels to the First Movies
2.1.2. Objects in Wide Circulation
European Popular Literature and the Example of Karl May
- Newspaper Articles and Ethnological Exhibitions in France
- Newspaper Articles
- Ethnological Exhibitions
2.2. The Vanishing, the Scientific, and the Official Indian in the United States
- Edward Sheriff Curtis (1868-1952)
- Joseph Kossuth Dixon and Rodman Wanamaker
1. Debate: Segregation vs. Integration
1.1. State of Affairs in April 1917
2. Were Native Americans Subject to the Draft in 1917?
2.1. American Indian Citizenship in 1917
2.2. American Indians and the Draft
2.2.1. Indian Draft Status
2.2.2. Draft Incidents
2.2.3. Entering the War as a Sovereign Nation
1. Indian Military Service in WWI
1.1.1. Total Indian Participation: State of the Research
1.1.2. How Many Volunteered for the Canadian Army?
1.1.3. Indians in the Army: Numbers and Proportions
1.1.4. Casualties
1.2. Registration, Draft, and Assignments
1.3.1. Indian School Students
1.3.2. Geographic Origin of American Indian Soldiers
1.4.1. Military Training at Indian Schools
1.4.2. Patriotism
1.4.3. "Common Cause with the Allies"
1.4.4. Proof of American Loyalty
1.5.1. Heroes, Like All the Others
1.5.2. The Choctaw Code Talkers
1.5.3. Life on the Front: the Work of the Y.M.C.A.
2. American Indian Civil Service During WWI
2.2. Working for the Government and the Red Cross
2.2.1. Recruiting Agents
2.2.2. Liberty Bond and War Stamp Salespersons
2.2.3. Supporting the Red Cross
1. The "Redskins" Against the "Huns"
1.2. The German Seen by the Americans and the American Indian Seen by the German
1.2.1. The Huns
1.2.2. The "Hun" Identifying with the "Redskin"
1.2.3. The "Huns" Frightened by the "Redskins"
1.3. The Everlasting Stereotypes, and a New One
1.3.1. Savage against Savage: Civilizing Process
1.3.2. The Primitive Warrior
1.3.3. "The Millionaire Company"
1.1. Integration in the Military
1.1.1. Lt. Eddy's Report on Indian Abilities
1.1.2. Debate: Separate Units vs. Total Integration, Part II
1.2. Strangers in a Strange Land
1.2.1. Wartime Fraternization
1.2.2.War as a Rite of Passage and 1924 Citizenship Acts
The November 6, 1919 Indian Citizenship Act
The June 2, 1924 Indian Citizenship (Snyder) Act
2. Impact on the Life of Native Americans
1 . Stars and Stripes. January 17, 1919.
2 . L'Illustration. n°3961, February 1, 1919, facing p.118.
3 . Postcard edited by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux, 1992. "Fragment de toile ayant appartenu à Harold Buckley Willis." Musée national de la Coopération Franco-Américaine, Château de Blérancourt. Lieutenant-Colonel Georges Thenault. L'Escadrille Lafayette, Avril 1916-Janvier 1918. Paris: Hachette, 1939, p.75.