

..Appendix B

..Colored Chaplains in the United States Army
..When the Armistice was Signed,
..November 11, 1918



Assigned to
Louis A. Carter, Baptist, 9th U. S. Cavalry.
O. J. W. Scott, Methodist, 10th U. S. Cavalry.
Alexander W. Thomas, Methodist, 24th Infantry.
George W. Prioleau, Methodist, 25th Infantry.
William S. Braddon, Baptist, (Former Nat'l Guard) 370th Inf., A. E. F.
John S. Hawkins, (Former Nat'l Guard) 151st Inf., A. E. F.
Arrington S. Helm, Baptist, (Former Nat'l Guard) Camp Upton, N.
Charles R. Winthrop, Presbyterian, (Former Nat'l Guard) 372nd Int., A. E. P.
Uriah J. Robinson, Baptist, 365 Infantry, A. E. F.
Allen O. Newman, Baptist, 366th Infantry, A. E. F.
George S. Stark, Presbyterian, 367th Infantry, A. E. F.
Edgar A. Love Methodist, 367th Infantry, A. E. F.
A. E. Rankin, Presbyterian, 349th Field Artillery, A E. F.
Cornelius G. Parks, Methodist, 350th Field Artillery.
E. O. Woolfolk, Methodist,
George A. Singleton, Methodist, 317th Engineers, A. E. F.
Henry M. Collins, Methodist, 309th Labor Battalion.
Lincoln O. Jenkins, Baptist, 310th Labor Battalion.
Julian L. Brown, Baptist, 302nd Stevedore Regiment.
Hugh A. Rogers, Baptist,
Elbert S. M. Dinsmore, Methodist, 314th Labor Battalion.
E. M. M. Wright, Episcopal, Engineer Service Battalion, A. E. F.
Clifford L. Miller, Congregational, 506th Service Battalion, Engrs., A. E.F.
John T. Clemons, Congregational, 370th Infantry, A. E. F.
Matthew M. Jefferson, Methodist, American Expeditionary Forces.
John W. Oveltrea, Methodist, American Expeditionary Forces.
Benjamin C. Robeson, Methodist, American Expeditionary Forces.
James T. Simpson Methodist, American Expeditionary Forces.
Thomas W. Wallace, Zion Methodist, American Expeditionary Forces.
Charles T. Isom, Methodist, 157th Depot Brigade, Camp Gordon, Ga.
Monroe S. Caver Baptist, Camp Taylor, Kentucky.
George A. Thomas, Methodist, Camp Hill, Newport News, Virginia.
Richard A. Greene, Methodist, Camp Taylor, Kentucky.
William T. Amiger, Baptist, Camp Hill, Virginia.
Alfred G. Casper, Methodist, Camp Stuart, Virginia.
John A. Hill, Methodist,
Blair T. Hunt, Baptist, Camp Stuart, Virginia.
Noah W. Williams, Methodist, Camp Stuart, Virginia.
Frank C. Shirley, Presbyterian, Camp Meade, Maryland, 11th Division.
George A. Rosedom, Baptist, Camp Meade, Maryland.
Thomas E. Davis, Methodist,
Matthew W. Clair, Jr., Methodist, American Expeditionary Forces.
Lewis A- McGee, Methodist,
John W. E. Bowen, Jr., Methodist,
Frank W. Brown, Baptist, Camp Lee, Virginia.
Ellis A. Christian Episcopal, Camp Travis, Texas.
Eugene H. Hamilton, Congregational,
Frederick D. L. McDonald, Methodist,
A. Huntington Hatwoood, Methodist, Camp Taylor, Kentucky.
Max Yergan, Congregational, Camp Lee, Virginia.
Charles Y. Trigg, Methodist, Camp Alexander, Virginia.
Needham M. Means, Methodist, Camp Travis, Texas.
James B. Adams, Baptist, Camp Lee, Virginia.
Robert O. Morris, Methodist, Camp Meade, Maryland.
Robert W. Jefferson, Baptist, Camp Sevier, South Carolina.
George C. Parker Methodist, Camp Jackson, South Carolina.
Isaac C. Snowden , Methodist, 25th Infantry, Nogales, Arizona.
Frank R. Arnold, Methodist, Camp Sherman, Ohio.
William Y. Bell, Methodist, Port Newark, New Jersey.
Berryman H. Johnson, Baptist, Camp Lee, Virginia.

Appendix C: The Treaty of Peace

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