Abbot, Mrs. F.C., (Chairman, Standing Committee for Women in Industry, North Carolina): 357

Abbott, Mrs. Frederick H. (Chairman, WCCND for Maine): 531

Abbott, Miss Grace (from Chicago, formerly at Hull House, Head of Children's Bureau of the Department of Labor, Committee on Women in Industry): 81, 82, 83, 132,

Abercrombie, Dr. Anna (Maryland Council of Defense-Woman's Section): 285

Adams, Mrs. Alva (Woman's Advisory Council to the Governor of Colorado): 230

Adams, Mrs. Gilmer S. (president of Colonial Dames of Kentucky): 271

Adams, Mrs. Mabel N. (New Hampshire Woman's Committee): 315

Adams, Mrs. Thomas B. (secretary, New Jersey Woman's Service Committee): 319

Adamson, Mrs. Robert (NY Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense Work): 331

Additon, Lucia F. (superintendant of temperance and labor, Committee on Patriotic Service of the National W.C.T.U.): 199

Adee, Miss Ellen L. (Director, Atlantic Division, American Red Cross): 165, 516

Agnew, Mrs. Cornelius R. (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 429

Agnew, Miss Ella (Food Conservation and Home Economics, WCCND, Virginia Division): 397

Ahenfelter, Mrs. Singleton M. (Regent, New Mexico DAR): 537

Albee, Mrs. Fred H. (vice-president, Mercy Committee of New Jersey): 431

Alderson, Mrs. Mary (chairman of Health and Recreation, Woman's Committee of Montana): 305

Aldrich, Mrs. Amey [Miss Amy] (NY Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense, Chairman, Committee on Industry): 331, 351

Alexander, Mrs. Charles B.(League of the Allies, American Committee of the American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 430, 459, 461

Alexander, Miss Janetta (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 463

Alexander, Miss Nell (Supervisor, Red Cross Home Institute, Milwaukee): 167

Alexander, Mrs. Taliafero (Lousiana DAR Regent): 531

Alexander, Mrs. William (National Special Aid Society, president, National Allied Relief Committee, New York): 29, 413, 433

Allen, Mrs. Dudley P. (American Committee of the American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Allen, Frederick H. (National Allied Relief Committee; treasurer of American Committee of Allied Home Fund for Fatherless Children and Woman Munition Workers): 413, 415

Allen, Mrs. Frederick H. (New York committee of the Secours de Guerre): 489

Allen, Mrs. G. Edgar (Michigan Woman's Committee on War Preparedness): 293

Allen, Mrs. J.W. (South Carolina Woman's Committee of the State Council of Defense): 384

Ames, Mrs. C.N. (Oklahoma war relief committee): 372

Ames, Winthrop (vice-president, American branch, Union des Arts): 473

Anderson, Elizabeth P. [Mrs. Elizabeth Preston] (recording secretary, Committee on Patriotic Service of the National W.C.T.U.; vice chairman, North Dakota Division WCCND): 198, 363, 520

Anderson, Mrs. Janet (supervisor, NYC Red Cross Home Service Institute): 167

Anderson, Dr. Leila E. (child welfare officer, Oklahoma Division WCCND): 372

Anderson, Mary (Boot and Shoe Worker's Union, delegate to National Women's Trade Union League of America, international executive board, Committee on Labor of Advisory Commission of the Council of National Defense): 123, 126, 132

Andrews, Mrs. Barrett (Mayor's Committee of New York): 331

Andrews, Charles K. (acting director, Montana United States Employment Service): 535

Andrews, Mrs. J.E. (Arkansas vice-chairman Liberty Loan Committee): 220

Arctowska, Madame Jane (Polish University Grants Committee of Polish Victims' Relief Fund): 501

Armor, Mrs. J. Ogden (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Armstrong, Clare (YWCA, Kansas): 127

Arneill, Mrs. James Rae (Colorado Woman's Committee, Child Welfare): 230, 231

Arny, Mrs. E.W. (publicity chairman, Louisiana Woman's Committee): 278

Arrington, Miss Mary (North Carolina Division of WCCND, occupational training): 357, 358

Ashbaugh, Mrs. Delphine D. [Mrs. R.H.] (Michigan Liberty Loan chairman): 116, 291

Ashe, Miss Elizabeth (infant welfare specialist sent to France by ARC): 177

Ashton, Mrs. Oliver (treasurer, Vermont WCCND): 395

Astor, Mrs. Vincent (Mayor's Committee of New York, Hudson River War Relief Committee, canteen work in France): 331, 430, 455

Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude (League of the Allies, Author's League Fund; president, American Committee of Le Bien-Etre du Blessé): 430, 445, 487

Atkinson, Mrs. Hoffman (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Atterbury, Mrs. William Wallace (vice-chairman, Pennsylvania Railraod Women's Division for War Relief): 375

Atwater, Miss Helen W. (Home Economics office of Department of Agriculture): 70

Audsley, Mrs. Steward (New Jersey Division, WCCND): 318

Axtell, Mrs. Frances C. (Committee on Women in Industry): 132

Aylward, Mrs. J.A. (Wisconsin Division, WCCND): 405

Bache, Mrs. Jules S. (honorary treasurer, War Babies' Cradle): 478

Bacheller, Irving (Authors' League Fund): 445

Bacon, Miss Georgia A. (first vice-president, General Federation of Women's Clubs): 517

Bacon, Mrs. Albion Fellows (Child Welfare, Indian Division WCCND): 265

Bacon, Robert (American Relief Clearing House): 456

Bacon, Mrs. Robert (Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense, American Committee of American Ambulance Hospital of Paris, New York committee of the Secours de Guerre): 331, 459, 489

Bacon, Mrs. Rogers (Organization committee, National League for Women's Service): 182

Bagley, Mrs. N.C. (financial secretary, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

Bagnsen, Mrs. Frank William (DAR War Relief Service Committee): 192

Bagwell, Mrs. C.C. (Catholic Alumnae, executive board Florida WCCND): 245

Bahnsen; Mrs. Frank William (Regent, Illinois DAR): 528

Bailey, James J. (Secretary of State, Louisiana): 276

Baird, Mrs. Edgar W. (chairman, Pennsylvania National League for Women's Service): 375, 540

Baker, George Barr (Authors' League Fund): 445

Baker, Mrs. George Fales (national vice-president, Needlework Guild of America): 427

Baker, Newton D. (Secretary of War): 20, 32, 33, 84, 85, 86, 92, 125, 127, 128, 209, 421, 439

Bakhmeteff, Madame (Serbian Relief Committee): 508

Baldwin, Mrs. A.S. (San Francisco Federal Reserve chairman, Women's Liberty Loand Committee): 116

Baldwin, Dr. John C.(group of spectalists in infant welfare sent to France by ARC): 177

Ball, Alice Worthington (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Ballard, Mrs. Thruston (Women's Committee of Kentucky, chairman for Red Cross and Allied Relief): 273

Ballinger, Mrs. R.A. (corresponding secretary, Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Bamberger, Miss Elsa (Secretary, Utah Woman's Committee): 394

Bancroft, Mrs. Susan C. (treasurer, New Hampshire Woman's Committee): 315

Barber, Mrs. William T. (officer, Needlework Guild of America) 427

Barfield, Estelle (superintendent, Chicago Women and Girls' Division, United States Employment Service): 134, 528

Barker, Miss Lillian (Lady Superintendent Royal Arsenal, Plumstead): 135

Barkley, Mrs. W.W. (1st vice chairman, Woman's Committee of Nebraska): 310

Barkman, A.L. (Acting Director of Western Divsion, Missouri, United States Employment Service): 534

Barlow, Miss Catherine Brittin (curator general, Daughters of the American Revolution): 520

Barnes, Mrs. Courtland (Federal Reserve Chairman, New York, Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Barnett, Mrs. Bion (Executive Board, Florida Woman's Committee; officer, Florida Red Cross, Y.W.C.A.): 245

Barnett, Mrs. George (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Barnhart, Harry (director, Community Chorus, New York Mayor's Committee of Women): 336

Barret, Mrs. Alex G. (treasurer, Women's Committee of Kentucky): 272

Barrett, Mrs. Kate Waller (chairman, Camp Committees, Mothers Army and Navy Camp Committee of the National Congress of Mothers): 200

Bartlett, Mrs. Morris W. (president, Kentucky Federation of Women's Clubs): 530

Barton, Clara (founder, American Red Cross): 3

Basanavicius, Dr. J. (president of the Society of Science, interested in Lithuanian Central War Relief Committee): 505

Bass, Mrs. George (Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 107

Bates, Mrs. W.T.C. (South Carolina Woman's Commitee): 385

Baylies, Edmund L. (president, American branch of Union des Arts): 473

Baylies, Mrs. Edmund L. (chairman, American Committe for Training in Suitable Trades, Maimed Soliders of France; Committee for War Babies' Cradle; Executive Committee, Lafayette Fund): 460, 461, 478, 487

Bazerque, Jean (Finance Committee, Le Paquet du Soldat): 464

Beach, Mrs. Frederick O. (New York, American Committee of American Ambulance Hospital): 459

Beach, Rex (Author's League Fund): 445

Beale, Mrs. Blaine (Woman's Committee, District of Columbia): 242

Beaux, Cecilia (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Beck, Mrs. Henry A. (Regent, Indiana DAR): 529

Beckwith, Mrs. H.R. (League of the Allies, Executive Secretary, NY HQ, Hospital Under Three Flags): 430, 486

Bedford, Caroline (Red Cross Home Service Institute, Minneapolis): 167

Beebe, Professor (head of Serbian Relief Committee in New Haven): 509

Beekman, Mrs. Livingstone (Honorary Federal Reserve Chairman, Rhode Island, Women's Liberty Loan Committee): 117

Belford, Mrs. Samuel W. (Federal Reserve Chairman, Nevada, Women's Liberty Loan Committee): 116, 312

Bell, Bab ((head of Extension Department of Home Economics Section of the University of Missouri): 301

Bell, Mrs. Gordon Knox (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committees): 463

Belmont, Mrs. August (New York Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense; treasurer, Committee of Mercy; American Committee of the American Ambulance Hospital of Paris) 331, 429, 459

Bender, Rosamond K. (corresponding secretary, Needlework Guild of America): 427

Bennet, Belle H. (Woman's Missionary Council, Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of National Defense): 29

Bennett, Arnold (author): 13

Bennett, Mrs. F.S. (Woman's Committee of New Jersey): 318

Beresford, Lord Charles (Fund): 492

Bergen, Margaret (Supervisor, Springfield, Ill., Red Cross Home Service Institute): 169

Berger, Sophia (treasurer, American office, American Zionist Medical Unit for Palestine): 444

Berger, Sophie (woman's work unit, Red Cross in Europe): 441

Berry, Josephine T. (chairman of Conservation, Minnesota Woman's Committee): 295, 297

Berte, Angelina (Committee on Woman's Workin War Time, United Garment Workers' Union, St. Louis, Mo.): 127

Bertron, Mrs. S.R. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Bethel, Mrs. Hattie (Pythian Sisters, Executive Board, Florida Woman's Committee): 245

Bevier, Isabelle (chairman, Department of Conversation, Illinois): 257

Bewson, Vida (Social Service Committe chairman, Indian Woman's Committee): 265

Bichsel, Mrs. Edward (President, Utah Federation of Women's Clubs): 542

Bickett, Mrs. Thomas W. (honorary chairman, North Carolina Woman's Committee): 357

Biddle, Mrs. J.M. (Executive Committee, Women's Division of the District of Columbia Council of Natiinal Defense): 242

Bigelow, Grace ( Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Binford, Jessie (chairman of Illinois Committee on Children in Industry): 262

Bird, Hugh S. (financial secretary, American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

Bird, Mrs. J.E. (chairman, South Dakota National League for Woman's Service): 541

Birdsall, Alice N. (Arizona Federal Reserve chairman for Women's Liberty Loan Committee): 116, 221

Birney, Mrs. Arthur A. (corresponding secretary, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association, Washington, D.C.): 521

Birney, Dion (Advisory Council, Washington, D.C.): 523

Bischel, Mrs. Edward (see "Bichsel", above; 1st vice chairman, Utah Woman's Committee): 394

Bishop, Mrs. Cortland Field (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committees): 464

Bishop, Mrs. Francis. C. (New York Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense): 331

Bishop, Mrs. Harry (chairman for Child Welfare, Kentucky Woman's Committee): 272

Bissell, Mrs. Horace G. (vice-chairman, Rhode Island Woman's Committee; president Rhode Island Federation of Women's Clubs): 382, 539

Bissell, Mrs. Richard M. (vice-chairman, Connecticut Federal Reserve, Liberty Loan Committee, Connecticut Woman's Committee; ): 116, 236

Black, Ella B (Committee on Patriotic Service of the National WCTU): 199

Black, Mrs. Nellie Peters (agricultural committee, Georgia Federation of Women's Clubs, president, Georgie Federation of Women's Clubs): 249, 250, 254, 528

Blackburn, Mrs. Charles A. (Regent, Montana DAR): 534

Blackburn, Mrs. Jeanie (vice president general, Bowling Green, Ky, DAR): 519

Blackburn, Mrs. Luke B. (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 273

Blackburn, Mrs. Mary St. Clair (treasurer, League of American Pen Women): 205

Blackiston, Elizabeth (US Employment Service, Los Angeles, CA): 134, 525

Blackton, Mrs. J. Stewart (Moving Picture Committee, Stage Women's War Relief): 419

Blaine, Mrs. Emmons (Woman's Committee, Chicago): 32

Blair, Mrs. Elmer (Hygiene and Health committee, NY State Woman's Committee): 328

Blair , Mrs. Emily Newell (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Blaker, Mrs. Eliza A. (Education committee, Indiana Woman's Committee): 265

Bliss, Mrs. Robert Woods (chairman, executive board, Woman's War Relief Corps, vice-president Comité Franco-Américain; Ameican Distributing Service; vice-president, Franco-American Committee for the Protection of the Children of the Frontier; Polish University Grants Committee of the Polish Victims' Relief Fund): 144, 454, 473, 477, 484, 501

Blue, Rupert (Surgeon-General of US Public Health Service): 11

Blumenschein, Mary Greene (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Blumenthal, Mrs. Alfred (treasurer, Woman's Proclamation Society, National Woman's Organization for Jewish War Relief): 443

Boardman, Mabel (American Red Cross): 38, 142

Boies, Elizabeth (YWCA): 196, 197

Bones, Helen (niece of President Wilson): 239

Bonham, B.P. (U.S. Employment Service, Oregon): 539

Bonnat, Léon (Fraternité des Artistes) 436, 437

Bonstelle, Jessie (executive board, Stage Women's War Relief): 420

Boole, Ella A. (Committee on Patriotic Service of the National WTCU; NY State Woman's Committee; ): 198, 328, 520

Boone, Mrs. Ely Gaither (Regent, Kentucky DAR): 530

Booth, Mrs. Theodore (GIrl's National Honor Guard, Advisory Committee National Woman's Committee): 28

Borah, Mrs. W. E. (wife of US Sentator from Idaho): 256

Borg, Mrs. Sidney (executive committee & Social Welfare committee of NY City Mayor's Woman's Committee: National League for Woman's Service; president, Jewish Big Sisters): 331, 352, 442

Bosley, Mrs. Arthur Lee (Regent, Maryland DAR): 532

Bowen, Anna T. (Massachusetts Woman's Committee): 288

Bowen, Mrs. Joseph T. (Illinois Woman's Committee): 257, 528

Boyd, Helen F. (Committee on Nursing, NY City Mayor's Committee): 345

Boyer, Rachel (Union des Arts): 472, 473

Boyle, Mrs. E.D. (Nevada Woman's Committee): 312

Brade, Mrs. Nicholas (New York State Woman's Committee): 328

Bradley, Mrs. (head of Woman's Auxiliary Committee of the American Red Cross Military Hospital): 454

Bradley, Mrs. E.C. (wife of Asst to the Secretary of the Interior): 240

Brady, Mrs. Nicholas F. (League of Catholic Women): 431

Brainers, Mrs. E.R. (chairman, California Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Bramlett, Mrs. Andrew (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Brandegee, Mrs. Edward (Boston Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Brannon, Mrs. Linn (Regent, West Virginia DAR): 544

Breckenridge, Mrs. Desha (Kentucky State Suffrage Association): 271

Breckinridge, Sophronisba P. (Committe on Labor, Chicago Red Cross Home Service Institute, Illinois Woman's Committee): 132, 166, 258

Brenner, Rose (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Breshkovskaya, Catherine (Russia's "Grandmother of the Revolutions"): 5

Brewster, Mrs. George S. (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Brooke, Mrs. Frederick H. (Washington DC Woman's Committee): 242

Brooks, Mrs. Minerva Kline (Liberty Loan, Ohio Woman's Committee): 368

Brooks, Dr. Stratton D. (federal food administrator for Oklahoma): 370

Brooks, Mrs. Walter B. (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Brough, Mrs. Charles H. (Arkansas state chairman, Liberty Loan Committee; Arkansas Woman's Committee): 116, 219, 220

Brown, Dr. Adelaide (California Woman's Committee); 227

Brown, Mrs. Edmund F. (Southwestern Division, American Red Cross): 165, 301, 517

Brown, Hon. Elmer Ellsworth (Advisory Council): 523

Brown, Frank (US Employment Service, Arizona): 524

Brown, Mrs. G.A. (Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 372

Brown, Mrs. Hugh (Nevada Woman's Committee, chairman Nevada National League for Woman's Service); 312, 535

Brown, Mrs. Lathrop (wife of Asst. to the Secretary of the Interior): 240

Brown, Mary E. (Committee on Patriotic Service of the National WTCU): 199

Brown, Mrs. N.A. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Brown, Mrs. William Adams, YMCA War Work Council): 521

Brown, Mrs. William Grant (President, NY Federation of Women's Clubs, chairman NY State Woman's Committee): 325, 328, 347, 537

Brown, Mrs. W.H. (International Child Welfare, Advisory Committee to national Woman's Committee): 28

Browning, Mrs. Edward (Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania): 428

Brownlow, Henry C (US Employment Service, Alabama): 524

Brownlow, Mrs. Louis P. (Washington DC Woman's Committee): 242

Brubb, Mrs. E. Burd (British Committee, Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 376

Bruce, Mrs. Helen (chairman, Kentucky Woman's Committee): 271, 530

Bruce, Mrs. Morrelle C. (wife of Assistant Commissioner of the General Land Office): 240

Bruce, Mrs. William Cabell (Maryland Woman's Committee): 280

Bruere, Mrs. Henry (NYC Mayor's Committee): 331

Brumbaugh, Mrs. Gaius M. (Washington DC Woman's Committee; Regent, Delaware DAR): 242, 527

Brumbaugh, Martin G. (Governor of Pennsylvania): 376

Bryan, James B. (US Employment Agency, Western District, Texas): 542

Bryan, Mrs. St. G. (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Bryan, William E. (Advisory Committee): 523

Bryant, Mrs. Carrie P. (California Woman's Committee); 227

Buckley, May (board of directors, Stage Women's War Relief): 420

Buel, Mrs. John Laidlaw (Connecticut Woman's Committee, Regent, Connecticut DAR): 236, 526

Bulkeley, Mrs. Morgan B. (Connecticut state chairman, Liberty Loan Committee, Connecticut Woman's Committee): 116, 236

Bully, Mrs. Morgan G. (Connecticut chairman of National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 233

Bulson, Mrs. Florence I. (Michigan Woman's Committee; president, Michigan Federation of Women's Clubs): 293, 533

Bumstead, Mrs. H.A. (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 232, 235

Burbank, Luther (National Emergency Food Gradens Association): 71

Burbridge, Mrs. Thomas (Colorado Woman's Committee): 231

Burke, Miss (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 507

Burleson, Mrs. Albert S. (War Relief Service Committee, DAR): 192

Burne, Mrs. Andrew (Finance Committee, Le Paquet du Soldat): 464

Burns, Mrs. Frances E. (Ladies of the Maccabees; Michigan Woman's Committee): 29, 292, 293

Burns, Mrs. J.A. (secretary, Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 372

Burroughs, Nannie (Colored Woman, Washington DC Woman's Committee): 242

Burrowbridge, Mrs. Blanche (Pythian Sisters, Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 405

Burrows, Mrs. W.A. (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Burton, Catherine S. (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Bush, Benjamin F. (President of the Missouri-Pacific Railroad): 300

Bush, Mrs. Benjamin F. (chairmain of Missouri Woman's Committee): 301, 303, 534

Bush, M.W. (Lithuanian War Relief Committee): 505

Butler, Charles (American Fund for French Wounded): 467

Butler, Ellis Parker (Authors' League Fund): 445

Butterworth, Mrs. William (VP general, Illinois, DAR): 518

Cabaniss, Mrs. S.H. (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Cabell, Mrs. Isa Carrington (New York Souther Women's Patriotic Committee): 438

Cable, Mrs. Herbert A. (chairman, California Woman's Committee): 227, 525

Cabot , Mrs. Francis H. (NYC Mayor's Committee): 331

Cabot, Mrs. Richard C. (American Auxiliary of the Women's National Health Association of Ireland): 494

Calder, Mrs. Albert L. (Regent, Rhode Island DAR): 539

Caldwell, Mrs. Alex (chairman for Food Conservation, Tennessee Woman's Committee): 388, 389

Caldwell, Mrs. Harriet (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

Calhoun, Mrs. Fred H.H. (War Relief Service Committee, DAR; VP general, DAR, S.C.): 192, 519

Call, Leona (Committee on Education, Iowa Woman's Committee): 266, 269

Callfas, Dr. James E. (chairman, Americanization, Nebraska Committee): 310

Calvé, Madame Emma (French Flotilla Benefit): 425

Cameron, Helen (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Campbell, Catherine (Regent, Iowa DAR): 530

Campbell, Edith (Red Cross, Ohio): 366

Cannon, Mrs. (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 236

Cape, Mrs. Emily Palmer (NY State Woman's Committee): 328

Cappelle, Juilie E. (Le Paquet de l'Hôpital): 464

Carlisle, Mrs. Charles A. [Anne Studebaker] (chairman, Indiana Woman's Committee): 265, 529

Carolan, Mrs. Francis (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

Carpenter, Alice (NYC Mayor's Committee): 331

Carpenter, Mrs. Elbert (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Carter, Sallie R.(Maryland Home Garden Committee): 285

Carter, William T. (National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

Cartier, P.C. (Union des Arts): 473

Cassar, Mrs. Aubrey (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 273

Cassatt, Mrs. A.J. (Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania): 428

Castleman, Mrs. George A. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

Castner, Mrs. Charles H. (president, Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs; chairman, Oregon Woman's Committee): 379, 380, 539

Catchings, Mrs. Silas F. (New York Souther Women's Patriotic Committee): 438

Cathcart, Mrs. W.C. (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

Cator, Mrs. Franklin P. (Maryland Woman's Committee): 280, 285

Catt, Mrs. Carrie Chapman (president of National American Woman Suffrage Organization; Liberty Loan Committee; Woman's Committe of the Council of National Defense): 18, 29, 37, 60, 65, 103, 104, 107, 516

Catts, Mrs. Sidney J. (wife of governor, Florida Woman's Committee): 246

Caulfield, Annie (secretary, Mississippi Woman's Committee): 300

Cautley, Mrs. Richard Kingsman (president, New York Souther Women's Patriotic Committee): 438

Chadbourne, Mrs. Thomas L. (NYC Mayor's Committee): 331

Chamberlain, Mrs. Francis A. (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 116, 297

Chamberlain, George E. (senator from Oregon, Chairman of Senate Committee on Military Affairs): 10

Chambers, Mrs. Thomas G.(Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 372

Chanler, Mrs. William Astor (president, National Allied Relief Committee; League of the Allies; American Committee, Relief of Belgian Prisoners in Germany; American Fund for the Heroes of France and Her Allies; American Branch of French Actors' Fund; Lafayette Fund; Russian War Relief Committee) 415, 430, 449, 469, 485, 486, 487, 502

Chapin, Mrs. Alfred C. (League of Catholic Women): 431

Chapin, Mrs. F.L. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Chapman, Mrs. F.L. (Potomac division, ARC): 165, 517

Chapman, Mrs. J.D. (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

Chapman, Mrs. John Jay (Lafayette Fund): 487

Chapman, Mrs. W.G. (Regent, Maine DAR): 531

Chew, Mrs. Robert S. (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Child, Dr. Dorothy (child welfare doctor, ARC unit in France): 177

Chilton, Ora B. (California Woman's Committee): 227

Chivvis, Mrs. William R. (president, Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs): 534

Choate, Joseph H. (New York Association for the Blind): 427

Choate, Mrs. Joseph H. (American Auxiliary of the Women's National Health Association of Ireland): 494

Christianson, Mrs. Theo (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 296

Christman, Elizabeth (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 126

Churchill, Lady Randolph: 490

Claflin, Mrs. J.S. (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310

Clark, Mrs. Frank (Florida Woman's Committee): 246

Clark, Mrs. O.H. (chairman of Women in Industry, Michigan Woman's Committee): 290, 292, 293

Clarke, Mrs. Frances A. (honorary president, War Babies' Cradle): 478

Clarke, Mrs. George (historian general, DAR): 519

Clarke, Mrs. Harry (treasurer, Nevada Woman's Committee): 312

Claxton, Dr. Philander C. (US Commissioner of Education): 96

Claxton, Mrs. Philander C. (auditor, League of American Pen Women; National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 205, 240, 522

Clay, Mrs. C.C. (California Woman's Committee; Daughters of the Confederacy): 227

Clay, Laura (Kentucky State Suffrage Association): 271

Clement, Miss Frances (chairman, Committee of Le Paquet de l'Orphelin): 464

Clendenning, Mrs. Grace (secretary, North Dakota Woman's Committee): 362, 363

Cleveland, Esther (Woman's War Relief Corps): 454

Clinton, Mrs. Lee (treasurer, Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 372

Clotworthy, Mrs. C. Baker (chairman, Maryland Volunteer Emergency Service; Maryland Woman's Committee): 281, 282, 285

Coats, Mrs. Alfred (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Cobb, Mrs. Calvin (vice-chairman, Idaho Woman's Committee): 256

Cobb, Irvin S. (Authors' League Fund): 445

Cobbs, Mrs. John Lewis (Regent, Alabama DAR): 524

Cochran, Mrs. C.P. (Woman's Advisory Council to the Governor of Colorado): 230

Cochran, Mrs. Joseph G. (chairman, West Virginia Woman's Committee): 405, 406, 544

Cocke, Mrs. Lucian (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Coe, Mrs. W.T. (Minnesota Woman's Committee, President, Minnesota Federation of Women's Clubs): 297, 532

Coffin, William A. (chairman, American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Cogan, Clara I. (International Federation of Catholic Alumnae; Honorary Advisory Committee of Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense): 28

Cogswill, Julia (treasurer, Oregan Woman's Committee): 380

Cohen, Mrs. A.N. (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Cohen, Lorena (Woman's Proclamation Committee): 443

Cohn, Fannia (Committee on Woman's War Work in Wart Time; vice-president, National Ladies' Garment Workers' Union): 127

Coker, Mrs. J.L. Jr (South Carolina Woman's Committee; president of South Carolina Federation of Women's Clubs): 384, 540

Colebrooke, Lady (League of the Allies; War Babies' Cradle; American chairman, Lady Helmsley's Fund in London): 430, 478, 493

Collier, Mrs. R.E.L. (Utah Woman's Committee): 394

Colman, Mrs. Edna M. (field secretary, Girl Scouts of America): 207

Colvin, Jessie (Finance Committee, Le Paquet du Soldat): 464

Conboy, Mrs. Sara A. (executive committee, Committee on Women in Industry): 132

Congdon, Helen (Minnesota Young Women's Auxiliary): 297

Congdon, Mrs. William M. (Rhode Island Woman's Committee): 382

Connery, Mrs. G.W. (Texas Woman's Committee): 390

Conrad, Mrs. Jennie M. (Indiana Woman's Committee): 265

Cook, Mrs. Anthony Wayne (Regent, Pennsylvania DAR): 540

Coolidge, Mrs. Charles A. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Cooper, Lenna (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 157

Corbin, Margaret: 4, 5

Corkran, Mrs. B.W. Jr. [Anna L.] (member, special committee from General Federation of Women's Clubs; Maryland Woman's Committee): 190, 280

Cosgrave, Mrs. Jessica Finch (NYC Mayor's Committee): 331

Coston, Helen (treasurer, Idaho Woman's Committee): 256

Cotten, Mrs. Lyman (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 357

Cotton, Robert R. (honorary vice-president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Association): 522

Coudert, Frederick R. (Comité Franco-Américain; treasurer, Franco-American Committee for the Protection of the Children of the Frontier): 473, 484

Courçol, Madame (Red Cross Canteen Service): 454

Course, Hunter M. (US Employment Service, Mississippi): 534

Courtiss, Mrs. Frederick (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Cowles, Mrs. Josiah Evans (Committee on Woman's Defense Work; president, General Federation of Women's Clubs;): 17, 28, 60, 515, 517

Cowles, Mrs. W. Sheffield (ex-President Roosevelt's sister; Connecticut Woman's Committee; Serbian Relief Committee of America): 233, 236, 508

Cox, Louise (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Cox, Mrs. Wm Ruffin (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Coykendall, A. (US Employment Service, Nebraska): 535

Craig, Agnes (Chairman of the Food Administration, Washington State )399

Craig, Mrs. Clara E. (Rhode Island Woman's Committee): 382

Crane, Anne (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Crane, Rev. Caroline Bartlett Crane (chairman, Michigan Woman's Committee): 288, 289, 292, 293, 533

Cranford, Mrs. Frederick L. (NYC Mayor's Committee): 331

Cratty, Mabel (general secretary, National Board, War Work Council, YWCA): 521

Crocker, Mrs. William H. (National Allied Relief Committee; League of the Allies): 413, 430

Cromwell, Mrs. Seymour L. (treasurer, New Jersey Woman's Committee): 319

Crothers, Rachel (president, Stage Women's War Relief): 419

Crowell, Emma L. (recording secretary general, DAR): 519

Croxton, Mr. (Ohio State Council): 364, 365

Crutcher, Mrs. Eugene (Tennessee Woman's Committee; vice-president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 389, 522

Cueny; Elizabeth (Missouri Woman's Committee): 301, 304

Cummer, Mrs. W.W. (Florida Woman's Committee): 246

Cummings, Helen Norris (president, Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs): 543

Cunniff, Mrs. Michael M. (Massachusetts Woman's Committee): 288

Cunningham, Mrs. J.S. (West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406

Curie, Madame Pierre (Polish University Grants Committee of Polish Victims' Relief Fund): 501

Cushman, Mrs. James S. (chairman, War Work Council, YWCA; NYC Mayor's Committee): 194, 331, 520

Cutting, Mrs. Bayard (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee; New York Committee, Secours National): 464, 489

Cuyler, Mrs. C.C. (League of the Allies): 430

Danburg, Mrs. Walter M. (New Mexico Woman's Committee): 323, 324

Daniels, Mrs. Josephus (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 357

Davids, Anna (Florida Nurses' Association, Florida Woman's Committe): 245

Davidson, A.W. (South Dakota State Council of Defense): 386

Davis, Elizabeth (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Davis, Mrs. Gilbert (Vermont Woman's Committee): 395

Davis, Helen A. (ex-officio executive, Field Work Department, War Work Council, YWCA): 521

Davis, Kate (International People's Aid Association): 28

Davis, Katherine B. (Committee of Mercy; chairman, Parole Commmission of New York): 429

Davis, Marion Bonsall (Red Cross Canteen Work): 453

Davis, Mrs. Samuel P. (Regent, Arkansas DAR): 525

Davis, T. Lawrence (organizer and director of BU's war emergency courses): 287

Davison, Henry P. (head of the American Red Cross): 13, 467

Davison, Mrs. Henry P. (secretary pro tem, War Work Council, YWCA; American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 194, 459, 520

Davison, Mabel (work with the blind): 456

de Sadeleer, Louis (USA Section, Committee for Relief of Belgian Prisoners in Germany; Belgian Minister of State): 449, 450

de Sadeleer, Marie-Louise (League of the Allies; daughter of the Belgian Minister of State): 430, 451

de Wiart, Carton (Belgian government official): 448

Debouy, Cécile (Le Paquet du Soldat): 464

Delano, Jane A. (chairman, National Committee on Red Cross Nursing): 156, 516

Delano, Mrs. William Adams (Alley Festa; New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee; American Branch, French Actors' Guild): 414, 464, 485

Denis, Mrs. George K. (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Denney, Mrs. George W. (president, Tennessee Federation of Women's Clubs; Tennessee Woman's Committee): 388, 541

DeRahm, Mrs. Charles (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Derby, Mrs. J. Lloyd (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

DeRousse, Mrs. O.J. (treasurer, Pennsylvania Railroad Women's Division for War Relief): 375

DeRyder, Mrs. Mabel (Florida Woman's Committee): 245

Dewey, Mrs. George (Woman's Section, Navy League; Advisory Council, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 29, 112, 204

De Wolfe, Elsie (Red Cross work): 455

DeZavalla, Adena (treasurer, Texas Woman's Committee): 390

Dick, Mrs. Fred (Colorado Woman's Committee; vice-president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 230, 231, 521

Dick, Mrs. William K. (Lafayette Fund): 487

Dike, Mrs. [Anne Murray] (Chairman, Civilian Committee of the American Fund for French Wounded, operating in the Aisne and the Somme): 467

Diller, Myra K. (National Federation of College Women, National Woman's Committe): 29

Dillingham, Mrs. Charles B. (Alley Festa): 414

Dingman, Mary A. (YWCA in France): 197

Dinsmore, Madeline I. (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Ditson, Mrs. Charles H. (National Allied Relief Committee; League of the Allies; War Babies' Cradle; secretary, Duyea War Relief): 413, 430, 478, 484

Dixon, Elizabeth S. (Chicago Red Cross Home Service Institute): 166

Dixon, Mrs. George Dallas (chairman, Pennsylvania Railroad Women's Division for War Relief): 375

Dixon, Grace (Chicago Federal Reserve chairman, Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Doane, Mrs. Philip Schuyler (Red Cross work in Illinois): 261

Dockery, Mrs. E.J. (Publicity chairman, Idaho Woman's Committe): 255

Dodge, Mrs. Arthur Murray (National Association Opposed to Woman Suffrage, Connecticut Woman's Committee; NY Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee; American Distributing Service): 29, 235, 236, 464, 477

Dodge, Mrs. Cleveland, (NYC Mayor's Committee; Hudson River War Relief Committee): 331, 430

Donnelly, Dorothy (Stage Women's War Relief): 419

Donohue, Mrs. T.J. (chairman, Alaska Woman's Committee; president, Alaska Federation of Women's Clubs): 37, 222, 545

Donohue, P.A. (US Employment Service, New York): 537

Dooey, Mrs. Helen Nelson (second vice-president, League of American Pen Women): 205

Dooley, Isma (Georgia Woman's Committee): 247, 254

Door, Mrs. Sarah J. (California Woman's Committee): 227

Dortch, Della (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Dougherty, Mrs. Andrew W. (treasurer, League of the Allies): 431

Dougherty, Mary (secretary, Shamrock Fund): 495

Douglas, Paul H. (Red Cross Home Service Institute, Portland, Ore): 168

Downey, Mrs. A.O. (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Drake, Mrs. Ellet Grant (Nebraska Woman's Committee; Regent, Nebraska DAR): 310, 535

Drakow, Mrs. Richard D. (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 271

Draper, Mrs. Lawrence (California Woman's Committee): 227,

Draper, Martha (Red Cross agent to France and England): 138,

Draper, Martha L. (New York City Mayor's Committee; chairman of Adoptions Committee, Comité Franco-Américain): 331, 474

Draper, Mrs. William K. (New York City Mayor's Committee): 331

Dreier, Mary E. (chairman, Committee on Woman's Work in War Time; New York City Mayor's Committee): 126, 127, 331

Drennan, Mrs. T.O. (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

Drescher, Mrs. Warren F. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 303

Drew, Louise (treasurer, Stage Women's War Relief): 419

Dreyfus, Mrs. Ernestine B. (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Duchess of Marlborough (National League of Woman's Service, relief work for England): 135, 490

Dudley, Mrs. Albertus T. (New Hampshire Woman's Committee): 315

Dudley, Mrs. Guilford (Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; chairman, Tennessee state chairman, Liberty Loan Committee): 108, 117

Duke, Mrs. James B. (Lafayette Fund): 487

Dunleavy, Mrs. Price (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230

Dunn, Helen (Le Paquet du Soldat) 464

Dupree, Minnie (Stage Women's War Relief): 419, 420

Durham, F.H. (National League for Woman's Service): 135

Duryea, Mrs. Nina Larrey (Duryea War Relief): 483

Duvall, Mrs. Walter (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Eanger, Mrs. G. Wallace W. (vice president general, DAR): 518

Earl, Mrs. E.T. (California Woman's Committee): 226

Earl, Mrs. Horace Mann [Elizabeth Claypool] (special committee, General Federation of Women's Clubs): 190

Edgar, Mrs. Nebold Le Roy (League of the Allies; Lafayette Fund): 430, 487

Edison, Mrs. Thomas A. (War Relief Service Committee, DAR): 192

Edmonds, Mrs. L.O. (Montana Woman's Committee): 305

Edson, Mrs. Charles F. [Katherine P.] (National League for Woman's Service; California Woman's Committee): 182, 227

Einstein, Mrs. William (Welfare, NYC Mayor's Committee): 328

Eliot, Dr. Charles W. (National Emergency Food Gardens Association; honorary president, National Allied Relief Committee; Committee of Mercy; Serbian Relief Committee of America): 71, 103, 413, 429, 508

Elkeles, Mrs. Samuel (Woman's Proclamation Committee): 443

Ellicott, Mrs. Charles E. (Maryland Woman's Committee): 280, 285

Ellington, Mrs. E.O. (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

Elliott, Timothy (US Employment Service, Maine): 531

Ellis, Mrs. Frank (Child Welfare, Nevada Woman's Committee): 312

Ellis, Margaret Dye (Committee on Patriotic Service of the National WCTU): 199

Ellis, Mrs. Overton Gentry (Washington state chairman, Liberty Loan Committee; Washington Woman's Committee; Regent, Washington DAR): 117; 399, 400, 543

Ellis, Mrs. Pearl Buckner (chairman, president, Nevada Federation of Women's Clubs): 311, 535

Ellison, Mrs. Frank Dexter (War Relief Service Committee, DAR; Massachusetts Woman's Committee; Regent, Massachusetts DAR): 192, 288, 532

Elwyn, Mrs. Thomas L. (Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania): 376

Ensminger , Annie (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230

Erwin, Margaret Hamilton (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Estabrook, Mrs. C.E. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 404, 405

Estancia, R. Harwell (Woman's Auxiliary of New Mexico): 323, 324

Etty, Mrs.Jeanne L. (League of the Allies): 430

Eubank, Mrs. S.D. (Nevada Woman's Committee): 312

Eustis, Mrs. William Corcoran (National Allied Relief Committee; USA Section, Committee for Relief of Belgian Prisoners in Germany): 413, 449

Evans, Jane B. (South Carolina Woman's Committee; S.C. National League for Woman's Service): 384, 540

Evans, Dr. J.S. (Red Cross Committee, Wisconsin State Council of Defense): 403

Evans, Mrs. Sarah (Oregon state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Commitee): 117

Everett, Mrs. Francis D. (corresponding secretary, General Federation of Women's Clubs): 518

Ewing, Mrs. Mary G. (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Ezell, Mrs. James B. (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Fahenstock, Mrs. Gibson (District of Coumbia Woman's Committee): 242

Fairbank, Mrs. Carolyn (president, Indian Federation of Women's Clubs): 529

Fairbank, Mrs. Kellogg (Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 108

Fairchild, Mrs. Charles S. (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Farnam, Mrs. (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 507

Faversham, Mrs. William (League of the Allies): 430

Featherstone, Mrs. J.E. (North Dakota Woman's Committee): 361

Fergusson, Mrs. R.M. (Woman's Auxiliary of New Mexico): 323

Ferry, Mrs. W. Mont (Utah state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 117

Field, Mrs. Marshall Jr. (League of the Allies): 430

Finley, John Huston (Committee for Men Blinded in Battle; Authors' League Fund): 428, 445

Fischel, Mrs. W.E. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Fish, Ada Z. (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 156

Fisher, Aimee (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 298,

Fisher, Mrs. Carl G. (Indian Woman's Committee): 265

Fisher, Mrs. C.F. (Oregon Woman's Committee): 380

Fisher, Dr. Irving (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 71

Fiske, Mrs. Chapman Fiske (Mercy Committee of New Jersey): 431

Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Z.I. (George Woman's Committee): 254

Fleisher, Helen (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 373

Fleming, Mrs. Fred (Texas Woman's Committee): 390, 541

Fletcher, Mrs. Duncan U. (Florida Woman's Committee; organizing secretary general, DAR): 246, 519

Florer, Alice (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310

Flournoy, Mrs. George (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 272

Flowers, Mrs. Allen G. (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 219

Fluckey, J.A. (US Employment Service, Ohio): 538

Fontaine, Marie Louise (Relief for the Liberated Villages of France): 479

Forbes, Mrs. Cleveland (Woman's Committee of California): 227

Ford, Mrs. George (Woman's War Relief Corps in France): 144

Fort, Margaret (New Jersey Woman's Committee): 318

Fosdick, Raymond B. (chairman, Navy commission on question of moral hazards in training centers): 85, 86, 87

Foster, Eugene (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Indianapolis): 167

Foster, Mary (NYC Mayor's Committee): 332

Foster, Mrs. Sheppard W. (Georgia Woman's Committee; vice president general, DAR): 254, 519

Fouke, Mrs. Philip B. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Fowler, Mrs. James M. (librarian general, DAR): 520

Francis, Mrs. Charles S. (American Committee of American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

Francis, Mrs. J.R. (recording secretary, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

Frauenthal, Mrs. Jo (chairman, Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220, 524

Frazer, Mrs. James Carroll (Comforts Committee of the Navy League): 202

Frazier, Arthur Hugh (treasurer, Comité Franco-Américain): 473

Freedlander, Joseph R. (American Branch, Union des Arts): 473

Freeman, Mrs. Charles D. (Mercy Committee of New Jersey): 431

Freeman, Mrs. George F. (Regent, Arizona DAR): 524

French, Alice [aka Octave Thanet] (Regent, Colonial Dames of Iowa, Iowa Woman's Committee): 266, 269

French, Elizabeth (chairman, committee on Junior Council, War War Council, YWCA): 521

French, Mrs. John (ex-officio chairman of national board, War War Council, YWCA): 521

French, Seth Barton (vice president, Duryea War Relief): 483

Frick, Lilla (NYC Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense): 347

Fridley, Mrs. F.L. (director, northern division, American Red Cross): 165, 517

Friend, Mrs. Joseph E. (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 278

Frothingham , Mrs. L.A. (Massachusetts Woman's Committee): 287

Frye , Mrs. Virginia King (historian, League of American Pen Women): 205

Fuller, Mrs. Goerge W.(Federal Reserve chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116,

Fuller, Lucia Fairchild (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Fullilove, Mrs. W.H. (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 279

Funk, Mrs. Antoinette (Committee on Women's Defense Work; Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; Illinois Woman's Committee): 18, 107, 115, 258, 516

Furse, Mrs. Charles W. (National League for Woman's Service) 135

Gallagher, Mrs. P.J. (League of Catholic Women): 431

Gallatin, Mrs. Goelet (National League for Woman's Service): 182

Galloway, Mrs. W.R. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

Gans, Mrs. Howard S. (Committee on Social Welfare, NYC Mayor's Committee): 352

Gardner, Mrs. A.P. (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242,

Gardner, Mrs. Frederick D. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 303

Garfunkel, B.J. (executive secretary, American Ambulance Millinery Branch) 420

Garland, Hamlin (Authors' League Fund): 445

Garrett, Mrs. Robert (Maryland state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Garrison, Mrs. G.W. (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

Gates, Eleanor (Stage Women's War Relief): 420

Gatling, Mrs. N.P. (New York Southern Women's Patriotic Committee): 438

Gavin, Mrs; Michael (secretary, League of the Allies): 431

Gayle, Mrs. William (Alabama Woman's Committee): 219

Gebhardt, Mrs. Dixie Cornell (Regent, Iowa DAR): 266, 530

Gedney, Mrs. George W. (vice president general, DAR): 519

Gee, Minnie M. (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Gellhorn, Mrs. George (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Gelston, Dr. Clain F. (Infant Welfare Unit, American Red Cross): 177

George, David Lloyd (Lord): 61

George, Elva A. (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 156

George, Grace (Stage Women's War Relief): 419

Gephart, A.R. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Portland, Ore): 168

Gerard, Mrs. James (New York City Mayor's Committee): 331

Gibson, Charles Dana (Authors' League Fund): 445

Gibson, Mrs. Charles Dana (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross; League of the Allies): 204, 430,

Gibson, Mrs. Frank A. (California Woman's Committee): 227

Gifford, Mr. (Director of Council of National Defense): 47

Gifford, Mrs. Morris (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 272

Gilbert, Mrs. Jabez (Mercy Committee of New Jersey): 431

Gilder, Rosamond (daughter of the poet; Infant Welfare Unit, American Red Cross): 177

Gildersleeve, Virginia C. (chairman, Agriculture Committee, New York City Mayor's Committee, Women's War Work): 331, 332, 339, 432

Gilkes, Mrs. Arthur (Regent, Florida DAR; Florida Woman's Committee): 243, 245, 527

Gillen, Prof. John L. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Milwaukee): 167

Gillespie, Mrs. Lawrence (War Babies' Cradle): 478

Gillespie, Mabel (Stenographers' Union; Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

Gillhorn, Mrs. George (Missouri Woman's Committee): 300

Gimble, Mrs. Isaac (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Glaser, Mrs; Edward F. (Woman's Committee of California): 227

Gleason, Mrs. Ronald P. (president, Pennsylvania Federation of Women's Clubs): 540

Glen-Coats, T.C. (Committee of Mercy): 429

Glenchoes, T.C. (National Allied Relief Committee): 413

Glenn, Mrs. John H. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, NY City): 167,

Glenn, Mrs. John M. (NCY Mayor's Committee, subcommittee on volunteers): 340

Glicksman, Mrs. Harry [Edna K.] (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Glynn, Mrs. Martin (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Goddard, Mrs. E. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230,

Goddard, Mrs. Ives (Le Bien-Etre du Blessé): 487

Goff, Fred H. (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 71

Goldman, Julius (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, New Orleans): 167

Goldmark, Pauline (Committee on Labor; New York City Mayor's Committee: Council of Jewish Women): 132, 331, 441

Goldsmith, Elizabeth (Le Paquet de l'Orphelin): 464

Gompers, Samuel (chairman, Committee on Labor): 132

Goode, Mrs. Rhett (Alabama Woman's Committee): 219

Goodfellow, Mr. (Shamrock Fund): 494

Goodrich, Anne W. (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service; chairman, subcommittee on Nursing, New York City Mayor's Committee): 156, 331, 345

Goodrich, Ernest P. (director of census for New York City): 337

Goodwillie, Mary C. (Red Cross Home Service Institute, Baltimore): 166

Gordon, Anna A. (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; president, Women's Christian Temperance Union): 28, 39, 197, 198, 520

Gore, Mrs. Thomas P. (National Library for the Blind; Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense): 28

Gorham, Mrs. A.J. (Utah Woman's Committee): 391

Gould, Mrs. E.R.L. (War Work Council, YWCA): 194, 520

Gracie, Adeline (relief work in France; sister of the late Col. Archibald Gracie): 455

Graham, Mrs. Teresa M.(Idaho state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Grant, Mrs. James Benton (Colorado Woman's Committee; vice president general, DAR; president, Colorado National League for Women's Service): 192, 519, 526

Grant, Mrs. John W. (director, southern division, American Red Cross): 165, 517

Grant, Mrs. W.W. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230

Grayson, Mrs. Cary T. (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Green, Mrs. Samuel McKnight (vice president general, DAR): 519

Greene, Mrs. C.W. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Greene, Karl W. (US Employment Service, New Mexico): 537

Greenough, Mrs.William (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris; American Branch, French Actors' Fund, NY Committee, Secours National): 459, 485, 489

Gribbel, Mrs. John (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 374

Griffith, Mrs. A.B. (Texas Woman's Committee): 390

Grimshaw, Mrs. Mary F. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 405

Griscom, Mrs. Rodman E. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 376

Griswold, Mrs. F. Gray (New York Committee, Secours National): 489

Griswold , Mrs. W.S. (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Groome, Mrs. John C. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee; Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania): 373, 376, 429

Grovitch, Mme Slako (Serbian Hospitals' Fund; Serbian Relief Committee; Mabel Grovitch Baby Hospital; Relief of Allied Prisoners of War): 508, 509, 510

Guebin, Louise (Le Paquet de l'Hôpital): 464

Guedy, Mrs. Joseph (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Guernsey, Mrs. George Thacher (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; president general, DAR): 28; 108, 113, 192, 193; 518

Guggenheim, Mrs. Daniel (Flotilla Committee; Liberty Loan Fund): 425, 441

Guinness, Mrs. Benjamin (League of the Allies): 430

Gulick, Dr. Luther H. (national president, Camp Fire Girls of America; founder of International School in Spain): 205, 206, 234

Gunckel, Kathleen E. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Minneapolis): 167

Gunderson, Mrs. Gertrude B. (president, South Dakota Federation of Woman's Clubs): 540

Gunther, Emma E. (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 156

Gurney, Mrs. Herbert J. (Massachusetts Woman's Committee; president, Massachusetts Federation of Women's Clubs): 288, 532

Gwynn, Mary (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Haas, Christine J. (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 236

Hadley, Mrs. Arthur T. (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 236

Hagan, Mrs. John (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Hagerty, Prof. J.E. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Columbus, Ohio): 166

Hagood, Mrs. Ben (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

Haidane, Mary (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Hale, Mrs. J.T. (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 296

Hale, Louis Closser (Stage Women's War Relief): 419

Hall, G. Stanley (Advisory Committee): 523

Halleck, Mrs. R.P. (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 272

Hamblen, Byrd W. (Le Paquet du Soldat): 464

Hamilton, Ethel D. (American Ambulance in Russia): 502

Hamilton, Mrs. William Gazley (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 271

Hamilton, Mrs. William Pierson (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464,

Hamlin, Mrs. Charles S. (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Hammar, Mrs. Frank (National League for Woman's Service; Missouri Woman's Committee): 182, 304

Hammond, Mrs. H.J. (Woman's Auxiliary of New Mexico): 323,

Hammond, John Hays (National Emergency Food Gardens): 71

Hammond, Mrs. John Hays (New York City Mayor's Committee, American Auxiliary, Women's National Health Association of Ireland): 331, 494,

Hammond, Mrs. John Henry (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Hanchette, Helen W. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Cleveland): 166

Hancock, Mrs. Frances (Nevada Woman's Committee): 312

Hand, Mrs. Learned (New York City Mayor's Committee): 331

Handy, Mrs. L. Irving (Delaware Woman's Committee): 238

Haney, Mary (United Garment Workers' Union; Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

Hanson, Eleanor (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Pittsburg): 168

Hapgood, Norman (National Allied Relief Committee; American Committee, Allied Home Fund for Fatherless Children and Woman Munition Workers; Committee of Mercy): 413, 415, 429

Harcourt, Mrs. Lewis (National League for Woman's Service): 135

Hardeman, Mrs. B.F. (auditor, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

Harding, Mrs. Robert (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Hare, Mrs. Montgomery (New York City Mayor's Committee): 331

Harjes, H.H. (American Relief Clearing House): 456

Harmon, Mrs. Frances M. Carlton (California Woman's Committee): 227, 228

Harnit, Fannie (Ohio Woman's Committee): 366

Harper, Mrs. William P. (Washington Woman's Committee; auditor, General Federation of Women's Clubs): 400, 518

Harriman, Mrs. Alpha H. (New Hampshire Woman's Committee): 315

Harriman, Mrs. E.H. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Harriman, Mrs. J. Borden (Committee of Women in Industry; National Allied Relief Committee; Committee of Mercy; League of the Allies; US Section, Committee of Relief of Belgian Prisoners in Germany; Duryea War Relief): 132, 413, 429, 430, 449, 484

Harrington, Mr. (Governor of Maryland): 279, 281, 283

Harris, Agnes Ellen (Florida Woman's Committee): 243, 245,

Harris, Mrs. Daniel (Georgia Woman's Committee): 254

Harris, Mrs. Edward Lansing (Regent, Ohio DAR): 538

Harris, Mrs. Henry B. (Stage Women's War Relief): 420

Harris, Mrs. H.J. (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Harris, Mrs. Nathaniel E. [Janet S.] (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; Council of Jewish Women): 28, 439, 523

Harrison, Mrs. A.M. (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 273,

Harrison, Elizabeth (vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

Harrison, Fairfax (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 71

Harrison, Mrs. J.E. Andrews (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

Hartwell, Dr. (surgical dressings, American Red Cross): 140

Harvey, Mrs. Felix (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 358

Harvey, Mrs. L.D. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee; president, Wisconsin Federation of Women's Clubs): 405, 544

Hastings, Mary Dungan (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310

Hatch, Mrs. Imogen (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 405

Hatcher, Mrs. Cornelia Templeton (Alaska Woman's Committee): 221

Hatfield, Mrs. Joshua (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Haukes, McDougall (Union des Arts): 473

Haussonville, Mme la comtesse d' (Relief for the Liberated Villages of France): 479

Hawes, Katherine (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Hawkes, Mrs. McDougall (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Haynes, Rowland Hayner (director, NY City national service commission): 352

Hay, Mary Garrett (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Hays, Mrs. Frank P. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Hays, Mrs. Samuel H. (Idaho Woman's Committee): 256, 529

Hays, Mrs. William Henry (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Hayward, Mrs. Edward W.W. (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 233, 236

Hazleton, Mary B. (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Heard, Dr. Ethel Lyon (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit): 177

Hearst, Mrs. William Randolph (NYC Mayor's Woman's Committee): 354

Heath, Mrs. Benjamin (director general in charge, DAR): 519

Heaton, Dr. Hugh (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit): 177

Hedges, Irene M. (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Hefferan, Mrs. (chairman, Committee on Courses and Instruction, Illinois Woman's Committee): 259

Heidrick, Ray (president, Delaware Federation of Women's Clubs): 526

Helmsley, Lady (Lady Helmsley's Fund in London): 493

Hemptinne, Comtesse Marie du (War Babies' Cradle): 478

Henry, Mrs. Bayard (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 376

Hepburn, Mrs. A. Barton (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Hepworth, Miss (West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406

Hereford, William R. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

Herford, Mrs. Oliver (British War Relief Association): 491

Herrick, Myron T. (National Emergency Food Gardens Association; American Committee for Training in Suitable Trades, the Maimed Soldiers of France): 71, 461

Herrick, Mrs. Myron T. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Herring, Katherine M. (US Employment Service, Colorado): 134, 526

Herter, Adele (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Hertzberg, Mrs. Eli [Anna] (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Herz, Mrs. Leo [Jenny K.] (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Heustis, Mrs. Bertha Lincoln (League of American Pen Women): 205

Hewitt, Mrs. E.R. (National League for Woman's Service, New Jersey): 182

Hewitt, Mrs. P. Cooper (Committee for Men Blinded in Battle; Comité Franco-Américain;; Franco-American Committee for the Protection of the Children of the Frontier; Lafayette Fund): 428, 473, 484, 487

Hibben,, Dr. John Grier (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 71

Hibbs, Dr. H.H. Jr (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Richmond): 168

Hickam, Morna (US Employment Service, Indiana): 134, 529

Higgins, Mrs. Milton P. (vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 521

Higginson, Mrs. F.L. (Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 107, 116

Hill, Harvey (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 73,

Hill, Mrs. John F. (Maine state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116, 265, 438,

Hill, Mrs. William (Comité Franco-Américain): 473,

Hilton, Lucy C. (director, Northwest division, ARC): 165, 517

Hirsch, Mrs. Solomon (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Hise, J.C. (US Employment Service, Wisconsin): 544

Hitz, Mrs. William (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Hoadley, Mrs. George (National League for Woman's Service, Ohio): 182, 538

Hobbins, Mrs. Joseph W. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 403, 404, 405

Hobbs, Anne (New Hampshire Woman's Committee): 315

Hocker, Mrs. Lon O. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304, 527

Hocker, Mrs. William (Florida Woman's Committee): 243, 244,

Hodgkins, Mrs. Howard I. (War Relief Service Committee, DAR): 192

Hoffman, Mrs. Charles (New York City Mayor's Committee; National Special Aid Society): 332, 433

Hoffman, Mrs. Francis Burrall (League of Catholic Women): 431

Hoffman, Malvina (treasurer, Appui aux Artistes ): 483

Hoge, Mrs. Sara H. (assistant recording secretary, Women's Christian Temperance Union): 199, 520

Holiday, Mrs. John (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Holliday, Mrs. Henrietta M. (owner of HQ building, Washington DC, of National Woman's Committee): 20

Hollingshead, Dr. Frances M. (Ohio Woman's Committee): 365, 368

Hollingsworth, Gladys (American Girls' Aid): 475

Hollister, Mrs. (Secretary of the National League for Woman's Service for Rhode Island): 382

Hollister, Mrs. Clay H. (Michigan Woman's Committee): 293

Holmes, Mrs. W.S. (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 278, 279

Holt, Dr. Ivan Lee (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Southern Methodist University): 166,

Holt, Mrs. Seab (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 219

Holt, Winifred (Committee for Men Blinded in Battle; Light House): 428, 456

Holway, Mr. (Adjutant General, Wisconsin): 403

Hooper, Mrs. James Fullerton (chairman, Alabama Woman's Committee): 216, 219, 524

Hoopes, Emily T. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 377

Hoover, Herbert C. (National Food Administrator; American Commission for Relief in Belgium): 14, 15, 27, 33, 61, 64, 65, 68, 72, 206, 207, 216, 217, 260, 295, 296, 314, 315, 319, 320, 351, 371, 388, 391, 407, 446, 447

Hope, Mrs. Tom (Oklahoma Woman's Committee; president, Oklahoma Federation of Women's Clubs): 372, 538

Hopkins, Mrs. Archibald (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Hopkins, Grace Porter (US Employment Service, Delaware): 134, 527

Horwitz, Mrs. George Q. (Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania):429

House, Mrs. J.W. (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 219

Houston, Mr. (Secretary, US Department of Agriculture): 62

Houston, Mrs. C.F. (New York Southern Women's Patriotic Committee): 438

Houston, Mrs. E.I. (president, Montana Federation of Women's Clubs): 534

Howard, Mrs. George (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Howard, W.V. (US Employment Service, West Virginia): 540

Howe, Mrs. Walter Bruce (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Howe, Mrs. Will Bernard (Regent, New Hampshire DAR): 536

Howell, Mrs. Harold R. (vice president general, DAR): 519

Howells , Mrs. Harold R. (Iowa Woman's Committee): 267

Howland, Mrs. Charles P. (Comité Franco-Américain): 474

Hoxie, Mrs. Richard L. (League of American Pen Women): 205

Hoyt, Carrie I. (California Woman's Committee): 227

Hoyt, Elsie (Florida Woman's Committee): 245

Hoyt, Gertrude L. (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 138, 430

Hoyt, Henry (Federal Food Administration for Nevada): 311

Hoyt, Rosina (Comité Franco-Américain): 474

Hrbkova, Sarka B. (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 105, 305, 310, 535

Hughes, Charles E. (Committee for Men Blinded in Battle): 428

Hughes, Mrs. Charles E. (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Hughes, Rupert (Authors' League Fund): 445

Hughes, J.I. (US Employment Service, Pennsylvania): 540

Hume, Mrs. Ida (Michigan Woman's Committee): 293,

Hume, Mrs. John P. (Regent, Wisconsin DAR): 401

Hume, Mrs. John P. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 404, 544

Humphrey, Caroline L. (War Service Committee): 210

Huntington, Mrs. Archer M. (Lafayette Fund): 487

Huntington, Mrs. Robert P. (Hudson River War Relief Committee; Committee of Mery; Serbian Relief Committee of America): 234, 430, 508

Huntington, Susan B. (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 236

Husband, Mrs. R.W. (New Hampshire Woman's Committee): 315

Hutchinson, Chalmers (vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

Hutchinson, Mrs. R.L. (West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406,

Hyatt, Anna Vaughn (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Hyde, Elizabeth A. (League of American Pen Women): 205

Hyde, Mrs. Francis DeLacy (War Work Council, YWCA): 194, 520

Hyde, Janet A. (Utah Woman's Committee): 391

Hylan, Mr. (Mayor of the City of New York): 354

Iffley, Mrs. W.S. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 231

Inman, Mrs. Samuel (chairman, George Woman's Committee): 248, 252, 254, 528

Irvine, Nannie (Division for women and girls, US Employment Service): 134

Irvine, Mrs. Stella B. (California Woman's Committee): 227, 532

Irwin, Will (Authors' League Fund): 445

Iselin, Mrs. Adrian (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Iselin, Mrs. Ernest (League of the Allies): 430

Isham, Mrs. Arthur (Vermont Woman's Committee): 395

Isham, Mrs. George (National League for Woman's Service): 182

Jaccaci; August F. (Comité Franco-Américain; Franco-American Committee for the Protection of the Children of the Frontier ): 473, 484

Jackson, Mrs. Charles A. (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 236

Jackson, J. Norman (Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania): 429

Jackson, James F. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Cleveland): 166

Jackson, John Price (Pennsylvania State Commissioner of Labor and Industry): 97,

Jacobs, Mrs. Solon (Alabama state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Jacobs, Miss Theo (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Baltimore): 165

Jacobsen, H.A.M. (US Employment Service, Louisiana): 531

Jacobson, Mrs. Charles H. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

James, Ellen Tootle (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

James, Mrs. Henry (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Jameson, Kate W. (Montana Woman's Committee): 305

Janette, Deborah (alias Robert Shurtleff, enlisted soldier): 4, 5

Jeanes, Mrs. Henry S. (Pennsylvania National League for Woman's Service): 375

Jefferson, Mrs. J. William (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 272

Jekyll, Lady (National League for Woman's Service, visit to England): 135

Jenkins, Mrs. Helen H. (New York City Mayor's Committee; National Allied Relief Committee; Serbian Relief Committee of America): 332, 413, 508

Jennings, Annie B. (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Jennings, Mrs. W.S. (Florida Woman's Committee; president, Florida Federation of Women's Clubs): 243, 244, 245, 527

Jerman, Mrs. Palmer (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 357

Johnson, Edith (Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 372,

Johnson, Ethelyn (Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 370,

Johnson, George K. (honorary vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association; Advisory Council): 522, 523

Johnston, Helen Louise (Agriculture subcommittee, General Federation of Women's Clubs; director National Service Office, Federation of Women's Clubs): 190, 191, 518,

Johnston, Mrs. Robert J. (treasurer general, DAR): 519

Johnstone, Lady [Mrs. Allan; antoinette Pinchot] (Hospital Under Three Flags): 486

Johnstone, Mary (chairman, Kentucky National League for Woman's Service): 530

Jones, Mrs. Cadwalader (Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 463

Jones, Dr. Harriet (West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406,

Jones, Myrta (Ohio Woman's Committee): 366, 368

Jonessoff, Mme Emmanuel (Le Paquet du Soldat ): 464

Joseph, Mrs. Lee Gilbert (Texas Woman's Committee): 390

Judson, Frank (director, American Red Cross, Nebraska): 310

Jusserand, Madame Jules (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Kane, Mrs. John Hames (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Kassler, Mrs. E.S. (Colorado state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Kauser, Alice (Stage Women's War Relief) 420

Kaye, Lady Lister (League of the Allies): 430

Keating, Marie E.American Auxiliary of the Women's National Health Association of Ireland): 493

Keating, Robert B. (US Employment Service, Arkansas): 525

Keeley, Mrs. Thomas (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

Keely, Mrs. Oliver S. (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Keep, Helen E. (chairman, Michigan National League for Woman's Service): 533

Kellam, Mrs. A.A. (Woman's Auxiliary of New Mexico): 323

Kelley, Mrs. Clark W. (North Dakota Woman's Committee): 360, 363

Kellogg, Mrs. Vernon (American Commission for Relief in Belgium): 446, 447

Kemp, Mrs. Jennie M. (Oregon Woman's Committee): 380

Kenney, Mrs. John M. (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Kessler, Mrs. George A. (American, British, French, Belgian Permanent Blind Relief Fund): 470, 471

Kidder, Mrs. James H. (National Allied Relief Committee; American Branch of the French Actors' Fund): 413, 484

King, Mrs. Francis (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; Woman's National Farm and Garden Association): 29,

King W.R. (US Employment Service, Missouri): 534

King, Mrs. William R. (wife of Chief Counsel of Reclamation Service): 240

King Albert (of Belgium): 447, 452, 470

King of England: 470

Kingston, Countess of (Shamrock Fund): 495

Kirkpatrick, Alice C. (New Jersey Woman's Committee): 317,

Kirkpatrick, Mary H. (Stage Women's War Relief): 419

Kistler, Mrs. W.H. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 525

Kittle, Mrs. William (Wisconsin Consumer's League; Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 402, 403, 404

Kittredge, Mabel (New York City Mayor's Committee): 331, 332, 347

Knight, Mrs. J.W. (Utah Woman's Committee): 394, 525

Knox, Dr. J.H. Mason (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit in France): 177

Kohn, Helen (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Columbia, S.C.): 166

Kohut, Mrs; Alexander (New York City Mayor's Committee; Council of Jewish Women): 331, 332, 341, 440, 441

Kozminiski, Mrs. Maurice (League of the Allies; American Branch, French Actors' Fund): 430, 485

Kreps, Mrs. I.O.J. (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Kuntze, Mrs. Harold (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

La Grange, Baronne de la [Emily Sloan] (Lafayette Fund): 486, 487

Labbe, Dr. Edmond J. (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit in France): 177

Lachance, Mrs. I. (Arizona Woman's Committee): 221

Ladd, Mrs. George E. (president, New Mexico Federation of Women's Clubs): 536

Ladenburg, Mrs. Adolph (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Lady Superintendent Royal Arsenal 135

Lafayette, Marquis de (American Fund for the Heroes of France and Her Allies): 469

Lahman, Mrs. C.E. (Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 369, 372

Laing, Margaret (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Columbia, S.C.): 166

Lamar , Mrs. Joseph R. (of Georgia; Committee on Women's Defense Work; Colonial Dames of America; helped organize in North Carolina): 18, 28, 40, 60, 210, 363, 516

Lamb, Ella Condie (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Landers, Julia E. (Indiana Woman's Committee): 265, 529

Lane, Mrs. Alvin V. (vice president general, DAR): 519

Lane, Franklin K. (Secretary of the Interior): 9, 19, 239, 267, 287, 296

Lane, Mrs. Franklin K. (Interior Department War Work): 239

Lansing, Mrs. Robert (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Lathrop, Mrs. Benjamin Girault (chairman of the Paris depot of the American Fund for French Wounded): 455, 467

Lathrop, Mrs. Bryan (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross; American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris)): 204, 459

Lathrop, Julia (head of National Children's Bureau): 33, 75, 83, 206

Laws, Mrs. Bertha Dahl (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Lawshé, Er (American Committee of Allied Home Fund for Fatherless Children and Woman Munition Workers): 415

Lawson, Mrs. Eugene B. (Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 369, 372, 538

Lawson, Mrs. W.A. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 404, 405

Le Veerier, Mme Charles (American Branch, French Actors' Fund): 485

Lea, Mrs. Charles M. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 374

Lea, Nina (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 376

Lea, Mrs. Preston (Delaware Woman's Committee): 238,

Leaken, Mrs. W.R.(Georgia state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Leary, Mrs. Eliza Feery (Washington Woman's Committee; vice president general, DAR): 400, 518

Lee, Mrs. George (New England-Italian War Relief Fund): 496

Lee, Katie (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Lee, Porter R. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, NY City): 167

Lee, Sarah (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242,

Lee, Mrs. William H. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304,

Leigh, Mrs. Egbert (Federal Reserve chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; Virginia Woman's Committee): 116, 397

Leland, Luisita (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Leser, Mrs. Oscar (Maryland Woman's Committee): 280

Lester, Lucy (Georgia Woman's Committee): 254

Letton, Mrs. C.B. (vice president general, DAR): 518

Lewis, Mrs. I.J. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

Lewis, Mrs. John (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Lewis, Mrs. Marvin (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 271,

Lewis, Olive (Le Paquet de l'Hôpital): 464

Lewisohn, Mrs. Philip (New Jersey Woman's Committee): 208

Liebert, Gaston (Union des Arts): 473

Lindsay, Katherine (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

Lindsay, Louise (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Lindsay, Mrs. Z.T. (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310,

Lindsey, Mrs. Edward S. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 373

Lindsey, Mrs. Washington E.. (Woman's Auxiliary of New Mexico): 323, 536

Lindsey-Patterson, Mrs. (National League for Woman's Service; North Carolina Woman's Committee): 182, 356, 357, 537

Lindsley, Mary A. (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 156

Lingle, Mrs. Thomas W. (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 537

Lipschitz, Dora (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

Lister, Mrs. Ernest (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Lister-Kaye, Lady Natica (American women in relief work in England): 490

Lithgow, Nellie (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

Litt, Mrs. Ruth (New York City Mayor's Committee): 328

Littleton, Mrs. Martin W. (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Livingston, Mrs. Goodhue (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Lloyd, Mrs. Horatio Gates (Philadelphia section of the Navy League of the United States): 375

Lockwood, Mrs. Mary S. (National Woman's Press Association; Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense): 28

Loeb, Sophie Irene (New York Woman's Committee): 328

Logan, Leomis (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Richmond): 168, 241, 488

Lombard, Sue (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Longley, Mrs. Charles E. (vice president general, DAR): 519

Longman, Evelyn Beatrice (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Lopatto, J.S. (Lithuanian Central War Relief Committee): 505

Lord, Isabel Ely (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 156

Lorimer, Mrs. George R. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 376

Lothrop, Mrs. Alice Higgins (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Boston): 166

Lothrop, Mrs. Sturgis (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Lovejoy, Dr. Esther Pohl (National Woman's Medical Association ): 38

Loveless, Mrs. Milo J. (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Lovett, Mrs. Robert (War Work Council, YWCA): 194, 521

Low, Juliette (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; Girl Scouts): 28, 206

Low, Mary Fairchild (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Lowndes, Mrs. Richard T. (Kentucky WOman's Committee): 271

Lowrie, Prof. S.G. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Cincinnati): 166

Lowther, Lady (American women prominent in relief work for England): 490

Lucas, Mrs. Albert (Woman's Proclamation Society): 443

Lucas, Dr. William P. (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit in France): 176, 177

Lugg, Charles H. (Food Conservation Committee, South Dakota State Council of Defense): 386

Lumpkin, Mrs. Samuel (Georgia Woman's Committee): 250

Lydig, Mrs. Philip M. (Union des Arts; Lafayette Fund; War Babies Cradle): 473, 478, 487

Lynch, Mrs. Harriet P. (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Lynch, Mrs. John C. (California Woman's Committee; Regent, California DAR): 227, 525

MacCracken, Dr. H.N. (National Director of Junior Membership, American Red Cross): 174

MacDowell, Mrs. W.W. (Monatana Woman's Committee): 305

MacInnes, Reverend Kenneth J. (North Dakota Woman's Committee): 363

Mack, Mrs. Clarence E. (Ohio Woman's Committee): 368

MacKay, Catherine J. (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service; Iowa Woman's Committee): 157, 269

Macy, Mrs. V. Everit (Committee on Labor; New York City Mayor's Committee): 132, 331, 332

Madison, Dolly: 3

Maitland, Mrs. Elphinstone (Blue Cross Fund): 510

Mali, Mrs. Pierre (U.S.A. Section of Committee for Relief of Belgian Prisoners in Germany): 449

Maloney, Mrs. E.L. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 403, 404

Maloney, Elizabeth (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 126

Maloubier, Mme Eugène (Le Paquet du Soldat ): 464

Maloy, Mrs. William Milnes (Maryland Woman's Committee): 280

Mandigo, Mrs. W.R. (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Maney, Mabelle (Indiana Woman's Committee): 265

Mangold, Dr. George B. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, St. Louis): 168

Mann, Mrs. Horace [Elizabeth Claypool Earl] (Agriculture subcommittee, General Federation of Women's Clubs): 190

Manning, Dr. John B. (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit in France): 177

Manning, Mrs. Richard I. (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

Manning, Mrs. Van H. (wife of Director of Bureau of Mines): 240,

Mansfield, Mrs. F.J. (Iowa Woman's Committee; chairman, Iowa National League for Woman's Service): 269, 530

Marbury, Elizabeth (League of Catholic Women): 431

March, Clement (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Marchioness of Aberdeen and Temair (American Auxiliary of the Women's National Health Association of Ireland): 493

Marchioness of Londonderry (National League for Woman's Service, England): 135

Mariner, Mrs. John W.(Wisconsin state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; chairman, Wisconsin National League for Woman's Service): 117, 404, 405, 544

Marks, Mrs. Marcus M. (NY City Mayor's Committee): 352

Markwell, Mrs. (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

Marlatt, Abby L. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 404, 405

Marlowe, Julia (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Marsh, Mrs. Edward Sprague (Regent, Vermont DAR): 542

Marsh, Mrs. Wilbur W. (Iowa state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116, 269

Marshall, Mrs. Charles H. (League of the Allies): 430

Marshall, Florence M. (Woman's War Relief Corps in France; director, Women's Bureau, American Red Cross): 137, 138, 139, 140, 144, 150, 239, 516

Martin, Mrs. C. (wife of Brigadier General; Military Sisterhood of Kansas): 36

Martin, Mrs; Gertrude S. (Associate Collegiate Alumnae): 210

Martin, Mrs. J. Willis (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; National League for Woman's Service; Garden Club of America; director, Pennsylvania division of ARC; Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania): 28, 165, 182, 373, 429, 517, 540

Martin, Mrs. Orville (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Mason, Mrs. Daniel Gregory (American Branch, French Actors' Fund): 485

Mason, Mrs. Henry L. (New England-Italian War Relief Fund): 496

Mason, Lucy (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Massingill, Mrs; Bruce (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 219

Mather, Mrs. Stephen (wife of Director of Parks): 239

Mathews, Mrs. Lois K.(Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; Association of Collegiate Alumnae; War Service Committee): 28, 210

Mattern, Mrs. Edwin L. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 374

Matthews, Mary (Indiana Woman's Committee): 265

Maupin, Mrs. J.F. (vice president general, DAR): 518

Maxwell, Ella (American Committee of Allied Home Fund for Fatherless Children and Woman Munition Workers; League of the Allies; American Ambulance in Russia): 415, 430, 502

Maxwell, Mrs. John (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230

Maxwell, Mrs. Laurence (Ohio Woman's Committee): 367

Maycock, Rena B. (Utah Woman's Committee): 391

Mayes, Mrs. F. Louis (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384, 385, 539

Maynard, Martha (Union des Arts): 473

Maynard, Walter (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Maynard, Mrs. Walter E. (New York Committee, Alley Festa; League of the Allies; U.S.A. Section of Committee for Relief of Belgian Prisoners in Germany; Children of Flanders Rescue Committee; New York Committee of the Secours National,): 414, 415, 430, 449, 464, 489

Mayo, Margaret (League of the Allies): 430

McAdoo, Mr. (Secretary of the Treasury): 33, 76, 107, 114, 192

McAdoo, Mrs. (wife of the Secretary of the Treasury and daughter of the President; Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 107

McBride, Mrs. Malcolm (Ohio Woman's Committee): 367

McCabe, Mary Honora (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

McCall, Mrs. Howard H. (Regent, Georgia DAR): 528

McCanna, Mrs. Mary C. (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

McCheyne, Gertrude (Utah Woman's Committee): 391

McClintock, Mrs. Garrison (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

McClintock, Merle (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230

McConnell, William J. (US Employment Service, Idaho): 529

McCook, Mrs. Philip J. (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

McCormick, Anne (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 373

McCormick, Mrs. James (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

McCormick, Mrs. L.H. (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508,

McCormick, Mrs. Stanley (Committee on Women's Defense Work): 18, 70, 515

McCready, Mrs. N.S. (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

McCreary, Mrs. H.H. (Florida Woman's Committee): 243, 245

McCue, Mrs. Thomas (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230

McCulloch, Mrs. Fred H. (Indiana state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116, 265

McColloch, Rhoda (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

McCullough, Grace E. (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 156

McDaris, Mrs. Charles (vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

McDonald, Mrs. Donald (Kentucky state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116, 273

McDonald, May (North Dakota Woman's Committee): 360, 362, 363

McDowell, Mary E. (head of the University of Chicago settlement and chairman of the Committee on Foreign Women in Industry in the Council of National Defense; Committee on Labor; Illinois Woman's Committee): 106, 132, 262

McDowell, Mrs. W.W. (Montana state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

McDuffie, Mrs. Duncan (California Woman's Committee; chairman, California National League for Woman's Service): 227, 525

McEniry, Mrs. M.D. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

McFarland, Mrs. W.I. (recording secretary, General Federation of Women's Clubs): 517

McFarlane, Mrs. Hugh (Florida Woman's Committee): 244

McFedries, S.M. (director of Red Cross Chapters, Wisconsin): 403

McGee, Neil (US Employment Service, Nevada): 535

McGehee, Mrs. Edward (Mississippi Woman's Committee): 298, 299, 300, 533

McGovern, Mrs. P.J. (Federal Reserve chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; Georgia Woman's Committee): 116, 254

McKenney, Virginia (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

McKimmon, Mrs. Jane (North Carolina Wman's Committee): 357

McKinney, Nola (West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406

McLane, Kate (Maryland Woman's Committee): 285

McLaughlin, Mrs. George N. (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

McLeish, Mrs. A.L. (director, Pacific division, American Red Cross): 165, 517

McLellan, Mrs. Harriett A. (honorary vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Association): 522

McMahon, Katherine (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Boston): 166

McMain , Eleanor (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, New Orleans): 167

McMechen, Virginia (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Seattle): 168

McMillan, Mrs. Dougald (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

McMillin, Emerson (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 71

McMullen, Roger M. (Advisory Council): 522

McNaught, Mrs. Margaret Schallenberger (California Woman's Committee): 227

McWhirter, Mrs.J.L. (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Mead, Dr. Kate Campbell (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 234, 236

Meanes, Dr. Lenna (Iowa Woman's Committee): 269

Mears, Mrs. David O. (vice-president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Association): 521

Mechin, Mrs. G.V.R. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Meigs, Miss (chairman of the Jacksonville division, Florida Woman's Committee): 244

Meigs, Mrs. John (War Work Council, YWCA): 194, 520

Mendenhall, Mrs. J.H. (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Mengel, Mrs. Herbert (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 272

Meredith, Mrs. E.T. (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Merritt, Mrs. Edgar B. (wife of Asst. Commissioner of Indian Affairs): 240

Messick, Mrs. S. Harrington (Delaware Woman's Committee): 238

Metcalf, Elizabeth Tyree (Stage Women's War Relief): 419

Meyer, Annie Nathan (Council of Jewish Women): 441

Meyer, Louise (Committee on the Census, NYC Mayor's Committee): 337

Meyers, Mrs. H.B. (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 278, 279

Michael, Mrs.Elias (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Middleton, Clara (Federal Reserve chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Miller, Alice Duer (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332,

Miller, Annie L. (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310

Miller, Mrs. Benjamin (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 376

Miller, Mrs. Charles R. (Delaware Woman's Committee): 238, 526

Miller, Mrs. Helen (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

Miller, Mrs. J.C. (Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 108,

Miller, Mrs. J.M. (president, Kansas Federation of Women's Clubs): 530

Miller, Mrs. John O.(Pennsylvania state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 117, 373, 374

Miller, Mrs. L.C. (Regent, Utah DAR): 542

Miller, Mrs. T.P. (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Miller, Mrs. Walter McNabb (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time; Missouri Woman's Committee): 127, 301

Millet, Mrs. Stephen (The Green Bough ): 209

Mills, Mrs. Ogden (Hudson River War Relief Committee; American Committee for Training in Suitable Trades, the Maimed Soldiers of France; War Babies' Cradle; New York Committee of the Secours National ): 430, 461, 478, 489

Mimms, Mrs. Robert (Mississippi Woman's Committee): 300

Miner, Stella A. (New York City Mayor's Committee, Committee on Social Welfare): 352

Minis, Mrs. Isaac (Georgia Woman's Committee): 254

Minor, Maude E. (sub-committee on Protective Work for Girls, relative to training camps): 85, 421

Minor, Mrs. E.C. (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397,

Minor, Mrs. George Maynard (vice president general, DAR): 518

Misch, Mrs. Caesar (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523, 429

Mitchel, John Purroy (Mayor of New York City; Committee of Mercy): 330, 354

Mitchel, Mrs. John Purroy (honorary chairman, New York City Mayor's Committee): 331, 332

Mitchell, Eleanor (Minnesota Young Women's Auxiliary): 297

Mittelstadt, Louisa (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

Mixon, Mrs. Robert (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

Moberley, Mrs. E.E. (director, Gulf Division, American Red Cross): 165, 516

Moffat, John (National Allied Relief Committee; Committee of Mercy): 413, 415, 429

Moffet, Mrs. M.S. (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Moffett, Cleveland (Authors' League Fund): 445

Mohan, Lucy F. (Le Paquet du Soldat ): 464

Moli, M. Pierre (Belgian Consul General): 448

Monroe, Mrs. George (Woman's War Relief Corps): 454

Montague, Mrs. D.P. (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Montalvo, Marie de (Committee on Publicity, NY City Mayor's Committee): 352

Moody, Mrs. Edmund P. (vice president general, DAR): 518

Moody, Dr. L.M. (American Girls' Aid): 475,

Moody, Mrs. Robert O. (California Woman's Committee): 227

Moore, Dr. Charles Ulysses (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit in France): 177

Moore, Ethel (Woman's Committee of California): 227, 262

Moore, Mrs. John I (president, Arkansas Federation of Women's Clubs): 525

Moore, Mrs. Philip North (National Council of Women; Missouri state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 17, 29, 40, 60, 86, 91, 116, 211, 303, 304, 421, 515

Morawetz, Mrs. Victor (New York City Mayor's Committee; American Branch, French Actors' Fund): 332, 485

Moreau, Madame Adolphe (Relief for the Liberated Villages of France): 479

Morgan, Dr. Agnes F. (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 157

Morgan, Anne Tracy (National League for Woman's Service; treasurer, American Fund for French Wounded; American Ice Flotilla Committee): 182, 467, 480

Morgan, Mrs. Edith Parsons (American Branch, French Actors' Fund): 485

Morgan, Mrs. H.A. (President, Arizona Federation of Women's Clubs): 524

Morgan, Mrs. H.E.. (Wisconsin Red Cross Committee): 403, 404, 544

Morgan, Mrs. Junius S. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

Morgan, Mrs. Raymond B. (War Service Committee): 210

Morgan, Mrs. Reed A. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 374,

Morgan, Ruth (chairman, New York City Mayor's Committee): 330, 331, 332

Morgan, Mrs. William Fellowes (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Morgan, William Forbes (Committee for Men Blinded in Battle): 428

Morganthau, Mrs. Henry (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Morris, Mrs. C.H. (Iowa Woman's Committee): 269

Morris, Mrs. James T. (Regent, Minnesota DAR): 533

Morrison, Mrs. Theodore S. (Regent, North Carolina DAR): 537

Morse, Mrs. Howard (War Work Council, YWCA): 194, 520

Morton, Mrs. Levi P. (Needlework Guild of America; Hudson River War Relief Committee): 426, 430

Morton, Mrs. R.A. (Wyoming Woman's Committee): 407

Morton, Rosalie Slaughter M.D. (American Women's Hospitals; New York Southern Women's Patriotic Committee): 416, 438

Morton, W.R. (US Employment Service, Virginia): 543

Moschzisker, Mrs. Robert von (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 376

Moses, Mrs. Jacob B. (Maryland Woman's Committee): 280, 285

Moskowitz, Mrs. Henry (New York City Mayor's Committee): 331, 332, 339

Mott, Mrs. John R. (vice chairman, War Work Council, YWCA): 194, 520, 521

Moulton, Mrs. E.S. (Rhode Island Woman's Committee): 382

Mulhauser, Mrs. Frank J.(Ohio state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 117

Mulhauzer, Hilda (of Cleveland, Ohio), see: Mrs. Hilda Mulhauzer Richards, below

Mulliner, Walter (British War Relief Association): 491

Mulvane, Mrs. David W. (Kansas Woman's Committee): 269, 270, 530

Mumford, Mrs. Joseph P. (honorary vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

Munford, Mrs. B.B. (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397, 543

Munns, Margaret C. (treasurer, Women's Christian Temperance Union): 199, 520

Munroe, Mrs. Henry W. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris; Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 459, 463

Murphy, Mrs. Daniel F. (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Murphy, Major Grayson M.P. (Director, Red Cross Commission to France): 139, 144, 176, 177, 178, 467

Muse, Helen (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Atlanta): 165

Myers, Mrs. F.L. (Woman's Auxiliary of New Mexico): 323, 324

Myers, Mrs. H.B. 279,

Myers, Mrs. J. Kirtlaand (Mercy Committee of New Jersey):431

Neal, Minnie E. (Florida Woman's Committee): 243, 245

Neale, Margarette (US Employment Service): 134, 536

Neilson, Mrs. Lewis (Pennsylvania Railroad Women's Division for War Relief): 375

Nestor, Agnes (president of the International Glove Makers ' Union; Committee on Woman's Work in War Time; Committee on Women's Defense Work): 18, 126, 134, 515

Neville, Keith (Governor of Nebraska): 306

Neville, Mrs. Keith (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310

Nevin, Mrs. Ethelbert (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; American Fund for French Wounded): 28, 467

Newberry, Mrs. Truman H.(Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; Needlework Guild of America): 29, 427

Newell, Lavinia H. (director, New England division, American Red Cross): 165, 517

Newman, Bernard J. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Philadelphia): 168

Newman, Mrs. Isidore (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Newton, Mrs. (North Dakota Woman's Committee): 362

Newton, Dr. Philip (American Ambulance in Russia): 503

Nichols, Mrs. H.S. Prentiss (Pennsylvania Division of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense): 373

Nichols, Mrs. W.A. (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Nicoll, Elsie (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Nielson, Minnie (North Dakota state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Nightingale, Florence: 3

Noble, Mrs. William Belden (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Noel, Mrs. E.F. (Regent, Mississippi DAR): 533

Nolan, Mrs. C.B. (Montana Woman's Committee): 305

Norris, Mrs. C.H. (Iowa Woman's Committee): 269

Northcliffe, Lord: 338

Norton, Elizabeth Gaskell (British Section of the Belgian Official Committee of Help for Refugees in France): 452

Norton, Mrs. J.C. (Arizona Woman's Committee): 221,

Norton, Sara (British Section of the Belgian Official Committee of Help for Refugees in France): 452

Noyes, Mrs. Charles P. (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297,

Noyes, Clara D. (Bureau of Nursing, American Red Cross): 516

Noyes, Mrs. George H. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 405,

O'Connor, Julia (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

O'Donnell, Mrs. W.J. (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 278

O'Donohue, Teresa (New York City Mayor's Committee; League of Catholic Women): 332, 431

O'Hearn, Father Louis J. (General Chairman, League of Catholic Women): 431

O'Higgins, Harvey (Authors' League Fund): 445

O'Neill, Mrs. Eugene Brady [Pauline] (Arizona Woman's Committee): 220, 221, 524

Obenauer, Marie (National League for Woman's Service): 182

Ochsner, Mrs. A.J.(Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; National Federation of Music Clubs): 28

Ocobock, Mrs. Emma C.(Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; General Grand Chapter, O.E.S., Eastern Star): 28

Odenheimer, Mrs. O.D. [Cordelia D.] (president, United Daughters of the Confederacy): 39, 211

Oelrich, Mrs. Herman (War Babies' Cradle ): 478

Ogburn, William F. (Red Cross Home Service Institute, Seattle): 168

Oldham, H.A. (Food Conservation Committee, South Dakota State Council of Defense): 386

Oliver, Mrs. Paul Q. (New Jersey Woman's Committee): 318

Ollesheimer, Mrs. Henry (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; National League of Women Workers): 28

Olson, Mrs. Frances Buell (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Orr, Mrs. W.R. (Delaware state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Osborn, Prof. Loran D. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Denver): 167

Osborn, Mrs. H. Fairfield (Hudson River War Relief Fund; American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 429, 459

Osborne, Mrs. William Church (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Osgood, Mrs. Hamilton (Chelsea War Refugees Fund): 492

Overton, Mrs. Jesse (Tennessee Woman's Committee; Tennessee National League for Woman's Service): 389, 541

Owen, Mrs. Thomas B. (National League for Woman's Service, Alabama): 182, 219, 524

Pack, Charles Lathrop (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 70, 71, 72

Paderewski, Ignace (Authors' League Fund; National American Committee for the Polish Victims' Relief ): 445, 497

Paderewski, Mrs. (Polish Relief Fund): 498, 499

Padgett, Lemuel D. (Chairman of the House Committee on Naval Affairs): 10

Page, Gabriella (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Paget, Lady (American women prominent in relief work for England): 490

Painter, Mrs. William R. (Regent, Missouri DAR): 534

Palmer, Mrs. Potter (League of the Allies): 430

Parish, Mrs. S.W. (chairman, Oklahoma National League for Woman's Service): 539

Parke, Mrs. J.B. (Alabama Woman's Committee): 219

Parker, Grace (sent on mission to England, National League for Woman's Service): 135, 182

Parker, Dr. Valeria H. (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 234, 236

Parks, Mrs. Frances P. (corresponding secretary, Women's Christian Temperance Union): 198, 520

Patterson, Hannah Jane (Committee on Women's Defense Work): 18, 515, 516

Patterson, Mrs. Isaac L. (Regent, Oregon DAR): 539

Paul, Mrs. J.N. (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310, 535

Peabody, Helen F. (South Dakota Woman's Committee): 386, 540

Pearce, Dr. N.O. (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit in France): 177

Pearson, Mrs. Isaac [Margaret E.](Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; president, League of American Pen Women): 29, 204

Peck, Mrs. Walter A.(Rhode Island state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 117

Peel, Mrs. Frank (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

Peel, Mrs. W.L. (chairman, George National League for Woman's Service): 528

Peixotto, Ernest (Appui aux Artistes ): 483

Peixotto, Dr. Jessica (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, San Francisco; Council of Jewish Women; chairman of the Defense Committee of San Francisco; ): 168, 44

Pendleton, Mr. (president of Wellesley College; War Service Committee) 210

Pendleton, Mrs. Francis K. (New York Committee of the Secours National):489

Pepper, Mrs. George Wharton (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee; American Ambulance Committee): 376, 460

Perham, Mrs. Wallace (Montana Woman's Committee): 304

Perkins, Elizabeth (American Fund for French Wounded): 467

Perkins, Mrs. George W. (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Perkins, Mrs. Roger G. (Federal Reserve chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116,

Perky, Mrs. K.I. (Idaho Woman's Committee): 256

Perry, Lilla Cabot (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Pershing, General: 142, 454

Petain, General (Civilian Committee of the American Fund): 468

Peterson, Mrs. A.G. (Nebraska state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116, 310

Peterson, Agnes (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Peterson, Jane (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Pettijohn, Prof. J.J. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Indianapolis): 167

Phelps, Hilda (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 278, 531

Philipp, Mr. E.L. (Governor of Wisconsin): 404

Pickett, Dr. Alice (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 273

Pictor-Turberville, Miss (English visit of Miss Parker of National League for Woman's Service): 135

Pierce, Grace M. (registrar general, DAR): 519

Pierrepont, Mrs. R.S. (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Pinchot, Antoinette [Lady Johnstone] (Hospital Under Three Flags): 486

Pinchot, Mrs. Gifford (New York City Mayor's Committee; League of the Allies): 332, 430

Pine, Dr. Auten (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 298

Pinto, Mrs. Gaston (American Girls' Aid): 475

Piollet, Mrs. Louise (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 374

Pischel, Emma (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

Pitcher, Molly: 4, 5

Pittenger, Mrs. Fred (Idaho Woman's Committee): 256

Pleasant, Rufin G. (Governor of Louisiana): 276

Plumly, Arthur (US Employment Service, Utah): 542

Polk, Mrs. Wm. (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 279,

Polk, Mrs. Thomas (Tennessee Woman's Committee; Regent, Tennessee DAR): 389, 541

Pollak, Helene (Committee on Social Welfare, NY City Mayor's Committee): 352

Poole, Mrs. Ernest (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Pope, Helen M. (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 157,

Pope, Mrs. Horton (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230

Poppenheim, Miss (United Daughters of the Confederacy): 211

Porteour, Mrs. Wm. (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 279

Porter, Besy (chairman, Massachusetts National League for Woman's Service): 532

Post, A. Seton Jr. (American Girls' Aid): 475

Post, Emily Price (Authors' League Fund): 445

Potter, Adella (White Cross Guard Movement ): 437,

Potter, Mrs. Robert Burnside (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Poullet, Prospère. (Minister of Science and Fine Arts of Belgium at the Hague): 448, 451

Pratt, Mrs. Clyde H. (War Relief Clearing House for France and Her Allies): 457,

Pratt, Mrs. Herbert (War Work Committee, YWCA): 521

Pratt, Mrs. John (Federal Reserve chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Prellwitz, Edith Mitchill (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Preston, May Wilson (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Preston, Mrs. Ralph (Woman's War Relief Corps in France): 144,

Preston, Mrs. Thomas Jex (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Price, Mrs. Fannie Bonner (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Prichard, Lucy (West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406

Prince, Dr. Norman (Serbian Distress Fund of Boston): 509

Princess Helen of Serbia 508

Pringle, Mrs. Ernest (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Pulford, Mrs. Rosepha (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

Pulitzer, Mrs. Jospeh (League of the Allies): 430

Pulsifier, Mrs. Woodbury (corresponding secretary general, DAR): 519

Pupin, M.I. (Consul General of Servia; Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Purcell, Mrs. Charles W. (Regent, Idaho DAR): 529

Putnam, Edith (Le Paquet du Soldat ): 464

Putnam, Mrs. George Haven (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Putnam, Mrs. James Lowell (League of the Allies): 430

Putnam, Mrs. William Lowell (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit in France): 176

Queen Elizabeth (of Belgium): 447, 470

Queen Marie Antoinette (Charité Maternelle de Paris): 483

Queen Marie of Roumania (Roumanian Relief Committee of America): 495

Queen of England (American, British, French, Belgian Permanent Blind Relief Fund): 470

Quinn, Mrs. H.L. (Mississippi Woman's Committee): 300

Rackauskas, V.K. (Lithuanian Central War Relief Committee): 505

Radcliff, Sue, M.D. (American Women's Hospitals): 416

Rafter, Mrs. Gile (historian, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

Raitt, Effie (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 156

Randolph, Agnes (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Ransome, Mrs. F.L. (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Raoux, Marie Louise (Le Paquet de l'Orphelin,): 464

Rassler, Mrs. Edward (Colorado Woman's Committee): 231

Ratshesky, Mrs. A.C. (Massachusetts Woman's Committee): 288

Raymond, Stockton (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Denver): (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Columbus, Ohio): 166

Rea, Mrs. Henry R. (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Reckitt, Harold (Hospital Under Three Flags): 486

Redfield, Mr. (Secretary of the Interior): 288

Redwood, Mrs. Frances T. (Maryland Woman's Committee): 285

Reed, Mrs. William (Maryland Woman's Committee): 285

Reese, Mrs. Isaac (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Reeve, Mrs. A.H. (vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers' Association): 522

Reid, Mrs. Ogden Mills (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Reid, Mrs. Whitelaw (National Allied Relief Committee; Woman's War Relief Corps in France; American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris; Woman's War Relief in England; Serbian Relief Committee of America): 144, 413, 455, 459, 490, 508

Reilley, Mrs. Eugene (North Carolina Woman's Committee; second vice president, General Federation of Women's Clubs): 88, 354, 355, 356, 357, 517, 537

Reppert, Mrs. E.B. (Federal Reserve chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Reynolds, Mrs. R.J. (North Carolina state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116, 357

Rice, Lady Spring (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Richards, Mrs. Hilda Mulhauzer (assistant director, US Employment Service; office in Buffalo, NY) 133, 523, 537

Riddle, J.W. (American Committee for Training in Suitable Trades, the Maimed Soldiers of France): 461

Ridsdale, P.S. (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 72

Riegel, Mrs. Sally Williams (Stage Women's War Relief) 419, 420

Riggs, Pauline (Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 463

Riley, Gladys (Minnesota Young Women's Auxiliary): 297

Roache, Francis (Lafayette Fund): 487

Robb, William H. (US Employment Service, Texas): 542

Robbins, Mrs. Allan (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Robbins, Ida, L. (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310,

Robertson, Mrs. Lucy (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 357

Robins, Mrs. Raymond (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; National Women's Trade Union League; Illinois Woman's Committee): 28, 128, 130, 262

Robins, Mrs. Sally N. (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Robins, Mrs. Thomas (Pennsylvania National League for Woman's Service): 373, 374, 375, 429

Robinson, Mrs. Douglas (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Robinson, Helen Ring (writer, of Colorado; advisory commission on moral hazards in training camps): 6, 85

Robinson, Karl Davis (National Allied Relief Committee; Committee of Mercy): 413, 415

Robinson, Moncure (American Committee for Training in Suitable Trades, the Maimed Soldiers of France): 461

Robinson, Mrs. Moncure (Philadelphia section of the Navy League of the United States): 375

Robinson, Mrs. William C. (vice president general, DAR): 518

Rodman, Mrs. Willoughby (California Woman's Committee): 227

Rogers, Mrs. Archibald (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 347, 430

Rogers, Mrs. Jennie M. (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310

Roosevelt, Mrs. J. West (Union des Arts): 473

Roosevelt, Mrs. James (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Roosevelt, Mrs. Philip J. (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 455, 464,

Roosevelt, Col. Theodore (Advisory Council): 522

Root, Elihu (Committee of Mercy): 429

Rorabeck, Ella (Florida Woman's Committee): 245

Rosalsky, George Otto A. (American Jewish Relief Committee): 443

Rosenberg, Mrs. Hugo (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Rowe, Bess (Montana Woman's Committee): 305

Rowell, Hubert N. (treasurer, National Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Association): 521

Rowland, Mrs. Edward K. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee; mergency Aid of Pennsylvania; Appui aux Artistes ): 376, 429, 483

Ruelle, Geubel de la (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

Ruggles, Alma (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Ruhl, Mrs. John L. (West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406

Rumsey, Mrs. Charles Cary (New York City Mayor's Committee): 329, 331, 332

Runciman, Mrs. Walter (National League for Woman's Service, survey in England): 135

Russell, Dr. Jessie A. (California Woman's Committee): 227

Rutherford-Fuller, Mrs. Minnie (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

Rutledge, Mrs. Elese (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Ruutz-Rees, Caroline (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 231, 235, 526

Safford, Mrs. L.B. (Florida Woman's Committee): 245

Sale, Mrs. W.W. (National League for Woman's Service; Virginia Woman's Committee): 397, 543

Saltzgaber, Mrs. Gaylord M. (wife of Commissioner of Pensions): 240

Sand, Benjamin J. (US Employment Service, Michigan): 533

Sanderson, Mrs. Frances (Maryland Woman's Committee; president, Maryland Federation of Women's Clubs): 285, 532

Sanford, Mrs. H.I. (director, Lake division, American Red Cross): 165, 516

Sanger, Mrs. Ralph (Alley Festa; League of the Allies): 414, 430

Sartain, Harriet (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Sateren, Mrs. O.L. (North Dakota Woman's Committee): 360, 363

Satterlee, Mrs. Herbert L. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Saunders, Mrs. S.M. (Montana Woman's Committee): 305

Sayles, Mrs. F.A. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

Saylor, Flora (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Southern Methodist University): 166

Scarborough, Elizabeth (American Fund for French Wounded): 467

Scharff, Violette E. (Le Paquet de l'Hôpital,):464

Schiff, Mrs. Jacob H. (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Schnebbe, Mrs. Howard (Stage Women's War Relief): 419

Schneidermann, Rose (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 126

Schoenfeld, Mrs. (Woodcraft Girls): 208

Schoenfeldt, Mrs. (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

Schoff, Mrs. (Mothers Army and Navy Camp Committee of the National Congress of Mothers): 200,

Schoff, Frederic (Advisory Council): 522

Schoff, Mrs. Frederic (president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Association): 29, 521,

Schofield, Mrs. Wm. H. (New Hampshire state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116, 315, 536

Schollaert , Mr. (Belgian official in charge of war charities at Havre): 448

Schreiner, Olive (author, wrote: "Women and War"): 3, 15

Schuler, Eric (Authors' League Fund): 445

Schumacher, Mrs. Joseph A. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 405

Schuyler, Mrs. Gerald (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231, 438, 526

Schwartz, Mrs. Leo (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Scott, Alice (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 127

Scott, Mrs. Charles (Woman's War Relief Corps in France): 144,

Scott, Mrs. Hugh L. (National League for Woman's Service): 182

Scott, Katherine (Proper Chaperonage for Girls): 86, 421

Scott, Leroy (Authors' League Fund): 445

Scott, Lester (Camp Fire Girls): 39

Scott, Mrs. Matthew T. (War Relief Committee, DAR; Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 191, 193, 204,

Scott, Melinda (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time; Committee of Women in Industry; New York City Mayor's Committee): 126, 132, 332

Scott, Mrs. W.E.D. (Connecticut Woman's Committee; chairman, Connecticut National League for Woman's Service): 235, 236, 526

Scribner, Charles (Authors' League Fund): 445

Scribner, Mrs. Charles (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Scudder, Janet (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred; Lafayette Fund): 435, 487

Scull, Mrs. William Ellis (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 376

Seaman, Charles W. (US Employment Service, Minnesota): 533

Sears, Mrs. J.H. (League of the Allies): 430

Sears, Mrs. J. Montgomery (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Sears, Sarah Choate (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435,

Seaver, Mrs. Frances (Duryea War Relief): 484

Secretary of Labor: 122, 125, 127, 185

Secretary of the Navy: 8, 19, 193

Sedgwick, Dr. Julius Parker (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit in France): 177

Sellenings, Dr. O.H. (ARC Infant Welfare Unit in France): 177

Sells, Mrs. Cato (wife of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs): 240

Semple, Mrs. Patty B. (Kentucky Woman's Committee): 271,

Semple, Mrs. Samuel (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Serpell, Alethea (Virginia Woman's Committee; Regent, Virginia DAR): 397, 543

Severance, Mrs. A.A. (Federal Reserve chairman, Minneapolis, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116,

Severance, Mrs. C.A. (National League for Woman's Service, Minnesota): 182, 297, 533

Sewall, Lella M. (Committee on Patriotic Service of the National W.C.T.U.): 199

Sharp, William P. (American Ambassador to France, French Tuberculosis War Victim's Fund): 485

Sharp, Mrs. William P. (director, Woman's War Relief Corps in France; American Committee collecting for the war charities of the Queen of Belgium): 144, 447, 454

Sharpe, Mrs. Walter B. (chairman, Texas National League for Woman's Service): 541

Sharpe, Mrs. Walter King (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 374

Shaw, Dr. Anna Howard (Committee on Women's Defense Work): 17, 18, 20, 70, 76, 79, 217, 288, 515

Shaw, A.W. (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 71

Shaw, Mary (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Shedd, Mrs. Solon (president, Washington Federation of Women's Clubs): 543

Sheehy, Edna (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 242

Sheldon, Mrs. A.E. (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310

Shelland, Annie (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Shelley, Elizabeth (Mabel Grovitch Baby Hospital ): 509

Shepard, Mrs. E.M. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Shepard, Mrs. Frederik J. (president, New Hampshire Federation of Women's Clubs): 536

Sherman, Mrs. John Dickinson (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 71, 72

Sherrerd, Mrs. William Dusenberry (Regent, New Jersey DAR): 536

Sherrill, Mrs. Charles H. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Shillito, Miss (Ohio Woman's Committee): 365

Shoemaker, Mrs. Edward (chairman, Maryland Woman's Committee): 280, 532

Shuler, Mrs. J.J. (New Mexico state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Shurtleff, Mrs. (Woman's War Relief Corps): 454, 455

Shurtleff, Robert (pseudonym for Deborah Janette): 5

Sibert, General (AEF in France): 421

Silcox, Mrs. Thomas (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Simkhovitch, Mrs. V.G. (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332, 352

Simon, Alfred I. (American Ambulance Millinery Branch): 420

Simons, Mrs. Seward A. (California Woman's Committee): 227

Simpkins, Dora (League of American Pen Women): 205

Simpson, Mrs. Leafy E. (Idaho Woman's Committee): 256

Skidmore, Mrs. Mary (New Jersey Woman's Committee): 316

Slade, Mrs. F. Louis (New York City Mayor's Committee): 331, 332, 337

Slattery , Mrs. Mary (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 385

Sleeper, Albert E. (Governor of Michigan): 292, 293

Slemons, Dr. J. Morris (American Red Cross Infant Welfare Unit in France): 176, 177

Sloan, Mrs. Samuel (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Sloane, Mrs. Anna Begenholm (League of American Pen Women): 205

Sloane, Emily (Lafayette Fund): 486

Sloane, Mrs. R. Hugh (Montana Woman's Committee): 304

Sloane, Mrs. William Douglas (U.S.A. Section of Committee for Relief of Belgian Prisoners in Germany; American Committee for Training in Suitable Trades, the Maimed Soldiers of France): 449, 461

Sloss, Mrs. M.C. (Council of Jewish Women): 439, 523

Smedley, Emma (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 157

Smiley, Mrs. Edward H. (president, Connecticut Federation of Women's Clubs): 526

Smith, Mrs. Draper (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310

Smith, Mrs. Dunlap (Illinois Woman's Committee): 259

Smith, Mrs. E.C.(Vermont state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 117

Smith, Mrs. F. Arnett (Woman's Committee, Panama Canal Zone): 36,

Smith, Mrs. George Otis (wife of Director of Geological Survey): 240

Smith, Gertrude Robinson (War Relief Committee; American Ice Flotilla Committee): 423, 480

Smith, Mrs. Heber (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Smith, Mrs. Herbert Knox (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 236

Smith, Mrs. James Lowry (War Relief Service Committee, DAR; Regent, Texas DAR): 192, 541

Smith, Mrs. Joseph Lindon (American office, Comité Franco-Américain ): 474

Smith, Mrs. Manson (National Allied Relief Committee): 413

Smith, Mrs. Robert E. (president, Vermont Federation of Women's Clubs): 542

Smith, Miss Robinson (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Smith, Mrs. Whiteford (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 357, 358

Smith, Mrs. William L. (New Jersey Woman's Committee): 317,

Smith, Mrs. Winifred R. (Washington Woman's Committee): 398, 400, 543

Sneath, Mrs. Samuel (Ohio Woman's Committee): 367

Snow, George Palen (New York Committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Snow, Mrs. Walter (West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406

Snyder, Mrs. E. St. Claire (Regent, South Dakota DAR): 541

Snyder, Mrs. Z.X. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

Sortwell, Helen D. (American Artists' Committee of One Hundred): 435

Spafford, Jessie I. (Illinois Woman's Committee; president, Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs): :259, 261, 528

Spaulding, Huntley N. (Federal Food Commissioner of New Hampshire): 314

Spaulding, Mrs. H.W. (Iowa Woman's Committee): 269

Speer, Mrs. Robert E.(Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; National YWCA; War Work Council, YWCA): 29, 194, 521

Spencer, Carita (National Surgical Dressings Committee): 417,

Spencer, Clarissa E. (Foreign Department of the National Board, YWCA): 196

Spencer, Mrs. Selden P. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 303

Spencer, Mrs. William (Needlework Guild of America): 427

Spencer, Mrs. William G. (vice president general, DAR): 518

Speyer, Mrs. James 445

Spinks, Virginia M. (US Employment Service, Los Angeles): 134, 525

Sporborg, Mrs. William (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Sprague, Mrs. Charles Silvey (Regent, Nevada DAR): 535

Sprague, M. Estelle (Connecticut Woman's Committee): 233, 236

Spraker, Mrs. Benjamin F. (Regent, New York DAR): 537

Sprout, Mrs. Joseph (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

Squires, Mrs. George (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Stackhouse, Mrs. R.E. (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

Stalins, Mr. (American Committee collecting for the war charities of the Queen of Belgium): 448

Stanley, Mrs. A.O. (Kentucky Woman's Committee; wife of the governor): 273

Stanley, Mrs. Maud (North Dakota Woman's Committee): 363

Starr, Frances 375, (Stage Women's War Relief): 420

Stastny, Dr. Olga (Nebraska Woman's Committee): 310

Steadman, Mrs. L.B. (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Stebbins, Lucy (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, San Franciso): 168

Steghagen, Emma (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 126

Stevens, Mrs. Daisy McLauren (committee on moral hazards in training camps; Mississippi National League for Woman's Service): 85, 534

Stevens, H.A. (US Employment Service, Massachusetts): 532

Stevens, Mrs. Helen N. (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Stevens, Mrs. J.E. (North Dakota Woman's Committee): 361, 363,

Stevens, Dr. J.G. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Urbana, Ill): 168

Stevenson, Mrs. Cornelius (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee; Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania): 376, 429

Steward, Mrs. John Wood (Needlework Guild of America): 426, 427

Stickley, Mrs. B.F. (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

Still, Mrs. George (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Stillemans, Rev. J.F. (Belgian Relief Fund): 448

Stillwell, Mrs. Lewis B. (National League for Woman's Service; American Fund for French Wounded): 182, 467

Stix, Mrs. Charles A. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304

Stockton, Mrs. Charles W. (New Jersey Woman's Committee): 317, 319, 536

Stockton, Mrs. Telfair (Florida Woman's Committee): 243, 245

Stoermer, Grace (California Woman's Committee): 227

Stoner, Mrs. Stanley (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

Storey, Mrs. William C. (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Storm, Mrs. A.M. (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 279

Story, Mrs. William Cumming (National League for Woman's Service): 182

Stotesbury, Mrs. Edward T. (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross; Pennsyvlania Woman's Committee; Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania; American Committee for Training in Suitable Trades, the Maimed Soldiers of France): 204, 373, 429, 460

Strahl, Gertrude (Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 369, 372

Straight, Mrs. Willard (New York City Mayor's Committee; Children of Flanders Rescue Committee; American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris; American Auxiliary of the Women's National Health Association of Ireland): 331, 332, 459, 494

Strakosch, Mrs. Edgar (subcommittee on employment, NY City Mayor's Committee): 341

Stranahan, Mrs. Frank (Florida Woman's Committee): 245

Straubenmuller, Gustav (acting superintendent of NY City Schools): 347

Straus, Nathan (American Jewish Relief Committee): 442

Strawbridge, Mrs. Robert E. (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 376

Street, Julian (Authors' League Fund): 445

Strong, Miss (home economics work, Cincinnati): 366

Strong, Mrs. J.F.A. (wife of Governor of Alaska): 221

Stuhr, Mrs. Edwin (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Sturges, Mrs. Rush (National League for Woman's Service, Rhode Island): 381, 382, 539

Sturgis, Dr. Margaret Caste (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 358

Stutesman, Mrs. Jessie H. (Indiana Woman's Committee): 265

Stuyvesant, Mrs. Rutherford (One Dollar Fund; Charité Maternelle de Paris): 483

Sullivan, Mrs. Algernon Sydney (New York Southern Women's Patriotic Committee): 438

Sullivan, Mrs. Claud D. (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Sullivan, James A. (US Employment Service, Rhode Island): 539

Sullivan, Katherine (Minnesota Young Women's Auxiliary): 297,

Sullivan, Olive (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 126,

Sunday, Billy: 506

Surgeon-General 86, 152

Sutherland, Dutchess of [Millicent] (Millicent Sutherland Ambulance): 452

Suzallo, Mrs. Henry (Washington Woman's Committee): 400

Svenson, Hilda (Committee on Woman's Work in War Time): 126

Swan, Mr. Henry (Mountain Division, Women's Work, American Red Cross): 165, 517

Swan, Mrs. Olive B. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 304,

Swanson, Mrs. Claude (Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Swartz, Nelle (NY State Woman's Committee): 328

Sweeley, Mrs. M.J. (president, Idaho Federation of Women's Clubs): 529

Sweeney, Mary E. (Dean of Home Economics Department of Kentucky State University): 272

Synon, Mary (Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 107, 116

Szliupas, Dr. J. (leader of the American Lithuanians): 505

Szold, Henrietta (chairman, American office, Hadassah): 444

Taff, Mrs. William W. (Massachusetts Woman's Committee): 288

Taft, Ina (director, Central Division, American Red Cross): 516

Taft, William Howard (vice president, Committee for Men Blinded in Battle): 428

Talbott, Mrs. William H. (vice president general, DAR): 519

Taliaferro, Mrs. (Regent, Louisiana DAR): 531

Taliaferro, T.F.(Wyoming state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 117, 407

Tallmall, Mrs. Clay (wife of Commisioner of General Land Office): 240

Tarbell, Ida M. (Committee on Women's Defense Work; chairman of subcommittee on Food Administration; New York City Mayor's Committee): 18, 29, 66, 67, 244, 332, 515

Tatum, Mrs. Byrd (Arkansas Woman's Committee): 220

Taylor, Catherine (Illinois Woman's Committee): 262

Taylor, Clara Sears (director, Division of Women's War Work, Committee on Public Information): 515

Taylor, Laurette (Stage Women's War Relief): 420

Taylor, Mrs. W.G.L. (chairman, Nebraska National League for Woman's Service): 535

Tebault, Mrs. C. Hamilton (vice president general, DAR): 519

Tenant, Mrs. H.J. (National League of Woman's Service in England): 135

Tennis, Mrs. Munnill R. (Montana Woman's Committee): 304

Terrill, Prof. Bertha M. (home economics director, US Food Administration of Vermont): 395

Terry, Mrs. Robert (Missouri Woman's Committee): 301

Thacher, Ella Hoover (Committee on Patriotic Service of the National W.C.T.U.): 199

Thacher, Mrs. W.F. (honorary vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Association): 522

Thanet, Octave [Alice French] (Iowa Woman's Committee): 266

Thayer, Mrs. Bayard (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Thayer, Mrs. Nathaniel (Massachusetts Woman's Committee; New York Committee, Secours National): 288, 489, 531

Thiallier, Mme (Le Paquet de l'Hôpital): 464

Thirkield, Mrs. W.P. (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; Woman's Home Missionary Society of the M.E. Church): 29

Thomas, Mr. (President of Bryn Mawr; War Service Committee): 210

Thomas, Edith (Colorado Woman's Committee): 230

Thomas, Mrs. Gertrude Buckingham (League of American Pen Women): 205

Thomas, Mrs. Lee (Lafayette Fund): 487

Thomas, Mrs. Leonard (New York City Mayor's Committee): 332

Thomas, Martha G. (chairman, Chester County, Pennsylvania Woman's Committee):374,

Thompson, Mrs. James M. (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204

Thompson, Mrs. Tyler B. (Montana Woman's Committee): 304, 534

Thompson, Mrs. W.O. (Ohio Woman's Committee): 367

Thompson, Mrs. William Payne (League of the Allies; US Section, Committee for Relief of Belgian Prisoners in Germany): 430, 449,

Thompson, Mrs. William Reed (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

Thompson-Seton, Mrs. Ernest (Woodcraft Girls; Connecticut Woman's Committee): 208, 232

Thompson-Seton, Mrs. L. Ernest (District of Columbia Woman's Committee): 241, 242

Thomson, Edith (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Atlanta): 165

Thomson, Mrs. James M. (Louisiana Woman's Committee): 278

Thomson, Mrs. John G. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 301

Thorne, Florence (Committee on Labor): 132

Thorne, Julia (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 358

Thorp, Mrs. Walter (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Tieman, Mrs. E.C. (wife of Asst Commissioner of Pensions): 240

Tiffany, Mrs. Charles L. (New York City Mayor's Committee): 331, 332, 352

Tiller, Theodore (League of American Pen Women): 204

Todd, Prof. A.J. (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Minneapolis): 167

Todd, Mrs. J.C. (Washington Woman's Committee; vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Association): 400, 522

Tolhurst, Mrs. Shelley (California Woman's Committee): 227

Towne, Mrs; Carroll M. (Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 405

Towne, Mrs. George D. (New Hampshire Woman's Committee): 315

Towner, Harriet C. (investigative committee, General Federation of Women's Clubs): 190

Townsend, Mrs. Edward M. (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris; New York Committee, Secours National): 459, 489

Townsley, Mrs. Clarence Page (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Travis, Gideon B. (U.S. Employment Serivce, Florida): 527

Tresckow, Mrs. E.C. von (South Carolina Woman's Committee): 384

Triepel, Mrs. Emma M.V. (League of American Pen Women): 205

Troubetskoy, Princess Pierre (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Trowbridge, Mrs. Alexander (chairman, New York National League for Woman's Service): 537

Trowbridge, Mrs. Breck (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

Tuck , Mrs. Edward (Woman's War Relief Corps in France): 144

Tufts, Mrs. Leonard (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 357, 358

Turnbull, Anne Graeme (Maryland Woman's Committee): 285

Turner, Mrs. F.C. (California Woman's Committee): 227

Turner, Nellie (American, British, French, Belgian Permanent Blind Relief Fund): 470,

Turner, Thomas Randolph (Le Bien-Etre du Blessé): 415

Turner, Mrs. Thornton F. (chairman, Vermont National League for Woman's Service): 542

Tuttle, Mrs. E.A. (honorary vice president, National Congress of Mothers and Parent Teachers' Association): 522

Tweed, Mrs. Gordon (Arizona Woman's Committee): 221

Tyson, Prof. Francis (Red Cross Home Service Institute, Pittsburgh): 168

Tyson, Mrs. Helen Glenn (Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 374

Tyson, Mrs. L.D. (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Tyson, Mrs. Russell (Illinois Woman's Committee; American Committe, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 261, 459

Ufford, Walter (Red Cross Home Service Institute, Washington DC): 169

Ufford, Mrs. Walter (Red Cross Home Service Institute, Washington DC): 169

Unterberg, Mrs. Israel (Young Women's Hebrew Association, Honorary Advisory Committe, Woman's Committee): 29

Uren, Mrs. Emma I. (Michigan Woman's Committee): 293

Vail, Anna (treasurer, American Fund for French Wounded): 455

Vaile, Gertrude (American Red Cross Home Service Institute, Denver): 167

Van Eman, Electa (California Woman's Committee): 227

Van Hoosen, Bertha (Honorary Advisory Committee of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense; National Woman's Medical Association): 28

Van House, Mrs. A.W. (Georgia Woman's Committee): 254

Van Kleeck, Mary (Committee on Labor): 132

Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Alexander (Philadelphia section of the Navy League): 375,

Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Coffin (National League for Woman's Service; Vacation War Relief Committee): 39, 182, 424

Van Rensselaer, Prof. Martha (New York City Mayor's Committee): 328

Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler (National Allied Relief Committee; American Fund for French Wounded): 413, 455,

Van Resselaer, Mrs. Wm. Bayard (American Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Vanderbilt, Mrs. Cornelius (New York City Mayor's Committee; American Committee for Training in Suitable Trades, the Maimed Soldiers of France): 332, 461

Vanderbilt, Mrs. Frederick W. (Hudson River War Relief Committee): 430

Vanderbilt, Mrs. French (Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross): 204,

Vanderbilt, Mrs. George (secretary, Committee on Labor): 132

Vanderbilt, Mrs. William Kissam (Alley Festa; Woman's War Relief Corps; American Ambulance Hospital of Paris; ): 414, 454, 455, 459

Vanderlip, Mrs. Frank A. (Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 108

Vandervelde, Mr. (Belgian Government official): 448

Vencius, V. (executive secretary, Lithuanian Central War Relief Committee): 505

Vernes, Amédée (French Red Cross): 179

Vick, Mrs. H.G. (North Dakota Woman's Committee; president, North Dakota Federation of Women's Clubs): 361, 362, 363, 538

Viel-Castel, Countess Pierre de (Comité Franco-Américain): 473

Vilmont, P.S. (secretary, executive committee, Lithuanian Central War Relief Committee): 505

Vogel, Mrs. Edwin (Red Cross factory): 441

Vogelsang, Mrs. Ale T. (wife of First Asst Sec of the Interior): 239

Waddell, Mrs. J.F. (West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406

Waddell , Mrs. W.B. (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 357

Waddell, Mrs. A.M. (chairman of Home and Allied Relief, North Carolina Woman's Committee): 358

Waddington, Madame (Woman's War Relief Corps): 144, 454

Wade, Florence J. (Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Wadsworth, Mrs. James W. Jr. (president of National Association opposed to Woman Sufferage; Washington DC Woman's Committee; American Auxiliary of the Women's National Health Association of Ireland): 113, 242, 494

Waggoner, Mrs. D.E. (Texas state chairman, Liberty Loan Committee): 117

Wait, Mrs. William Henry (director of publicity, DAR; Regent, Michigan DAR): 192, 533

Wald, Lillian (New York City Mayor's Women's Committee): 332

Walker, Mrs. E. (Regent, South Carolina DAR): 540

Wallach, Jane B. (executive committee, Lafayette Fund): 487

Waller, Mary (publicity committee, Illinois Woman's Committee): 258

Wallower, Mrs. E.Z. (Oklahoma Woman's Committee): 369, 370, 371, 372

Warburg, Mrs. Felix (New York State Woman's Committee): 328

Warburton, Mrs. Barclay H. (National Allied Relief Committee, Emergency Aid of Pennsylvania): 413, 429

Ward, Aldyth (North Dakota Woman's Committee): 363

Ward, Florence (director of Speakers' Bureua, Liberty Loan Department, National Woman's Committee): 115

Ward, Dr. Harry (professor of Zoology at University of Illinois): 258

Ward, Mrs. Hugh C. (Missouri Woman's Committee): 303

Ward, Mabel (South Dakota Woman's Committee): 386

Ward, Mrs. May Alden (General Federation of Women's Clubs): 190

Ward, W.E. (Red Cross Food Conservation Campaign): 73

Warden, Mrs. William Gray (secretary, Pennsylvania Woman's Committee): 375

Ware, J.H. (U.S. Employment Service, Tennessee): 541

Warner, Mrs. Alfred D. (Delaware Woman's Committee): 238

Warner, Mrs. Leslie (vice-chairman, Tennessee Woman's Committee): 387, 388

Warren, Charles Elliot (treasurer, Duryea War Relief): 484,

Warren, Mrs. Fiske (National Allied Relief Committee; American Committee, Relief for Belgian Prisoners in Germany, sec/treasurer of Chelsea War Refugees Fund): 413, 449, 491

Warren, Irene (Illinois census taker): 257

Warren, Lloyd (American branch, Union des Arts): 473

Warren, Mrs. Whitney (NY Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris; NY Committee, Secours National): 459, 489

Washburn, Mrs. J.L. (Minnesota's Woman's Committee): 297

Washington, General George: 4

Washington, Martha: 3

Watek, Mrs. J.W. (auditor, Iowa Woman's Committee): 269

Watson, Gertrude (American Branch of French Actors' Fund): 485

Webb, Mrs. Alexander S. (NY Committee for American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 459

Webb, Colonel George H.(Directory of the Military Census, Rhode Island): 381, 382

Webb, Mrs. William Stewart (American Auxiliary of Women's National Health Association of Ireland): 494

Webster, Mrs. Hamilton Fish (American Committee, Relief for Belgian Prisoners in Germany; Le Bien-Etre du Blessé): 449, 487

Webster, Mrs. R; Valentine (Permanent Blind Relief Fund): 470

Weeks, Mrs. J.E. (chairman, Vermont Woman's Committee): 395, 542

Weible, Mrs. Mary Darrow. (North Dakota State Council of Defense): 360, 363, 538

Weier , Mrs. John E. (New York City Mayor's Women's Committee): 332

Weil, Gertrude (North Carolina Woman's Committee): 358

Weiss, Mrs. Adam J. (president, Colorado Federation of Women's Clubs): 526

Welch, Mrs. John (Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Weld, Mrs. Harold (Minnesota Woman's Committee): 297

Welles, Dr. Mary C. (chairman, Protection of Women Workers Departemnt, Consumer's League; Connecticut Woman's Committee): 234, 236

Wells, Mrs. T. Tileston (Serbian Relief Committee of American): 508

Wendell, Mrs. Barrett (chairman, Massachusetts Woman's Liberty Loan Committee; National League for Woman's Service; National Allied Relief Committee; Boston Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 111, 116, 182, 413, 459

Werlein, Mrs. Philip (executive committee, Louisian Woman's Committee; chairman, Lousiana National League for Woman's Service): 278, 531

West, Bina (corresponding secretary, Michigan Woman's Committee): 293

West, Mrs. George (Nevada Woman's Committee): 312

Wetmore, Mrs. Charles W. (chairman, Food Conservation and Production Department, D.C. Woman's Committee; 241, 242

Wetmore, Maude K. (chairman, National League for Woman's Service; Woman's Department, National Civic Service; 18, 28, 29, 40, 60, 182, 424, 449, 516

Wharton, Edith (Flotilla Committee; Committee for Relief of Belgian Prisoners in Germany; Woman's War Relief Corps; war charities) 424, 449, 454, 455, 462, 463

Whatley, Edgar T. (U.S. Employment Service, Georgia): 528

Wheaton, Harrison (National Committee of One Hundred): 97

Wheeler, Ruth (National Committee on Red Cross Nursing Service): 157

Whigham , Mrs. H.J. (French Heroes Fund, League of the Allies): 415, 430

Whitaker, Mrs. Harry (Red Cross and Allied Relief committee, West Virginia Woman's Committee): 406

Whitbridge, Mrs. F.W.[see "Whitridge", below] (Serbian Relief Committee of America): 508

White, Edna (Committee on Red Cross Dietician Service): 156

White, Edna N. (Food Administration, Ohio State University): 368

White, Mrs. Frank (temporary chairman, North Dakota Woman's Committee): 359, 363

White, Georgia (Ohio State University, food conservation program): 364, 365,

White, Georgina (Department of Food Administration head, Dean of Home Economics at Michigan Agricultural College, Michigan Woman's Committee on War Preparedness): 291, 292, 293

White, Mrs. J. William (NY Committee, American Ambulance Hospital of Paris): 460

White, Capt J.B. (National Emergency Food Gardens Association): 72

White, Mrs. John J. (open air markets, NJ Woman's Committee): 318

Whitehouse, Mrs. Norman de R. (viec-chairman, NY Woman's Committee; NY City Mayor's Women's Committee): 328, 332

Whitley , Mrs. Francis E. (chairman of Iowa Woman's Committee, president Iowa Federation of Women's Clubs): 267, 269, 529, 530

Whitman , Governor (New York State): 338

Whitney, Mrs. George (Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Whitney, Mrs. Harry Payne (honorary treasurer, "Alley Festa"; League of the Allies; Authors' League Fund; American Hospital in Paris; Permanent Blind Relief Fund; NY committee, American Relief Clearing House) 414, 430, 445, 459, 470, 489

Whitridge, Mrs. (Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Whitridge, Mrs. Frederick W. (acting president, British-American War Relief Fund): 490

Whitsomb, Emeline (Wyoming Woman's Committee): 407

Whittimore, Thomas (Refugees in Russia Fund): 503

Wilcox, Mrs. William G. (NY City Mayor's Women's Committee): 332

Wilder, Mrs. William (Supervisor, St. Louis Red Cross Home Service Institute): 168

Wiles, Mrs. Robert Hall (National Society US Daughters of 1812): 28

Wiley , Louis (League of the Eleven Allies): 415

Wilkins, Mrs. Mary E. (sixth vice-chairman, Colorado Woman's Committee): 230

Wilkinson, Mrs. J.D. (first vice-chairman, Louisiana Woman's Committee, president, Louisiana Federation of Women's Clubs): 278, 531

Willard, David (chairman of the executive committee, Duryea War Relief): 484

Willard, Mrs. Mary Hatch (chairman, National Surgical Dressings Committee, Trench Comfort Packet Committee): 417, 434, 455

Willett, Mrs. Hugh M. (Georgia Woman's Committee treasurer): 254

Williams, Mrs. E.R. (treasurer, Virginia Woman's Committee): 397

Williams, Mrs. Harry (Liberty Loan chairman, Jonesboro, Arkansas): 219

Williams, Jesse Lynch (Authors' League Fund): 445

Williams, Mrs. Laurence (Louisiana state chairman, Woman's Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Williams, Mrs. Lindsley R. (New York committee, Children of Flanders Rescue Committee): 464

Williams, Mrs. W.J. (executive committee, Colorado Woman's Committee): 230, 231

Williams, Mrs. W.N. (chairman, Utah Woman's Committee): 394, 542

Willingham, Mrs. E.E. (Vigilance, Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Willson, Mrs. Howard T. (Illinois Federal Reserve chairman, Liberty Loan Committee): 116

Wilson, James (former Secretary of Agriculture): 72

Wilson, Margaret (Training classes for women, Tennessee Woman's Committee): 389

Wilson, Mrs. Orme (War Babies' Cradle; executive committee, Lafayette Fund): 478, 487

Wilson, Dr. William P. (Advisory Council): 523

Wilson, President Woodrow: 7, 32, 127, 174, 175, 205, 209, 229, 267, 296, 361, 371, 429, 470, 498, 504

Wilson, Mrs. Woodrow: 239

Windsor, Mrs. Norman (Missouri Woman's Council of National Defense): 301

Wing, Grace A. (President, Maine Federation of Women's Clubs): 531

Winkler, Helen (National Chairman of Department of Immigrant Aid, National Council of Women): 440

Winston, Lillian (vice-director, Minesota Young Women's Auxiliary): 297

Winter, Mrs. Thomas G. (chairman, Woman's Auxiliary of Minnesota Safety Commission; Minnesota Woman's Committee): 294, 297, 532

Winthrop, Mrs. Henry Rogers (executive committee, Lafayette Fund): 487

Withers, Mrs. R.G. (secretary, Nevada Woman's Committee): 311

Wittpenn, Mrs. M. Otto (Federal Reserve chairman for New Jersey, Liberty Loan Committee; Advisory Committee of the Woman's Naval Auxiliary to the Red Cross; honorary vice-chairman, New Jersey Woman's Committee): 116, 204, 319

Wolbert, Julia (national vice-president, Needlework Guild of America): 427

Wolbrette, Bertha (treasurer, Louisiana Woman's Committee): 278

Wolf, Elizabeth (secretary, Ohio Woman's Committee): 368

Wolfe, Capt S. Herbert: 76

Wood, Elizabeth (Pennsylvania School of Social Service, Supervisor, Philadelphia Red Cross Home Service Institute): 168

Wood, Mrs. Henry A. Wise (President, National Special Aid Society): 433

Wood , Mrs. Ira Couch (executive secretary, Woman's Committee of the Council of Natiional Defense): 39,

Wood, Mrs. Joseph S. (vice-president general, DAR): 518

Wood, Laurence (Acting Director, U.S. Employment Service in Washington State ): 543

Wood, Mrs. Mary I. (State Chairman, New Hampshire Woman's Committee): 314, 315, 536

Wood, Stella (International Kindergarten Union): 28

Woodroffe , Dr. Helen H. (child welfare doctor, ARC Commission in France):177

Woods , Mrs. Arthur (New York City Mayor's Committee of Women on National Defense, secretary, American HQ Hospital Under Three Flags): 332, 486

Woods, Commissioner (New York police): 353

Woolley, President (of Mt. Holyoke, War Service Committee): 210

Wooten , Mrs. James R. (Monroe district chairman, Louisiana Woman's Committee): 279

Worthington, Mrs. E.H. (department chairman; Maryland Food Production Committee of the Women's Preparedness and Survey Commission): 285

Wright, Howell (Executive Secretary of Ohio State Council of Defense): 365

Wyatt, Edith (chairman of Committee on Enforcement of Labor Laws, Illinois Woman's Committee): 262

Yanlovsky, V.F. (vice president, Lithuanian Central War Relief Committee): 505

Yarros, Dr. Rachel (chairman of Health and Recreation Division, Illinois Woman's Committee): 258

Yawger, Mrs. John Francis (chairman of organization, New York State Woman's Committee, New York City Mayor's Commitee of Women on National Defense): 328, 332

Ycas, M. (member of former Russian Duma, vice-president of Department of Education in Russia, interested in Lithuanian Central War Relief Committee): 505

Yost, Mrs. Ellis (Home and Foreign Relief, Woman's Committee of West Virginia): 406

Youmans, Mrs. H.M. (vocational emergency education, Women in Industry, Wisconsin Woman's Committee): 402, 404

Young, Ella Flagg (Advisory Council, Chicago, Ill.): 523

Young, Mrs. George Morley (Regent, North Dakota DAR): 538

Young , Perry B. (Inspector in charge, United Sates Employment Serice, Northern District, Texas): 542

Young, Mrs. William B. (State Chairman National League for Woman's Service, Florida; treasurer of the General Federation of Women's Clubs): 243, 244, 245, 518

Zimmerman, Mrs. George (state chairman, WCCND of Ohio, chairman, Patriotic League of Toledo): 365, 367, 538

Zucker, Samuel (executive chairman, American Ambulance Millinery Branch): 420

Numbers refer to page numbers of original book

Table of Contents
