Heads of all women's organizations form California's Central Committee---Cooperate with national and state defense work---Women share in $100,000 defense fund ---Colorado's organization unique---Women have equal representation on State Council---Connecticut furnishes example of perfect coordination and cooperation ---State Chairman gives story of work.
California. A Committee was organized at the request of the Woman's Committee of the National Council of Defense, and at the time of its organization was made a part of the State Council of Defense. The Committee shares the headquarters of the State Council of Defense both in Los Angeles and San Francisco, and the office expenses are borne by a monthly appropriation made to the Committee from the funds of the State Council of Defense.
The Central Committee is made up of heads of all the State organizations of women which have offered cooperation with the national and state defense work.
The first meeting for organization was held in San Francisco when an Executive Committee was elected. For convenience and efficiency several members have been elected to the Executive Committee since that date.
The first work of the Committee was the organization of the state with the counties as units. The organization of the counties was conducted on the same plan as that followed in the origination of the state. Some woman in each county was asked to act as temporary chairman to call together representatives from each organization of women in the county, from which representation the permanent officers for the county were elected. It was left to the counties themselves to choose the details of their organizations,
Most of the counties have a chairman, a vice-chairman, a secretary and treasurer. Some of the counties are organized by supervisorial districts with a chairman in each, or by incorporated towns with a chairman in each town, or by artificial districts. There is now an organization in every county of the state.
The work of organizing a large state like California is a considerable accomplishment in itself. It was the important first step to get the machinery ready for the carrying out of plans made by the Woman's Committee of the National Council of Defense or by the State Council of Defense.
The first thing that the Committee was asked to do was to help in the campaign for the Liberty Loan bonds, A chairman for northern California and one for southern California were appointed, who did remarkably efficient work in their respective sections. The chairman of the Men's Committee for the Liberty Bond campaign said that after the Women's Committee got to work a fifty per cent. increase was noticeable in the sale of the bonds.
The principal work of the Women's Committee in the beginning was to spread the doctrine of food conservation. To do this it was necessary to mobilize a vast army of housewives, and in order to accomplish this mobilization much education was necessary. This has been along lines of the need for conservation and suggestions for ways of economizing and eliminating waste. Copies of the Hoover Food pledges have been circulated throughout the state through the chairmen of the County Committees. This has been followed by education in the scientific methods of canning, drying and preserving food given by demonstrators from the Department of Agriculture, University of California. By fall thirty counties of the state had been covered by food demonstrators, and itineraries had been planned for demonstrators in the remaining counties of the state.
Communication is kept up between the executive committee and the county chairman by circular letters which set forth plans for work and give suggestions and directions for household economy and material for publicity. Plans made for the establishment of housekeepers' institutes by the head of the Home Economics Department of the University of California were sent to each county. Cooperation has been established between this Committee and the State Library and through it with the County Libraries all over the state. There are being prepared bibliographies of all periodicals and magazines dealing with the question of food conservation and women in industry, and from time to time such other problems as are brought to the attention of the Committee.
The Committee made an investigation into the supply of labor throughout southern California and made a report of its findings to the farm labor committee of the University of California. It has also pointed out to the county chairman the necessity for vigilance in maintaining a standard of wages and conditions for women, who on account of the readjustment that will be necessitated for the drafting of men into the army will be forced into industry. The Committee has also in mind the maintenance of existing social agencies and educational standards Through the experts from the different state commissions and boards, the Committee receives plans and suggestions along the line of Americanization, industrial conditions, public health and child welfare.
Meetings of the executive committee are held once a week in Los Angeles, and similar meetings are held by the northern members in San Francisco. A meeting of the southern members of the Central Committee is held once a month in Los Angeles, and of the northern members once a month in San Francisco. It is the plan in the future to have occasional meetings of the whole membership of the Executive Committee and of the Central Committee.
There is close cooperation between the State Defense Council and the Woman's Committee. Four members of the latter are on sub-committees of the State Council. There is an appropriation of $100,000 by the legislature for state defense work and headquarters are provided for the Woman's Committee by the State Council in San Francisco. A special grant is also made by the State Council for printing and distributing food pledges, stationery and office supplies. Headquarters in Los Angeles were donated by Mr. E. T. Earl.
The Woman's Committee of California consists of: honorary chairman, Mrs. Frank Gibson, chairman Mrs. Herbert A. Cable, member State Council of Defense, Mrs. Robert O. Moody, vice-chairman, Mrs. Stella B. Irvine, vice-chairman, Mrs. Edward F. Glaser, vice-chairman, Mrs. Shelley Tolhurst, member State Council of Defense, Miss Ethel Moore, member State Council of Defense, Mrs. Seward A. Simons, secretary, Mrs. Cleveland Forbes, assistant secretary Mrs. Frances M. Carlton Harmon, Mrs. Herbert A. Cable, California Federation of Women's Clubs; Mrs. C. C. Clay, Daughters of the Confederacy; Miss Ora B. Chilton, Home Economics Association; Mrs. Sarah J. Door, Northern, Women's Christian Temperance Union; Mrs. Lawrence Draper, Young Women's Christian Association; Mrs. Stella B. Irvine, Women's Christian Temperance Union; Mrs. John C. Lynch, Daughters of the American Revolution; Mrs. Robert O. Moody, California Civic League; Dr. Jessie A. Russell, Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teachers Association; Miss Grace Stoermer, Native Daughters of the Golden West; Miss Electa Van Eman, California Nurses' Association; Mrs. Carrie I. Hoyt, Woman's Relief Corps; Mrs. Duncan McDuffie, National League for Women's Service; Mrs. Willoughby Rodman, Belgian Relief Committee; Mrs. F. C. Turner, Association Collegiate Alumnae; Dr. Adelaide Brown, State Board of Health; Mrs. Carrie P. Bryant, State Board of Charities; Mrs. Katherine P. Edson, State Industrial Welfare Commission; Mrs. Frank A. Gibson, State Immigration and Housing Commission; Mrs. Margaret Schallenberger McNaught, State Board of Education; Mrs. Frances M. Carlton Harmon, State Library Board.
Colorado. The organization of the Woman's Committee in Colorado is somewhat different from that of the other states. The Governor divided the defense work of the state into two sections, the War Council, a body of men, and the Woman's Advisory Council, a body of women. The two bodies work in close cooperation and because they stand side by side and are given equal power to initiate and carry forward their plans, much has been accomplished.
The Woman's Advisory Council to the Governor of Colorado consists of a chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer, two secretaries, an auditor, an executive committee and seventeen departments. These are all appointed by the Governor. The departments are as follows: Organization; Finance; Registration; Home Relief; Foreign Relief; Production, Conservation and Thrift; Women in Industry; Education- (a) Literature, (b) Current Events concerning women's war work; Child Welfare; Maintenance o£ Existing Social Agencies (settlements, philanthropies, day nurseries, hospitals, general social service, etc.); Courses of Instruction (organization of training classes in work for which the state furnishes a demand); Safeguarding of Moral and Spiritual Forces; Liberty Loan; Publicity; Legislation; Cooperation; Speakers' Department.
The Advisory Council has a competent chief for each department who reports at regular meetings. The counties have been organized on the same system by means of a circular letter sent out by the chairman of the Organization Department.
One exceedingly interesting bit of effective war work was this; the Council prepared films to be used for moving pictures in order to arouse interest in registration and the conservation of food. In large letters was printed the following sentence
The Government of the United States is compiling a directory off women and is classifying them according to their capacity for service.
Underneath was a copy of the Registration card, and below the following sentence:
Sign this registration card or your name may be omitted from the list of loyal women.
The Conservation film has these sentences:
Famine threatens the world!
Women of America, join the "Hoover Army" for food conservation by signing this pledge.
This was followed by the Food Conservation Registration Blank and below it a quotation from the President's speech:
Every house wife who practices strict economy puts herself in the ranks of those who serve the nation.
Colorado has expressed the hope that films with these inscriptions will be shown all through the country and will serve to awaken interest in both registration and food conservation.
The Council has instituted a festival of the Harvest Home, a revival of the old New England custom, to be held on Sunday, Sept. 30th. It is suggested that every householder shall give a tithe, or tenth, of all jellies, jams and home produce, following the old Bible custom. This tenth is to be distributed among the needy, the churches to be given according to their necessities and the remainder to be donated to the Red Cross civilian poor and the city poor.
The Council has also had printed for distribution among the children attractively colored and decorated cards containing a pledge to service.
Regular meetings of the Council are held every month at headquarters in the State Capitol, Denver. The officers of the Colorado Woman's Committee are: Mrs. W. H. Kistler, Denver; first vice-chairman, Mrs. Alva Adams, Pueblo; second vice-chairman, Mrs. Z. X. Snyder, Greeley; third vice-chairman, Mrs. Price Dunleavy, Trinidad; fourth vice-chairman, Mrs. E. C. Goddard, Colorado Springs; fifth vice-chairman, Mrs. Rosepha Pulford, Denver; sixth vice-chairman, Mrs. Mary E. Wilkins, Ft. Collins; seventh vice-chairman, Mrs. Charles H. Jacobson, Denver; treasurer, Mrs. Harold Kuntze, Denver; auditor, Miss Merle McClintock, Grand Junction; recording secretary, Mrs. W. W. Grant, Jr., Denver, Colorado; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Horton Pope, Denver; Executive Committee: Mrs. Thomas McCue, Denver; Mrs. B. F. Stickley, Leadville; Mrs. W. J. Williams, Cripple Creek; Mrs. C. P. Cochran, Ft. Morgan; Miss Annie Ensminger, Denver; Mrs. Gerald Schuyler, Denver; Mrs. John Maxwell, Denver; Mrs. James B. Grant, Denver; Mrs. M. D. McEniry, Denver; Mrs. W. R. Galloway, Denver; Mrs. Helen Miller, Denver; Mrs. James Rae Arneill, Denver; Miss Edith Thomas, Denver; Mrs. Thomas Keeley, Denver; Mrs. I. J. Lewis, Colorado Springs; Mrs. Fred Dick, Denver; Mrs.
Thomas Burbridge, Denver: Heads of Departments: Registration, Mrs. W. J. Williams, Cripple Creek; Home Economics, Mrs. Rosepha Pulford, Denver; Women in Industry Mrs. Helen Miller, Denver; Child Welfare, Mrs. J. R. Arneill, Denver; Maintenance of Existing Social Agencies, Mrs. W. S. Iffley, Denver; Education, Mrs. B. F. Stickley, Leadville; Liberty Loan, Mrs. Edward Rassler, Denver; Home and Allied Relief, Mrs. M. D. McEniry, Denver; Mrs. W. R. Galloway, Denver; Health and Recreation, Mrs. Thomas Keely, Denver; Organization, Mrs. Charles Jacobson, Denver; Publicity, Mrs. Gerald Schuyler, Denver; Finance Mrs. Harold Kuntze, Denver; Legislation, Mrs. Inez Lewis, Colorado Springs; Cooperation, Mrs. Fred Dick, Denver; Instruction Courses, Mrs. Z. X. Snyder, Greeley.
Connecticut. The story of the organization of Connecticut's women for war work as outlined by the able chairman, Caroline Ruutz-Rees, of Greenwich, is one that is full of inspiration, and Connecticut should furnish an example to all of her sister states in the matter of perfect coordination and cordial cooperation.
The Connecticut Division of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense was formed at a meeting held on June 1, 1917, at Hartford, and Caroline Ruutz-Rees was elected chairman at this meeting. The following October she was invited to act as chairman of the Committee on Women's Activities of the State Council of Defense. The other members of the Committee were either invited to serve as individuals on the various committees of the State Council of Defense or to act as the Executive Committee of the Committee on Women's Activities; thus the Woman's Committee is closely connected with both Federal and State Governments. It can sit either as the Connecticut Division of the Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense, with its heads of departments all voting members of the Executive Board, or it can resolve itself into the Committee on Women's Activities of the State Council of Defense.
An outline of the remarkable work done by the Connecticut women is furnished by the chairman as follows:
"As the Committee on Women's Activities it is financed by the State Council in all efforts which the Council endorses. It may at its wish finance and carry out any work suggested from Washington or inaugurated by itself, to which the State Council is indifferent .On the other hand it pledges itself to engage in no undertaking objectionable to the State Council of Defense.
"The prospect of financing for itself some of its measures has no terrors for the Connecticut Division, for its treasurer, Mrs. H. A. Bumstead, has optimism and energy to provide funds for any undertaking. There seems no likelihood, however, that she will be called upon to do this, for the State Council of Defense has shown itself indifferent to nothing proposed by the Committee on Women's Activities. They are providing not only typewriter and other office furniture, and stenographers, but a much coveted executive secretary, a highly trained college woman now holding a very responsible position in a university. They also provide publicity, and our publicity chairman, Mrs. Ernest Thompson-Seton, has only to decide what is to be published and in what shape, to have the matter properly attended to.
"The generous attitude of the State Council of Defense makes the work of the Woman's Committee both easy and fruitful. Even before the union of the Committee with the State Council of Defense it met with the utmost friendliness and support from that organization. A room in the Capitol was provided, cards for the registration of women were printed and an appropriation made for their cataloguing by the State Librarian-a capable census maker. "
"Some of the sub-committees of the Connecticut Division are intensively organized all over the state notably the Committee on Food Conservation of which Miss Estelle Sprague of Storrs College is the head. It has done great things in distributing the Hoover pledge, and has enlisted the finest women all over the state for the United States food pledge drive.
"Mrs. Morgan G. Bully, who is the Connecticut chairman of the National Woman's Liberty Loan Committee, is also our chairman for the Liberty Loan. She is doing all in her power to help the Woman's Committee in its Liberty Loan drive throughout every town in the state.
"Mrs. E. W. W. Hayward has been very active in the matter of helping to get 'deliveries' and 'returns' cut down. She has interested every woman's association in the state, beginning with the powerful Housewives' League of which she is chairman.
"Mrs. W. Sheffield Cowles,-ex-President Roosevelt's sister-has kept us in close touch with the Red Cross work and is lending support to the splendid plan of our chairman of Medical Service, Dr. Kate Campbell Mead, for a Woman's Convalescent Hospital Unit for Connecticut. Dr. Mead has been vice-president of the State Medical Society, a signal honor for a Connecticut woman, and any plan she inaugurates is sure of success.
"Miss Susan Huntington, chairman of educational propaganda, has circularized the schools of the state in the interests of an increase in the number of nurse's assistants, and keeps schools and societies in touch with all propaganda from the National Committee. Miss Huntington is well known for her organization of the Government schools in Porto Rico and also as head of the International School in Spain founded by Dr. Gulick. "
"In the Department of Health and Recreation the committee has done very helpful work. Its chairman, Dr. Valeria Parker, has been appointed on the State Police, and five policewomen have been appointed under her to work in the camps. They have done much to bring about good conditions in the three Connecticut camps. They are assisted by volunteer patrols supplied by the National League for Women's Service. Dr. Parker and her Committee have planned for the wholesome entertainment of the enlisted men, have arrested transgressors of the law, and are daily helping, collectively and singly, the girls who haunt the camps for reasons varying from innocent sentimental curiosity or enthusiasm to professional immorality.
"Dr. Mary C. Welles, head of the Consumer's League has, as chairman of the Protection of Women Workers Department, made an exhaustive report on the 'Ten Standards recommended by the Women's Trade Union League for women in government employ."
"Mrs. Arthur Dodge, our chairman of Social Service so well known as president of the Day Nursery Association, is talking steps towards the increase of day nurseries in the state in view of the increasing number of women being drawn into industry. Mrs. W. E. D. Scott, chairman for the Health and Welfare of Children Department, is engaged upon a survey of conditions surrounding the children in the state, in houses, schools, and institutions.
"The Committee has undertaken various single tasks such as a letter to school girls urging them to help in patriotic endeavor and pointing out the value of acquiring a sound education as a duty to the state; or as the distribution, throughout the schools of the state, of pamphlets issued by the Department o£ Public Information.
"One quality possessed by the Committee which is none the less striking for not being original in this war time, is its unanimity for war work across all differences of view in other regards. Women known all over the state as suffragists work enthusiastically with women no less known for their anti-suffrage activities. Catholics and Protestants, Republicans, Progressives, Democrats, all are working together for good. These differences are only referred to as they enable the Committee to reach a wider public of women-to reach, in fact, the whole woman public of the state."
The officers are: chairman, Caroline Ruutz-Rees, secretary Mrs. Ernest Thompson-Seton, treasurer, Mrs. E. A. Bumstead, vice-chairmen: Mrs. William Sheffield Cowles,, Mrs. Morgan G. Bulkley, Mrs. Edward W. W. Hayward, Mrs. John Laidlaw Buel,: members Executive Board Miss M. Estelle Sprague, Mrs. Richard M. Bissell, Dr. Mary C. Welles, Dr. Valeria H. Parker, Dr. Kate Campbell Mead, Mrs. W. E. D. Scott, Mrs. Arthur Dodge, Miss Susan B Huntington, Mrs. Arthur T. Hadley, Miss Christine J. Haas, Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith, Mrs. Charles A. Jackson, Mrs. Cannon.