...Illustrations in Chapter IV


 39. "The Raw Material of Soldiers." Negroes drawn in the selective draft arriving at the cantonment. Compare this photograph with the following one.


 40. "Six Months Later." American Negro troops marching along a Frerich road toward the front. SIx months before this picture was taken they were undrillod civilians.


 41. Arrival of a Bunch of Chicago Boys


 42. Happy return of (the old 15th Inf.) New York's famous colored regiment; receiving their share of cigarettes and chocolate handed out to the boys at the chicken dinner given them at 71st Regiment Armory.


 43. How Our Soldiers Came Home. American Negro troops boarding the boat in New York Harbor for Camp Merritt, N. J., mobilization camp.


 44. It is said that the Negro, because of his constant cheerfulness makes the best soldier. However that may be, it is certain that these three specimens have acquired a reputation for being the most zealous workers in their company and are shown as the three prize men of the company.


 45. These four officers of the 366th Infantry were in some of the heaviest fighting of the war. Left to right they are: Lieut. C. L. Abbott of South Dakota, Capt. Jos. L. Lowe, Pacific Grove, Calif.; Lieut. A. R. Fisher, Lyles, Ind., who won the Distinguished Service Cross, and Captain E. White of the 92nd'Division (Buffaloes) of Pine Bluff, Ark.


 46. One of the big Y. M. C. A. tents near the front in France. The "Y" gave the same service to the Negro Troops as to the white soldiers.


 47. French Colonial Troops (Senegalese) being drilled in use of rifle grenades on the Marme.


 48. Baptism for Army Men, Colored troops of the U. S. Army receiving Holy Baptism at the Norcross Rifle Range, Camp Gordon, Ga.


 49. Part of Squadron "A," 351st Field Artillery, colored troops on the Transport Louisville. These men are mostly from Pennsylvania.


 50. Group of Colored Soldiers of the 369th Infantry


 51. The Negro regiments have proven their fighting worth. During the Franco-Arnerican offensive sever detachments rendered great service for Uncle Sam. Photo from France shows group of officers of division known as the "Buffaloes."


 52. A returning hero of the 369th who lost his leg in France, being welcomed on his return home to New York. The loop of cord on his left shoulder is the decoration that every member of this regiment is entitled to wear. It signifies that entire regiment has been awarded the Cordon of the Croix de Guerre by the French.


 53. Major David L'Esperanz and Major Lorrilard Spencer of the 369th Infantry. Both were wounded while leading their colored soldiers in battle. Major Spencer was decorated with the Croix de Guerre by the French and the Distinguished Service Medal by order of General Pershing. Major L'Esperanz also received the Croix de Guerre.

Chapter IV

Index of Illustrations

Table of Contents