Mable |
"The only place there flat is on the map" |
"You can read em to your granchildren" |
"You walk a post but there aint no post" |
"I just found it in my bakin can" |
"I dont like any sargeant" |
"I dont care much for horses, they feels the same way
about me" |
"Max Glucos, what lives on the next cot |
"Smith are you laffin at me?" |
"One day its our teeth" |
"Remember me to your mother" |
"Not the kind your father has" |
"I wear them every night over my uniform!" |
"I been made an officer" |
"Somebodied set a trunk on the turky" |
"Built like the leg of a sailurs trowsers" |
"You paint a horse black and white stripes" |
"I spent mine doin Kitchen police" |
"I wish that hired girl could come down" |
"A croquette is a French society woman" |
"I sat next to a Colonels wife" |
"Men hate to be watched while they are freezin". |
"I had a reputashun for a devil with the wimen" |
"It seemed to depres them awful" |
"If I catch one of those ailin enemies windin up your
victrola" |
"Stuck my head out of the blankets" |
"When I looked in the tin mirror I thought I was starvin" |
"They come round an watch you eat it" |
"Army food always runs" |
"He smokes cigarets something awful" |
"I poured some oil out of his lamp" |
"I even got mud in my hair" |
"The water comes through on me" |
"The last time I will take my pen in hand for you" |
"It wont be no use runin to the door" |
telegram |