What the South Carolina women have done---State thoroughly organized---Work in South Dakota difficult ---Women persist and work valiantly without funds---Tennessee falls in line with all varieties of war work--- Utah women specialize on kitchen gardens---Texas women thoroughly organized under National League for Woman's Service ---War work in Vermont.
South Carolina. The women of South Carolina have demonstrated from the beginning a fine and a patriotic spirit in their defense work and are led by an indefatigable and enthusiastic state president. The Woman's Committee of the State Council of Defense is composed of the following:
Mrs. F. Louise Mayes, Greenville, chairman; Mrs. Richard I. Manning, Columbia, 1st vice chairman; Mrs. J. L. Coker, Hartsville, 2nd vice chairman; Mrs. E. C. von Tresckow, Camden, secretary; Mrs. R. E. Stackhouse, Spartanburg treasurer; Mrs. W. C. Cathcart, Columbia, publicity committee; Executive Committee: Mrs. F. Louise Mayes, Mrs. Richard I. Manning, Mrs. J. L. Coker, Mrs. E. C. von Tresckow, Mrs. R. E. Stackhouse, Mrs. W. C. Cathcart, Miss Jane B. Evans, Mrs. Ben Hagood, Mrs. J. W. Allen, Mrs. Mary C. McCanna, Mrs. Joseph Sprout, Mrs. Harriet Caldwell, Mrs. Robert Mixon, Mrs. J. D. Chapman, Mrs. Waller Duvall, Mrs. J. L. McWhirter, Mrs. Harriet P. Lynch, Mrs. Ernest Pringle, Miss Minnie M. Gee, Mrs. Mary Slattery, Mrs. Andrew Bramlett, Mrs. I. O. J. Kreps, Mrs. Thomas Silcox, Mrs. W. T. C. Bates, Miss Katie Lee.
Mrs. Mayes having been appointed temporary chairman, organized the state by calling together representatives of all state organizations of women at Rock Hill, July 12, 1917. Since then meetings have been held at Columbia and these have been characterized by a spirit of enthusiasm and patriotism. The avowed purpose of the Woman's Committee of South Carolina is to "restrict overlapping of activities and to eliminate waste of energy." The executive board is composed of all state presidents of women's organizations and a chairman for each county was appointed. The state has ten divisions of work corresponding to those of the National Woman's Committee and recommended by that body.
The first work undertaken by the women of South Carolina as an organized defense body was the registration of the woman power of the state and the food conservation campaign. All town councils were asked to cooperate with community markets by allowing them to sell country produce without license. Twenty thousand "Hoover Cards "were signed in the first drive and 35,000 women were registered. Forty-four counties have working organizations and have submitted reports. The sale of Liberty Bonds has been pushed and the women have cooperated with the commercial bodies in the effort to eliminate waste of all kinds.
South Dakota. The women of South Dakota who took the initiative in war work are deserving of the highest commendation. For several reasons the work in South Dakota was difficult, the main reason being that neither the Woman's Committee nor the State Council had any funds for the prosecution of war work. However, the women worked valiantly to the limit of their power, and within a short time after the Woman's Committee was appointed, several county organizations were completed and plans for financing the work were under way. South Dakota women concentrated their attention on food conservation and later took up the registration of women. They were also active in the Liberty Loan campaign. The work in South Dakota is being done by the Food Conservation Committee working under the direction of the State Council of Defense. This Committee consists of: Miss Helen F. Peabody, Mr. H. A. Oldham, Miss Mabel Ward, Mr. A. W. Davidson,and Mr. Charles H. Lugg.
Tennessee. Known in history as 'The Volunteer State," Tennessee has more than lived up to her name, as far as the women are concerned, in the world war of 1917. As an evidence that the gospel of patriotism has been preached from "Carter county on the east to Shelby county on the west," a letter came to Washington from a Tennessee mountain woman who solemnly declared that she believed that everything in her state had been "canned, dried or et."
Before the appointment of the Woman's Committee a great deal of war work had been begun under existing organizations-the Federated Clubs, the National League for Woman's Service, the Red Cross, etc. This was continued and enlarged and the Woman's Committee under the able chairmanship of Mrs. George W. Denny, of Knoxville, president of the Federated Clubs of the state and an able and gifted woman, has been able to accomplish much in food conservation, the sale of Liberty Bonds and in every other form of war work in which they have been asked to engage. Tennessee is particularly fortunate also in having as its state vice chairman at large of the Woman's Committee Mrs. Leslie Warner, of Nashville, a woman of broad culture and experience, of recognized leadership and rare personal charm.
Perhaps Tennessee has excelled most strikingly in her work for food conservation. Every community had its canning centers where women of the neighborhood brought their garden stuff to be conserved. One woman who had a garden forty by fifty feet established her canner in the midst of her flowers and vegetables and a community canning was held in that delightful spot every Thursday morning during the entire season.
A most effective method initiated by Knoxville in the Hoover pledge campaign, and followed by many cities in Tennessee, was the banding of girls over sixteen-a captain in each ward with nine girls helping her, who solicited from house to house in a ward canvass. In other communities the cards were distributed through the churches-so many women in each church seeing that the cards were signed at the close of the service.
Training classes along all lines were established at Chattanooga, Memphis, and other cities. The Comfort Association of Knoxville raised $2,500 from a wonderful sacrifice sale, the money to be devoted to supplying comforts for the enlisted men of East Tennessee. The Women's Committee of Nashville prepared 3,200 comfort kits for the middle Tennessee soldiers. The Nashville women have provided a rest room and library at the camp for the soldiers. They have a victrola, all sorts of writing material, newspapers and all the current magazines. Memphis has perhaps done more in the Red Cross line, as it is the largest city in Tennessee and has strong financial backing. "There isn't a city or community in the state in which the women are not doing war relief work," says Mrs. Denny. "The women of the Volunteer State are realizing the importance of a systematic organization, and are bending every effort in this direction. "
At the Tennessee State Fair Mrs. Alex. Caldwell, chairman for Food Conservation for the Woman's Committee, and former president of the Tennessee Federation of Women's Clubs, displayed a "portrait" of Mr. Hoover wrought entirely of fruits and vegetables. This was cleverly conceived and executed and, though the likeness could not be said to be a speaking one, the "portrait" created much amusement and also called attention in a very striking way to the food pledge campaign which was then on.
The headquarters have been provided by the state chairman in the Board of Commerce Building, Knoxville, and stenographic help furnished by the State Council of Defense.
The officers are: chairman, Mrs. George W. Denny, Knoxville; vice chairman at large, Mrs. Leslie Warner, Nashville; vice chairman, E. Tennessee, Mrs. D. P. Montague, Chattanooga; vice chairman, W. Tennessee, Mrs. Thomas Polk, Jackson; vice chairman, Middle Tennessee, Miss Louise Lindsay, Nashville; secretary, Mrs. John Welch, Sparta; treasurer, Miss Margaret Hamilton Erwin, Chattanooga; secretary to state chairman, Mrs. T. P. Miller, Knoxville. Chairman of other Committees: Social Service: Mrs. Leo Schwartz, Nashville; Red Cross: Mrs. James McCormick, Memphis; Public Health: Mrs. Claud D. Sullivan, Nashville; Medical Service: Dr. Elese Rutledge, Memphis; Publicity, Mrs. John M. Kenney, Nashville; Training Classes for Women: Miss Margaret Wilson, Knoxville; Vigilance: Mrs. E. E. Willingham, Memphis. Heads of Departments: Food Production and Home Economics: Mrs. Alex. Caldwell, Nashville; Women in Industry: Mrs. Isaac Reese, Memphis; Child Welfare: Mrs. Eugene Crutcher, Nashville; Education: Mrs. L. D. Tyson, Knoxville; Home and Foreign Relief: Miss Della Dortch, Nashville; Spiritual Forces: Mrs. James B. Ezell, Newsom.
Tennessee was one of the first of the states to perfect a live, active organization under the National League for National Service. The state chairman, Mrs. Jesse Overton, was able to make a splendid report of the work of the first six months, and day by day the work is broadening in all directions.
Texas. The women of the great state of Texas have gone about their defense work with a thoroughness and enthusiasm that is worthy of the spirit of the Lone Star State, and conspicuous success has attended every campaign undertaken by the women since war was declared. The National League for Woman's Service was well organized and was already doing a large and a very valuable work when this country became involved in the world war. This work has continued and the women of Texas have a record of achievement to their credit that they may well be proud of. The slogan, "For God, for country, for home" was repeated three times with much fervor by the women of Houston at their initial meeting for defense work, and the spirit engendered at this meeting meant much for the future success of the plans about to be formulated. At this as well as at all meetings of the Texas women in the first days of the war, the clubs of the state were fully represented. Texas was one of the first states to put through quickly and successfully a registration of its women, and the way the women of the cities of the state conducted their campaigns for registration and for food conservation is well worthy of notice.
The Woman's Committee of the Council of National Defense for Texas was organized soon after the call came from Washington, with the following officers: president, Mrs. Fred Fleming, Dallas; 1st vice president, Mrs. Lee Gilbert Joseph, San Antonio; 2nd vice president, Mrs. G. W. Connery, Fort Worth; secretary, Mrs. A. B. Griffith, Dallas; treasurer, Miss Adena DeZavalla, San Antonio. Organization has been extended to all counties, cities and towns. By July 15, 1917, 215 counties were organized out of 247, with seven members of the committee in each, according to a report received at the headquarters of the Woman's Committee in Washington.
Utah. The spirit of conservation had already reached Utah before war was declared. The women throughout the state had, for two years, been working on the kitchen garden idea. They were organized in canning centers and were prepared in every way to meet the demand made upon the people by Herbert C. Hoover, Utah's biggest "drive" was in the interest of food conservation, which was handled with remarkable efficiency by the Committee on Food Supply and Conservation which was affiliated with the Extension Division of the Utah Agricultural College. This Committee is composed of Janette A. Hyde, chairman; Gertrude McCheyne, Mrs. A. J. Gorham, Rena B. Maycock.
Seven canning centers were immediately opened, as Well as a central citizen's municipal market. In connection with this, a community kitchen, where the principle of conserving and preserving the surplus food left over from the market, was conducted. The women who came to market had the privilege of witnessing demonstrations conducted under expert hands. The principle of canning fruits and vegetables, as well as the methods of drying and salting were taught each day. The idea was carried still further into the community centers where capable demonstrators worked along the same lines which were given at the market.
Janette A. Hyde, Utah's enterprising chairman says: "The work accomplished throughout the state has been far-reaching in its scope. The people have accepted very readily the principle of conservation and preservation, feeling that they were going back to the old pioneer days of raising and saving everything which was possible for human energy to conserve. We were prepared and at work before the word came for us to begin.
"Thousands of war gardens were planted at the beginning of the season. Women formed into groups, having their socials known as 'seed day' where seeds were exchanged, 'potato socials' where each one belonging to the group brought small bags of potatoes which were cut up and prepared for seed. Those who were not fortunate enough to have potatoes to give for this purpose, served refreshments to those who furnished and prepared the seed. On every hand, we heard of busy house-wives making ready for assisting with the home garden and extra planting on spaces of spare ground. When the time came for harvesting the crops, women formed into groups and gleaned as did Ruth of old. Many thousands of pounds of wheat were gathered which otherwise would have wasted in the field. Miles of curbing throughout the crowded districts were used as an extension to the home garden. Boys' and girls' groups were formed throughout the state, supervised by the Agricultural College, who produced many extra bushels of green garden vegetables. Not only have the women of the state quadrupled their output of jellies, fruit, etc., for individual use, but they have given very generously of their time toward the canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables for charitable institutions as well as putting up thousands of jars of jellies to be turned over to the Red Cross for the use of our boys in the trenches.
"To the Woman's Committee affiliated with the State Council of Defense, came the tremendous task of registering all of the families throughout the state, and 75,000 cards were printed and distributed by the Committee. Many of our women had to travel from 10 to 25 miles to distribute the cards in the districts to which they had been assigned. Two hundred and seventy-five women volunteered their services. Forty-nine thousand three hundred and seventy-three cards were signed and returned. A tabulation of the same was kept in the state for future use. Two hundred and fifty individuals sent cards and dimes to Washington for the Hoover button and insignia.
"We feel that the spirit of conservation through the distribution of the Hoover cards has done much to enthuse our women to prompt and concerted action. We also sent out 1,000 of the Hoover kitchen cards to prominent societies and organizations.
"In eight counties, paid demonstrators were at work giving instructions and helping the women with the latest methods of preparing fruits and vegetables. We had 1,500 volunteer women throughout the state assisting in every way possible, and to our well organized and equipped Relief Society we feel that the greatest amount of credit is due for our splendid report.
"It is impossible to estimate the wonderful amount of good that has been done through the Conservation Movement.
"The amount of materials put up under the direction of demonstrations in counties in Salt Lake City is as follows; 9,603 quarts of jelly, jam, and canned vegetables; besides 30,000 ears of corn dried. The number of women reached directly by county demonstrators was 30,005. Number of bulletins and college circulars distributed, 12,534. Number of places in which demonstrations and short courses were given, 67. Number of women in attendance at demonstrations, 9,855. Individual contact and personal conversations over telephone, 6,288. Number of agricultural women conducting state-wide work, six."
If each state had kept as accurate a record of its war work as Utah has done the Government would have a document of inestimable value upon which to base many of the future operations of its departments in the work of which women are concerned.
The officers of the Utah Woman's Committee are: chairman, Mrs. W. N. Williams, Salt Lake; 1st vice chairman, Mrs. Edward Bischel, Ogden; 2nd vice chairman, Mrs. J. W. Knight, Provo; 3rd vice chairman, Mrs. R. E. L. Collier, Salt Lake; Secretary, Miss Elsa Bamberger, Salt Lake.
Vermont. In every line of patriotic work that has been suggested from Washington the women of Vermont have done their full share. In no field, however, have they accomplished more than in the conservation of food. Vermont was one of the first states to operate the rule "No white bread on Wednesdays and Thursdays." The Red Cross is organized throughout the state and Vermont women have done effective work in the interest of the war library. The work of the Woman's Committee was initiated with a meeting in the executive chamber by invitation of the Governor of Vermont. The women also met with the Public Safety Committee and an excellent program, with the best speakers obtainable, served to inspire the people with zeal for war work. Great success attended the efforts in the interest of the food-pledge campaign, and Vermont made a fine record in the sale of Liberty bonds. The women of the state have seen to it that all state papers are supplied with live news on what women are doing, and the publication of these items in many papers has gone far toward stirring the people to their duty in the Nation's crisis.
At the suggestion of the Woman's Committee, Professor Bertha M. Terrill, Director of the Department of Home Economics of the University of Vermont, was appointed home economics director for the United States Food Administration of Vermont. Officers for the Woman's Committee are: chairman, Mrs. J. E. Weeks, Middlebury; recording secretary, Mrs. Gilbert Davis, Windsor; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Arthur Isham Burlington; treasurer, Mrs. Oliver Ashton, Rutland.
Of the spirit of the women of Vermont one of the state leaders has said: "I can not tell when or where the distinctively war service started-it seemed to spontaneously spring into existence everywhere as soon as we were actually in the struggle, but it is in full swing all over the state, under direction of one or another of our women's organizations. In many towns the Red Cross work is headed by the D.A.R. chapter, as in Brattleboro, and the rooms are open for work every day and evening. The Federated Clubs indorse and join in every form of relief work, and the Vermont Society of Colonial Dames has contributed $375 to the Y.M.C.A. war relief work. It is not going too far to say that every member of all the organizations mentioned is cooperating with all other agencies for special war service. Vermont is alert, patriotic, industrious and wide-awake to her opportunities for usefulness."