History of the
American Field Service in France
Names of Officers are printed in heavy type, names of men who died or were killed during the War in italics [or underlined when linked to the Memorial Volume]. The decorations indicated: Croix de Guerre †, Légion d'Honneur *, Médaille Militaire †† ) were those received by the members while still volunteers of the Field Service. Decorations subsequently received are not included.
Salinger, Richard Benjamin | S.S.U. 71 | 2 months | 1917 | Brookline, Mass. | Harvard | U.S.A.A.S. |
Salisbury, Edward van Doren, Cdt. Adjt. †, ph | S.S.U. 2 | 1 yr. 9 mos. | 1914-16 | Chicago, Ill. | Harvard | U.S. Explosive Plant |
Salter, Thomas Manning | S.S.U. 2 | 4 months | 1917 | Glen Ridge, N.J. | A.R.C. | |
Sambrook, Walter Laidlaw | T.M.U. 397 | 3 " | 1917 | Watervliet, N.Y. | Univ. of Syracuse | U.S.M.T.C. |
Samuel, Edward, Jr. † | S.S.U. 70 | 2 " | 1917 | Philadelphia, Pa. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Samuel, Edward Marshall, Jr. | T.M.U. 133 | 4 " | 1917 | Lake Forest, Ill. | U.S.M.T.C. | |
Samuels, Frederick Edward | S.S.U. 12 | 3 " | 1917 | Wilder, Vt. | Dartmouth | U.S.A.A.S. |
Samuels, Mortimer Harold | S.S.U. 71 | 3 " | 1917 | Providence, R.I. | Penn. Mil. | U.S.N.R.F. |
Sanders, Roswell Stevens †, ††, ph | S.S.U. 4 | 8 " | 1916 | Newburyport, Mass. | 2nd Lt. R.A.F. | |
Sando, Francis Blair | S.S.U. 71 | 3 " | 1917 | Scranton, Pa. | Cornell | Ensign U.S. Navy |
Sanford, Miles Blinn | T.M.U. 526 | 6 " | 1917 | La Grange, Ill. | Cornell | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Sanger, William Cary, Jr. | S.S.U. 9 | 6 " | 1916-17 | Sangerfield, N.Y. | Harvard | 1st Lt. U.S. Inf. |
Sargeant, Grandville Le Moyne | S.S.U. 16 | 6 " | 1917 | Coraopolis, Pa. | Washington & Jefferson | U.S. Av. |
Sargent, Daniel † | S.S.U. 3 | 1 yr. 5 mos. | 1916-17 | Wellesley, Mass. | Harvard | 1st Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Sargent, Joseph Weir | S.S.U. 64 | 5 months | 1917 | New Haven, Conn. | Yale | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Saulnier, Willard Daniels | S.S.U. 64 | 5 " | 1917 | New Haven, Conn. | Yale | U.S. Navy |
Saunders, Bertram William | S.S.U. 65 | 2 " | 1917 | Passaic, N.J. | Wesleyan | S/Lt. Fr. Art. |
Saunders, George | Vosges Det. & S.S.U. 8 | 7 " | 1917 | New York City | Y.M.C.A. | |
Saunders, James Key | S.S.U. 8 | 11 " | 1916-17 | New York City | Univ. of Missouri | 1st Lt. U.S. Mach. Gun. |
Saville, Bruce Wilder | T.M.U. 397 | 3 " | 1917 | Boston, Mass. | U.S. Eng. C. | |
Savoy, John Arthur Guilmont | S.S.U. 68 | 3 " | 1917 | Holyoke, Mass. | Amherst | U.S.A.A.S. |
Sawhill, John McKnight | T.M.U. 526 | 3 " | 1917 | Springfield, Mass. | Andover | Lt. U.S. Av. |
Sawyers, Francis Lazelle | T.M.U. 133 | 6 " | 1917 | Centerville, Iowa | Princeton | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Sayer, Richard Sears, Jr. | S.S.U. 1 | 5 " | 1915 | New York City | Lt. U.S.G.D. | |
Sayre, Harold Holden | S.S.U. 10 | 5 " | 1917 | Calgary, Canada | Leland Stanford | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Sayre, Howard Condit | S.S.U. 8 | 6 " | 1917 | New York City | Princeton | A.R.C. |
Sayre, Sydney Lombard | S.S.U. 19 | 5 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Univ. of Chicago | U.S. Av. |
Scannell, Robert Henry † | S.S.U. 13 | 3 " | 1915 | Cambridge, Mass. | Princeton & M.I.T. | 1st Lt. U.S. Eng. C. |
Schaaf, Oliver Haslup | S.S.U. 68 | 3 " | 1917 | Indianapolis, Ind. | Amherst | U.S.A.A.S. |
Scheetz, Francis Barley | T.M.U. 526 | 5 " | 1917 | Norristown, Pa. | Cornell | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Schelde, Lester Beach | S.S.U. 2 | 4 " | 1917 | Hartford, Conn. | Yale | Phys. Dsbld. in A.F.S. |
Schenck, Horace Truesdell | S.S.U. 31 | 2 " | 1917 | Union, N.Y. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Scharf, Chester William | S.S.U. 15 | 3 " | 1917 | Baltimore, Md. | ||
Schloss, Malcolm Betram | S.S.U. 32 | 2 " | 1917 | New York City | Coll. of City of N.Y. | U.S.A.A.S. |
Schneider, Louis Burton | S.S.U. 31 | 3 " | 1917 | Newark, N.J. | Harvard | S/Lt. Fr. Art. |
Schoen, Ernest Rudolf | S.S.U. 18 | 6 " | 1917 | Atlanta, Ga. | Univ. of Va. | Capt. U.S. Av. |
Schroder, Bernard Marie Paul †, ph | S.S.U. 2 | 1 yr. 4 mos. | 1914-16 | Neuilly-s.-Seine, France | Northwestern | S/Lt. Fr. Av. |
Schurmeier, Gustave Benjamin | T.M.U. 133 | 6 months | 1917 | St. Paul, Minn. | Univ. of Minnesota | U.S. Av. |
Schwartz, Merton Henry | T.M.U. 397 | 3 " | 1917 | Buffalo, N.Y. | ||
Schweinler, Carl Lewis | S.S.U. 32 | 2 " | 1917 | W. Orange, N.J. | Cornell | U.S.M.T.C. |
Scoles, Donald | T.M.U. 184 | 4 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Northwestern | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Scott, Edgar, Jr. | Hdqts. | 2 " | 1916 | Lansdowne, Pa. | Groton School | A.R.C. |
Scott, John Passmore | T.M.U. 184 | 5 " | 1917 | Sewickley, Pa. | Culver Mil. | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Scott, Robert Wesley | S.S.U. 72 | 1 " | 1917 | Dorchester, Mass. | M.I.T | Sgt. U.S. Tank C. |
Scribner, George Weed, Jr. | S.S.U. 26 | 2 " | 1917 | Cleveland, Ohio | Dean Acad. | U.S.A.S.C. |
Scudder, John Arnold | T.M.U. 526 | 6 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Yale | A.R.C. |
Scully, Rees Townsend, Cdt. Adjt. † | T.M.U. 133 | 6 " | 1917 | Pittsburgh, Pa. | Princeton | Civ. U.S. Av. - 2nd Lt. U.S. Eng. |
Seabrook, William Bukler | S.S.U. 8 | 5 " | 1916 | Atlanta, Ga. | Newberry Col., S.C. | |
Searle, Stewart Augustus | S.S.U. 33 | 4 " | 1917 | Minneapolis, Minn. | Yale | Sgt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Searles, Donald Wilbur | T.M.U. 133 | 5 " | 1917 | Hollywood, Cal. | Univ. of Cal. | A.R.C. |
Seaver, Lloyd Badger | S.S.U. 19 | 4 " | 1917 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | Cornell | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Seccombe, Edward Nichols | S.S.U. 2 | 8 " | 1916 | Derby, Conn. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Seeley, George Cheney | T.M.U. 526 | 3 " | 1917 | Essex, Conn. | Yale | 1st Lt. U.S.C.A.C. |
Selick, Harold Edwin | T.M.U. 133 | 4 " | 1917 | Glen Ridge, N.J. | ||
Sellars, Dudley | Hdqts. | 1 " | 1917 | Toledo, Ohio | S.C. Photo Laboratory | |
Senter, Selden Williams | S.S.U. 10 | 9 " | 1916-17 | Dallas, Texas | Ag. & Mec. of Tex. | Sgt. U.S. Tank C. |
Seton, Henry | S.S.U. 3-8 | 6 " | 1916 | Tuxedo Park, N.Y. | Harvard | 2nd Lt. U.S. Inf. |
Sewall, Loyall Farragut | S.S.U. 4 | 6 " | 1916 | Bath, Me. | Bowdoin | 1st Lt. U.& Inf. - Capt. U.S. Tank C. |
Sewall, Sumner | S.S.U. 8 | 6 " | 1917 | Bath, Me. | Harvard | 1st Lt. U.S. Av. |
Sexton, Frederick Lester | S.S.U. 14 | 3 " | 1917 | New Haven, Conn. | Yale | U.S.A.A.S. |
Seymour, Harry Boyd | T.M.U. 397 | 5 " | 1917 | Sacramento, Cal | Univ. of Cal. | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Seymour, James William Davenport, Sous-Chef | S.S.U. 17 | 5 " | 1917 | South Duxbury, Mass. | Harvard | 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Seymour, McNeil Vernam, Jr. | T.M.U. 133 | 6 " | 1917 | St. Paul, Minn. | Princeton | U.S.M.T.C. |
Shaffer, Chester Norwood | T.M.U. 397 | 3 " | 1917 | W. Somerville, Mass. | Dartmouth | 1st Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Shainwald, Richard Herman | T.M.U. 397 | 4 " | 1917 | San Francisco, Cal. | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. | |
Sharpe, Alan Freer | T.M.U. 526 | 4 " | 1917 | River Forest, Ill. | Univ. of Illinois | U.S.M.T.C. |
Shattuck, Maxwell Carleton | S.S.U. 8 | 6 " | 1916 | Bristol, N.H. | Amherst | 1st Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Shaw, Alpheus Edward | S.S.U. 16 | 4 " | 1917 | Wilmington, Vt. | Harvard | Sgt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Shaw, Charles Allan | S.S.U. 19 | 2 " | 1917 | Lynn, Mass. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Shaw, Edward Payson, 3d | S.S.U. 19 | 3 " | 1917 | Brookline, Mass. | Dart. & Boston Univ. | U.S.A.A.S. |
Shaw, Emmett Hamblin | S.S.U. 26 | 6 " | 1917 | Cambridge, Mass. | Harvard | A.R.C. |
Sheahan, Henry Beston | S.S.U. 2 | 7 " | 1915-16 | Topsfield, Mass. | Harvard | Corr. U.S.N. |
Shelton, Allen Wellington | T.M.U. 397 | 1 " | 1917 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | ||
Shepard, Chester de Witt | T.M.U. 184 | 4 " | 1917 | Buffalo, N.Y. | Hamilton Coll. | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Shepard, Elliott Fitch, Director Convalescent Home | 4 " | 1917 | Chantilly, Oise | Yale | ||
Shepard, Horace Wentworth | S.S.U.30 | 5 " | 1917 | Brookline, Mass. | Harvard | U.S. Sig. C. |
Sherrerd, Henry Dyer Moore † | S.S.U. 2 | 4 " | 1917 | Haddonfield, N.J. | Princeton | U.S.A.A.S. |
Sherry, Alden Bradford | T.M.U. 526 | 4 " | 1917 | Troy, N.Y. | Cornell | 1st Lt. U.S. Av. |
Shields, Paul | T.M.U. 133 | 4 " | 1917 | Dorchester, Mass. | Boston Univ | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Shinn, Lyle Bennett | T.M.U. 184 | 3 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Univ. of Nebraska | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Shipway, Leslie Scott | S.S.U. 14 | 6 " | 1917 | Santa Cruz, Cal. | Leland Stanford | A.R.C. |
Shirley, Albert Arthur | S.S.U. 72 | 1 " | 1917 | Schenectady, N.Y. | Purdue | U.S.A.A.S. |
Shirley, Thomas Edward | T.M.U. 184 | 5 " | 1917 | Manchester, N.H. | Dartmouth | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Shober, Samuel L. † | S.S.U. 26 | 6 " | 1917 | Philadelphia, Pa. | 2nd Lt. U.S. Ord. Dept. | |
Shoninger, Clarence Bernard | S.S.U. 8 | 6 " | 1916 | New York City | Yale | S/Lt. Fr. Av. |
Shoup, Oliver Harold, Jr. | S.S.U. 28 | 4 " | 1917 | Colorado Springs, Colo. | Dartmouth | 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Shreve, Charles Upton, 3rd † | S.S.U. 4 | 3 " | 1917 | Detroit, Mich. | Harvard | Corp. U.S.C.A.C. |
Shumway, Howard Paine, Jr. | S.S.U. 9 | 6 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Univ. of Nebraska | 1st Lt. U.S. San. C. |
Sias, Richard Dean | T.M.U 133 | 5 " | 1917 | Corona, Cal. | Univ. of Cal. | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Sibley, Hiram | S.S.U. 1 | 4 " | 1915 | South Bend, Ind. | Sgt. U.S. Eng. C. | |
Sibley, Hiram Ellis | T.M.U. 184 | 3 " | 1917 | Gallipolis, Ohio | Marietta Coll. | Sgt. U.S. Eng. C. |
Silver, Milton Gans | S.S.U. 65 | 4 " | 1917 | Clayton, N.J. | Univ. of Illinois | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Simmons, Rouse | T.M.U. 184 | 5 " | 1917 | Portland, Oregon | Yale | Asp. Obs. Fr. Av. |
Simmons, Zalman Gilbert, Jr. | T.M.U. 526 | 4 " | 1917 | Kenosha, Wisc. | Hotchkiss School | A.R.C. |
Simon, Horace Franklin | S.S.U. 66 | 3 " | 1917 | New York City | Princeton | S/Lt. Fr. Art. |
Simons, Raymond Samuel | S.S.U. 66 | 2 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Univ. of Illinois | U.S.A.A.S. |
Sinclair, Gilbert Stewart | S.S.U. 12-3 | 7 " | 1917 | Minneapolis, Minn. | U. of Minn. & Lehigh | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Singer, Leon Frederick | T.M.U. 397 | 3 " | 1917 | Great Falls, Montana | Univ. of Penn. | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Sisson, Walter Coffin, Cdt. Adjt. | T.M.U. 397 | 6 " | 1917 | Potsdam. N.Y. | Dartmouth | Capt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Skehens, Charles Thomas | S.S.U. 13 | 2 " | 1917 | Lake Forest, Ill. | U.S.A.A.S | |
Skelton, Leland Rice | S.S.U. 10 | 5 " | 1917. | Palo Alto, Cal. | Leland Stanford | 2nd Lt. U.S. Inf. |
Skene, Donald Alexander | S.S.U. 29 | 5 " | 1917 | Portland, Oregon | Yale | U.S. Marines |
Slater, Ellis Dwinnell | S.S.U. 69 | 3 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Univ. of Mich. | U.S.A.A.S. |
Slidell, William Joseph. Cdt. Adjt. † | S.S.U. 18 | 6 " | 1917 | Territet, Switzerland | Princeton | 1st Lt. U.S.G.S.D. |
Sloan, David William, Jr. | S.S.U. 27 | 6 " | 1917 | Cumberland, Md. | Princeton | Corp. U.S.F.A. |
Sloman, Frank Henry | S.S.U. 70 | 4 " | 1917 | San Francisco, Cal. | Leland Stanford | U.S. Nav. Av. |
Small, Lawrence Allen | T.M.U. 397 | 5 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | U.S.M.T.C. | |
Smith, Atherton Howard | S.S.U. 13 | 6 " | 1917 | Stoughton, Mass. | Sgt. U.S. Eng. C. | |
Smith, Cedric Ellsworth | S.S.U. 68 | 3 " | 1917 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | Williams | U.S. Tank C. |
Smith, Douglas Musser | T.M.U. 397 | 4 " | 1917 | Williamsport, Pa. | Univ. of Penn. | A.R.C. |
Smith, Eugene McMechen | T.M.U. 526 | 4 " | 1917 | Wheeling, W.Va. | U.S. Nav. Av. | |
Smith, Frank Russell | S.S.U. 29 | 4 " | 1917 | Norwich, Conn. | Brown | U.S.A.A.S. |
Smith, Fred Philip | S.S.U. 65 | 4 " | 1917 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Penn. State | U.S.A.A.S. |
Smith, George Burton | S.S.U. 72 | 1 " | 1917 | Detroit, Mich. | Univ. of Mich. | Corp. U.S.A.A.S. |
Smith, Hawley Lester | S.S.U. 65 | 4 " | 1917. | Clifton, Ill. | Univ. of Illinois | 1st Lt. U.S. Inf. |
Smith, Jack Bass | S.S.U. 26 | 6 " | 1917 | Birmingham, Ala. | Univ. of Penn. | Lt. U.S.A.S. |
Smith, James Hopkins | S.S.U. 3 | 4 " | 1916 | New York City | Harvard | Ens. U.S. Navy |
Smith, John Masson, Sous-Chef | S.S.U. 68 | 3 " | 1917 | Grinnell, Iowa | Univ. of Indiana | Sgt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Smith, Julian Tuzeau | S.S.U. 8 | 6 " | 1917 | Warwick, N.Y. | Y.M.C.A. | |
Smith, Lorrain Gould | S.S.U. 4 | 3 " | 1917 | Miami, Fla. | Univ. Lake Fo. Ill. | Sgt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Smith, Norman, Sous-Chef | S.S.U. 8 | 6 " | 1917 | Los Angeles, Cal. | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. | |
Smith, Norman Sterling | S.S.U. 65 | 4 " | 1917 | Oak Park, Ill. | Univ. of Chicago | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Smith, Philip Durant H. | S.S.U. 2 | 3 " | 1915 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | Dartmouth | 1st Lt. U.S. Av. |
Smith, Rae Habersham | S.S.U. 2 | 6 " | 1916-17 | Winnetka, Ill. | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. | |
Smith, Robert Buchanan | S.S.U. 17 | 6 " | 1917 | Wheeling, W.Va. | ||
Smith, Thomas John | S.S.U. 2 | 3 " | 1915 | Chicago, Ill. | ||
Smith, Walker | S.S.U. 19 | 6 " | 1917 | Minneapolis, Minn. | Cornell | Y.M.C.A. |
Smith, Wallace Fearnsides | T.M.U. 526 | 5 " | 1917 | West Roxbury, Mass. | ||
Smith, William Palmer, Jr. | S.S.U. 72 | 1 " | 1917 | Netherwood, N.J. | Princeton | U.S.A.A.S. - 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Smyth, Robert Lacy | T.M.U. 133 | 6 " | 1917 | Berkeley, Cal. | Univ. of Cal. | S/Lt. Fr. Art. |
Snook, Walter Bonnard | S.S.U. 14 | 6 " | 1917 | Berkeley, Cal. | Leland Stanford | 1st Lt. U.S. Av. |
Snow, Kitchell | S.S.U. 13 | 6 " | 1917 | Boston, Mass. | Harvard | |
Soderston, Herbert Raymond | S.S.U. 64 | 3 " | 1917 | New Haven, Conn. | Yale | |
Solis-Cohen, Francis Nathan | S.S.U. 9 | 2 " | 1916 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Univ. of Penn. | U.S.A.A.S. |
Sortwell, Edward C. (killed as volunteer) | S.S.U. 8-3 | 7 " | 1916 | Wiscasset, Me. | Harvard | |
Souther, Joseph William | S.S.U. 13 | 3 " | 1917 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | A.R.C. | |
Space, Victor Applegate | S.S.U. 71 | 4 " | 1917 | Brattleboro, Vt. | U.S. Inf. | |
Spalding, James F. | S.S.U. 32 | 2 " | 1917 | Toledo, Ohio | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Sparks, Wiley Stewart | T.M.U. 526 | 4 " | 1917 | Newark, N.J. | Rensselaer Poly. | 1st Lt. U.S. Av. |
Spaulding, Frederick Norris | T.M.U. 184 | 5 " | 1917 | Manchester, N.H. | Dartmouth | U.S.F.A. |
Spaulding, George Frederick | S.S.U. 1 | 3 " | 1915-16 | Harper, Cal. | Univ. of Arizona | 2nd Lt. R.A.F. |
Spaulding, John Silvester | T.M.U. 526 | 6 " | 1917 | New York City | Cornell | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Spaulding, Way | S.S.U. 71 | 2 " | 1917 | Haverhill, Mass. | Middlesex School | U.S.A.A.S. |
Speers, Roland Root, Cdt. Adjt. | S.S.U. 14-71 | 8 " | 1917 | Santa Monica, Cal. | Leland Stanford | 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Spencer, Daniel Young | S.S.U. 70 | 2 " | 1917 | Salt Lake City, Utah | Univ. of Utah | U.S.A.A.S. |
Spencer, Frederick Lionel | S.S.U. 66 | 4 " | 1917 | Highland Park, Ill. | US. Nav. Av. | |
Spencer, Harold Eldredge | S.S.U. 72 | 4 " | 1917 | Tarrytown, N.Y | Columbia | U.S.A.A.S. |
Spencer, Richard Grenville | S.S.U. 13 | 4 " | 1917 | S. Natick, Mass. | Harvard | U.S.A.A.S. |
Sponagle, James M., Cdt. Adjt. †, ph | S.S.U. 1-65 | 2 yrs. 10 mos. | 1915-16-17 | Gloucester, Mass. | 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S. | |
Sprague, Arthur Colby | T.M.U. 397 | 3 months | 1917 | York Village, Me. | Harvard | U.S.A.A.S. |
Sprague, Philip Tripp | S.S.U. 8 | 3 " | 1917 | Lockport, Ill. | Beloit | U.S.A.A.S. - 2nd Lt. Chem. Service |
Sproul, Walton Dyer | S.S.U. 71 | 2 " | 1917 | Hanover, Mass. | Mass. Agric. | U.S.A.A.S. |
Spurr, Gregory Waterman | T.M.U. 133 | 6 " | 1917 | Sparkill, N.Y. | Yale | Corp. U.S.F.A. |
Squibb, Paul | S.S.U. 30 | 5 " | 1917 | Bernardsville, N.J. | Harvard | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Squire, Roger Wolcott | T.M.U. 526 | 4 " | 1917 | Meriden, Conn. | Yale | U.S.M.T.C. |
Stackhouse, Howard Gibson | T.M.U. 184 | 4 " | 1917 | Utica, N.Y. | Hamilton Coll. | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Stafford, James Bluette, Jr. | T.M.U. 537 | 2 " | 1917 | Buffalo, N.Y. | ||
Standing, Alec George | S.S.U. 32 | 3 " | 1917 | White Plains, N.Y. | Columbia | Corp. U.S.A.A.S. |
Stanley, Edward Norman | S.S.U. 67 | 5 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Yale | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Stanley, Everett Luscomb | S.S.U. 12 | 6 " | 1917 | B. Milton, Mass. | Bowdoin | Lt. U.S. Intell. |
Stanton, Ernest Newman | S.S.U. 4 | 8 " | 1915-16 | Grosse Ile, Mich. | Cornell | Capt. U.S. Inf. |
Stark, Clay Hamilton | T.M.U. 133 | 2 " | 1917 | Louisiana, Mo. | Univ. of Mo. & Wash. & Lee | Y.M.C.A. |
Starr, Charles Bowman | T.M.U. 537 | 3 " | 1917 | Sewickley, Pa. | Cornell | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Starrett, Ralph Ward | S.S.U. 69 | 4 " | 1917 | Montclair, N.J. | Univ. of Mich. | U.S.A.A.S. |
Stauffer, Jack Harned | S.S.U. 12 | 1 " | 1917 | Johnstown, Pa. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Stearns, Lester Orville | T.M.U. 397 | 3 " | 1917 | Dunkirk, N.Y. | Univ. of Mich. | U.S.M.T.C. |
Stearns, Timothy Raymond | S.S.U. 68 | 3 " | 1917 | Rumford, Me. | Bowdoin Coll. | U.S. Nav. Av. |
Stebbins, Roland William, Sous-Chef | S.S.U. 1 | 4 " | 1915 | Williamstown, Mass. | Harvard | U.S.F.A. |
Steere, Theodore Schurmeier | S.S.U. 72 | 1 " | 1917 | New York City | Pawling School | U.S.A.A.S. |
Steers, James Rich. Jr. | S.S.U. 29 | 5 " | 1917 | New York City | Princeton | U.S.F.A. |
Stevens, Charles Phelps, Jr. | S.S.U. 68 | 3 " | 1917 | New Haven, Conn. | Yale | Corp. U.S.A.A.S. |
Stevens, Denton Jacques | S.S.U. 18 | 2 " | 1917 | New York City | ||
Stevens, Murray Lester | T.M.U. 526 | 3 " | 1917 | Franklin, N.H. | U.S.M.T.C. | |
Stevens, William Borden | S.S.U. 65 | 4 " | 1917 | Newport. R.I. | Harvard | U.S. Med. C. |
Stevenson, Richard Dill † | S.S.U. 26 | 6 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Yale | U.S.F.A. |
Stevenson, William Yorke, Cdt. Adjt. † | S.S.U. 1 | 1 yr. 4 mos. | 1916-17 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Univ. of Penn. | 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Stewart, Donald Wilson | T.M.U. 133 | 6 months | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Wash. Univ. | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Stewart, Gordon | S.S.U. 18 | 6 " | 1917 | Brookline, Mass. | M.I.T. | Cadet U.S. Av. |
Stewart, Theodore Felt | S.S.U. 18 | 6 " | 1917 | Brookline, Mass. | Harvard | U. S.M.T.C. |
Stinson, Robert | T.M.U. 133 | 5 " | 1917 | Norristown, Pa. | Wenonah Mil. | A.R.C. - Civ. Av. |
Stires, Ernest van Rensselaer | S.S.U. 65 | 4 " | 1917 | New York City | Harvard | U.S.F.A. |
Stockwell, Roy † | S.S.U. 1 | 1 yr. | 1916-17 | Lawrence, Kansas | Univ. of Kansas | Capt. U.S.F.A. |
Stoeltzing, Ralph Wallace | S.S.U. 66 | 4 months | 1917 | Pittsburgh, Penn. | Princeton | U.S.A.A.S. |
Stone, Gerald Starr | T.M.U. 526 | 3 " | 1917 | Spencer, Mass. | Dartmouth | Corp. Fr. Av. |
Stone, Roger Pomeroy | S.S.U. 28 | 6 " | 1917 | Providence, R.I. | Dartmouth | |
Storer, Edward Stephen | T.M.U. 397 | 4 " | 1917 | Glen Cove, L.I., N.Y. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Storrs, John Whitmore | T.M.U. 526 | 6 " | 1917 | Hartford, Conn. | Dartmouth | 1st. Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Stoughton, Philip Van Everen | T.M.U. 526 | 6 " | 1917 | New York City | A.R.C. | |
Stout, Richard Harding † | S.S.U. 1 | 7 " | 1917 | Indianapolis, Ind. | Univ. of Wisc. | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Strater, Edward La Nauze | S.S.U. 1 | 5 " | 1917 | Louisville, Ky. | Princeton | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Street, Albert Burton | T.M.U. 184 | 5 " | 1917 | East Haven, Conn. | Dartmouth | U.S. Av. |
Strobel, Carolus Edward | S.S.U. 70 | 4 " | 1917 | Oakland, Cal. | Leland Stanford | U.S. Nav. Av. |
Strong, Benjamin, Jr. | T.M.U. 133 | 6 " | 1917 | New York City | Princeton | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Strong, Edmund Hutchinson | S.S.U. 4 | 2 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Yale | U.S.A.A.S. |
Strong, Otis Ivan | S.S.U. 14-10 | 9 " | 1917 | Alberta, Canada | Leland Stanford | U.S.A.A.S. |
Strubing, John Kelly, Jr. | S.S.U. 28 | 5 " | 1917 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Princeton | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.C. |
Struby, George Berger, Cdt. Adjt. † | S.S.U. 2 & T.M.U. 397 | 1 yr. 6 mos. | 1916-17 | Denver, Colo. | Yale | 1st Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Stuart, Joseph Francis Edward | S.S.U. 30 | 5 months | 1917 | Newton, Mass. | Harvard | F.A.C.O.T.S. |
Stuart, Kimberly, Cdt. Adjt. † | S.S.U. 4-10 | 1 yr. | 1916-17 | Neenah, Wisc. | M.I.T | Ens. U.S. Nav. Av. |
Stude, Louis Sherman | T.M.U. 184 | 4 months | 1917 | Houston, Texas | Cornell | U.S.M.T.C. |
Sturdy, Herbert Knapp, Jr. | T.M.U. 397 | 3 " | 1917 | New York City | Brown | A.R.C. |
Sturges, George | S.S.U. 9 | 6 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Yale | Capt. U.S. Inf. |
Sturgis, Eugene King | T.M.U. 133 | 4 " | 1917 | Portland, Ore. | Univ. of California | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Suckley, Henry E.M. Cdt. Adjt. † (killed as volunteer), ph | S.S.U. 3-10 | 2 yrs. 1 m. | 1915-16-17 | Rhinebeck, N.Y. | Harvard | |
Sudbury, Edward H. | S.S.U. 2 | 3 months | 1916 | New York City | Amherst | Asp. Fr. Art. |
Sullivan, Daniel Joseph | S.S.U. 64 | 5 " | 1917 | Fall River, Mass. | Harvard & Yale | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Sullivan, Eugene Leo | S.S.U. 8 | 4 " | 1917 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | Holy Cross | Capt. U.S. Av. |
Sullivan, Noel | S.S.U. 65 | 1 " | 1917 | San Francisco, Cal | Un. of Santa Clara. | U.S.A.A.S. |
Swain, Earl Francis | S.S.U. 65 | 5 " | 1917 | Chicago, Ill. | Univ. of Illinois | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Swan, William Dennison, Jr. † | S.S.U. 10 | 9 " | 1916-17 | Cambridge, Mass. | Harvard | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Swasey, John Moriarty | S.S.U. 71 | 2 " | 1917 | Brookline, Mass. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Swigart, John, Jr. | T.M.U. 184 | 3 " | 1917 | Toledo, Ohio | Dartmouth | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Sykes, Robert William | S.S.U. 4 | 3 " | 1915-16 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | ||
Symonds, Brandreth, Jr. | S.S.U. 19 | 6 " | 1917 | New York City | Cornell | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Taber, Arthur Richmond | S.S.U. 4 | 3 months | 1915-16 | New York City | Princeton | 1st Lt. U.S. Av. |
Taber, Leslie Ray | S.S.U. 4 | 5 " | 1917 | Auburn, N.Y. | Syracuse & Brown. | Ens. U.S. Nav. Av. |
Tabler, Kramer Core | T.M.U. 184 | 6 " | 1917 | Parkersburg, W.Va. | Marietta Coll. | 1st. Lt. U.S. Av. |
Talbot, George Foster | S.S.U. 9 | 9 " | 1916-17 | Falmouth, Me. | Harvard | Lt. U.S. Navy |
Talbot, Melvin Frank | S.S.U. 3 | 3 " | 1915 | Portland, Me. | Harvard | Lt. U.S. Navy |
Taliaferro, Albert Pendleton, Jr. | S.S.U. 19 | 5 " | 1917 | New York City | Cornell | Ens. U.S. Nav. Av. |
Tallmadge, Cheater Livingstone, Jr. | S.S.U. 65 | 4 " | 1917 | Momence, Ill. | Univ. of Illinois | 2nd Lt. R.A.F. |
Talmage, Frank Mathias | T.M.U. 526 | 6 " | 1917 | Andover, Mass. | Andover | 2nd Lt. U.S.Q.M.C. |
Tapley, Russell William † | S.S.U. 1 | 4 " | 1917 | Springfield, Mass. | Lawrenceville School | U.S. Av. |
Tapley, William Thorpe | T.M.U. 397 | 3 " | 1917 | Revere, Mass. | New Hampshire Coll. | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Tarpley, Donald Greene | T.M.U. 526 | 4 " | 1917 | Portland, Ore. | M.I.T. | 1st Lt. U.S. Eng. |
Tarrant, Thomas Richard | T.M.U. 526 | 5 " | 1917 | Boston, Mass. | Dartmouth | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Tatem, Joseph Moore | T.M.U. 133 | 6 " | 1917 | Haddonfield, N.J. | Williams | U.S. Navy |
Taylor, Edward Hanlin | T.M.U. 184 | 5 " | 1917 | Hyde Park, Mass. | Dartmouth | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Taylor, Frank John | S.S.U. 10 | 5 " | 1917 | Los Angeles, Cal. | Leland Stanford | Correspondent att. U.S. Army |
Taylor, James Irwin | S.S.U. 8 | 6 " | 1917 | York, Pa. | Princeton | Chf. Q.M. U.S. Nav. Av. |
Taylor, James Spear | S.S.U. 3 | 7 " | 1917 | Rochester, N.Y. | Harvard | Emerg. Fleet Const. |
Taylor, John Charles †, ph | S.S.U. 2 | 5 " | 1915-16 | New York City | Fordham | U.S.N.R.F. |
Taylor, Joseph Matthew | S.S.U. 1 | 7 " | 1915-16 | New York City | Fordham | Sgt. U.S.F.A. |
Taylor, Rainey Startup | T.M.U. 133 | 5 " | 1917 | Middletown, Conn. | Princeton | U.S.M.T.C. |
Taylor, Ralph G. | T.M.U. 133 | 4 " | 1917 | Columbia, Mo. | Univ. of Mo. | U.S.M.T.C. |
Taylor, Warren Earl | T.M.U. 184 | 4 " | 1917 | Buffalo, N.Y. | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. | |
Taylor, Wilberforce | S.S.U. 16 | 6 " | 1917 | Hubbard Woods, Ill. | Cornell | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Taylor, William Henry, Jr. | T.M.U. 526 | 4 " | 1917 | New York City | Andover | 1st Lt. U.S. Av. |
Tedford, John Howard | T.M.U. 133 | 5 " | 1917 | Peabody, Mass. | U.S . Av. | |
Tedford, Malcolm Edward | S.S.U. 70 | 4 " | 1917 | Santa Ana, Cal. | Leland Stanford | 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Tefft, Lionel Victor | S.S.U. 3 | 5 " | 1915 | Peoria, Ill. | Dartmouth | 2nd Lt. U.S.Av |
Temple, Richard | T.M.U. 526 | 5 " | 1917 | Boston, Mass. | Harvard | Asp. Fr. Art. |
Tenney, Luman Harris | S.S.U. 12-3 | 9 " | 1917 | Ada, Minn. | Oberlin | 2nd Lt. U.S.C.A. |
Terry, Arthur, Jr. | T.M.U. 133 | 5 " | 1917 | Short Hills, N.J. | Princeton | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Thatcher, George Atherton, Jr. | S.S.U. 12 | 4 " | 1917 | Brockton, Mass. | R.I. St. Coll. | U.S.A.A.S. |
Thayer, George Alexander, 3rd | T.M.U. 133 | 4 " | 1917 | New York City | Harvard | U.S.M.T.C. |
Thayer, Lucius Ellsworth | S.S.U. 68 | 3 " | 1917 | Portsmouth, N.H. | Amherst | U.S.N.R. |
Thieme, Frederick John, Jr. | S.S.U. 69 | 4 " | 1917 | Fort Wayne, Ind. | Univ. of Mich. | U.S. Eng. |
Thomas, Aubrey Lee | S.S.U. 8-13 | 8 " | 1916-17 | Washington, D.C. | Princeton | U.S.A.A.S. |
Thomas, Carl Packard | S.S.U. 16 | 4 " | 1917 | Brockton, Mass. | U.S.F.A. | |
Thomas, Gerald Eugene | T.M.U. 133 | 5 " | 1917 | Paris, France | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. | |
Thomas, Josiah Barrows | S.S.U. 9 | 3 " | 1917 | Peabody, Mass. | Worcester Academy | A.R.C. |
Thomas, Moyer Delwyn | S.S.U. 4 | 1 yr. | 1916-17 | Salt Lake City | Univ. of Utah | |
Thompson, Alan McEwen | S.S.U. 66 | 3 months | 1917 | New York City | U.S. Nav. Av. | |
Thompson, Alfred Ross | S.S.U. 69 | 4 " | 1917 | Rensselaer, Ind. | Univ. of Michigan | |
Thompson, Henry Burling, Jr. † | T.M.U. 133 | 6 " | 1917 | Greenville, Del. | Princeton | 2nd Lt. U.S, Av. |
Thompson, James Livingston, Cdt. Adjt. † | S.S.U. 13-65 | 6 " | 1917 | Indianapolis. Ind. | Wesleyan | 1st Lt. U.S.F.A. |
Thompson, Leland Stanford, Sous-Chef | S.S.U. 69 | 3 " | 1917 | Toledo, Ohio | Univ. of Michigan | 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Thompson, Vivian C. Neville | T.M.U. 133 | 4 " | 1917 | Dorchester, Mass. | U.S.M.T.C. | |
Thorington, Richard Wainwright | S.S.U. 27 | 6 " | 1917 | Philadelphia, Pa. | Princeton | S.A.T.C. |
Tilton, Elmer Harrington | T.M.U. 184 | 3 " | 1917 | Laconia, N.H. | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. | |
Timson, Louis Earle | S.S.U. 13 | 3 " | 1917 | Lynn, Mass. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Tinkham, Clifford Mitchell | T.M.U. 397 | 4 " | 1917 | Upper Montclair, N.J. | Princeton | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Tinkham, Edward Ilsley, Cdt. Adjt. †, ph | S.S.U. 3-4 & T.M.U. 526 | 1 yr. 1 m. | 1916 & 17 | Upper Montclair, N.J. | Cornell | Ensign U.S. Nav. Av. |
Tison, Paul | S.S.U. 3-1 & T.M.U. 526 | 1 yr. | 1916 & 17 | New York City | Harvard | A.R.C. - Civ. U.S. Av. |
Todd, James Faller | S.S.U. 3 | 5 months | 1917 | Plymouth, Pa. | Oberlin Coll. | U.S.F.A. |
Toland, Owen Jones | T.M.U. 133 | 6 " | 1917 | Wynnewood, Pa. | Princeton | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Toms, Robert Cardell, Sous-Chef | S.S.U. 4 | 7 " | 1916 | Marion, Iowa | Ames-Iowa | 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Tonkin, George Edward | T.M.U. 133 | 5 " | 1917 | Newark, N.J. | U.S. Inf. | |
Toole, Wallace Franklin | S.S.U. 15 | 3 " | 1917 | Holyoke, Mass | Peekskill Mil. | U.S.Q.M.C. |
Topping, Allen Stewart | T.M.U. 526 | 5 " | 1917 | Greenwich, Conn. | R.A.F. | |
Torbensen, Allan Porter | T.M.U. 397 | 4 " | 1917 | Cleveland, Ohio | Corp. U.S.M.T.C. | |
Tout, Alfred Russell | S.S.U. 28 | 4 " | 1917 | Winchendon, Mass. | Dartmouth | U.S.A.A.S. |
Towle, William Clark | S.S.U. 70 | 4 " | 1917 | New York City | S/Lt. Fr. Art. | |
Townsend, Bruce Ogden | S.S.U. 32 | 4 " | 1917 | Trumansburg, N.Y. | Union Univ. | 2nd Lt. U.S.Sig.R.C. |
Townsend, Edward Davis † | S.S.U. 1 | 2 yrs. 4 mos. | 1915-16 & 1916-17 | New York City | Princeton | Sgt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Townsend, Herbert Poll, Cdt. Adjt. | S.S.U. 1 | 1 yr. 10 mos. | 1915-16 | New York City | Princeton | Capt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Townsend, William Silvester | T.M.U. 184 | 4 months | 1917 | Charlestown, Mass. | Sgt. U.S.M.T.C. | |
Toy, Charming Rust | S.S.U. 1 | 4 " | 1916 | New York City . | Columbia | Capt. U.S.F.A. |
Tracy, B. Hammond, Jr. | S.S.U. 8-3 | 9 " | 1917 | Wenham, Mass. | Harvard | 1st Lt. U.S. Av. |
Trask, Everett | S.S.U. 71 | 2 " | 1917 | Newburyport, Mass. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Travis, Joseph William | T.M.U. 133 | 4 " | 1917 | Tarkio, Mo. | Univ. of Missouri | 1st Lt. U.S.M.T.C. |
Tremblay, Bertrand Evarick | S.S.U. 66 | 4 " | 1917 | Manchester, N.H. | Brown | 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Trotter, Spencer Lee | S.S.U. 8 | 3 " | 1917 | Cheyney, Pa. | U.S.M.T.C. | |
Trowbridge, George Augustus | S.S.U. 29 | 5 " | 1917 | Princeton, N.J. | Princeton | |
Trowbridge, Henry | T.M.U. 133 | 4 " | 1917 | New Haven, Conn. | Cadet U.S. Av. | |
Tubbs, Austin Tallant | T.M.U. 397 | 3 " | 1917 | San Francisco, Cal. | Univ. of Michigan | U.S.M.T.C. |
Tuck, Carlton Webster. | T.M.U. 133 & 397 | 5 " | 1917 | Greenwich, Conn. | 2nd Lt. R.A.F. | |
Tucker, Murray Eaton | S.S.U. 14 | 6 " | 1917 | Denison, Texas | Leland Stanford | 1st Lt. U.S. Av. |
Tufel, John Frank | S.S.U. 67 | 3 " | 1917 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | Princeton | U.S.A.A.S. |
Turnbull, Daniel Gale | S.S.U. 66 | 3 " | 1917 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | Pratt Inst. | Sgt. U.S.A.A.S. |
Turnbull, Thomas, 3rd | S.S.U. 4 | 4 " | 1917 | Pittsburgh, Pa. | Cornell | U.S.A.A.S. |
Turrill, Edward Bartlett | T.M.U. 397 | 5 " | 1917 | Detroit, Mich. | U.S.A.A.S. | |
Tusler, Henry Scott | T.M.U. 397 | 4 " | 1917 | Seattle, Wash. | St. John's Mil. | U.S.M.T.C. |
Tutein, Chester Robinson | T.M.U. 526 | 5 " | 1917 | Winchester, Mass. | M.I.T | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Twitchell, Roger Thayer | S.S.U. 4 | 9 " | 1916-17 | Dorchester, Mass. | Harvard | 2nd Lt. U.S. Av. |
Tyson, Stuart Mitchell Stephen | S.S.U. 1 | 6 " | 1916-17 | Haverford, Pa. | Sgt. Fr. Av. | |
Tyler, Charles Herman | S.S.U.2 | 4 " | 1915-16 | Brooklyn, N.Y. | 2nd Lt. U.S. Cav. |