History of the
American Field Service in France




Appendix G, continued

Roster of Volunteers of the American Field Service in France, 1915-16-17

Names of Officers are printed in heavy type, names of men who died or were killed during the War in italics [or underlined when linked to the Memorial Volume]. The decorations indicated: Croix de Guerre †, Légion d'Honneur *, Médaille Militaire †† ) were those received by the members while still volunteers of the Field Service. Decorations subsequently received are not included.




Period of Service

Home Address


Subsequent Service
Mabon, James Brown, Jr. S.S.U. 65 4 months 1917 New York City Harvard U.S.F.A.
MacCarthy, Fairchilds Levant Benedict S.S.U. 9 2 " 1917 Waltham, Mass. Colgate A.R.C.
MacColl, Norman Alexander S.S.U. 64 4 " 1917 Providence, R.I. Yale U.S.A.A.S.
MacDonald, Duncan Freedley, Jr. S.S.U. 69 4 " 1917 Atlantic City, N.J.    
MacDonald, Joseph Cony S.S.U. 16 9 " 1917 New York City Bowdoin 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
MacDonald, Norman Wakefield † S.S.U. 64 4 " 1917 Bar Harbor Yale U.S.A.A.S.
MacDonald, Sumner Bigelow T.M.U. 184 4 " 1917 Gloucester, Mass. Huntington U.S.M.T.C.
MacDonald, William Garrard S.S.U. 69 4 " 1917 Atlantic City, N.J.   Ord. Dept.
Macdonald, William Valentine Hdqts. 4 " 1917 Belmont, Mass. Harvard A.F.S. Hdqts. Paris
MacDougall, Albert Edward S.S.U. 30 4 " 1917 Flushing, L.I., N.Y. Harvard 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Machado, John Zaldivar S.S.U. 9 4 " 1917 Ottawa, Canada Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
MacIntyre, Ewen, Jr. † S.S.U. 2 6 " 1916-17 Brighton, Mass.   1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Mack, Walter Kennard S.S.U. 33 2 " 1917 Montclair, N.J. Penn. State Coll. U.S.A.A.S.
MacKenzie, Gordon Kenneth S.S.U. 10-2 10 " 1916 & 17 Boston, Mass.   U.S.A.A.S.
MacKenzie, Donald Emerson T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Waverley, Mass. Tufts U.S. Inf.
MacKenzie, Robert Emerson, Cdt. Adjt T.M.U. 526-211 6 " 1917 Canton, Ohio Cornell 2nd Lt. U.S. Tank C.
MacKinlay, John Bradburne T.M.U. 133 6 " 1917 Santa Barbara, Cal. Univ. of Cal. 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
MacLaughlan, Donald Shaw S.S.U. 2 6 " 1916-17 New York   A.R.C.
MacMonagle, Douglas †, ph S.S.U. 3-8 8 " 1915-16 New York Univ. of Cal. Fr. Av.
MacNair, Hugh Wilson S.S.U. 65 4 " 1917 Houghton, Mich. Brown U.S.A.A.S.
MacNamee, Arthur Edward T.M.U. 184 6 " 1917 Weymouth, Mass. Tufts Sgt. U.S.F.A.
MacPherson, Lynn Alvin, Cdt. Adjt. S.S.U. 19 6 " 1917 Easton, Maryland Hobart 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
MacVeagh, Francis Wayne Hdqts. 2 " 1916 New York City    
Macy, Valentine Everit, Jr. † T.M.U. 133 6 " 1917 Scarborough-on-Hudson Harvard A.R.C.
Magee, Carl Cole, Jr. S.S.U. 66 2 " 1917 Tulsa, Okla. Univ. of New Mexico  
Magnin, Jacques † S.S.U. 3 1 yr. 1916-17 Paris, France    
Magnus, Albert, Jr., Sous-Chef S.S.U. 20 3 months 1917 Chicago, Ill.   Sgt. U.S.A.A.S. - 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Magoun, Francis Peabody, Jr. S.S.U. 1 6 " 1916 Cambridge, Mass. Harvard 1st Lt. R.A.F.
Magruder, Thomas Malone S.S.U. 70 2 " 1917 Columbus, Ohio Ohio State Univ. U.S.A.A.S
Maher, Chauncey Carter S.S.U. 33 4 " 1917 Payson, Ill. Univ. of Illinois U.S.A.A.S.
Makanna, Nicholas Philip S.S.U. 72 5 " 1917 Bangor, Me. Univ. of Maine S/Lt. Fr. Art.
Malm, Walter Ralph, Sous-Chef S.S.U. 14 6 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal. Cornell & Leland Stanford Civ. Emp. U.S. Av.
Malone, Joseph Ralph S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 Rochester, N.Y. Cornell & Columbia  
Manderson, Harold Andrew S.S.U. 9 6 " 1916-17 Portland, Me. Bowdoin Sgt. U.S. Eng.
Manley, Anthony Howard T.M.U. 526 5 " 1917 Holyoke, Mass. Boston Univ. 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Manley, John Raymond S.S.U. 69 2 " 1917 Plainfield, N.J. New York Univ. U.S.A.A.S.
Manning, Edward Avery S.S.U. 30 5 " 1917 Brookline, Mass. Harvard 2nd Lt. U.& Sig. C.
Manton, Thomas Cuttell, Jr. T.M.U. 184 6 " 1917 East Liverpool, Ohio Univ. of Miami U.S.F.A.
Marr, Kenneth S.S.U. 2 7 " 1915-16 Livermore, Cal.   Fr. Av. - Capt. U.S. Av.
Marsh, Henry Birdsall T.M.U. 526 4 " 1917 Summit, N.J. Cornell 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Marshall, Orland Smith S.S.U. 4 3 " 1917 Weld, Maine Tufts Med. Y.M.C.A.
Marshall, Verne S.S.U. 4 6 " 1916 Cedar Rapids, Iowa Coe College 1st Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Martin, Townsend † S.S.U. 29 5 " 1917 New York City Princeton S/Lt. Fr. Art.
Martin, Victor Eliel S.S.U. 14 3 " 1917 Beloit, Wisc.   U.S.A.A.S.
Martin, William Thomas †, ph S.S.U. 2 1 yr. 1914-15 Burlington, N.J. Univ. Pittsburgh 2nd Lt. R.A.F.
Mason, Arthur John, Jr. T.M.U. 526 4 months 1917 Chicago, Ill. Cornell 1st Lt. U.S.F.A.
Mason, Austin Blake, Cdt. Adjt. † S.S.U. 4-8 1 yr. 1 m. 1916-17 Boston, Mass. Harvard & M.I.T. 1st Lt. U.S. Sig. C.
Mason, James Albert T.M.U. 133 5 months 1917 Cleveland, Ohio   Cadet U.S. Av.
Mason, John Hazethurst, Jr. T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Philadelphia, Pa. Yale S/Lt. Fr. Art.
Matter, Robert S.S.U. 3 3 " 1915 Marion, Ind. Princeton Ensign U.S. Nav. Av.
Mauran, Frank, Jr. Hdqts. 2 " 1916 Philadelphia, Pa. Yale 1st Lt. U.S.F.A.
Mawha, James Kenneth S.S.U. 70 2 " 1917 Newark, N.J. Cornell U.S.A.A.S.
May, Alvin Richard S.S.U. 71 4 " 1917 St. Paul, Minn. Univ. of Minn. U.S. Hosp. C.
May, John Newman, Jr. T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Summit, N.J. Princeton U.S.N.R.F.
Mayoh, Albert Edward T.M.U. 23 1 " 1917 Pawtucket, R.I. Brown A.R.C.
McAllister, Thomas Francis S.S.U. 69 4 " 1917 Grand Rapids, Mich. Univ. of Mich. S/Lt. Fr. Art.
McCague, Laurence Minot S.S.U. 68 3 " 1917 Omaha, Nebraska Amherst U.S.A.A.S.
McCall, Clifford Hyde T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 New York City   2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
McCall, George Archibald S.S.U. 4 9 " 1915-16 Philadelphia, Pa. Univ. of Penn. Fr. Av.
McCampbell, John S. S.S.U. 69 4 " 1917 San Antonio, Texas Princeton Asp. Fr. Art.
McClary, George Brewer S.S.U. 3 3 " 1915 Oak Park, Ill. Dartmouth Capt. U.S. Eng.
McClean, Wesley Stoddard S.S.U. 33 2 " 1917 Chicago, Ill.   U.S.A.A.S.
McClintock, Robert Johnson T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Lexington, Ky. Princeton 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
McClure, Bruce Holme, Cdt. Adjt. S.S.U. 10-33-16 1 yr. 1916-17 Yonkers, N.Y. Williams 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
McConnell, James Rogers †, ph S.S. U. 2 10 months 1915 Carthage, N.C. Univ. of Va. Fr. Av.
McCord, William Bennett T.M.U. 526 5 " 1917 Seattle, Wash. Yale 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
McCormick, George Boldt S.S.U. 27 6 " 1917 Evanston, Ill. Princeton U.S. Eng.
McCormick, Harold Fowler, Jr. Hdqts. 3 " 1916 Chicago, Ill. Groton Sch.  
McCraw, Nelson Stewart T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 North Adams, Mass. Dartmouth U.S. Nav. Av.
McCreight, Walter North T.M.U. 184 3 " 1917 Punxsutawney, Pa. Univ. of Pa. U.S. Nav. Av.
McDonnell, John Vincent S.S.U. 16 5 " 1917 Tulsa, Okla. Yale U.S. Inf.
McDonough, Michael Francis T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Swampscott, Mass. Dartmouth U.S. Inf.
McDougal, Robert Davis, Jr. † S.S.U. 15 3 " 1917 Peoria, Ill. Princeton U.S.A.A.S.
McFadden, John Howard, Jr., Treasurer Hdqts. 3 yrs 1914-17 Philadelphia, Pa. Univ. of Pa. Capt. U.S.A.
McGee, Jerome Francis T.M.U. 133 6 months 1917 Minneapolis, Minn. Yale 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
McGibeny, Donald Holman S.S.U. 1 4 " 1915 Indianapolis, Ind. Hamilton Coll. 1st. Lt. U.S. Inf.
McGinty, Francis Clair T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Philadelphia, Pa.   Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
McGowan, Hugh Edgar T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 Elyria, Ohio Oberlin U.S.A.A.S.
McGowan, Thomas John S.S.U. 70 2 " 1917 New Haven, Conn. Andover Academy U.S.A.A.S.
McGrath, Francis Dolan S.S.U. 31 4 " 1917 Brighton, Mass. Harvard  
McGrew, Dallas Dayton Lore, Sous-Chef S.S.U. 3 5 " 1915 Boston, Mass. Harvard  
McIntosh, Kenneth Goad S.S.U. 67 3 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal. Morristown School U.S.A.A.S. - Sgt.Int. U.S.A. Hdqts.
McIntyre, Francis Raymond T.M.U. 184 6 " 1917 Marietta, Ohio Marietta Coll. U.S.M.T.C. - U.S. Eng.
McKay, Joseph Raymond T.M.U. 133 3 " 1917 Troy, N.Y.   U.S.F.A.
McKinley, William S.S.U. 4 2 " 1917 South Bethlehem, Pa. Lehigh Univ. S.A.T.C.
McLane, Allan, Jr., Sous-Chef † S.S.U. 12 6 " 1917 Garrison, Md. Yale 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
McLaren, Richard Ashe T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of Cal. 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
McLeish, Archibald Duncan S.S.U. 10 5 " 1917 Millbrae, Cal. Stanford Univ. 2nd Lt. R.A.F.
McMaster, Rollin Jay S.S.U. 17 3 " 1917 Detroit, Mich. Univ. of Va. U.S. Ord.
McMenemy, Logan S.S.U. 2 4 " 1915 Rockford, Ill. Yale Capt. U.S. Av.
McMorrow, Joseph T.M.U. 133 6 " 1917 St. Louis, Mo. Univ. of Cal. Asp. Fr. Art.
McMurry, Ora Richard † S.S.U. 17 6 " 1917 Madison, Wisc. Univ. of Wisc. 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
McMurtry, Edward Painter Hdqts. 3 " 1917 Canton, Mass. Harvard U.S. Ord.
McNaughton, Kirk Alexander S.S.U. 27 4 " 1917 Kaukauna, Wisc. Bowdoin U.S.A.A.S.
McNaughton, William Henry S.S.U. 8 4 " 1917 Buffalo, N.Y. Univ. of Va. U.S.A.A.S.
McNear, Barroll T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal. Harvard 2nd Lt. R.A.F.
McNeill, Joseph S.S.U. 66 4 " 1917 Philadelphia, Pa. Haverford & Princeton  
McNerney, Herbert Thomas S.S.U. 9 1 " 1917 Toledo, Ohio   A.R.C.
McPhail, John Doel S.S.U. 15 6 " 1917 Rochester, N.Y.   U.S.A.A.S.
McQuiston, Charles Fitch T.M.U. 133 6 " 1917 Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Princeton 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Meacham, Robert Douglas S.S.U. 16 6 " 1917 Cincinnati, Ohio Yale U.S. Av.
Meadowcroft, Kirk Platt S.S.U. 31 3 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Meadowcroft, William † S.S.U. 8 6 " 1916-17 New York City Harvard  
Meeker, Ellis Robert S.S.U. 68 3 " 1917 Auburn, N.Y.   Cadet U.S. Av.
Means, James MacGregor T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 Manchester, Mass. Wentworth Inst. U.S.M.T.C.
Means, Thomas T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 New Haven, Conn. Yale & Oxford 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Meissner, Harold Gustav S.S.U. 70 2 " 1917 Brooklyn, N.Y. Cornell U.S.A.A.S.
Melanson, Harold Parker T.M.U. 184 2 " 1917 Waverley, Mass.    
Melcher, John S.S.U. 3 4 " 1915 New York City Harvard 1st Lt. U.S. Inf.
Mellen, Joseph Manley †, ph S.S.U. 3 6 " 1915-16 Garden City, N.Y. Harvard 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Mendum, Carl Alonzo S.S.U. 70 4 " 1917 Roxbury, Mass. Harvard San. C. U.S.A.
Merrick, Kenneth S.S.U. 2 5 " 1917 Brookline, Mass. Harvard  
Merris, John Edward, Jr. T.M.U. 526 5 " 1917 Dubois, Pa. Penn. State Coll. Cadet U.S. Av.
Meyer, Arthur S.S.U. 14 5 " 1917 Chicago, Ill.   A.R.C.
Meyer, Charles Ferdinand T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Michael, Berkeley S.S.U. 3 6 " 1917 Sioux City, Iowa Princeton 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Miles, Appleton Train, Cdt. Adjt. S.S.U. 8 1 yr. 1916-17 Brattleboro, Vt. Dartmouth 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Miles, Edward Gallup S.S.U. 66 3 months 1917 Asheville, N.C. Princeton U.S.A.A.S.
Miles, Theodore, Sous-Chef † S.S.U. 27 6 " 1917, Mount Carroll, Ill. Beloit Coll U.S. Av.
Milholland, James Clarke S.S.U. 17 3 " 1917 Pittsburgh, Pa. Yale  
Millard, Hugh T.M.U. 526 4 " 1917 Parkdale, Oregon Cornell Ensign U.S. Nav.
Millen, James Knox S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 Memphis, Tenn Yale Cadet U.S. Av.
Miller, Donald Kenneth T.M.U. 133 & 397 4 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Univ. of Chicago 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Miller, Herbert Dwight T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Lexington, Mass. Tufts  
Miller, Mortimer James † S.S.U. 15 3 " 1917 Rochester, N.Y. Yale U.S.A.A.S.
Miller, Roswell T.M.U. 526 3 " 1917 Millbrook, Dut. Co., N.Y. Stevens Inst. Ens. U.S. Navy
Miller, Walter Bernard Vosges Det. 6 " 1916-17 New York City   Fr. Av. - 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Millet, Aimé Frederic S.S.U. 4 6 " 1917 Oyster Bay, L.I., N.Y.   1st Lt. U.S.F.A.
Millet, Emile Henry S.S.U. 4 6 " 1917 Chicago, Ill.   U.S. Nav. Av.
Milliken, James Roscoe T.M.U. 526 4 " 1917 Cambridge, Mass. M.I.T. Lt. U.S. Av.
Mills, Davis Hamilton S.S.U. 13 6 " 1917 Oak Park, Ill.   2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Mills, Marshall Benedict S.S.U. 31 3 " 1917 Dorchester, Mass. Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Mills, Walker Hill T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 Decatur, Ill. Univ. of Mich U.S.M.T.C.
Milne, James Richard † S.S.U. 28 5 " 1917 Dorchester, Mass. Dartmouth S.A.T.C.
Miner, Paul Sawyer S.S.U. 66 3 " 1917 Brooklyn, N.Y. Dartmouth U.S.A.A.S.
Minty, John Emery S.S.U. 69 4 " 1917 Muskegon, Mich. Cornell U.S. Nav. Av.
Mitchell, Russell Pattison S.S.U. 72 2 " 1917 Pittsburgh, Pa. Carnegie Inst. U.S.A.A.S.
Mitchell, Wildey Hubbell T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 Duluth, Minn. Yale 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Modjeski, Chas. Emanuel John T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Cornell U.S.F.A.
Moffat, Donald S.S.U. 4 9 " 1916-17 New York City Harvard Capt. U.S. Inf.
Monahan, Peter Francis S.S.U. 16 7 " 1917 Attleboro, Mass.   U.S. Av.
Monteagle, Kenneth T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal. Univ. of California U.S.M.T.C.
Monteith, Donald Wright S.S.U. 2 5 " 1916 San Francisco, Cal.   Lt. U.S. Nav. Av.
Montgomery, Archibald Moore S.S.U. 26 6 " 1917 New York City Princeton Cadet U.S. Nav. Av.
Montgomery, Rodman Bowne † S.S.U. 2-4-3 1 yr. 3 mos. 1915-17 New York City Princeton 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Mooers, Horatio Tobey S.S.U.27 & Hdqts. 6 months 1917 Skowhegan, Maine Bowdoin Chem. Res. Sta. U.S.A.
Moon, Russell Franklin S.S.U. 65 4 " 1917 Chicago, Ill.    
Moore, Henry Kirkby S.S.U. 3 3 " 1915 Philadelphia, Pa.    
Moore, John Boatman S.S.U. 15 6 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Univ. of Chicago  
Moore, John Crosby Brown, Cdt. Adjt. S.S.U. 9 & T.M.U. 526 10 months 1916 & 17 Cambridge, Mass. Harvard 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Moore, Lewis Ellwood Hdqts. 2 " 1917 New York City   1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Moore, Louis Carroll S.S.U. 65 4 " 1917 Cedar Rapids, Iowa    
Moore, William Herbert T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 Waterville, Maine   A.R.C.
Moran, Lawrence James S.S.U. 71 2 " 1917 New York City Columbia Sgt. U.S.A.A.S.
More, Hermon Du Bois S.S.U. 12 4 " 1917 Chicago, Ill.   Med. Dept. U.S.A.
Moreland, William Ford T.M.U. 526 5 " 1917 Pittsburgh, Pa. Yale S/Lt. Fr. Art.
Moriarty, Oscar Francis, Jr. T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Belmont, Mass. Boston Univ. U.S.M.C.
Morrill, Harold Bell S.S.U. 8 6 " 1916-17 Roxbury, Mass. M.I.T Ensign U.S. Nav. Av.
Morris, John Knox, Jr. S.S.U. 14 6 " 1917 Cloverdale, Cal. Leland Stanford 1st Lt. U.S. Inf.
Morris, Lawrence Shackelford S.S.U. 4 6 " 1916-17 Albany, N.Y. Yale 1st Lt. U.S. Inf.
Morrison, Francis Scarr T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Statesville, N.C. Elon Coll. Corp. U.S.F.A.
Morrison, Julian Knox T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Statesville, N.C. Univ. of South Carolina 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Mores, Philip Reed S.S.U. 3 3 " 1915 Chestnut Hill, Mass. Harvard 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Morton, Charles Ingalls † S.S.U. 18 6 " 1917 Naples, Italy Univ. of Naples Capt. U.S. Av.
Moses, Irving Gumbel T.M.U. 133 3 " 1917 New Orleans, La. Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Moss, Joseph Samuel T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 Columbia, Mo. Univ. of Missouri Corp. U.S.M.T.C.
Moss, Robert Thomas Woodward, Chief of Construction and Repair Park S.S.U. 2 & Hdqts. 2 yrs. 6 mos. 1915-17 New York City Harvard A.R.C.
Mudge, Louis Goldthwait T.M.U. 526 4 months 1917 Baltimore, Md. Lehigh Univ. U.S. Tank C.
Mueller, Edwin Alfred, Sous-Chef S.S.U. 13 & 31 9 " 1917 El Cajon, Cal. Univ. of California Interpreter A.E.F.
Muhlhauser, Frederick Philipp S.S.U. 31 3 " 1917 New Brunswick, N.J. Harvard  
Muhr, Allan H., Controller and Cdt. Adjt. †. Hdqts. & S.S.U. 14 2 yrs. 9 mos. 1915-17 Paris, France   Capt. U.S.A.A.S.
Mungan, John Joseph S.S.U. 32 3 months 1917 New York City   U.S.A.A.S.
Munger, Stephen Ingham, Cdt. Adjt. S.S.U. 8 6 " 1916-17 Dallas, Texas Vanderbilt Capt. U.S.F.A.
Munro, George Russell T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Detroit, Mich.   U.S.M.T.C.
Munroe, John † S.S.U. 3 1 yr. 1916-17 Tuxedo Park, N.Y. Harvard S/Lt. Fr. Art.
Munson, William Herbert, Jr. S.S.U. 71 4 months 1917 Port Henry, N.Y.   Sgt. U.S. Inf.
Murdock, Jacob Milton, Jr. T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 Johnstown, Pa.   A.R.C.
Myers, Arthur † S.S.U. 15 2 " 1917 New York City    
Myers, Robert Bonsall S.S.U. 65 4 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Northwestern U.S. Balloon S.





Period of Service

Home Address


Subsequent Service
Nalle, Albert S.S.U. 3 8 months 1915 Bryn Mawr, Pa. Univ. of Penn. 1st Lt. U.S.F.A.
Nash, Alexander Van Gaasbeck S.S.U. 31 2 " 1917 Syracuse. N.Y. Hotchkiss School. U.S.A.A.S.
Nash, Edwin Gates S.S.U. 70 2 months 1917 Burlington, Vt. Williams College U.S.A.A.S.
Nash, Francis Philip, Jr. T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Flushing, N.Y. Groton School Asp. Fr. Art.
Naslund, Elmer S.S.U. 33 2 " 1917 St. Louis, Mo. Univ. of Missouri U.S.A.A.S. - 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Naylor, Edwin Loriston S.S.U. 15 2 " 1917 West Chelmsford, Mass. Dartmouth U.S.A.A.S.
Neftel, Basil Knight, Cdt. Adjt. † S.S.U. 8 & 17 1 yr. 1916-17 Larchmont, N.Y.   1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Neidecker, Bertrande Coles T.M.U. 526 4 months 1917 New York City   U.S. Av.
Nelson, David † S.S.U. 1 4 " 1915-16 Mayville, N.D. Univ. of N. Dakota 1st Lt. U.S.F.A.
Nelson, Henry Warner † S.S.U. 9-26 11 " 1916-17 Taft, Va.   2nd Lt. U.S. Balloon S.
Nelson, Karl Peter T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 North Troy, N.Y. Blair Acad. U. S. Tank C.
Nevin, Ogden S.S.U. 1 3 " 1915 Riverton, N.J. Univ. of Penn. U.S.A.A.S.
Newcomb, Frank Simon Lovewell S.S.U. 2 6 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Univ. of Chicago U.S.A.A.S.
Newlin, John V. †, †† (killed as volunteer) S.S.U. 29 2 " 1917 Whitford, Pa. Princeton  
Newman, Winthrop Payson S.S.U. 2 6 " 1916 Orange, N.J.   2nd Lt. U.S. Inf.
Neynaber, Raymond Adolph S.S.U. 26 4 " 1917 Chicago, Ill.   U.S. Tank C.
Nichols, Alan Hammond S.S.U. 14 5 " 1917 Palo Alto, Cal. Leland Stanford Sgt. Fr. Av.
Nichols, John Ralph S.S.U. 10 5 " 1917 Palo Alto, Cal. Leland Stanford U.S. Tank C.
Nichols, Russell Mabbott S.S.U. 2 4 " 1917 Branford, Conn. Lehigh 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Nickel, James Leroy, Jr. T.M.U. 184 3 " 1917 Menlo Park, Cal. Yale U.S. Int.
Nickerson, Norton Hart T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 Ouincy, Mass.   Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Nicola, Milton George T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Gambier, Ohio Kenyon Coll. Chaplain U.S.A.
Niesley, Paul T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Manhasset, L.I., N.Y.   U.S.A.A.S.
Niles, Emory Hamilton S.S.U. 9 6 " 1916 Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins 1st Lt. M.R. C.
Nordhoff, Charles Bernard Vosges Det 6 " 1916-17 Trinidad, Colo. Harvard Fr. Av. - 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Northrop, Mitchell Edward S.S.U. 4 5 " 1917 Monticello, Iowa Iowa State Coll. U.S.A.A.S.
Norton, G. Frederick † (killed as volunteer) S.S.U. 1 2 " 1917 Goshen, N.Y.    
Norton, Kenneth Bain S.S.U. 32 2 " 1917 Columbus, Ohio Ohio State Univ. U.S.A.A.S.
Nourse, Norman Crawford S.S.U. 67 3 " 1917 Boise, Idaho Princeton U.S.A.A.S. - 2nd Lt. U.S. San. C.
Nourse, Robert Lee, Jr., Cdt. Adjt. S.S.U. 67 3 " 1917 Boise, Idaho Princeton 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Noyes, Edwin Miles, Sous-Chef S.S.U. 29 4 " 1917 Duxbury, Mass. Dartmouth 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Nutt, Roger S.S.U. 17 6 " 1917 Cliffside, N.J. Dartmouth Cadet U.S. Av.
Nye, Dudley Dodge T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Marietta, Ohio Marietta Coll. U.S.M.T.C.




Period of Service

Home Address


Subsequent Service
Ober, Leonard S.S.U. 3 4 months 1915 Baltimore, Md. Princeton 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
O'Brien, John Joseph S.S.U. 72 1 " 1917 Durham, N.C. Univ. of N. Carolina  
Obrig, Theodore Ernst S.S.U. 26 6 " 1917 New York City Columbia Sgt. U.S. Med. C.
O'Connell, Edward Cornelius S.S.U. 1 2 " 1917 Watertown, Mass. Boston Coll. Cadet U.S. Av.
O'Connor, Thomas Henry S.S.U. 12 6 " 1917 Brookline, Mass.   U.S. Nav. Av.
Ogden, Henry Bradley T.M.U. 184 4 " 1917 Utica, N.Y. Hamilton Coll. U.S.M.T.C.
Ogilvie, Francis Dashwood, Cdt. Adjt. †, ph S.S.U. 2 3 yrs. 1914-17 Lindfield, Sussex, Eng.   Eng. Amb. Serv. with Fr. Army
Ogle, Gilbert Eugene S. S.U. 15 4 months 1917 Terre Haute, Ind. Bowdoin  
Olds, Edward Clarence S.S.U. 67 4 " 1917 New Haven, Conn. Princeton 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Oller, Richard Harley S.S.U. 1 4 " 1917 Brooklyn, N.Y. Princeton Ensign U.S. Navy
Olmstead, Chauncey Lockhardt † S.S.U. 18 6 " 1917 Paris, France    
Olmsted, Frederick Nelson T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Pomfret Center, Conn. Trinity Coll.  
Olmsted, William Beach, Jr. T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Pomfret Center, Conn. Yale 1st Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Olson, Malcolm Graeme T.M.U. 184 4 " 1917 LeRoy, N.Y.   A.R.C.
O'Neill, James A. S.S.U. 2 6 " 1916 Jersey City Columbia 1st Lt. U.S. Inf.
Orcutt, Philip Dana, S.S.U. 31 3 " 1917 Boston, Mass.   Harvard R.O.T.C.
Ordway, Donald T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Brookline, Mass.   Capt. U.S.M.T.C.
Ordway, Richmond T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Brookline, Mass.   Capt. U.S.M.T.C.
Orr, Thomas Lazear S.S.U. 12 6 " 1917 Pittsburgh, Pa. Hamilton Coll. 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Orr, William Laird S.S.U. 28 4 " 1917 Malden, Mass.   1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Osborn, Albert Dunbar T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 Montclair, N.J. Dartmouth Wagoner U.S. Arm. Tr.
Osborn, Earl Dodge, Cdt. Adjt. † S.S.U. 3-15 9 " 1915 & 17 New York City Princeton Sgt. U.S. Inf.
Osborn, Paul G. † (killed as volunteer) S.S.U. 28 1 " 1917 Montclair, N.J. Dartmouth  
Osborne, Robert Henry S.S.U. 12 3 " 1917 Boise, Idaho Univ. of Wisconsin A.R.C.
Osgood, Guyor Wilner S.S.U. 69 3 " 1917 Adrian, Mich. Univ. of Mich. U.S.A.A.S.
Ostheimer, Frederick R. S.S.U. 4-9 1 yr. 3 mos 1916-17 Paris, France   Interp. Hdqts. A.E.F
Otis, John Faxon T.M.U. 397 3 months 1917 Boston, Mass.   R.A.F.
Overstreet, Harry Mann † S.S.U. 17 6 " 1917. Oak Park, Ill. Wabash U.S.F.A.
Owens, Martin Sylvester S.S.U. 8 3 " 1917 Brooklyn, N.Y.   1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.

Roster of Drivers, con't: (P - R)


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