Cambon, Paul. (1843, France - 1924, France). Trained
as a lawyer, Cambon first served a secretary to future French statesman,
Jules Ferry, mayor of Paris. After working as secretary-general of the administrative
district of the Rhone Delta (including Marseilles), he was appointed resident
minister of Tunisia which he organized into a French protectorate. Transferred
to Turkey, he failed to negotiate a British withdrawal from Egypt and, in
1898, was made Ambassador to Great Britain. His efforts there led to the
signing of the Entente Cordiale, strengthening France's position in the
Moroccan conflict and preparing the way for the Franco-British alliance
of World War I. During the war, Cambon played an important role in relations
between France and Great Britain. At the Versailles Conference, he served
on the Turkish commission. After retired from his ambassadorship, he was
named to the French Academy of Moral and Political Sciences.