Scandinavian Studies Web:
Library Catalogs and Databases
[North America]
[Scandinavian Library Gateways]
[Denmark] [Finland]
[Iceland] [Norway]
North American research libraries with substantial Scandinavian
Brigham Young University
Research Guide: Scandinavian History & Politics
Research Guide: Scandinavian Languages & Literatures
Columbia University
Research Guide: Foreign Countries
Cornell University
Icelandic Collection
Subject Bibliographies: Icelandic Studies
Selected Web Sites: Other Resources on Iceland
Harvard University Library
Research Guide: Finding Nordic/Baltic Periodicals
Library of Congress
Research Guide: European Collections
New York Public
Library - Humanities & Social Science Libraries
Research Guide: Modern European History
University of California at Berkeley
Research Guide: Scandinavian Resources
University of California,
Los Angeles
Research Guide: European Studies
University of Chicago
Research Guide: Scandinavian Literatures
University of Illinois
at Urbana-Champaign
Research Guide: History & Philosophy Library
Research Guide: Modern Languages & Linguistics Library
University of Minnesota Libraries
Research Guide: Scandinavian Studies
Research Guide: Danish Language & Literature
Research Guide: Finnish Language & Literature
University of Texas at Austin
Research Guide: Germanic Language and Literature Resources
University of Washington
Research Guide: Scandinavian Studies
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Research Guide: European History
Yale University Library
Research Guide: Scandinavian Studies -- Highly recommended but points away from Yale resources!
Research Guide: European History
Gateways to libraries in Scandinavia
Nordic Libraries
Information Server
Libraries and Library Catalogs
Det Kongelige Bibliotek/The Danish Royal
Library - online catalog, online databases and reference works;
many pages are in Danish only.
A note about the catalog: Subject searching in REX is primarily
applicable to foreign books (subject searching in English is possible for
English works). To search Danish titles effectively, search by subject
code. See the Danish help documentation for details.
(Royal Library) - the national bibliography along with a number of bibliographic indexes
(with links to descriptions). A note about Dania Polyglotta:
this bibliography of literature on Denmark in languages other than Danish
ceased publication with volume 29 (1997).
University Library of Southern
Denmark - online catalog combining resources of Esbjerg, Kolding, Odense, Sønderborg and Flensborg
Library information and selected Internet resources in Danish with instructions in English.
University Library - online catalog and databases, including DANDOK,
a database of research in progress and published at Danish institution,
in English with a link to the Danish interface).
Dansk Biblioteks Center-
The Dansk Biblioteks Center provides information service to Danish libraries.
With a link to English interface.
Danske artikelbase - from Københavns
Kommunes Biblioteker (Copenhagen public libraries), an index with some
brief abstracts of articles in 750 Danish periodicals and 8 Danish national
newspapers. Interface in Danish only. (København)
Bogens Verden: Tidsskrift
for Dansk Biblioteksvæsen - from Danmarks Biblioteksforening
(Danish Library Association). Articles from 1994 onwards.
Libraries and Library Catalogs
The National Library of Finland - online catalog (HELKA) and databases, including Fennica, the National Bibliography of Finland. Also includes a list of archival collections in the library.
Gateway to Finnish Research Libraries
- a list of links to university libraries in Finland.
- Linking to other libraries in Finland.
Eduskunnan kirjasto/Riksdagsbiblioteket/Library
of Parliament - mostly in Finnish. Some descriptions of specific
collections in English.
- database of approximately 10,000 Finnish journal articles (1995- ) with
fee-based searching.
Icelandic Libraries and Library Catalogs
National and University Library of Iceland
City Library
Libraries and Library Catalogs
Norge - the official gateway to library resources in Norway, in
Norwegian with some English descriptions.
Nasjonalbiblioteket /National Library
of Norway - online catalog and information about the library and
its projects, in English, with a link to the Norwegian.
Bergen University Library
Links lead to Norwegian-language resources.
Universitetsbibliotek i Oslo -
University of Oslo Library, in English with a link to pages in Norwegian.
- Norwegian county, city, and research libraries with links to searchable catalogues.
Norwegian interface only.
BIBSYS - searchable
database for all national and university libraries in Norway, in Norwegian,
with a link to an English information page.
Libraries and Library Catalogs
- union catalog that allows searching of more than three million titles
in nearly 160 Swedish libraries.
Libris: Artikeldatabasen
- contains approximately 40,000 references to Swedish articles in the humanities
and social sciences, primarily to journal articles and reviews, but also
to essays, chapters, and the like from yearbooks, monographs, and comprehensive
works. Most articles have appeared since 1990, with inclusion of some older titles.
The Swedish Royal Library
Stockholm University Library
GUNDA, Göteborgs Universitetsbibliotek
University Library of Gothenburg, also available in English.
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Last updated:
October 2006.