Alphabetically arranged by name of memoir writer (if available) or by title keyword(s):
Robert R. Abercromby. "I Would Not be Here if He Had!"
Following Australian Footsteps
Through the Battlefields of the Western Front. .
History of the American Field Service in France, 1914-1917,
Told by its Members.New York and Boston: Houghton Mifflin. 1920.
Also see the website on
AFS in World War I
prepared by Alan Albright as a part of his American Field Service site.
Dikran Andreasian.
Comment un drapeau sauva quatre mille Arméniens. Paris: Fischbacher, n.d.
- en français -
In Memoriam - The Last Anzacs
Arizona's War Dead: WWI, WWII,
Korea, Vietnam, Southwest Asia The Arizona Republic,
31 May 1999
Armistice à Cap Pelé
- en français -
Olga Bing. Gestes
d'Infirmières, Croquis 1916-1917. Paris: Léon Marotte, 1917.
- en français -
British & German rations.
1914 & 1916
Leslie Buswell. With
the American Ambulance Field Service in France. Personal Letters
of a Driver at the Front. Boston,1916.
Joseph G. Butler.
A Journey Through France in War Time.
Cleveland : Penton Press, 1917.
John Bruce Cairnie.
The Great War Diaries - 1915 (5th Seaforths).
The Great War Diaries - 1917 (King's African Rifles).
The Great War Diaries - 1918/1919 (King's African Rifles).
Submitted by Alan Cairnie [cairnie@cogeco.ca]
Canadian Letters From the Front
Transcribed letters from the Canadian Great War Project.
Canadian War Diaries
Transcribed and searchable diaries from the Canadian Great War Project.
CEF: Canadian Troop Strength in Siberia, 1918-1919.
Harold Chapin. Soldier
and Dramatist . 1916
Christmas Truce 1914: Operation Plum Puddings
A project to document the Christmas Truce.
Includes letters, songs, and other works about this astonishing event.
Georges Clemenceau.
Discours de Guerre.
Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1968.
- en français -
Georges Clemenceau.
Grandeurs et misères d'une victoire.
Paris: Plon, 1973.
- en français -
Ella Cordasco.
Recollections of the Russian Revolution.
(March - October 1917).
Benjamin E. Cruzan.
A Soldier's Diary.
(December 1917 - June 1919).
Edward E. Cummings.
An Enormous Room.
New York: Boni & Liveright, 1922.
Alfred A. Cunningham. Marine Flyer in France:
The Diary of Capt. Alfred A. Cunningham.
November 1917 - January 1918
Kenneth Sydney Day. Diary During My Service with the Australian Imperial Forces - 1914-15-16-17.
Kirkland H. Day. Camion
Boston: Marshall Jones, 1919.
Declarations of War.
Dates of war declarations by country.
of Section Eight.
Privately printed, 1917.
Gerhard Friedrich Dose.
Das Infanterie Regiment 187 in den Vogesen 1915-1916
German original.
Gerhard Friedrich Dose.
Infantry Regiment 187 in the Vosges Mountains, 1915-1916
English translation.
Gerhard Friedrich Dose.
Das Infanterie-Regiment 187 im Rumänienfeldzug 1916/17
German original.
Gerhard Friedrich Dose.
German Infantry Regiment 187 in the Romanian campaign, 1916-1917
English translation.
- Part I -
- Part II -
- Part III -
- Part IV - .
Gerhard Friedrich Dose.
Das Infanterie Regiment 187 in Lothringen und bei Reims 1917
German original.
Gerhard Friedrich Dose.
German Infantry Regiment 187 in Lorraine and at Reims, 1917
English translation.
- Part I -
- Part II - .
Gerhard Friedrich Dose.
Das Infanterie Regiment 187
in Flandern, bei Arras und Cambrai 1917/18
German original.
Gerhard Friedrich Dose.
German Infantry Regiment 187 in Flanders, at Arras and Cambrai, 1917-1918
English translation.
- Part I -
- Part II -
- Part III -
- Part IV - .
Gerhard Friedrich Dose.
Das Königlich Preußische Infanterie Regiment 187
auf dem Lingekopf, Oktober bis Dezember 1915
An illustrated tour of German Infantry Regiment 187 at the Linge.
-- requires PowerPoint software --
Ralph Dorchell Doughty.
Lieutenant R.D. Doughty, M.C. Diaries and Photos of a New Zealander in World War I.
Stapleton T. Eachus.
The Great War Diaries.
Sherwood Eddy. With
Our Soldiers in France. New York, 1917.
An Eye-Witness at Louvain.
London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1914.
Fred A. Farrell. The 51st (Highland) Division
- War Sketches.
I Figli della guerra.
Venice: Istituto Veneto di Arti Grafiche Venezia, 1919
- in italiano -
Memoirs and recollections of German flyers from 1911 through 1920.
Maréchal Ferdinand Foch.
Mémoires pour servir à l'histoire de la guerre de 1914-1918.
Paris: Plon, 1931.
- en français -
War Prison Barracks Three: Fort Douglas, Utah
German and Austro-Hungarian Civilian Internment Camp
for the Western United States
1917 - 1920.
of France. The Field Service of the American Ambulance, described
by its members.
Boston, 1916.
Ruth Gaines. A
Village in Picardy.
New York: E.P. Dutton, 1918.
The work of the Smith College Relief Unit in the Somme.
Ruth Gaines. Helping France.
New York: E.P. Dutton, 1919.
The Red Cross in the Devastated Area.
James W. Gerard. Face to Face with Kaiserism. New York: George H. Doran, 1918.
James W. Gerard. [American Ambassador to Germany]
My Four Years in Germany.
New York: George H. Doran, 1917.
Anonymous. Translated by J. Koettgen.
A German Deserter's War Experience.
New York, 1917.
German Verse from the Trenches - auf Deutsch -
The War With Germany:
A Statistical Summary. GPO, 1919
Hugh Gibson.
A Journal from Our Legation in Belgium.
New York: Doubleday Page, 1917.
Un veteran se rapelle: Gould Interview
- en français -
Remy de Gourmont.
Pendant l'orage.
Paris: E. Champion, 1915.
Charlie and Wally Gray.
Letters Site maintained by the government of Ontario, Canada.
Basil J. Green.
World War One DiaryTranscriptions of a diary held in the Imperial War Museums Archive Department.
Donald Hankey. A
Student in Arms. New York: Dutton, 1917
Alexander J. Hemphill. "Belgium Under the Surface". New York: The Commission for Relief in Belgium, [1914-1918]
Paul B. Hendrickson. The Letters, Diary, Postcards and Pictures of a World War I Soldier.[U.S. 33rd Division.]
Aubrey Herbert. Mons, Anzac & Kut. London: Hutchinson & Co., 1919
Col J. Bentley Mott. Myron T. Herrick, Friend of France. Garden City, NY: Doubleday Doran, 1929. [Herrick was American Ambassador to France at the
beginning of the War].
Daniel Holmes. Memoirs of Daniel Holmes of the Royal Engineers.
James H. Hyde. Avanti Savoia: impressions du front Italien. Suresnes: Crémieu, 1917
Edwin E. Jones.
Memoirs & Diaries: France, Egypt, Mesopotamia. (1915 - 1916).
Charlotte Kellogg. Women of Belgium.
New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1917.
Fritz Kreisler.
Four Weeks in the Trenches. The War Story of a Violinist.
New York, 1915.
Lucien Lambert. Souvenirs de Lucien Lambert: Guerre de 14/18.With facsimiles of diary entries.
- en français -
Claude Léger. Le 165e Bataillon d'Infanterie d'Outremer
- en français -
Letters from World War One. A part of the War Letters website.
David Lindsay.
The War Diary of David Lindsay.
Egypt and Gallipoli memoirs, 1914-1915.
Thomas Fredrick Littler.
First World War Diaries, 1914-1919.
Including cartoon postcards, photographs, and other materials.
George O. Lunn.
36 days in 1915.
The War Diary of George Oliver Lunn.
L.C. McCollum. History
and Rhymes of the Lost Battalion. 1918.
Patrick MacGill. The
Great Push1916.
Patrick MacGill. Soldier Songs of World War I.
Robert Lindsay Mackay.
WWI Diary of Robert Lindsay Mackay.
Covering the years 1915-1918, day-by-day!
A. W. Miller.
The World War I Diary of A. W. Miller
With entries from February to November of 1918.
Reeder Miller.
Letters Written While on Duty with the American Expeditionary Forces France During the Great War1918-1919.
Fred Mitchell. The diary of Fred Mitchell, an artilleryman.
Entries range from January 1 - March 23, 1916.
(More information on artillery on a separate page.)
Percy Mitchell.
The American Relief Clearing House. Its Work in the Great War.
Paris: Herbert Clarke, 1922.
Martin Niepage. The horrors of Aleppo . . seen by a German eyewitness.
London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1916 .
James Oakleaf.
Some Notes on the 108th Infantry.
Burton J. Hendrick. The
Life and Letters of Walter H. Page.
Garden City, NY: Doubleday, Page & Co., 1923.
[Page was American Ambassador to Great Britain].
Maurice Paléologue. [Last French Ambassador to the Russian Court].
An Ambassador's Memoirs.
New York, 1925.
Diary of Thomas Reginald Part: An Australian Soldier Who
Fought at Gallipoli and in France before being killed.
Walter Pfeffer.
World War One DiaryTranscriptions of a diary held in the Imperial War Museums Archive Department.
Athanase Poirier
Lettres du front d'Athanase Poirier.
- en français -
Frederick A. Pottle. Stretchers
New Haven,1929.
G. Ward Price. The
Story of the Salonica Army. New York: Edward J. Clode, 1918.
R.P. Joseph Raymond. Froc
et Epée. 1916 - en français -
William Hard. Raymond Robins' Own Story.
New York, 1920.
James Rennell Rodd. [British Ambassador to Italy before and
during the Great War]. Social
and Diplomatic Memories. Third Series. 1902-1919. London, 1925.
Charles Rooke.
A Few of My Experiences Whilst "On Active Service".
(1917 - 1918).
Testimony before the 102nd US Congress, November 1991,
concerning the AEF experience in Russia
at the end of the Great War and the possible abandonment
of American POWs.
Admiral Reinhard Scheer.
Germany's High Sea Fleet in the World War.
(English translation)
William Schira. Personal Diary.
John E. Schroeder.
World War I
Through the Lens of One Private's Camera.
1917 - 1919.
Alan Seeger. Letters and Diary
Alan Seeeger. Poems.
Henry Sheehan. A
Volunteer Poilu. Boston, 1916.
Clayton M. Sherwood.
"Writing by Moonlight."
An American’s Diary of Foreign Service,
August 1917 to February 1919.
James T. Shotwell. At the Paris Peace Conference.
(1937 - Appendices IV-VII - Extracts)
Henry Joseph Slade
Henry Joseph Slade Memoirs
Background, images, and recollections of duty with the British Army
in Egypt, Palestine and France in 1917-1918.
Harry L. Smith
Memoirs of an Ambulance Company Officer
Rochester, MN: Doomsday Press, 1940.
The Smith College/Sophia Smith Archives
of World War I
La dernière lettre écrite par des soldats tombés au champ d'honneur 1914-1918.
Paris: Union des pères et des mères dont les fils sont morts pour la Patrie:
la ligue des chefs de section et des soldats combattants:
E. Flammarion, 1922.
- en français -
Events, Commemorations and Accounts of the Somme
The 80th Anniversary, 1 July 1916 - 1 July 1996.
Cecil Sommers. Temporary Crusaders. London, 1919.
Clair Stanley. In Memoriam, The Great War.
(An artistic collage, 1997).
William Yorke Stevenson. At The Front In A Flivver. 1917.
William Yorke Stevenson. From "Poilu to "Yank".
Friedrich Graf Szápáry. Das Verhältnis Österreich-Ungarns zu Rußland.
(The Attitude of Austria-Hungary Towards Russia)
- auf Deutsch -
Friedrich Graf Szápáry Aus den Krisenjahren(The Years of Crisis, 1908-1913: Extract)- auf Deutsch -
Oberst von Thaer Aus den Tagebuchnotizen
(Diary Notes from 1 October 1918)
- auf Deutsch -
English translation also available.
A. C. M. Thomson. Field Diaries of the First World War
(June 1915 - May 1917).
Thomas Tiplady. The Cross at the Front:
Laura de Gozdawa Turczynowicz.
When the Prussians Came to Poland.
The Experiences of an American Woman
During the German Invasion.
New York, 1916.
The Sinking of the Tuscania, February 5, 1918
John J. Skinner.
Diary of Sapper G. E. Vail,
Royal Engineers, 15th Infantry Brigade, 5th Division, B.E.F.,France.
(1914 - 1918).
Demetra Vaka. In
the Heart of German Intrigue. 1918.
A War Nurse's Diary. Sketches from a Belgian Field Hospital.
New York: MacMillan, 1918.
Herbert Ward. Mr.
Poilu. Notes and Sketches with the Fighting French. London, 1916.
C.H. Weston. Three
Years with the New Zealanders. n.d.
William B. Whitmore.
England & The Somme.
(1915 - 1916).
Fred Rothwell Wigglesworth
Memoirs of Fred Rothwell Wigglesworth.
(1915 - 1919).
Albert Rhys Williams. Through the Russian Revolution. New York: Boni & Liveright, 1921.
John Caspar Wister. Experiencing War. Library of Congress: Veterans History Project
Henry James Wright. One of Ten Thousand: Letters home from Henry James Wright,an Australian soldier serving with the AIF.(1915-1918).
Jack Morris Wright A Poet of the Air. Letters of Jack Morris Wright, First Lieutenant of the American Aviation in France, April 1917-January 1918.
Boston: Houghton & Mifflin, 1918.
The Great Zeppelin Raid.
January 31, 1916
See additional first-hand accounts at FirstWorldWar.com.
Return to World War I Document Archive
Comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome:
Richard Hacken (hacken @ byu.edu)
or Jane Plotke (cd078 @ gwpda.org).
-- Last
Updated: May 2007.