The World War I Document Archive, 1916
The World War I Document Archive
WWI Document Archive Main Index Page
1916 Documents:
Letters between Hussein Ibn Ali and Sir Henry Mcmahon,
14 July 1915 - 25 January 1916
Viscount Bryce,
The Treatment of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire
1915 - 1916
The House-Grey Memorandum
8 & 11 October 1915 - 22 February 1916
Outlining efforts to draw the United States into the war
The Great Zeppelin Raid
January 31, 1916
Treatment of Armed Merchantmen
10 February 1916
Eugene V. Debs, "
The Prospect for Peace
19 February 1916 in
American Socialist
Lord Northcliff on Verdun
4 March 1916
Wilson on the Sussex Case
19 April 1916
Proclamation of the Irish Republic
24 April 1916
Starting the Easter Rising of 1916
Sykes-Picot Agreement
15 & 16 May 1916
Sir Douglas Haig's St. Eloi Despatch
19 May 1916
Kiplings' Reporting on The Battle of Jutland
31 May 1916
Beatty's Report on The Battle of Jutland
31 May 1916
List of Destroyers at the Battle of Jutland
31 May 1916
The Battle of Jutland as Reported in the
Daily Mirror
3 June 1916
Lloyd George on the Battle of the Somme
1 July 1916
Excerpts From a German Conference on Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
31 August 1916
Robert Cecil, "
Memorandum on Proposals for Diminishing the Occasion of Future Wars
Autumn 1916
Personal Notes of T.E. Lawrence on the Sherifial Family
26 November 1916
Sir Douglas Haig's Despatch on the Somme Offensive
23 December 1916
Sir Eyre Crowe, "
Memorandum on Disarmament
Rosa Luxemburg,
The War and the Workers
("Junius Pamphlet")
Sir Douglas Haig's Despatches as British Commander-in-Chief
1916 - 1919
World War I Document Archive
Comments, corrections and suggestions are welcome:
Richard Hacken (hacken @
or Jane Plotke (cd078 @ .
Last Updated: November 2004.