History of the
American Field Service in France




Appendix G, continued

Roster of Volunteers of the American Field Service in France, 1915-16-17

Names of Officers are printed in heavy type, names of men who died or were killed during the War in italics [or underlined when linked to the Memorial Volume]. The decorations indicated: Croix de Guerre †, Légion d'Honneur *, Médaille Militaire †† ) were those received by the members while still volunteers of the Field Service. Decorations subsequently received are not included.




Period of Service

Home Address


Subsequent Service
Jack, Andrew S.S.U. 70 2 months 1917 Newark, N.J. Cornell Corp. U.S.A.A.S.
Jackson, Everett †, ph S.S.U. 3-8 1 yr. 1915-16 Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado Coll. Capt. U.S.C.A.C.
Jacobs, Leslie Price S.S.U. 9 6 months 1916 Laramie, Wyoming Univ. of Wyoming & Harvard Lt. U.S. Nav. Av.
James, Emerson Wallace S.S.U. 71 3 " 1917 Port Henry, N.Y.    
Jameson, Creighton Hamilton T.M.U. 397 2 " 1917 New York City    
Jamieson, Willard S.S.U. 4 5 " 1917 Evanston, Ill.   1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Janes, John Vallé Marson † T.M.U. 526 & S.S.U. 2 6 " 1917 Webster Groves, Mo. Univ. of St. Louis Corp. U.S.F.A.
Jatho, Charles Conrad S.S.U. 19 3 " 1917 Albany, N.Y. Hobart & Epis. Theo. School U.S.A.A.S.
Jennings, Alfred Horner T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Seattle, Wash.    
Jennings, Allyn Ryerson S.S.U. 3 6 " 1915-16 Cresco, Pa. Harvard Lt. U.S. N.A.R.F.
Jensen, Allan Ludvig Gustav T.M.U. 133 6 " 1917 Portland, Me. Harvard A.R.C.
Jepson, Walter, Cdt. Adjt. † S.S.U. 9 1 yr. 1 mo. 1916-17 Sparks, Nevada Univ. of Nevada 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Jewett, Henry Dana S.S.U. 4 9 months 1916-17. West Newton, Mass. Mass. Agric. Canadian Eng.
Jewett, Robert Rollin S.S.U. 72 1 " 1917 Skeneateles, N.Y. Williams 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Johanson, Ralph Thure S.S.U. 65 2 " 1917 St. Charles, Ill. Univ. of Chicago Ensign U.S. Navy
Johnson, Crompton Tuttle T.M.U. 537 & S.S.U. 18 3 " 1917 Hartford, Conn. Yale & Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Johnson, Elmer Marker T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 Melville, Mont Cornell 2nd Lt. U.S.Q.M.C.
Johnson, Francis Kirk S.S.U. 13 6 " 1917 Olds, Alberta, Canada Univ. of Chicago U.S. Nav. Av. Tr. Sch.
Johnson, Herbert Sandusky S.S.U. 14 6 " 1917 St. Louis, Mo.   A.R.C.
Johnson, Hosmer Ayer T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Harvard U.S. San. C.
Johnson, James Wood S.S.U. 19 4 " 1917 Philadelphia, Pa. Cornell 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Johnson, Murdoch Porter T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 Boston, Mass. Harvard U.S.C.A.C.
Johnson, Norman Lewis S.S.U. 29 4 " 1917 Evanston, Ill.   U.S. Eng.
Johnson, Ralph Burbank S.S.U. 17 2 " 1917 Oswego, N.Y. Univ. of Wisc. U.S.A.A.S.
Johnson, William McKinley T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Columbus, Ohio Ohio State U.S.F.A.
Johnson, Wilbur Wallace S.S.U. 28-3 6 " 1917 East Orange, N.J. Yale U.S.M.T.C.
Johnston, Archibald Burtt S.S.U. 3 3 " 1917 Pittsburgh, Pa. Cornell Capt. Fr. Av.
Johnston, Earl Taylor S.S.U. 14-10 9 " 1917 Cottonwood Falls, Kan. Leland Stanford U.S. Sig. C.
Johnston, Norwood Paxton S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 Pittsburgh, Pa. M.I.T. U.S. Av.
Johnston, Terence Roy S.S.U. 2-9-Parc 1 yr. 9 mos. 1916-17 Chicago, Ill. M.I.T. 2nd Lt. U.S. Sig. C.
Jones, Clitus S.S.U. 15 7 months 1917 Waco, Texas Univ. of Texas U.S.A.A.S.
Jones, Fontaine Maury T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Kirkwood, Mo. Wash. Univ. & Univ. of South A.R.C.
Jones, Francis Cantine T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 New York City    
Jones, George Marshall, Jr S.S.U. 9 6 " 1916 Pittsburgh, Pa. Penn. Mil U.S. Navy
Jones, Henry Sweet S.S.U. 1 6 " 1916 Brooklyn, N.Y. Lehigh Fr. Av.
Jones, Russell Kennedy S.S.U. 28 6 " 1917 Pleasantville, N.Y. Dartmouth  
Jones, Stanley Burt S.S.U. 66 3 " 1917 Brooklyn. N.Y. Dartmouth 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Jones, Thomas Calvin T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 McKeesport, Pa. Yale 2nd Lt. U.S. Inf.
Jones, Willard Clayton T.M.U. 133 3 " 1917 Philadelphia, Pa.   A.R.C.
Jopling, Richard Mather S.S.U. 66-623 1 " 1917 Marquette, Mich. Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Jordan, Clarence Lumpkin T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 Monticello, Ga. Georgia Tech. U.S. Ord. Dept.
Jouvenat, Victor Frank † S.S.U. 27 6 " 1917 Lincoln, Nebr. Univ. of Nebr. Cadet U.S. Av.
Joyce, Thomas Haskins S.S.U. 12 5 " 1917 Pasadena, Cal.   Cadet U.S. Av.
Judd, David Edward S.S.U. 4 4 " 1917 Brookline, Mass. Harvard Fr. Av. - Ens. U.S. Nav. Av.
Judson, Frederick Sheldon S.S.U. 3 4 " 1915 New York City    




Period of Service

Home Address


Subsequent Service
Kahn, Howard S.S.U. 72 1 month 1917 St. Paul, Minn. Univ. of Indiana A.R.C.
Kaiser, Millard Prunler T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 St. Louis, Mo. Univ. of Mich. 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kaiser, Stuart Berwin S.S.U. 71 2 " 1917 Clifton, Mass. Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Kane, Charles Edward T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917. Maryville, Mo. Univ. of Mo. U.S.A.A.S.
Kann, Norman King S.S.U. 12 8 " 1917 Pittsburgh, Pa. Carnegie Tech. Sgt. U.S.A.A.S. - 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Karnaghan, Harry Renwick S.S.U. 14 5 " 1917 Akron, Ohio Univ. of Akron 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Kaufman, Ira Mose T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 Great Falls, Mont.   Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kautz, John Iden T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Indianapolis, Ind. Univ. of Chicago 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kearfoot, Franklin Clarence S.S.U. 17 6 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Northwestern U.S.F.A.
Keatley, David J. S.S.U. 18 1 " 1917 Somerville, Mass.   U.S.A.A.S.
Keck, Arthur Christian T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 New York City Harvard A.R.C.
Keck, Thomas S.S.U. 67 5 " 1917 E. Hampton, L.I., N.Y. Yale 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Keefe, Paul Dewey T.M.U. 133 3 " 1917 Elkhart, Ind.   U.S.M.T.C.
Keefer, Earl Donald T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 Fresno, Cal. Univ. of Cal. 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Kelleher, Hugh Joseph S.S.U. 12-3 9 " 1917 New York City Harvard Sgt. U.S.A.A.S.
Kellett, William Wallace T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Germantown, Pa. Princeton Corp. Fr. Av.
Kelley, Edward Joseph † (killed as volunteer) S.S.U. 4 1 " 1916 Philadelphia, Pa.    
Kelley, Hazen Charles S.S.U. 66 3 " 1917 Syracuse, N.Y. Univ. of Syracuse U.S.A.A.S.
Kellogg, Curtis Romeyn T.M.U. 184 3 " 1917 Toledo, Ohio Univ. of Mich. 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kenan, Owen † S.S.U. 2 6 " 1916 Kenansville, N.C. Univ. of North Carolina Major M.R.C.
Kendall, Charles Benjamin S.S.U. 70-16 2 " 1917 Cambridge, Mass.   U.S.A.A.S. - U.S. Inf.
Kendall, Cabot Devoll T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Phenix, R.I. Dartmouth. Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kendall, Edward Dana S.S.U. 2 2 " 1917 Holden, Mass. Mass. Agric. Coll. U.S.A.A.S.
Kendall, Francis Paton S.S.U. 10-2 1 yr. 1916-17 Holden, Mass. Harvard U.S. Av.
Kendall, Herbert Raymond T.M.U. 133 6 months 1917 Santa Ana, Cal. Univ. of Cal. 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Kendrick, Nathaniel Cooper S.S.U. 26 5 " 1917 Irondequoit, N.Y.    
Kennedy, Horton Parmelee, Cdt. Adjt. T.M.U. 526 7 " 1917 Anaconda, Mont. Dartmouth Capt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kenney, William Howland † S.S.U. 29 4 " 1917 Leominster, Mass. Harvard Y.M.C.A.
Kent, Le Roy T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 White Plains, N.Y.   2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C
Kent, Peter Lorillard Hdqts. 2 yrs. 10 mos. 1914-15-16-17 New York City Columbia 2nd Lt. U.S. Eng.
Kent, Warren Thompson, Cdt. Adjt. T.M.U. 526 6 months 1917 Clifton Heights, Pa. Cornell 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Kenyon, Hugo Alden S.S.U. 1 9 " 1915 & 17 Peace Dale, R.I. Brown 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Kenyon, Richmond Wallace S.S.U. 26 4 " 1917 Kenilworth, Ill.   Lt. U.S. Av.
Keogh, Grenville Temple † S.S.U. 8-3 1yr. 5m, 1916-17 New Rochelle, N.Y. All Hallows S/Lt. Fr. Av.
Keogh, John Michael S.S.U. 8 4 months 1917 New Rochelle, N.Y. Newman Sch. U.S.A.A.S.
Keplinger, Samuel Miller, Jr. S.S.U. 71 2 " 1917 Franklin, Pa. Ohio State Univ U.S.A.A.S.
Kerr, Harry Bonner T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Lathrop, Mo. Univ. of Mo U.S.M.C.
Keyes, Joseph Boyden † S.S.U. 16 6 " 1917 Concord, Mass.   Sgt. U.S.A.A.S. - 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kielty, Ralph John S.S.U. 31 3 " 1917 Brighton, Mass. Harvard Corp. U.S.A.A.S.
Kilby, Oscar Marchant S.S.U. 29 5 " 1917 Anniston, Alabama Princeton S/Lt. Fr. Art.
Killeen, James Michael S.S.U. 9 6 " 1916-17 Concord, N.H. Dartmouth U.S.F.A.
Kimber, Arthur Clifford S.S.U. 14 4 " 1917 Palo Alto, Cal. Leland Stanford 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Kimber, Frank Hughes T.M.U. 184 3 " 1917 Cambridge, Mass. Dartmouth Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kinder, Charles Edwin T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Findlay, Ohio Kenyon Coll U.S. Navy
Kinder, William Randall T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Findlay, Ohio Kenyon & Bexley  
King, Gerald Colman S.S.U. 8 2 " 1917 New York City    
King, John Devine S.S.U. 66-71 3 " 1917 Wynne, Ark. Christian Bros. Coll. 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
King, Leslie Biddle T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal.   U.S.M.T.C. - U.S. Av.
King, Lester James T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 Allston, Mass.   2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Kingsbury, Frederick John, Jr. S.S.U. 16 6 " 1917 New Haven, Conn. Williams Sgt. U.S. Chem. W.S.
Kingsland, Arthur S.S.U. 3 4 " 1915 Paris, France Cambridge Coll., Eng. A.R.C.
Kingsland, Harold N., Sous-Chef S.S.U. 1 10 " 1915 Paris, France   2nd Lt. U.S. Sig. C.
Kinsley, Alan Duncan, Sous-Chef S.S.U. 13 3 " 1917 Newton, Mass. Harvard 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Kinsolving, Arthur Barkesdale S.S.U. 4 4 " 1917 Philadelphia, Pa. Univ. of Va. 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Kinsolving, Charles McIlvaine S.S.U. 4 5 " 1917 Philadelphia, Pa. Univ. of Va. 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Kip, John Flower T.M.U. 526 3 " 1917 S. Orange, N.J.   Asp. Fr. Art.
Kirk, Clifford Bailey T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Macomb, Ill.   U.S.M.T.C.
Kirkwood, William Francis S.S.U. 4 4 " 1917 Boston, Mass.   Ensign U.S.N.R.F.
Kitchel, Lloyd, Cdt. Adjt. S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 Bronxville, N.Y. Yale 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Kline, Benjamin Gordon T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 Savannah, Mo. Univ. of Mo. U.S.M.T.C.
Kline, Franklin Latimore T.M.U. 526 4 " 1917 Chattanooga, Tenn. Univ. of Va. & M.I.T. 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kloeber, Robert T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Cambridge, Mass. Harvard  
Kneass, Edward Daniel, Jr. S.S.U. 10 5 " 1917 San Jose, Cal. Leland Stanford Asp. Fr. Art.
Kneeland, Frank Edward S.S.U. 69. 3 " 1917 Northwood, Iowa Oberlin U.S.A.A.S.
Knight, Lewis Hubert S.S.U. 66 4 " 1917 Princeton, N.J. Princeton Y.M.C.A.
Knight, Randolph Lee S.S.U. 70 2 " 1917 Manchester, Mass.   U.S.A.A.S.
Knight, William, Jr. S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 New York City Yale Cadet U.S. Av.
Knowles, Raymond Hicks S.S.U. 16 6 " 1917 Upper Montclair, N.J.   U.S. Inf.
Knowles, Robert Treat S.S.U. 13 6 " 1917 West Newton, Mass. Andover 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Knowlton, Philetus Clarke, Jr. S.S.U. 65 1 " 1917 Memphis, Tenn. Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Knox, William Boardman T.M.U. 526 2 " 1917 Andover, Mass. Andover  
Kohlhepp, Norman T.M.U. 526 4 " 1917 Louisville, Ky. Univ. of Cincinnati 1st Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kraffert, Benjamin Franklin. S.S.U. 66 5 " 1917 Titusville, Pa. Princeton  
Kreider, George Pasfield T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 Springfield, Ill. Dartmouth 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Kreutzberg, John A. † S.S.U. 1 4 " 1917 Lake Bluff, Ill.    
Krusi, Le Roy Farnham T.M.U. 133 6 " 1917 Alameda, Cal. Univ. of Cal. 1st Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kuech, Julius Frederic T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Brattleboro, Vt . Dartmouth U.S.M.T.C.
Kuhn, James Speer T.M.U. 184 3 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal.   U.S.M.T.C.
Kuhn, Jerome Hill S.S.U. 29 4 " 1917 San Francisco. Cal.   Amer. Records Services
Kurth, Frederick William T.M.U. 537 4 " 1917 Roxbury, Mass. Harvard Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Kurtz, Paul Borda, Cdt, Adjt. † S.S.U. 1-18 1 yr. 3 m. 1915-16 & 17 Germantown, Pa. Harvard Fr. Av. - 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Kuykendall, Clark Porter S.S.U. 68 3 months 1917 Towanda, Pa. Columbia U.S.A.A.S.
Kyburg, Henry Ely S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 Springfield, Mass. Yale Capt. U.S. Inf.
Kyle, George Marion S.S.U. 14 5 " 1917 Portland, Ore. Leland Stanford 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.




Period of Service

Home Address


Subsequent Service
Laflamme, Frank Xavier S.S.U. 13 3 months 1917 Manchester, N.H. N.H. State Univ. U.S.A.A.S.
Lamade, George Robinson T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 Williamsport, Pa. Univ. of Mo. 1st Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Lamade, Ralph Max T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 William port, Pa. Penn. State Coll. Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Lamb, William Horton S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 New Britain, Conn. Univ. of Syracuse 2nd Lt. Inf. U.S.A.
Lambert, John Holme S.S.U. 8 6 " 1917 Cambridge, Mass. Harvard Capt. U.S. Av.
La Moine, Frank Berthyl T.M.U. 133 6 " 1917 Berkeley, Cal.   Sgt. U.S. Av.
Lamond, Roy Douglas S.S.U. 69 4 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Univ. of Mich. U.S. Nav. Av.
Lamont, Robert Patterson, Jr. †, †† T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Evanston, Ill. Princeton Phys. Dsbld. in A.F.S.
La Montagne, Edward Clinton T.M.U. 397 2 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal.   2nd Lt. U.S. Inf.
La Motte, Louis Howell, Jr. S.S.U. 30 4 " 1917 New York City Morristown School  
Lance, Lucien Charles T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 Kenosha, Wisc.   2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Landon, Daniel Seth S.S.U. 70 4 " 1917 Hartford, Conn.   2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Landon, William Grinnell T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 New York City   2nd Lt. R.A.F.
Lane, J. Welling S.S.U. 4 5 " 1917 New York City   2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Lane, Lauriat S.S.U. 9 5 " 1917 Cambridge, Mass. Harvard U.S. Av. Sch.
Lane, Travis Pollard T.M.U. 133 6 " 1917 Angels, Cal. Univ. of Cal. Asp. Fr. Art.
Langfeld, Alfred S.S.U. 72 1 " 1917 Port Jefferson, N.Y.   U.S.A.A.S.
Lanpher, Henry Coe T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Glen Ridge, N.J. Brown Ensign U.S. Nav. Av.
Lansing, Frank Elmer T.M.U. 397 3 " 1917 Albany, N.Y.   2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Larwill, George Richard S.S.U. 69 3 " 1917 Adrian, Mich. Univ. of Mich. U.S.A.A.S.
Latham, James Hoblit T.M.U. 133 3 " 1917 New York City Princeton 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Lathrop, Frederic William S.S.U. 65 4 " 1917 Mount Carmel, Conn. Brown U.S.A.A.S.
Lathrop, Julian Langson S.S.U. 1 6 " 1916 New Hope, Pa. Harvard 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Latimer, Empie S.S.U. 1 8 " 1915-16 Wilmington, N.C. Princeton Capt. U.S.F.A.
Laughlin, Francis Bailey, Jr. S.S.U. 15 2 " 1917 New Haven, Conn.   U.S.A.A.S.
Law, Malcolm Campbell S.S.U. 14 3 " 1917 Springfield, Mass. Yale U.S.A.A.S.
Law, Stuart Grafton S.S.U. 14 3 " 1917 Springfield, Mass. Yale U.S.A.A.S.
Lawrence, Blake Leigh S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 Short Hills, N.J. Yale Cadet Inf. Eng. Army
Lawrence, Edwin Cummings S.S.U. 13 2 " 1917 Darlington, S.C. Harvard Corp. U.S.A.A.S.
Lawrence, George Edward Roberts T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 Binghamton, N.Y. Andover Academy Cadet R.A.F.
Lawrence, Richard, Cdt. Adjt. S.S.U. 3 8 " 1914-15 Groton, Mass. Harvard  
Lawrence, Warren Francis T.M.U.526 5 " 1917 Brookline, Mass. Holbrook Sch. 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Leach, Ernest Hunnewell S.S.U. 18 5 " 1917 Reading, Mass.   2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Lebon, George S.S.U. 4-10-33 1 yr. 1916-17 Great Neck, L.I.   U.S.A.A.S.
Lee, Noble Wishard S.S.U. 65 4 months 1917 Chicago, Ill. Univ. of. Wisc. & Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Lee, Schuyler T.M.U. 526 3 " 1917 New London, Conn. Andover Academy Fr. Av.
Lee, Schuyler Carteret S.S.U. 69 3 " 1917 Allendale, N.J. Univ. of Syracuse U.S.A.A.S.
Le Fevre, Louis Du Bois T.M.U. 133 6 " 1917 Forest Glen, N.Y. Harvard  
Legler, Fredric Mills T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Univ. of Wisc. 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Leidgen, Charles Oliver T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Milwaukee, Wisc. Marquette 1st Lt. Dental Serv.
Leidgen, Nicholas Clarence T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Milwaukee, Wisc. St. John's Mil. 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Lentell, Prescott Welmarth T.M.U. 133 4 " 1917 Canton, Mass.   U.S.M.T.C.
Leonard, Charles Curtis S.S.U. 71 2 " 1917 Binghamton, N.Y. Cornell U.S.A.A.S.
Leopold, James Morris, Jr. S.S.U. 14 3 " 1917 Deal Beach, N.J. Princeton U.S.M.T.C.
Lepper, Reginald Heber T.M.U. 184 4 " 1917 Buffalo, N.Y. St. Andrew's Coll. U.S.M.T.C.
Lester, Robert Ridenor S.S.U. 9-10 1 yr. 2 m. 1916-17. Kansas City, Mo. Princeton Ensign U.S. Nav. Av.
Le Tarte, Albert Charles T.M.U. 397 4 months 1917 Brunswick, Me.   U.S.M.T.C.
Le Tourneau, Leon Jay T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Berkeley, Cal. Univ. of Cal. 1st Lt. U.S. Inf.
Lewine, Archibald E. S.S.U. 8 2 " 1917 New York City Williams U.S.A.A.S.
Lewis, David Wilber S.S.U. 3 6 " 1915 Brooklyn, N.Y. Harvard 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Lewis, Frank Archibald S.S.U. 66 4 " 1917 Philadelphia, Pa. Dartmouth  
Lewis, Harold Wilcox S.S.U. 31 3 " 1917 Quincy, Ill. Beloit U.S.A.A.S.
Lewis, Isaac Chauncey S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 Stamford, Conn. Yale U.S. Av.
Lewis, James Henry S.S.U. 16 3 " 1917 Eastport, Me. Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Lewis, Philip Curtis †, ph S.S.U. 1 6 " 1916 Indianapolis, Ind. Harvard 1st Lt. U.S. Inf.
Lewis, Stevenson Paul S.S.U. 17 6 " 1917 Cleveland, Ohio Univ. of Wisc. 1st Lt. U.S.F.A.
Lewis, Theodore Weed S.S.U. 71 4 " 1917 New York City    
Lewis, Virgil Abraham S.S.U. 4 6 " 1917 St. Louis, Mo. Cornell 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Lidbury, Arthur Charles Hdqts. 1 yr. 1916-17 Richmond, England    
Liddell, James Austin † S.S.U. 15 6 months 1917 Newton Center, Mass.   Cadet R.A.F.
Lilienthal, Theodore Max T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 New York City Cornell A.R.C.
Lillie, Walter Hamilton S.S.U. 10-4 1 yr. 1916-17 Boston, Mass. Harvard 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Lind, Muir Whillas S.S.U. 69 3 months 1917 Detroit, Mich. Dartmouth U.S.A.A.S.
Lindeman, Charles Walter Bernard T.M.U. 133 5 " 1917 Seattle, Wash. Univ. of Wash  
Lindsay, Clark Epting S.S.U. 1 6 " 1916-17 Charlottesville, Va. Hamp.-Sidn. (Va.) 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Lindsey, Leon Mason Vosges Det., S.S.U. 33. 5 " 1917 Onarga, Ill. Univ. of Illinois 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Lindsley, Paul Warren T.M.U. 184 6 " 1917 Marietta, Ohio   A.R.C. - 2nd Lt. U.S. Av.
Lines, Howard Burchard † (died as volunteer) S.S.U. 1-8 6 " 1915 & 16 Paris, France Dartmouth & Harvard  
Lines, Ernest Howard, Attending Physician. Hdqts. 1 y r. 4 mos. 1916-17 Paris, France Dartmouth  
Litchfield, Reuben Lloyd S.S.U. 14 6 months 1917 San Francisco, Cal .   Corp. U.S.Q.M.C.
Littell, Robert Hdqts. 2 " 1916 New York City Harvard  
Little, John Dutton S.S.U. 1 6 " 1916 Malden, Mass.   Corp. U.S. Sig. C.
Littlefield, Charles Grant T.M.U. 526 6 " 1917 Toronto, Canada Andover Academy Cadet R.A.F.
Livingston, John Walter S.S.U. 17 6 " 1917 Moline, Ill. Northwestern 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Livingstone, John Stanley T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Arlington Heights, Mass. Univ. of Fla.  
Lloyd, John Thomas S.S.U. 12 6 " 1917 Cincinnati, Ohio Cornell  
Lobdell, Harrison T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Chicago, Ill. Wash. Univ. Cadet U.S. Av.
Locke, Horatio Austin T.M.U. 397 4 " 1917 Cambridge, Mass.   Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Lockwood, Frederic Gray S.S.U. 68 3 " 1917 Boston, Mass. Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Lockwood, Preston, Sous-Chef S.S.U. 3, Hdqts. 7 " 1915-16 St. Louis, Mo. Wash. Univ. 1st Lt. U.S.F.A.
Logan, George Bryan, Jr. S.S.U. 3 8 " 1917 Pittsburgh, Pa. Princeton 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Logan, Wendell Ross T.M.U. 184 4 " 1917 Waverley, Mass. Tufts Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Long, Hilton Welborn † S.S.U. 18 5 " 1917 Worcester, Mass. Wash. & Lee, M.I.T. 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Long, Perrin Hamilton S.S.U. 69 3 " 1917 Ann Arbor, Mich. Univ. of Mich. U.S.A.A.S.
Loomis, Jo Gilbert S.S.U. 29 5 " 1917 Evanston, Ill. Univ. of Wisc. 2nd Lt. U.S.F.A.
Loomis, Orson Earl S.S.U. 31 3 " 1917 Janesville, Wisc. Beloit U.S.A.A.S.
Lord, Francis S.S.U. 29 4 " 1917 Lynn, Mass.    
Lord, Kenneth Andrew T.M.U. 133 3 " 1917 Newton, Mass.   A.R.C.
Loring, Selden Melville T.M.U. 587 4 " 1917 Wellesley Hills, Mass. Harvard 2nd Lt. U.S.M.T.C.
Losh, William Jackson, Sous-Chef S.S.U. 14-10 9 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal. Leland Stanford 1st Lt. U.S.A.A.S.
Lott, George McClelland S.S.U. 1 6 " 1916-17 Denver, Colo.   Sgt. U.S.F.A.
Lougee, Eldin Dewitt T.M.U. 184 5 " 1917 Plymouth, N.H. Iowa State & Dartmouth Cadet U.S. Av.
Loughlin, John Donald S.S.U. 19 5 " 1917 Brooklyn, N.Y. Cornell U.S.A.A.S.
Love, Ethelbert Wickes S.S.U. 69 4 " 1917 Cambridge, Mass. Trinity Coll. U.S.A.A.S.
Lovell, Walter, Cdt. Adjt. †, ph S.S.U. 2 1 yr. 4 mos. 1915-16 Newtonville, Mass. Harvard Fr. Av. - Capt. U.S. Av.
Lovering, Reuben Wilcox T.M.U. 397 4 months 1917 St. Paul, Minn. Univ. of Minn. U.S.M.T.C.
Lovett, Paul Dudley S S.U. 16 6 " 1917 Brookline, Mass. Colby A.R.C.
Low, Emerson S.S.U. 27 4 " 1917 Detroit, Mich. Harvard U.S.A.A.S.
Low, Richard Wadsworth T.M.U, 133 3 " 1917 Roselle, N.J.   U.S. Navy
Lowe, Russell James T.M.U. 397 5 " 1917 Woodland, Cal. Cal. & Columbia Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Lowes, John Wilbur S.S.U. 65 4 " 1917 St. Louis, Mo. Harvard R.A.F.
Lowrie, William Arthur S.S.U. 67 3 " 1917 Sewickley, Pa. Princeton U.S.A.A.S.
Lowry, Edgar Kingdon T.M.U. 184 4 " 1917 Buffalo, N.Y. N.Y. Univ. Sgt. U.S.M.T.C.
Lowry, Thomas Harvey S.S.U. 3 6 " 1917 Royal Oak, Mich.   Corp. U.S.F.A.
Luckey, Charles Pinckney S.S.U. 64 5 " 1917 New Haven, Conn. Taft Sch U.S.F.A.
Lumsden, Arthur E. S.S.U. 8 9 " 1915 Paris, France    
Lundquist, Sven John Hugo S.S.U. 12, Hdqts. 9 " 1917 San Francisco, Cal.   A.R.C.
Lunt, Daniel Bremner S.S.U. 27 6 " 1917 Newburyport, Mass. Harvard U.S.A.A.S
Luqueer, John Taylor S.S.U. 32 3 " 1917 Orange, N.J.   U.S.A.A.S:
Lutz, Roger Henry Hdqts. 6 " 1917 Paris, France Harvard A.R.C.
Lybolt, Fred Avery S.S.U. 69 4 " 1917 Port Jervis, N.Y. Princeton U.S.A.A.S.
Lyman, Alexander Victor S.S.U. 9 5 " 1917 Stapleton, N.Y. Princeton 1st Lt. U.S. Av.
Lyman, George Hinckley, Jr. S.S.U. 9 9 " 1916-17 Boston, Mass. Harvard 2nd Lt. U.S. Inf.
Lyons, Joseph Henry S.S.U. 32 3 " 1917 Staten Island, N.Y. Columbia U.S.A.A.S.

Roster of Drivers, con't: (M - O)


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