
1. In fact to obtain the desired result it was necessary both (a) to transform into heat by the use of brakes a part of the energy of the gun during its recoil, and (b) to absorb by an elastic appliance the rest of that energy. back to text

The use of springs allowed only for the storage of energy but not for the elimination of a part of the momentum by the action of the brake which worked jointly with them.

2. Felix Faure's intention to construct the new armament of "75" field guns without a law opening the necessary credits was carried out in fact for the first batch of batteries only. back to text

3. Some time after this was written the Daily Mail (Paris edition) published on the 20th of August, 1919, the following: "Germany has solved the problem of the fixation of nitrogen as a commercial undertaking on a gigantic scale. In future from the point of agricultural fertilizers she is independent of any blockade. Furthermore, the plant used in the process can be turned at the shortest notice to the manufacture of high explosives."

The above is the substance of a statement made to the Times on Monday by Dr. Edward C. Worden, the explosives chemical expert of the United States, Bureau of Aircraft Production, Washington, who has just returned to London from a tour of inspection of the chemical industry of Germany. back to text

4. Extracts from the message of President Grant to the Senate and to the House of Representatives, dated February 7, 1871:

"The union of the States of Germany into a form of government similar in many respects to that of the American Union, is an event that cannot fail to touch deeply the sympathies of the people of the United States. . . .

"The local governments of these several members of the union are preserved, while the Power conferred upon the chief imports strength for the purposes of self-defence without authority to enter upon wars of conquest and ambition." back to text

5. This book, which gives the complete history of the Panama Canal, was published in French by Plon Nourrit & Cie., Paris, and in English by Constable & Co., Ltd., London, and Robert M. McBride & Co., New York. back to text

6. The Petit Parisien published on the 26th of August the following despatch, dated Berlin. December 11, 1914, from Von Jagow, German Minister of Foreign Affairs, to Von Lancken, former Councillor of the German Embassy in Paris, and then in Brussels.

"According to news from Switzerland, public opinion must be less favourable to us than four weeks ago. A revulsion of feeling might be hoped only after greater successes of Germany and better-prepared propaganda. I would like to win Judet for this task. He first rejected the offers made by an intermediary but finally he consented to the following conditions. As he would have to abandon the direction of his paper, which represents a sum of one and a half million francs, and as he is risking his fortune amounting to half a million, he asks for two million francs. For this sum he would place at our disposal all his power.

"This figure seems to me absurdly high. I beg you to make known your opinion. I stay here till Monday."

"JAGOW." back to text

7. See footnote on page 61. back to text

8. Reproduced from "Dramatic Moments in American Diplomacy," by Ralph Page. Doubleday, Page & Co., New York, Publishers. back to text

9. See "Panama: the Creation---the Destruction---the Resurrection." French edition, Plon Nourrit, Paris; English edition, Constable & Co., Ltd., London; American edition. Robert M. McBride and Co., New York. back to text

10. Doctor Amador was a prominent physician of Panama. He was attached to the Panama railroad and had been consequently a member of the Staff subordinated to the General Direction which I held in 1885. back to text

11. Independence of Isthmus proclaimed without bloodshed. back to text

12. This statement, already expressed in identical terms in the author's book of 1913: Panama; the Creation---the Destruction---the Resurrection," was confirmed by Col. Roosevelt in his book of February, 1910: "Fear God and Take Your Own Part." Here are some quotations of said book:

"I saw at the time very many men, American, natives of Panama, and Europeans all of Whom told we that they believed a revolution was impending, and most of whom asked me to take sides one way or the other. The most noted of these men whom I now recollect seeing was M. Bunau-Varilla. He, however, did not ask me to take sides one way or the other. To no one of these men did I give any private assurance " of any kind one way or the other, referring them simply to my published declarations and acts.

"For some reasons certain newspapers have repeatedly" stated that Mr. X. Y. [name omitted by the author of this book] was responsible for the revolution. I do not remember whether Mr. X. Y. was or was not among my callers during the months immediately preceding the revolution. But if he was I certainly did not discuss with him anything connected with the revolution. I do not remember his ever speaking to me about the revolution until after it occurred, and my understanding was, and is, that he had nothing whatever to do with the revolutionary movement which actually took place.


On information received after the event, I believed then, and believe now, that the revolutionary movement which actually succeeded was the one with which M. Bunau-Varilla was connected. He was sent by the Government of Panama as Minister to this country as soon as Panama became an independent state, and he then made no secret of the fact that he had been one of those who had organized the successful revolution precisely as was the case with the President and other officials of the new republic.... In view of this double attitude of the Colombian Government, an attitude of tyranny toward Panama and of robbery toward the French Company, M. Bunau-Varilla conceived it to be his duty to do all be could to aid the natives of Panama in throwing off the yoke of Colombia. I believe his attitude was entirely proper. . . . But until after the event I had no knowledge of his activities save the knowledge possessed by all intelligent men who had studied the affairs of the Isthmus. I gave him no aid or encouragement . . . No one connected with the American Government instigated the revolution." back to text

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