Scandinavian Studies

Documents, Data Files, Primary Literature
Arkivalier online
- Online civil and parish records provided by the Danish State Archives.
Danish primary historical documents on EuroDocs
- Documents are either transcriptions, translations, or facsimile copies of originals.
Dansk Demografisk Database
- Combining different sources for historical research in census, probate and emigration records.
Historiography, Commentary, Secondary Literature
- Cambridge History of Scandinavia
- (Table of contents only, not full-text).
- Danske konger... og deres historie
- Biographical synopses of Danish kings, 1448 - 1863.
Reference Works, Gateways, Tertiary Literature
A Chronology of Danish History
- Plus links to other historical and cultural information.
- Multiple online means of documenting Danish history.
Libraries, Archives, Collections
Det Kongelige Bibliotek
- The Danish national library.
Historisk samling for Besættelsestiden 1940-1945
- Collection of materials from the time of German occupation, 1940-1945.
Societies, Academic Centers, Organizations
Chakoten - The Danish Military Historical Society
Documents, Data Files, Primary Literature
Finnish primary historical documents on EuroDocs
- Documents are either transcriptions, translations, or facsimile copies of originals.
- A Selection of Documents on the History of Finland
- Including Swedish rule, Russian rule and independence.
Historiography, Commentary, Secondary Literature
- Cambridge History of Scandinavia
- (Table of contents only, not full-text).
Reference Works, Gateways, Tertiary Literature
Agricola: Suomen historiaverkko
- Finnish History Network
The History of Finland
- From Virtual Finland.
Libraries, Archives, Collections
- Kansallisarkisto
- National Archives
- Muisti Database
- Digitized material in Finnish libraries, archives and museums.
Societies, Academic Centers, Organizations
SHS: Suomen Historiallinen Seura
- Finnish History Society
(website also available in English or Swedish).
Documents, Data Files, Primary Literature
Icelandic primary historical documents on EuroDocs
- Documents are either transcriptions, translations, or facsimile copies of originals.
- Netútgáfan
- Collection of Icelandic sagas, all in Icelandic.
Historiography, Commentary, Secondary Literature
- Cambridge History of Scandinavia
- (Table of contents only, not full-text).
Reference Works, Gateways, Tertiary Literature
A Chronology of Icelandic History
- Plus links to other historical and cultural information.
Libraries, Archives, Collections
- Landsbókasafn Íslands
- The Icelandic national library.
Fiske Icelandic Collection at Cornell University
Societies, Academic Centers, Organizations
The Icelandic National League of North America.
Documents, Data Files, Primary Literature
Arkivverket - Digitalarkivet
- The National Archives' digital source for major vital data.
- Dokumentasjons-prosjektet
- A major joint effort of Norwegian universities for primary digital documentation in such areas as history, folklore, literature, lexicography, ethnography and numismatics.
Norwegian primary historical documents on EuroDocs
- Documents are either transcriptions, translations, or facsimile copies of originals.
Historiography, Commentary, Secondary Literature
- Cambridge History of Scandinavia
- (Table of contents only, not full-text).
Reference Works, Gateways, Tertiary Literature
Bibliografi til Norges historie (NORHIST)
- Searchable database of articles on Norwegian history.
A Chronology of Norwegian History
- Plus links to other historical and cultural information.
- Norwegian Emigration to America 1825-1900
- Includes links to many details of Norwegian-American life.
Libraries, Archives, Collections
- Nasjonalbiblioteket
- Norwegian National Library.
Galleri Nor: Nasjonalbibliotekets Nasjonale fotodatabase
- Database of over 80,000 photographic images from Norwegian history.
Societies, Academic Centers, Organizations
- HIFO: Den norske historiske forening
- Norwegian Historical Society.
Documents, Data Files, Primary Literature
- SVAR: Din länk till historien
- A database project uniting civil and parish records with census information online.
- Remains.se
- A growing source for photos of historical sites in Sweden.
Swedish primary historical documents on EuroDocs
- Documents are either transcriptions, translations, or facsimile copies of originals.
Historiography, Commentary, Secondary Literature
- Cambridge History of Scandinavia
- (Table of contents only, not full-text).
Historiska personer
- Information and further links on Swedish royalty and other historical personalities.
Levande historia
- Swedish Living History Project site on the Holocaust.
Reference Works, Gateways, Tertiary Literature
- Swedish Historical Bibliography
- Online search provided by the Royal Library
- Nationell Arkivdatabas
- Digital guide to regional Swedish archives.
A Chronology of Swedish History
- Plus links to other historical and cultural information.
- Bibliographic database effective for emigration history of Northern Sweden
- (Norbotten, Västerbotten, Västernorrland)
- Instructions and search form in Swedish only.
Libraries, Archives, Collections
- Kungliga Biblioteket
- Sweden's national library.
Adresser till arkiv och bibliotek
- Directory of Swedish archives and libraries.
Societies, Academic Centers, Organizations
- Statens Maritima Museer
- Swedish Maritime Museums.
- Statens Historiska Museum
- Swedish Museum of National Antiquities.
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This WessWeb Scandinavian History page, created in 1998,
is also the Scandinavian History site for the WWW-VL History Central Catalogue.
The page is maintained by Richard Hacken (hacken @ byu.edu) who would be grateful for comments or suggestions for additional items.
For more information about the WWW-VL History Network, click here.
Last updated: March 2007